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(contains anal play, mpreg, oviposition, and some blowjobs)

Art by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/xchiseaxmargaritax/ 


Never make a bet with Jason Tojin. It was one of those universal laws one should never break. Not to say it was impossible to out-luck the thick raccoon woman. The consequences of her winning were just rarely worth the effort.

It was equally rare for Desmond to ever learn from such a lesson. Since the two had become roommates around eight years ago, they had found ways to butt heads on a routine basis. Often times the prize was trivial, food or a video game purchase was nothing to get in a huff over. 

But there were the times when Jason had a legit need for a helping hand. Innovative scientists such as her were always breaking new grounds in perverse and profitable transformative inventions. Those were the times a simple 'friend bonus' was not enough to get the blue squirrel anywhere near her labs. Being the first to test out prototypes that tend to warp and destabilize your atoms had a habit of not going well.

Unfortunately, Jason bet one of the few things Desmond could not resist; pizza. Twelve games of Smash Brothers, and a round of Twister for tie-breaking purposes, later found him without even a crust to nibble on. Worse was that Jason did not elaborate on whatever invention she needed testing with. The temptation of stuffed crust waived the right to ask any detailed questions.

This extended into why the living room had been converted into some sort of make-shift studio set. Their chairs and coffee table had been stacked against one wall to make space for Desmond's bed. All the spare sheets were hung up on hooks for a very cheap looking backdrop, something Jason claimed would help strengthen shadows from the floodlights.

No one had a clue when Jason acquired those things.

"Can I at least ask about the cameras?" Desmond mumbled while circling the stage his mattress had become.

Four different webcams had been set up around it at varying levels for vantage point variety. Yet they were all on cables leading back to the same laptop Jason had been messing with for the past hour. Soon as she got streaming settings right for one, the other three had to go out of commission on some assinine reason. 

"That wasn't part of the bet, Dessy. Goddess blast it!" The raccoon hissed through clenched teeth after an attempted test stream somehow reset all cameras back to default. "Besides, you'll see my grand plan in a few minutes anyway."

"Assuming you can figure out Windows movie maker," Wendel muttered around his third can of Dr. Pepper. Their lower floor neighbor had arrived not long ago and made himself comfortable on the relocated couch, watching them both bust their butts setting up. His sarcasm got glares from Jason and Desmond for different reasons; Jason for being made fun of, and Desmond for not wanting to share his soda. "So what did you need me here for?"

"Well, a little help in labor would have been nice?" Jason offered, ears folding when that got an amused laugh from Wendel. "But more practically I figured you'd like to have the exclusive on my next big breakthrough."

"Assuming it works!" Desmond added nervously.

"Considering what you buttheads get into, this is bound to be a front-page article either way." Wendel kicked back his can, tossing it aside when the final drops were shaken out. There was a hollow click as it hit the rim of a trash bin and rolled across the floor. Despite an air of expectation, he hardly considered getting up for it. "I'm not going to need a hazmat suit for this, am I?"

"Of course not," Jason said while making a mental note to zap the bunny into a maid later. The matter at hand was slightly more important than punishing bad manners. "Okay, I think I finally got the stream all set up. Invites are sent out, and the room's already filling up. You ready to go, Dessy?"

"I would be if I knew what this thing does?" Desmond sneaked between the cameras for the device set up on his cleaned bedsheets. It was nearly a foot long, coated in a sleek white latex, and sported a very phallic design. Already his fluffy squirrel tail lowered with his suspicion of where this might be going. "And do we need to do this in front of an audience?"

"Are you going to pay me the twelve hundred we originally bet on?"

Desmond whimpered.

"I didn't think so. Now start stripping. We got a show to put on."

"He bet twelve hundred dollars against a pizza?" Wendel had gotten up mostly out of boredom to stare at the livestream on Jason's laptop. There was some decent camera work going on with such split screen angels.

"In his defense, I can synthesize a delicious pizza," Jason replied with a smirk. She turned back to the screen so they both could observe Desmond removing his hoodie. "Come on, Dessy put some effort into stripping. This is a paying show."

"I'm not a stripper," Desmond protested only to get a duet of laughs. He tried hiding his blush by tossing aside his shirts in the sexiest way he could imagine. "Okay, I'm not a stripper when at home. Give me a break."

"Strange, I never took him for the squeamish type." Wendel began to blush himself watching the blue squirrel begin a rocking hip sway. Desmond shot the most forward facing camera an awkward smile while the others had great shots of his shorts sliding off. The fluffy blue ass wagged stiffly for a surprisingly approving audience. Wendel's eyes managed to catch more than a few remarks about the 'sexy' yellow gear branded on the left cheek.

"It's really a matter of getting him started. Once he's knee deep in it gets easier to enjoy the ride." Jason shot a side glance at Wendel just as the bunny felt his ears burn pink. "You seem to be enjoying it yourself."

"Shut up!" Wendel averted his gaze out the nearby windows, taking a seat next to the giggling raccoon. "I've fucked and been fucked by that fluffball enough that he's got nothing new to work on me."

"I'm right here guys," Desmond said. Now fully naked, the squirrel-fox had crawled onto the bed in a spread that left his scrawny frame and thick black furry sheath revealed. However, his eyes were fixed in a sly grin at Wendel. "And I'll have you know I enjoy a challenge."

Wendel's ears folded back in a dismissive scoff. A display of indifference that was betrayed by his crimson blush. "And that's exactly why you're on display for Pornhub right now. "Will you bozo's get on with it?"

"Yes, we are burning bandwidth here," Jason mumbled with an affirming nod. "Dessy, go ahead and turn around. It'll help to let the world see your cute butt."

"Um, okay?" Desmond gulped but complied. A gentle roll put him on hands and knees with his tail hanging off to one side.

Wendel could only let out a deep breath watching the chat gain a lot more members. Comments were flying by so fast there was only time to get single words in passing.

Jason gave an approving grunt of her own. Her claws clicked a few keystrokes that brought up a series of text that scrolled over the top of every camera window.

"1 egg = $20. Current goal 0/1200."

Wendel read over the text and then repeated it in his head twice. Now his ears were perking back up with interest.

"Okay. That looks like it's all working." Jason tapped her chin, apparently talking to herself. When Desmond gave a nervous glance back, she shot him a thumbs up. "Donations are all set up. Go ahead and stick it in."

"Uh…" Desmond looked down at the white tube still in his hand. Only hope of delaying what he expected to happen compelled him to ask, "In where?"

"In your butt, silly," Jason answered without hesitation and the strongest of confidence. Suddenly her gaze shifted as if to look at nothing. "Now to explain to all you lovely folks listening in at home…"

"Fuck, you've been broadcasting us this whole time!?"

Ignoring Wendel's panicked stare, Jason continued, "My amazingly reliable roommate will be helping me test out an artificial insemination device that's designed so even males can carry a hefty pregnancy. However, this is by donation only, so how big we get his belly is going to depend on you guys. And if we can reach our goal, Desmond will lay every last egg live on camera."

"WHAT!?" Desmond squeaked from around his raised squirrel tail.

Wendel would have almost laughed if he had not become accustomed to the stupidest of events happening around these guys. Several small chimes drew his and Jason's attention back to the chat room. The bar had already received enough donations to read '35/1200.'

"Better hurry, Dessy! You already got your first egg waiting." Ding! Ding! "Make that three eggs."

"You're making me lay eggs on camera? You fat...mmmppphhh!" Desmond timed his attempted response perfectly with the insertion. The white phallus pushed its rounded tip against his tight yellow ring, which slowly yielded to the anal intrusion until only it's rounded base came to rest against his fuzzy butt. Almost immediately, two cameras caught his sheath twitching before the tip of his equally yellow canine member poked out to greet a very excited chatroom. "Ugh! You could have at least lubed it."

"I would if you'd ever buy lube." Jason fumbled through her pockets to produce a small remote with a single button on it. Seeing Wendel's confused stare, she offered a casual shrug. "He's always trying to steal mine or uses the cooking oil. That really can't be healthy for such a sensitive orifice."

"That's totally not what I was wondering about…" Wendel started to defend himself, but Jason had already pushed the button.

"Aaah fuck!" Desmond's hips gave a hard shudder that rippled across the rest of his body. It was no mystery why, as the soft hum of his dildo could be heard even over the drum of floodlights. One hand shot up to rub against his lower stomach. It was all he could do to roll over onto his back without plopping onto the bulge sticking out between his rump. The rush of pleasure broke across his insides in steadily increasing waves.

Wendel could hardly blame the dork. Almost every breath Desmond took came out in an adorably strained bark. The cameras were doing a great job catching the way his body writhed against the sheets. One camera was even in a perfect position to film the strange dildo bobbing in and out of the squirrel-foxes backdoor with the convulsing of sphincter muscles.


"Aah haa!" Desmond sat up onto his elbows with a startled gasp. It was clear to see what had alarmed him. The chat went nuts while the video feed picked up an erupting of milky fluids out of Desmond's anus. Strings of the substance tricked down the dildo's girth slightly staining the sheets beneath him. "Did...did your dildo just cum in me!?"

"What part of 'artificial inseminator' did you not understand?" Jason rolled her eyes while getting out of her seat. "I'm going to get a soda while the internal stuff goes to work. You want anything, Wendel?"

"Chips..if you have it?" Wendel followed the raccoon dumbfounded until another moan from Desmond drew his attention back to the exhibition on display.

Now Desmond was rubbing both hands vigorously over the black fur of his stomach. His usually cheerful face contorted into one of aroused strain with his efforts apparently unable to invoke some relief. Slowly a trio of firm, curvy objects began to take form and expand within a newly created wombs.

"BWARP!" Desmond covered his mouth from the involuntary belch with eyes shooting wide open. Both him and Wendel were unable to tear away from watching the skin of his abdomen ripple with a harsh shifting of something under its surface. Suddenly the whole area began to bubble and swell, the squirrel-foxes belly button rose up like the crest of a forming volcano. "Urrp! Ugh! That's too quick!"

"I'll say," Jason commented as she took her seat with soda in hand. She tossed a bag of tortilla chips onto Wendel's lap while giving the chat a quick glance over. Cameras were still functioning with minimal lag, showing off Desmond rubbing his belly like he had eaten a whole turkey. "Huh, the eggs incubated a bit smaller than I was expecting. Still, not bad for a starting bulge, eh?"

Wendel slowly turned his head to stare at Jason's smiling masked face. The snack she had offered went almost forgotten in his lap with the stark reminder just how crazy these two could get.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Oh, hell, yes!" Jason whipped back to the chat, watching a flood of donations move past. She quickly snatched up the remote with her free hand to hammer its button home. "Now we get to really watch that belly bloat up."

"Aw come on...awoo!!" Desmond clenched at the bedsheets humping into the air. The dildo sparked back to life with a consistent drum of vibrations against his tender digestive insides. His butt remained hanging in the air for the audiences benefit along with his own. The pulsing white tip finally found his prostate and rubbed against it with such intensity that his dick began sliding out from its sheath in rapid growth.

Wendel tried to avert his gaze with so much perspective on that yellow canine cock lifting up like a rising flag, which did nothing to remove the image already burned into his memory. At least Jason did not notice him shifting legs uncomfortably to adjust for another tightness under his pants.

"Hey, no touching, you cheater!" Jason was more focused on when Desmond had tried moving his hands towards the forming erection. At the loud bark of her voice, those hands recoiled back onto the bed. "Just for that, I'm giving you two extra eggs."

"Nggghh!!" Desmond's incoherent response shot out bits of saliva across the sheets. There was very little for him to do but enjoy the vibrations sending two more sharp jolts across his pelvis. The energy seemed to shoot straight up into his erect penis, making it throb in desperate need. Already his sheath was withdrawing from the base to make way for a slowly inflating knot.


So much cum sputtered around the tight muscle of Desmond's asshole it was amazing the pressure did not launch the dildo itself across the room. A colossal mess began to pool across the bed sheets while Desmond collapsed into a heap of writhing muscles. Hands moved up and down his body wanting so desperate to rub off the aching cock under his belly bulge but kept at bay under Jason's warning chitters.

"Ommmgghh! Fuuuuck yeah!" And then the swelling started in earnest. Desmond let his tongue hang off to one side with his desperate gulps for air. Both hands came to a soft rest atop his bulging middle, enjoying how the increasing girth pushed his palms up and out. Skin firmed up into a more rounded shape akin to a mother heavily pregnant, complete with his belly button popping outwards from the pressure. Soon the heaving squirrel was squirming under a medicine ball well past term with many kits.

"So, you plan to market this thing?" Wendel turned to Jason as his own excuse to stop watching such an arousing violation of natural law. The bag of chips became his only cover for the tent pitched in his shorts.

"Isn't it great!?" Jason showed no such restraint absently rubbing her breasts with one hand while drinking soda in the other. She wanted to make this blue puppy whine for as long as possible. "Self-generating cum makes for a nearly endless supply of eggs, and any gender can have fun with it."

Wendel could only blink trying to wade through the torrent of questions popping into his mind. "And...why would anyone need that many eggs?"

Now it was Jason that looked at the bunny like he was crazy. "Well, you do eat breakfast, right? Maybe do a little baking? Eggs got a thousand uses, and Desmond's taste great, I might add. I'm not sure if that's just his body specifically or the adjustments I made to the…"

"As always, you guys offer more information than I ever wanted to know." Wendel sighed as he stared back to Desmond. That abused doofus had a smile of complete bliss while he rubbed his belly and made occasional gestures for the excited audience. "Still, I can spin a decent advertisement about this in the next issue. It's better than that bimbo lipstick you tried out over Christmas."

"Did Santa ever get cured of that, by the way?"


"O-oh!" Jason lowered her hands, eyeing the screen. Surprise quickly turned into her widest smile yet at seeing the goal counter now read '1200/1200.' "Guess what, guys! It looks like we hit our goal. That means our encore show is about to start."

"Mmh?" Desmond shifted slightly and tried to peek out at her from around his swollen belly. "What about an eclair?"

Jason did not answer, instead overturning her remote to reveal a switch mechanism on its bottom. "Alright, daddy, time to lay our breakfast for tomorrow."

"Wha...no, wai...aaah aaah!" Desmond begged, but it was too late. Jason had flipped the switch, instantly causing another wave to ruffle the fur across his taut belly. "Oh...ooh! MMPH!"

"Does he have to squeak so much?"

"Oh, shush! It's cute." Jason giggled, nudging the bag of chips in Wendel's lap. The bunny quickly slapped her paw away, trying to keep his bulge hidden. "You sure seem to be enjoying it."



Desmond gave out a long animalistic grow with his first of many hard contractions. This time the dildo finally ejected itself from his ass, followed closely by a torrent of clear fluids that absolutely soaked the bedding. Much as he would have loved to complain about his ruined mattress, he was recked by another contraction seconds later. The skin around his belly began to show many small bumps across its surface with the rapid tightening, even as the belly itself began to drop down. Its hefty mass pushed down onto his hips, causing them to pop and spread, plumping out his butt. That was not nearly as torturous as the bottom of his rounded stomach smashing into his erect dick.

"Welp, I think I've seen enough." Wendel jumped out of his chair already awkwardly walking with an erection towards the door. His hormones were going through a vicious cycle of being aroused and being ashamed to be aroused by this series of events.

"Aw, come on! He hasn't even cum yet." Jason called after the retreating bunny with amusement. "I was just about to offer if you'd like to finish him with a blowjob. He almost always unloads after the first egg or two."

"Go to hell!"

"Oh fine, more camera time to me then."

Wendel stopped mid-step to glance back. Just in time to see Jason finish pulling off her shirt and join Desmond on the bed. Her plump raccoon tits spilled over the yellow knot, trapping it between their soft grey fur while her tongue darted out to lick at the tapered tip.


"HNNGGGHH!!" Desmond had already been busy bearing down on a contraction. Those last bits of gentle caresses over his cock were the final push his balls had longed for. Just as he felt his fuzzy sack pull tight against his knot, the first ovid slipped down to slam against his loosened anal ring. It's hard shell rolled up into his prostate triggering the launch of many long strings of cum across Jason's muzzle.

The only regret Desmond had was that he could not rest after one of his best orgasms in a while. Another contraction continued to push the egg against his firm pucker. It's girth slowly yawned him open while he mustered the strength to try pushing it out faster.

Wendel only realized he had remained staring when Jason turned to meet his gaze with a smug, cum-stained, grin. She gave her hips a few hard shakes, waving her tail about in a modest invitation for the bunny. Just enough to show off the wet stain in the crotch of her pants.

Wendel's large front teeth chewed on his lower lip for a second, lungs expanding his chest with a deep breath. Slowly he released the air, flipped both lunatic neighbors the bird, and stormed from the apartment. Jason shrugged dismissively at the totally predictable reaction and resumed making a show of stimulating Desmond for his eggs.

The cute adorable cries from the squirrel-fox followed Wendel out the door. Unfortunately, they would also remain with his erect penis all the way into a cold shower.


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