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(contains fennec guy TF'd into cake, and then into sexy dragon girl)

(I suffered a lot of sickness through March that hurt my productivity a little. Hope you guys enjoy this round of offerings and that spring sunshine. :B)



It was getting kind of sad when one could not just walk to their mailbox without getting zapped by some energy ray. Able's pained yell echoed across the lonely street with thankfully no one to see him jump several feet in the air. Fur stood on end from more than just pain when he landed. Whirling with ears folded back the fennec was already set to yell at Jason or Isabelle, whoever happened to be up to mischief so early in the morning.

A vacant, empty sidewalk stared back.

"Huh…" Able glanced back and forth around the neighborhood, still half expecting to catch some figure peeking out around a corner or from a window. However, nothing made itself apparent right away. He did not even feel all that different for taking a drive-by zapping, just a bit light headed. A hand absently reached back to rub his rear where the beam had stung.


"Um…" Able twisted to look back, finding his hand had sunk through some kind of thick creamy substance. Removing it took off several large globs, leaving a messy smeared handprint in the fluffy texture of what was once his pants. A frightened sniff made him aware of the strong presence of sugar, while a small lick confirmed what Able already realized his ass had become. "Frosting!? Aah HAAH!?"

Trying to get back to the safety of his house proved futile. Able only took a step that caused both his feet to sink in a sudden explosion. He nearly tripping over himself looking down, and then his wrapped tail and ears dropped in an irritated groan. The poor fennec boy no longer had feet, just shins sticking out of a large lump of meshy, gooey sugar cream.

"Why do I even make dinner plans? EEP!"

There was just enough time for Able to grumble off a few complaints before every bone in his body converted to a sweeter, pliable substance. His body fell in on itself with a loud splat, promptly bouncing out and firming up into a dual-layered cake. Shame if he still could see, Able might have appreciated how it's frosting was perfectly decorated to his fur patterns. Hell, there was even a spray painting of his face across the top permanently locked in a growl of annoyance.

Funny how time felt a bit skewed without many of your primary senses to perceive it. Able had no idea how long he sat there on the sidewalk drifting in and out of a self-aware state of mind. It was only when he heard the clicking of footsteps that he jolted out of what almost felt like a dream.

"Ah, here he is!" called a voice Able did not recognize. Another pair of footsteps came running closer. "He turned into a big one too, good thing you asked for help."

"Well, of course, I'd need help with this fat ass." Jason's unmistakable laugh would have made Able's eye twitch if he still had one. "This was only half his surprise anyway. Let's hurry and get him inside before the rest kicks in."

Well, good thing Able was too inanimate and incoherent to worry about his best friends musings. There was only this vague awareness of some outside force hoisting him up. The gentle breeze across his frosted surface probably meant he was being carried off.

A brief time passed, or maybe Able fell asleep again, but there came a hard rocking across his base upon suddenly being set down. Now there were tons of voices circling the air, making it impossible for him to discern Jason or anyone that might have been familiar. Ugh! Whatever! Hopefully, Jason turned him back soon so he could noogy her.


Something shifted against, or perhaps inside, Able that made the whole cake structure rock violently. Jason must have also noticed this because she began clapping her hands to quiet the surrounding chatter.

"Hey everyone, it's time! Our guest of honor is about to arrive."

Able had no idea what the hell that meant, but he was getting really sweaty. It would be nice if she...could...just…

Oh hey, he had a body again. Being surrounded by darkness made it hard to notice whenever he had developed eyes to see once more. More importantly, his nose was burning with the overwhelming presence of sugar, while regained limbs twitched uncomfortably folded into a confined space.

Well, nuts to this! Able pushed out with all the strength he could muster. It was massive overkill for the soft cake walls that contained him. He rose back onto wiggling toes with arms thrust out towards the sky. Mouth hung open in a silent roar of defiance while his entrance sent confetti of cake and icing exploding everywhere.


The room was a symphony of violet popping. Able's mouth snapped shut as he stared dumbstruck forward amidst a shower of streamers. Immediately staring back at him was a large dragon woman possessing hips the size of a couch, and breast that could crush beer cans. Her long blue hair, already messed by sticky icing, caught many of the small papers in its bang. Wing twitched on reflex trying to shake off the ones that drifted on them. A thick meaty tail unwittingly twitched and sent chunks of cake base around her feet flying.

This was, of course, a large body mirror that had been intentionally set up in front of Able. This new form even had scales that perfectly matched her usual markings. Ables thick legs trembled as she lowered herself off the reinforced dining table where she had been set. The constant shifting of excessive body fats had her nearly tripping over herself, with only claws catching on the carpet saving the day.

Friends continued to surround Able dispensing well wishes, pats on the back and slaps on the ass from those who were brave. The birthday dragon was way too bewildered by her reflection to notice all the backside wobbling right then. Her hands gently reached up to hoist the massive beach balls hanging off her chest. That got plenty more commentary from the crowd as their soft scales sparkled. "What the actual fu-?"

"Fun balloons, right?" Jason appearing right next to Able causing the cutest of surprised squeals. Able promptly released her new mammaries blushing down at the raccoon woman. It was even more surreal to be the taller one this time. "Not a bad surprise, huh? You get to be your own entertainment."

Able's fanned ears twitched once while she regained some composure. She slowly drew in a deep breath and exhaled, making her breast jiggle. "Yeah, this could work pretty well."

Jason blinked, taken aback. "Real-"

She could not even get a word out before being shoved face first against Able's plush chest. Having superior dragon strength was great for holding down a flailing raccoon with one hand while the other went to work grinding knuckles into Jason's raven black hair.


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