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Hey guys! Here's an experiment I've wanted to do since starting Patreon after wondering what would happen if the audience had control over the events of a TF story. So, in this story I'll be pausing at various plot points or fetish scenes to host a poll and let you all decide what direction to take it next.

Our protagonist for this particular run is everyone's favorite Smash character, Isabelle. That dog from some game about crossing animals. Enjoy!


Fuck, it was cold this morning.

Isabelle felt like shit before her eyes had opened. Some damn resident left the windows open last night turning the dog girls house into a freezer. That and she was a bit hungover. The weekly game of Smash had gotten a bit rowdier than usual after a few peach schnapps.

Rolling out of bed nearly got her face planted into a carpet covered in stale chips and beer cans. Legs could barely support her half-naked body in the journey to her desk. Thank god the bathrobe hung over her work chair had not received any food stains in the ruckus.

Things felt much better with some warmth wrapped around her butt. A quick check of her computer saw no new alerts from the mayor. This was hardly a surprise. No one has heard from them in four years. The paint on their house was starting to chip.

While waiting for coffee to brew Isabelle busied herself closing up the windows. Winter had snuck up with a vengeance for the new year. There was little doubt she would see the town in snow by next week. Looked like today would be a review of food storage for the long haul.

Isabelle returned to her kitchen for a hard cup of black caffeine. She had just taken the first sip when a chime from the office perked her floppy canine ears. It was way too early for a message. Someone probably found a fancy seashell again.

Or...not? Isabelle blinked crust out of her eyes reading her computer screen. Now there was an address so rare she almost forgot who owned it. Opening it helped jog a few memories seeing her mayor's usual bad spelling and emoticons. Looked like they were sending advance notice of their return to town.

"That was pretty nice of them," Isabelle thought with a grin. Another gulp of warm coffee warmed her mouth while blissful reminiscence of past years warmed her insides. Everything had become more mechanical without a human presence to invigorate the townsfolk.

Oh great, that meant she had to go shopping after pinching pennies for four years. The fantastic obligations of a secretary could not be ignored if the mayor was…


While Isabelle had at least the sense to turn away from her computer, it did not spare a poor bookshelf from being sprayed in coffee and dog spit. Wiping her damp chin with one hand, Isabelle slammed her cup down reading the message on her screen over and over again. As if averting her eyes for a few seconds would somehow change the lettering or the context behind them.


"Okay! Okay! Deep breaths puppy!" Isabelle rubbed her temples feeling a resurgence in her hangover. "It's just a return to work. We've done plenty of that...without the mayor. Just got to stay calm and figure out what to do first. Ugh! I need a drink already!"

Isabelle rubbed her face with one hand while blindly reaching across her desk with the other. After a bit of fumbling she managed to grab a bottle of...


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