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(Contains male to female gender bending, mild breast and butt growth, shrinking, growing, and sex)

Art by: Rob 


Contrary to what his neighbors thought Desmond had plenty of friends. It did not seem that unreasonable in this day of internet controversy's and social media that even the most eccentric pervert scientist cannot find like-minded individuals on 4Chan. 

Sure, transforming an entire stadium full of people into amazon pokemon women tended to make a few enemies. Turns out a lot of people are big on football. There were still plenty of people that found the game far more interesting when tits and fireballs were involved.

Desmond was just happy the sport took off, less he still be in jail to this day.

That was how Gene managed to work his way into the picture. The young fox never cared for sports, but the aftermath reports turned many a head in the transformation and growth circles. When it came to making giant women, he would fight to be first in line.

Granted Gene was also one of the world's most wanted hackers, but half the organizations 'tracking' him were not even aware of his species much less real name. While the FBI was spending millions stalking some hyena in New Jersey, he was planning his next string of experiments in the comfort of an abandoned office building off the northern Washington highways. It was really just a time killer to raise funds for his passion projects, most of which resulted in giant women.

It was no surprise he and Desmond gravitated towards each other like magnets. For years they had exchanged secured texts, visited each other's labs, and occasionally caused a giantess rampage somewhere along the west coast. Gene was happy for such companionship when, after the second attack on Salem, Desmond had suggested they get their test subjects to sign liability waivers.

Today he had gone downstairs to welcome the bouncing blue squirrel-fox into his dusty new, rent free, home. It was not nearly as scenic as his old warehouse down by the bay, but that could not be helped. It had been demolished in another incident that may or may not have involved a giant bunny woman who Desmond knew intimately.

"So what's on the chopping block today?" Desmond followed his foxy friend into the lab proper, promptly turning his attention to the first table in sight. "What's this crazy device? Looks like some strange white cube with wet mush leaking out. You set up some bait?"

Gene looked back, having to lift his shades up to rest on his forehead to make sure they were staring at the same table. "Dessy, that's a tuna sandwich."

"...oh." Desmond looked to Gene than back at the simple plate of bread. "Does it turn the eater into a busty shark girl?"

"No. It's my lunch."

"Then can I have half?"

"Heh, maybe later! Come on, the experiment is over here."

Desmond reluctantly turned from the tasty-looking food to follow Gene deeper into their lab. His thick squirrel tail practically dusted the floor as it was dragged along. They ended up stopping a few tables further down. This one had a stand erected for displaying a simple, if stylish, black collar. Several buttons of various colors decorated the steel cover of its buckle clasp, but otherwise, Desmond found it dull.

"Now this beauty here is my finished invention; third prototype 'Maid Maker' deluxe."

"...you trying to get back into the anime cosplaying market, or something?"

"Yes, but that's more of a perk." Gene whirled to hide his blush, pretending to shift through note papers. "It's more of a contractual project with the justice department. My little contribution to rehabilitation some troublesome criminals."

"Oh? Neat!" Desmond was always a bit random when it came to voicing his thoughts. Sometimes he would gush, others barely saying a word. That did not necessarily mean disinterest since he absently picked up the collar for a closer inspection. Its clasp promptly fell open in his hands. "Don't we technically count as world class criminals by now? Or at least professional bra busters."

Gene chuckled and tried organizing material receipts. Had he been watching what his guest was doing he would have reacted a lot differently. "That's hardly a scientific term for what we do to people, although not inaccurate. Besides, that's not this devices primary effect."

"So what does this do?"

"Well aside from optional wearer modifications, it's designed as a highly advanced obedience collar. The subject undergoing rehabilitation maintains complete awareness, but electrical AI assumes control of all nerves from the neck down, so they have to obey every command given to them. Heck, this model needs testing but should even be able to limit their speech, such as canceling out swears."


Gene froze partway picking up another sheet of numbers. His ears and tail shot straight up needing to several seconds to process the sound of a buckle clasping shut.

"Hey, uh, Gene?" Desmond's shaky voice seemed hesitant to break the awkward silence. "Without turning around can you describe in precise detail how one might remove this wonderful invention of yours?"

Gene's tail plopped on the floor with a dejected sigh. Turning around to face Desmond confirmed what he could easily surmise. The skinny blue squirrel was pulling frantically on the black collar now fastened around his neck.

"Seriously, Dessy? Why would you even put that on?"

Desmond's paused in puzzlement by such a question. "I thought it would look cool."

"Wha…?" Gene shook his head to maintain composure. "But I clearly said it was an untested prototype."

"You didn't say anything about it asserting complete control though. That sounded more important."

"So if I had said it did anything else you would have still put it on?"

"You know my love for testing new products," Desmond grunted, picking at the collar with his claws. It did little, if any, superficial damage. While he did find the ring had some elasticity, it refused to stretch far enough to wrangle around his head. "Now seriously, how do I get this off?"

"Ugh! You can stop trying to fiddle with it and stand still for a start!" Gene let the papers clutter around his feet. The migraine assaulting his temples demanded his full attention. Otherwise, he would have noticed Desmond promptly stand at attention with a shocked expression. "The material is designed to fit around any neck size, but it'll never stretch enough for forced removal. Besides, it's tough enough that we'd need a chainsaw to cut it."


"No, I'm not going to chainsaw my baby, especially while it's around your neck!"

"Just wondering…so got an emergency shut off?"

"No, but could you shut up for a bit? Geez, my friends are so recklessly impulsive. There's no shut down systems installed on the software yet. About the only thing we can do is...what are you doing?"

Gene turned surprised to find Desmond still standing at perfect attention. About the only thing that moved was the strange yellow eyes that followed Gene as he approached. The fox did not need to be a genius to figure out what this meant.

"Holy hell. Does my collar actually control you?" Gene saw Desmond's eyebrows narrow, making him laugh sheepishly. "Oh right. You are free to move independently again."

"Gah!" Desmond fell against a table as every muscle in his body relaxed. "No shit it works. That was scary."

"Huh. Rare to actually see you scared of something."

"Oh, you know I have plenty of phobias. You've met Tabitha after all."

"Yeah, she is a frightening monster. Stand on one foot."

"Wha!?" Desmond's tail flailed to keep balanced when his left paw involuntarily lifted into the air. "The hell you doing, Gene?"

"Just making sure you're not messing with me. Look up." Gene grinned when Desmond's head immediately whipped to stare at the ceiling. This allowed a clear view of his collars buckle, with all it's indicator lights flashing normally. Still, it did not hurt to experiment a bit more. "Bark like a dog."


"STOP BARKING, DAMN IT!" Gene reeled back from the shrill noises coming from his friend's throat clenching his ears tight. The hindsight of searing eardrum pain reminded him they were both more genetically related to vulpines. Barking was not exactly the kind of sounds they made. "God damn. The rudimentary command processors work at least. I'll have to really be careful of my hubris."

"Heh...you, um, you sound like this is going to be on me for a while."

"I'm afraid it will be. Put your foot down and look at me." Gene waited for Desmond to do both those things. "I was going to say, the only failsafe for removing that collar is in the hardware. The electric lock will release once the battery runs out of power."

Desmond swallowed the lump in his throat, which fought slightly with the collar around it. A desire to reach for the controlling device was resisted by a still-active command. "And how long will that take."

"A few days if we do nothing." A smile stretched to show many shiny teeth in Gene's fox muzzle. "But then you'll be compelled to do and be literally anything anyone tells you. I didn't exactly program specific owner commands either, just basic functions. So you're not allowed to leave this building without my permission."

"Not only does that suck, but I am really not liking the way you're looking at me." Desmond had the passing thought to make a run for it, but a tingling overtaking his body gave the sense he would not get far now.

"Oh, relax! We both want to get that collar off you." Gene shuffled over his discarded papers to a slightly peeling storage cabinet. Almost everything besides his fluffy red tail vanished behind the open doors, wagging high in the air while he rummaged through boxes. "The best way to accomplish this is just going to have to be a constant series of complex and lengthy commands. I didn't give the battery that big a charge, so we could have you out of my hair and not threatening my financial contracts in a few hours."

That did sound like a sensible plan under the circumstances. Only thing that brought a drop of unease was how elated Gene was with his tone and movements.

"You sound like you have a plan then?"

"Of course I do. You can stop looking at me, by the way." Gene returned happily carrying a large piece of folded black cloth. He unfurled it with a hard flick of both hands to present Desmond with a maid dress of suspiciously kinky design. The skirt hem was cut pervertedly short, while the blouse had an open 'window' in the chest. "My new home is definitely in need of some tidying up, don't you think? You should know my love for cute subordinate maids."

"You're a squatter, douchebag. I'm not going to be your maid."

"Too bad. Put this on."

"Fuck you!" Desmond shouted his defiance, but his hands had already accepted the dress.

All the blue squirrel could muster was angry grumbling for a few minutes, his body forced him to comply with Gene's command. After setting his new dress across one of the lab tables, his hands them proceeded to remove and fold both jacket and shirt. Despite extreme protests, his shorts dropped next. Desmond always enjoyed going commando, so they were the last to be wrapped atop his shirts. Turning back to begin opening the dress allowed Gene a full view of Desmond's naked front, including a thing that had his blue cheeks turning a deep violet.

"Oh, my god, Desmond!" Gene giggled like a boy in kindergarten, eyes fixated south of Desmond's equator. "You honestly had me fooled too. I almost felt bad that this was going to be hell for you."

"Make no mistake; it really will be." Desmond was so glad to slip on a pair of black cotton panties first. Granted they did nothing to hide the erection bulging out of his blue canine sheath.

"That big stick of yours says otherwise!" Gene laughed again when Desmond averted his gaze with a growl. Not that Desmond could stay that way when his body moved to slip the short skirt up his legs. "So does this mean you have a major crush on that enormous landlord of yours? Is it because she's huge and fat, or dominates you like a pet poodle?"

"I will murder you in your sleep!"

"Thanks for the notion, Desmond. I should consider putting anti-criminal measures into the collars programming for the true test subjects." Gene scribbled his thoughts down on a scrap paper while Desmond fastened the front laces to his new blouse. Most of it hung loose with such a flat bust shown through the cloth window. "On that note; Desmond is a very atrocious name for a maid. How do you feel about...Mary-Ann?"

"Fuck you!"

Gene shook his head making a tut-tut noise while he slowly walked over to Desmond. It was clear his new maid could not back away even with the desire clear on their face. Once they got within arms reach of each other, the fox gave Desmond several hard pets between his pointed ears. "Now, now, that simply won't do, Mary-Ann. From now on you are forbidden from cursing. That is very unbecoming for a maid."

"I am not…"

"But you are!" Gene cut Desmond off with several very hard smacks on the head. "Your name is now Mary-Ann, and you will only ever affirm or respond to this name."

Gene took a step back, tail swishing gleefully from the murderous look he was getting. "Tell me your name."

"De...D-D-Deeee...Dahgre Mary-Ann!"

Huh. The vocal override functions seemed to have a bit of delay in seizing control. In theory, repeated use should weaken the muscles over time until such resistance would not be possible. That should not take long to test with Desmond's habit of cursing like a sailor.

"Perfect, my new pet!" Gene gave Desmond a playful boop on the nose before taking his friend's former clothes back into the cabinet. "Now let's get you to work. Faster you do this the quicker that collar comes off."

Desmond's ears folded back, making him glad for the ability to sneer. "Oh, that sounds really fu...fun, master! I can't wait to get started."

"That's the spirit! I…" Gene stopped mid-turn, curiously raising an eyebrow. "Did I command you to address me as Master yet?"

"W-wha...I...y-you're hearing things!" As if Desmond's cheeks could not blush any harder. He looked ready to start eating his own tail and end it all. "I said I was going to murder you, dumba...dazzing fox, you."

"...sure! That must be it." Gene practically bounced out of the lab, unaware of how much the maid following him wanted to set that big fluffy tail on fire. "Some cleaning is always a good start. I haven't properly arranged my bedroom yet."

Going into a room further down the hall found this to not be an exaggeration. A worn mattress sat against one corner with stained sheets and a crusty blanket. Next to it rested a trash bag with clothes scattered like they had exploded out of it. There was once a cabinet propped up against the wall, but someone had decided to take a sledgehammer to it for kicks. Meanwhile, a desk found itself propped up on several waterlogged phone books to hold a sparkling personal computer, easily the cleanest thing in the room. Its screen was still on, displaying the login screen for The Elder Scrolls Online.

"I'm going to need more than a duster for this, Master. You live in an absolute shi-simply humbling den."

"That's the spirit, Mary-Ann!" Gene laughed, smacking Desmond hard on the back and making him stumble into the room. A bucket, sponge and feather duster was set on the floor beside the entrance to join him as the fox added, "If you need any other tools, there's a janitor's closet at the end of the hall. Can't believe they actually left most of that stuff when they moved out, but it beats paying for it."

"Incidentally, can I get paid for this labor?"

"Don't be silly, Mary-Ann. You love devoting yourself to a superior genius such as myself."

"I will fu-fully agree with you on that, master! GRRRRR!!"

"Excellent! Better let you get to work then." Gene chuckled ignoring the way Desmond's fur fluffed up in anger. He started to leave but stopped short. "Oh, and would it kill you to be more like those cute girl maids in anime? It'd really help the atmosphere a little."

Since swearing was no longer an option, Desmond settled for a series of incoherent animal noises.

"Thanks, Mary-Ann. See you later!"

Under normal circumstances, Desmond would have taken anything of value and immediately left, maid skirt or no. Too bad for him Gene's collar already had it's predesignated orders to fulfill. His fluffy blue butt made a beeline for the dirty laundry bag despite all efforts to resist. Things sort of went on autopilot; forcing him to kneel and collect everything. That really got his panties rubbing against his privates something terrible. Desmond was already feeling heated, and he could not even tug out his wedgie.

True to Gene's words, the enslaved maid found himself forcibly walking to the storage closet to collect buckets and dish soap. Laundry detergent would have been ideal, but apparently, the collar worked with what it had. Before long there was a whole system of washing buckets set up that Desmond used to scrub and rinse Gene's clothes. There was a surprising amount of pants for a hacker that lived on the run, many with smells best left unidentified.

At least by the time everything was folded and organized his balls had stopped feeling irritated. If anything the panties clung snugly around his butt.

Desmond was surprised when the collar decided his next order of business was to repair the cabinet. A hammer and nails were acquired before searching out various chunks of wood in the other rooms. He was far from an experienced carpenter. All that sock scrubbing had already worn out the muscles in his arms. That did not stop his body from working as the computer dictated. It took a lot of clumsy, weak pounding but he got the thing propped up into a decent position. Enough, so there was a place to properly store Gene's clothes anyway.

The stupid cabinet had looked a lot smaller when tipped over. Desmond needed to stand on two phone books to put some coats on the top shelf.

Thank god the bed did not require as much effort. Once Desmond had changed the water buckets he rung out Gene's sheets in the same fashion as his moldy socks. There was no stain remover in the storage closest so the collar, thankfully, allowed him to skip all the multi-colored stains on the mattress. Gods only know how many of those were not created by Gene himself, or how he could stand sleeping on such conditions.

"Oh!?" Desmond had just finished fluffing the pillow for the perfect setup when a clump of black hair blanketed his face. That should not have been possible since he had cut it last week. "Shi-Shoot! Not again!"

As if the light, dainty change of her voice was not enough, the collar allowed Desmond enough movement to confirm she had become a woman once again. The front of her blouse pushed out with a more profound chest while her panties were no longer irritating around the crotch. Granted exploration would have to wait for Genes whims. The collar still dictated she had a desk to polish, and a PC to dust.

"Wow, Mary-Ann. You've put on some weight in the past hour. I didn't know housework would thicken you out so fast."

Speak of the devil, and of course, he would show up the second Desmond bent over to collect some trash under the desk. No doubt Gene enjoyed his maids unintentional pantied rear presentation for a while before speaking up. Desmond would have almost been disappointed otherwise. They were like-minded perverts deep down to the core.

Desmond straightened up still acting vexed by Gene's blatant ogling. There was no fun to be had in going along with a puppet master scheme without any resistance. It was only after the collar forced her to deposit the collected trash that she turned to give the fox a sneer.

"Thanks for finally showing up, you cu-clever fox stud. Mind explaining what the hell you did to me?"

"Hm? I thought we already went over this; the collar you put on without permission is my experiment in rehabilitating…"

"Why did it gender swap me!?" Desmond screamed, grasping her blouse to emphasize the swell of her chest.

Gene's tail gave a cocky wag. "Oh, that? I upgraded this prototype with nanites that get injected through the skin upon locking. They not only make the service commands easier to enact, but also make body modifications an optional failsafe. What if something malfunctions and a criminal regains control? They'd be a lot less dangerous as a petite skinny maid."

"That's actually some good thinking. A bit surprising given how rare I see you go for small."

"Silly Mary-Ann, that's just for the practical applications. The computer must have taken my passing comments as commands, so it'll need some more sophisticated programming." Gene's eyes narrowed in a sly grin, focusing uncomfortably on the fluttering fabric of Desmond's blouse. "But since it's just us doing a little impromptu field testing, your boobs should definitely grow a lot bigger."

"No wa-aah!" A rush of warmth flooded into Desmond's chest, making her grasp it tightly. Pressure weld up against her palms until they began to be forced back under rapidly developing mounds of soft fur and flesh. The creases in her blouse smoothed out around the filling mounds while its front laces creaked under strain. "Oh, you di-dashing rouge! Hnngh!"

Another hard shift of sudden release left Desmond panting heatedly. The rush of sensitive skin stretching had already gotten her wet, to say nothing of how tender her breasts felt just trying to hold them. Just like that, her girls had gone from a modest rise to a sloshing shelf. The design of her maid dress barely held them as round globes behind the open window.

"Why, thank you, Mary-Ann!" Gene's nose wrinkled, smiling wider at the scent of female musk in the stale air. "You look pretty nice now too, but you know what? ...bigger!"

"Noooogggh!" Desmond bit her lower lip to stifle a sensual cry of lust. Her chest promptly resumed its march through bra measurements, taking up what last bit of slack remained in her blouse along the way.



The furry globes only stopped when their girth began to rival Desmond's head. That was a much better representation of Gene's personal taste in partners. By then it was too late for the blouse. The firmly tied laces broke off one by one, allowing Desmond's soft black fur to bulge through as deep, inviting cleavage. Once they had all broke, a large section of the fabric itself split trying to hold weights too massive for their intended design.

"Paah! Paah! Fu-fudge it all!" Desmond's ears burned, her legs trembling while she alternated kneading the full fatty tits with one hand. The other had migrated down to rub at the area between her thighs through the maid skit. Tingles rippled across her body making everything shudder violently. A pleasant sensation to get lost in until there came an odd onset of vertigo. "What the fu-fun!? Ack!!"

Desmond's gaze snapped to Gene, finding herself having to gaze down at the equally surprised fox. Their distance in eye levels only continued to climb as they stared at each other. The floor visually pulling away made her head spin.

"Interesting! I forgot about the basic programming, so the collar must be utilizing a general sense of bigness," Gene mused watching the maid dress stretch tight around Desmond's generally growing body. The sight of those boobs looming overhead, bulging aggressively through fabric tears, was getting his own pants tight around a stiff boner. "I'm actually very curious if this arousal is induced by the transformation, or your own kinky fetishes, Mary-Ann."

"Yeah? That's great! Nnngghh!!" Desmond's voice gained a lot more weight with her stretching vocal cords. The fact seams were popping all over her dress did nothing to deter trying to rub herself. If anything the panties flossing her swelling sex was uncomfortably stimulating. "C-could you hurry up and help me!?"

"Hmm? Oh! Right! You should shrink back down, please."

Desmond gave a sigh of relief when her growth promptly stopped just shy of her head hitting the ceiling, and then reversed. Turns out shrinking was just as pleasing on the nerves as growing. She showed no signs of ceasing her self pleasurings until everything was back perfectly leveled with Gene.

Desmond than yelped, blushing to find herself having to look up at Gene. Creases formed all over her loosening maid dress, and even her panties dipped a little on her hips. Of course, the monstrous size of her chest balloons left the blouse stretched tight. 

"Stop shrinking, Mary-Ann!" Gene barked the second she ended up eye level with his chest. Before Desmond could open her mouth in a string of censored cursed, the fox roughly tousled her long hair. "Yeah, now you look adorably short stacked. Still, it's not our style to leave someone being all top heavy. Why don't you grow out that butt for me?"

"Oh god!!" No amount of shaking could rid Desmond of the tightness that clamped upon her hips. Thighs squeezed together only to push apart from thickening fat and muscle. "Is...is this really...mmmmhhh."

"Come now, Mary-Ann. We both know you have a thing for huge asses." Gene chuckled over the soft cracks coming from Desmond's pelvis. Her hips were widening out several inches at a time to give her skirt a dramatic lift. The bottom of her moist panties was even starting to show. "Besides, drastic transformations will wear out the batteries faster. Not to mention some other things I know we can do."

"Oog!" The rush of pleasure that was causing her loins to drip also left Desmond little wit for a rebuttal. Both hands came to rest upon her hips just in time to feel a massive growth spurt that left their span surpassing her shoulders.

Just when her skirt had finally been loosened enough, Desmond felt her butt give a hard flex. Both hands shot back trying to pull the hem of her dress down with little success. Both glutes bubbled out from under the skirt like a curtain unveiling, showing off their swelling mass swallowing the back of her panties until they resembled a thong. Such wedgies were always more comfortable to watch than experience. It made the fabric rub sharply against Desmond's already tenderized slit again.

"Much better!" Gene declared, giving Desmond's bubble butt a hard smack. That got a satisfying yelp and lots of jiggling from the squirrel-fox. "How you feeling, Mary-Ann?"

"Bloated and horny," Desmond barely managed to squeak out. Her whole body jostled with the heavy heaves of her lungs. "Are...are you serious when you, um, implied sex would get this off me faster?"

"When am I not serious?" Gene asked with a pained look. When all that got was a raised eyebrow from Desmond, he continued, "And yes, of course, it will speed things along. The more strenuous your activities are the more power the collar uses to keep everything under control. Why? You feeling up for a go?"

"If it gets me away from you faster than I'll pound your pole until you can't walk." Desmond chuckled, only to find her body jerking awkwardly in Gene's direction. The sad realization hit that she could not simply jump his bones no matter how hot the fire in her crotch burned. "P-please...master?"

"See? We're already teaching some manners. I can't wait to see the real patient trials." Gene's tail wagged furiously, eying his maid's new hourglass figure and ill-fitting dress with careful thought. The bed had just been made, so there was no hurry to go making a mess on it. They would just have to work with the basics. "On all fours, Mary-Ann. Like a good pet."

Such a commanding tone gave Desmond a rush of confusion and excitement. The collar would have almost been unnecessary at that point. Pure arousal fueled anticipation caused her knees to buckle as hands gently lowered to the floor. Not part of her plan was the collar forcing her back to arch, grinding breasts into the dirty floorboards while her booty shook for Gene's attention.

"Very nice!" Gene licked his chops watching Desmond's unwitting twerk. Hands slowly worked to undo his belt buckle, dropping pants and underwear to the floor and stepping out of them.

The sight of a thick fox erection certainly caught Desmond's attention, mostly because she was locked in a 'doggy' position facing toward it. An opportunity Gene seized by stamping his penis head directly against her nose. Drops of pre squished into the nostrils, forcing Desmond to snort and gag the salty musk out. At least Gene gave no intention of expecting a blowjob. Instead, he vanished around his maid while gently teasing the fluff of her large squirrely tail.

"Blessed boy," Desmond hissed through clenched teeth. Although clearly not her intended words for describing Gene's actions, there was little will left to fight the collar's power. Her whole body shivered feeling Gene's claws rack gently along the fur of her butt. They slowly gripped the hem of her panties and pulled them off, popping out the uncomfortable wedgie Desmond's rear swelling had caused. "YIP!"

The panties had barely landed around her knees when Desmond felt something cold and wet press up against her snatch. Drool seeped out the edges of her mouth, which twisted into a tense growl. When another muscle shot out to drag across the wet surface of her slit, the need for movement inhibiting measures seemed justified. Desmond's yellow bits were sensitive enough without a vulpine tongue stabbing at them for a taste. She would have kicked Gene and sat on his face for being such a tease.

"Just...nnffh...put it in me already, master!" Desmond barked from another pass of Gene's tongue. Claws chipped bites of the wood as her hands tensed but were unable to form fists. "P-please!?"

"Sure sure!" Gene chuckled as he straightened up behind his maid. His hands squeezed at the soft blue fur of Desmond's massive glutes, meshing them together and spreading them apart in kneading motions. "But first...why don't you tell me your name?"

Desmond gulped in response, consequently choking softly on her own spit. "W-what!?"

"I just want to hear you say it." Gene did not need to be seen to know the epic smirk that was plastered across his face. A hard slap came down against Desmond's flank, eliciting an adorable yelp. "Come on now; what's my maid's name?"

"You...nffh!" Desmond's head rolled back in another whimpering moan. Something long and fleshy had pressed itself against the insides of her buns and began to gently rock back and forth. Her paw toes curled feeling Gene hotdog her cheeks painfully slow, spreading spunk against her anus. "Mah Mary-Ann! My name is Mary-Ann! Now, will you please...o-oh! Oh, fu-fudging...nngghh!!"

Soon as the name left her mouth, Gene felt inclined to pull out of his maids jiggling ass crack. After a second to line things up, Desmond felt the head of his cock crash into her lips. They yielded easily with plenty of extra juices to bast the foxes shaft on its way in.

Their hips slapped together causing Desmond to bark once more. Suddenly a new weight pushed in on her back, further smooshing her tits against the cold, dirty floor. Gene's hands had entered her peripheral vision to firmly grasp Desmond by the shoulders. The heat of his breath itched her ears.

"Now that's a good girl. Heehee."

Gene ground his whole body against Desmond's back, pulling out a short way before thrusting dick and weight hard against her again. This quickly became the grinding rhythm of their fucking. The soft feeling of her swollen curves hugging his body when they slammed together was matched only by the warmth of Desmond's giant tail. It was not really his plan to be a dominator in this experiment, but he had been under a bit of stress these past few months. He was one of the few that knew Desmond was not used to being touched, which made aggressive physical contact a fun option to play with.

Desmond clawed frantically at the floor as she got repeatedly shoved into her own cleavage. Soft canine yips popped out of her in time to Gene's weight squeezing her lungs. It was rare she got to experience such rough treatment, but it was not wholly unwelcome. She was just glad Gene had already gotten her onto the floor. Tremors surged across her body with each thrust of the foxes spear, making her limbs weak and the world blurry. Too bad he had insisted on taking her doggy style. These juicy tits felt wasted smooshed against the floor with only her chin stuck between them.


Not that it really mattered with both of them set to pop. Just watching Desmond's curves balloon out had gotten Gene thoroughly riled up. Each hard slap of his hips against Desmond's jiggling ass jolted pleasure across his pelvis, making his balls swell tight inside their furry sack. He rubbed along the tensed muscles of Desmond's shoulders as he rested more weight against her upper back. Each hump became smaller and faster with a more skewed angle in Gene's attempt to stall the tension deep behind his throbbing dick.

"Aah..hmmmhhh...pah pah...Hnngggh! A Fudge! Fudge! Holy doodles! Haa aaah!!"

Turned out Gene had struct just the right position to grind ravenously into Desmond's G-spot. Her rear began bouncing back to meet Gene's thrusts in defiance of her collars function. Claws from her dainty hands grasped tightly on top of Genes, holding onto the fox as if for life itself. Several deep, labored pants managed to escape her muzzle between their bodies smashing together until suddenly Desmond buried her face deep into her own cleavage. Those soft mounds of flesh did wonders to muffle her screams as Gene felt the squirrel-foxes whole figure vibrate underneath him. The slick walls of her tunnel contracted in rapid succession to give the thick fox rod a good massaging with Gene's frantic thrusts.

"Hnnnghh! Fuck god yes!" Gene's teeth clenched in time with his balls. His whole length inflated inside Desmond's tight tunnel before flexing long and hard. Thick streams of fox cum fired off against Desmond's cervix, filling her with a satisfying warmth as her own orgasm wanned. Strength quickly drained out of Gene with each successive firing of sticky sperm rope until only a trickle seeped out of his cock. He quickly lowered himself down using Desmond for more of a bed than a lover while they both waited for the buzz to leave their minds.


Desmond jumped when something shifted along her neck, only to find a heavy weight suddenly leave it. Gene must have heard the noise too because they both moved their heads enough to see the collar had come undone. It now rested uncomfortably inside the crack of Desmond's cleavage with a control panel staring black and lifeless at them.

"Huh, those batteries had less power than I thought." Gene chuckled. He pushed gently off Desmond's back, withdrawing from her snatch with several tendrils of their mixed juices briefly keeping their groins connected. Both the collar and his pants were promptly collected with the later being slipped up the foxes hips once more. "How you feeling Mary-Ann?"

"Ugh!!" Desmond grumbled but gave a tired thumbs up. She took a lot of effort to roll off her sorely squished boobs, and then, even more, to get back on shaking paw-feet. There promptly came a shivering cold running down her thighs, which she realized while pulling up her panties was sex spunk. "Fucking hell, Gene, I...oh, hey cool I can swear again. Fuck. Do you use those nanites to make yourself super fertile or something? I think my tunnel is actually inflated from your load."

"Haha! No of course not, that's all family genetics at work. You already know the only thing my spunk...does is...my cum…" Gene's eye slowly grew wide as a horrifying oversight suddenly came to the forefront of his mind. "Hey, Mary...I mean, Dessy? I know you just got the collar off, but I would really appreciate it if you ran outside. Like...right now."

"What's got you in a panic?" Desmond had gone back to Gene's desk for a paper towel to blow her nose on. When she turned to face him, they both realized the sudden need for concern. Already there was a several inch gap in how far she had to look down at Gene. "Oh!"

Even as she stood still the floor began to zoom out further from Desmond's perspective. Gene had gone from being slightly taller to only being level with her breasts, and then her navel. Said breasts were bulging harsher inside their blouse, splitting rips wider along their curves. The skirt had become little more than a hand towel doing nothing to cover the vast swell of Desmond's couch hips.

"You, um, kind of forgot your jizz makes people grow, huh?" Desmond huffed as she shuffled towards the exit. Her consistent climb towards the ceiling had her getting back down on her knees just to wiggle through the door.

"In my defense, this was not supposed to be part of the experiment!" Gene still needed to help push the big blue ass through, cracking the frame in the process.

Desmond could barely get back on her paws before shuffling down the hallway. She was really not wanting to be a giant naked lady in open view of the highway, but that would probably be unavoidable for the next few hours.

Gene just hoped she could make it to the exit downstairs before they became too small to fit through. One giant woman destroying his 'borrowed' home had been enough.


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