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(contains juice inflation, licking carpet, and juicy climaxes.)

Art by: Koigle 


The doorknob jostled violently for a second before finally unlocking. Damn key took too much effort to fit into place. Would be nice if the landlord could just stick her fat neck out for a little maintenance cost. Then again a nine-foot-tall chimera weighing more than a tank was still intimidating. Most tenants would prefer not to complain about anything they could brush off and focused on paying rent.

Which is why the second-floor apartments front door opened without further regard for its rusty lock. A raccoon woman with a fairly thick build in her own right used her hips to push the barrier aside. She needed one hand to drag her suitcase inside while the other carried a McGriddles bag loaded with cheap hamburgers. Those would be eaten later. After weeks of traveling across the coast to visit girlfriends, she was ready for a nap.

"Dessy? Rayna? Either of you bimbo's home?" Jason used a paw-foot to nudge the door closed, not noticing it catch on the latch from lack of force. Only the sounds of her sandals slapping varnished wood floors responded back. How rare to have the place actually be empty. Usually at least one of their marry trio tended to hibernate inside Tabitha's cheap plywood rooms for a game of Overham or something.

Ah well! Jason brushed aside some stray black hairs before sliding her suitcase up beside their equally rare used dining table. There were tranquility and food ready to enjoy, no need to worry. Hopefully, neither of them were out causing massive amounts of property damage again. She was not in a mood to spring for bail.

"Oh, hello?" Jason's was half turned to head for her room when her little black nose twitched. There was a scent of something sweet on the air, with fresh bread. Such a delectable scent twisted her back around to find the table had a single cupcake resting upon a lowly saucer plate. Its top was basted with a swirling pink frosting and decorated with little snowflake sprinkles.

"Happy Birthday, Jason!" explained a poorly written note propped against the sweet offering. Such sloppy, barely legible, letters could have only been written by Desmond. Penmanship never was where his real talent lied. The scent of sugar and strawberries could attest to that, even if her birthday were still a few days away.

Or perhaps he predicted that days on a train with only horribly overcharged snack shop garbage to eat would make this cupcake look like edible gold. In which case, that blue squirrel-fox was a freakin psychic. The bag of burgers spilled upon the table so Jason could snatch up her cupcake with both hands. Her tongue dragged across its top, scooping a large glob of icing back into her mouth, and catching a smaller one on her nose.

"Ooof!" The whole raccoon's body shuddered from an explosion of heightened strawberry flavors. She let the icing melt across the warmth of her tongue for a moment before swallowing. A few more licks wiped what they could off her nose.

Since when did Desmond know how to make cream cheese frosting? Maybe it was bought from a specialty store that gave it such a professional feel. It was so fluffy and smooth that Jason might as well have been drinking a milkshake. A strong taste of strawberry juice lingered no matter how many times she smacked her chops.

That certainly sealed the deal. Jason peeled back her cupcakes paper wrapping to chow down on it proper. There were even bits of strawberries baked into the cake portion. Every chew was like a gush of fresh fruit pouring down her throat. Already tired knees buckled under the sensual flavors, forcing Jason to take a seat to finish her treat.

In less than a minute all that remained were some crumbs and a damp paper wrapper on top of the saucer plate. Jason's striped tail wagged lazily while she took time to suck all the frosting out of the fur on her fingers. She was not one for having a sweet tooth, so that was undoubtedly one of the best things to ever grace her lips. If anything it left her feeling much fuller than the burgers.

Extremely full...actually…


Jason sat up surprised by her own burp. One hand flew to her mouth to muffle the embarrassing sound while the other rested upon her stomach. Must have been her dang lactose intolerance acting up already. An annoying little condition that never stopped her from enjoying dairy, especially delicious frosting on a cake. Strange though that there was an ungodly amount of sloshing and churning in there for not having drunk, well, anything.

"Hm?" Jason's eyebrow raised when something pushed back against her palm. A glance down saw that her shirt was fluttering while something underneath slowly swelled, stretching out the creases with increasing girth. The raccoon was only a little surprised to peel back the hem and reveal the culprit as her stomach. Her entire middle had puffed into a pregnant looking bulge and continued inflating as she watched. "That fucking jerk. GAH!?"


Jason was more annoyed than angry, even when her boobs suddenly surged twice their usual size. Another surge firmed them up into little melons that helped stretch her shirt even further. Pointed ears twitched at noticing soft splashing sounds coming from within them. With a dejected sigh, she suddenly had a good idea just what might be filling her up. Of course, Desmond could not wait a few days for Jason's actual birthday to pull a gift prank. That was going to earn him a lot of tough love when he got home.

"O-oh!?" Jason felt a shifting pass through her butt and thighs. Leaping from the chair both hands flew to the seat of her pants like they could actually help.


Being a gaming slacker of a scientist had always given Jason a bit of a plump pear figure. Even so, it only took one loud slosh for her butt to surge out into a wiggling blobby mass. Almost half her cheeks pushed the hem of her pants down in their explosive growth, constantly slapping against each other in their shifting. It made her butt look like a furry water bed.

"BWARP!?" Jason brought a hand up to her mouth gulping back an urge to vomit. Excess fluids still managed to leak out the sides of her muzzle, allowing the confirmation of its bright red color and fruity smell. She could only sigh while her body continued bloating up with the occasional splashing noises. "Yup, it's juice again. Damn it, Desmond."

While filling up with strawberry juice might have been alarming for a random pedestrian, this was just a Tuesday afternoon for the 'three jerkwads' of the third floor. They had made it a habit of continually testing their various creations on each other instead of paying for proper volunteers. At least it made their lives more exciting when collateral damage was not pissing off their ill-tempered landlord.

About the only thing that genuinely annoyed Jason was the imminent demise of another set of clothes. Her tits and ass continued to stretch outwards, raising her shirt and pushing down her pants in an almost ceremonial unveiling of her privet areas. Any resemblance of anatomy started to vanish under the mounting juice inside her. Pressure from a belly greater than a medicine ball popped out her waist, slowly merging with it to give her a spherical torso. Jason could feel her arms getting heavier and hard to move while a rush of inflation in her thighs forced a wider stance.

"Hup!" Jason grunted with an awkward step towards the living room couch, and then another. Each step became more rigid with her legs continuously inflating into large hams. Equal pressure in her arms was starting to force them to remain stiffly at her widening sides. There was even a pinch in her shirt when her back bulged outwards to completely round out her body.


The pants were still the first tragedy of Jason's expanding body. A violent ripple passed across her rear before another deposit of juice engorged it beyond measure. The seat of her pants ripped asunder unable to cope, completely falling off when the outer stitching split around her ballooning thighs. Two more steps and Jason yipped from something else making a pass harshly across her juice-soaked privets. This was, no doubt, her panties going next with a sharp snap.

Jason tried ignoring how horny that pass made her feel while easing what was left of her ass onto the couch. Hips were getting devoured into the expanding mass of her body, which smoothed out the plush shelf of her rear until her tail looked tapped onto a balloon. With a bit of struggling the raccoon managed to snatch the TV remote before her arms vanished at least. She had been planning to get some rest anyway, might as well get comfortable before becoming completely immobile.


She just managed to load up Hero Academia before that happened. A loud bubbling sound from around her stomach made Jason cringe from the mounting pressure. In one surge her body exploded nearly double in size creating an almost perfectly round shape.


Perfect except for the globes of tit flesh pushing out of the raccoon's chest. The shirt finally lost its fight for containment and exploded in a beautiful burst of confetti cloth scraps. Excess juice surged into her limbs a second later. The remote flew from Jason's weak grasp as her arms were locked stiffly to her sides. Joints vanished under bloating fur until she looked to be wearing fuzzy overinflated armbands with hands deeply sunk into the soft flesh. Legs were forced wide apart when the process repeated down there, filling out thighs that seemed to pull the calves into their mass until only her paws wiggled uselessly on squishy tree trunks.

"Urf! Great!" Jason coughed, feeling a spurt of juice spray out over her chin onto the surrounding puffy fur that was once her shoulders. There were a few more seconds of gurgling while her hide stretched in all directions, but the eaten cupcake had finally run out of juice to fill her with.

At least Jason had not expanded enough to block her view of the TV. Her black nose flared in a deep breath that helped calm her nerves, wiggling in a useless attempt to get comfortable before enjoying the anime in progress. All things considered, there were far worse things to have ended up as; like the TV itself or a coat rack. Being inflated with gallons of warm fresh juice was almost akin to resting in a hot tube, only you could not decide when to get out. Jason's eyelids began to droop before the first episode even ended.


"Sorry, don't care that you left the door ajar, Desmond. Here are the bills for all that macro trauma you've put me...through...what the heck!?"

Jason has been jarred out of her daze to realize she was now on episode three of the series. But that was not as important as the bunny guy that had just kicked open the door to get inside. First instinct was how cute he looked with a youthful complexion, short brown hair, average build, and a single flopped ear that for some reason Jason loved.

The poor boy was locked in stupefied wonder at what must have looked like an overstuffed pinata waving back at him with one mini-balloon arm. His emerald eyes had dilated to pencil points looking first at the raccoon's face, oozing with pink fluid, and then down to her massive tits that were equally leaking. A stack of papers he had been holding slowly slipped from one hand to decorate the floor.

"You must be...uh...Wendel!" The memories of a few random texts throughout Jason's trip came flooding back. There had been some mention of a new neighbor on the second floor, but she had been too busy to request details. "Hi! I'm Jason; Desmond's roommate and breadwinner. Sorry to say he's not here right now. If you want I can keep you company while we wait for him to get back."

It took Wendel a very long time to realize this strange furry berry had been addressing him. A quick shake of the head brought his eyes and thoughts back into motion. First instinct had been to just turn around and 'nope' his way out of this den of madness. Repayments for his lost clothes and vandalization citations could be discussed with the psychotic blue squirrel later.

"Uh, yeah, I'm Wendel. Nice to meet you." That was a lie, but the bunny could not resist the welcome glow of Jason's eyes. Mainly when he realized the red stuff leaking out of her orifices was not blood. He gently closed the door and left the papers where they laid to move towards the table chairs.

"There's plenty of room over here, silly." Jason cut in with a frantic waving of an open couch cushion, as her own body currently only took up two. "I promise my bites won't turn you into a wereraccoon."

"But will they make me a girl?" Wendel had asked that question straight, but Jason burst into giggles anyway. After another bout of wanting to flee this home, he managed to work up the nerve to sit beside her. "So, not to be rude, but what the hell happened to you?"

"Desmond, duh!" Jason replied in a knowing tone. Her grey eyes twinkled at the very slight smile that got out of Wendel. Looks like her new neighbor had already experienced the good stuff. "Just a stupid juice inflation prank. He knows being a big balloon is hot, but couldn't wait for me to even unpack from my trip."

Wendel's ears dropped unable to cope with how casual this woman took her situation. "You...does this happen to you guys often?"

"Eh, not really." Jason wobbled in what might have been a shrug, promptly adding, "Most of the time we use air to inflate."

"I...see…" Wendel gulped, having a hard time not taking glances at Jason's breasts. Drops of juice were continuously falling off their engorged nipples.

This did not go unnoticed to Jason, which gave her a twinge of hope, and slightly moistened loins. "Soooo...Desmond turned you into a girl, huh?"

"And a giant," Wendel grumbled, but then shook his head with a laugh. "Okay, technically that was a friend of his, but I did end up running into him later. Only he was also this giant blond lady, and that made it somehow worse."

"Did you make out?"

"W-what!?" It had been such a neutral question that still left Wendel flustered for several seconds. "I mean, er, y-yeah. It was kind of the only way to get me down to normal size. He told me I still had to wait for you to come back to be a guy again, but apparently, that problem solved itself."

"Oh yeah, almost anything we do isn't permanent for...legal reasons." Jason gulped back a good amount of strawberry juice trying to make her next move carefully. "But sexual tension does have a way of speeding up the process. I'm kind of glad you'll understand then when I say I need to ask for a big favor."

Wendel's face somehow gained a deeper shade of red. "And that is?"

"Could you...well...help juice me?"

"The fu-?" Wendel leaped from his seat having already guessed Jason was aiming for some crazy nonsense. "No! No! I've had a bad enough time just dealing with Desmond. I don't need even more of...whatever it is you freaks get up to in here."

"Ouch, now that was rude." Jason jiggled with a sarcastic chuckle. "Besides, the world is much bigger than you seem to think. There's nothing wrong about enjoying it's more unique aspects."

"Yeah, I know. I moved out here to report on crazy shit like this. My goal was to write a news ezine, never to wade through the thick of it."

"But isn't first-hand experience the best knowledge for writing?"

Wendel bit his lip determined to keep a straight face. "I can't report that my ass demolished a building while some muscled squirrel ate me out."

"Not with that attitude you won't," Jason said teasingly, but then had a thought. "Are you gay?"

"I'm bi-curious, and that has nothing to do with this conversation."

"Fair point." Jason sighed and decided to switch her angle. "Look, I just wanna lay in a bed with some mobility to enjoy it. A quick juicing would do just enough to thin me out, and you can be on your way."


"Fine. I'll pay you a hundred dollars."

She could Wendel's expression change disposition faster than a light switch. It was kind of a let down to discover she was dealing with a money man, but if it got her walking again, then a nap was not far off. The bunny's ears perked while she watched his eyes dart around weighing his options. After a quick glance to the door, he turned to meet her gaze sternly.

"Two hundred."

Jason sighed. "Deal."

Wendel was beside her without further hesitation. One hand came to rest atop her popped belly button sending a soft tickle through her stretched nerves. "So how's this work? Do I just start squeezing you until stuff comes out."

"Ooof! W-well that's one way." Jason could hear her insides sloshing with her unwitting shudders. The bastard just had to start rubbing over her middle absently waiting for instructions. "But it's a lot f-faster to make me cum."

"...ah." Wendel's reaction was a lot more subdued with this knowledge now that money was on the line. "Okay, well, lord knows I've had more practice this week than the rest of my life. Let's get it over with."

That was going to be a little hard if this bunny was going to be a grump about it. Jason gave an annoyed huff with cheeks red from arousal, but Wendel ignored it. His hand caressed gently across the surface of her distended body down between her bloated legs.

"Ack! Shit!" Jason barked and seethed through clenched teeth. Wendel had gone straight for the clit, pinching it between two fingers so roughly that she half expected to pop from the pain. Hands balled up into fists nestled inside her arm bulges as she glared down at the surprised bunny. "Practice my strawberry flavored asshole! Do you even have a girlfriend? God, just, forget about it. If you're going to be boring about this, I might as well wait until Desmond gets home to do a decent job."

It would not be until later Jason realized that was the push she needed. Somehow being compared as worse than a sneaky, annoying, uncaring menace like that blue squirrel set Wendel's alpha male instincts on fire. He was many things but could accomplish a lot more than that living tornado of perverted madness.

"Gah!?" Jason jerked out of her fuming mostly because a rabbit had begun climbing the crest of her round body. Before she knew it, Wendel had settled into the crevasse of her inflated tits, grinning as their noses gently touched together. "W-what are you...mmph!?"

Wendel answered the question by wrapping his lips around Jason's open muzzle. Her surprised gasp turned into a muffled groan of approval as her eyes fluttered up into her forehead. It was a bit rough at first, but Wendel took another breath and let himself relax into the raccoon's warm body. She was soon kissing him back. The flavors of strawberry washed over both their tongues while they took turns sucking on each other's lips. Wendel's hands combed through the locks of Jason's black hair, amazed how silky she kept it. He could not tell if it was her or the juice that urged him to prolong their mouth wrestling match.

When they finally broke Jason was left gasping hard for breath. Bits of juice mixed with saliva sprayed from her mouth onto Wendel's face, but he could only grin at how shocked she looked.

"So sorry, ma'am. I'll try to be a little more interesting."

Jason's thick eyebrows furrowed and she snorted. "Mmmh, well, it's a start."

"Heh!" They exchanged another quick kiss before Wendel let gravity help slide him back down the front of Jason's body. At the last second his hand clenched tight into her right breast to help him gravitate over to its leaking nipple. The sudden squeezing caused a spurt to spill out across the rabbit's shirt, which he gave up worrying about. It took both hands clamping the inflated mammary to keep from falling off with Jason's hard shudders.

"Ooooh fuck, yes!" Jason rolled her head back with a soft purr. Her hide had become so tender even Wendel's simplest touch tickled tons of stimulation. "Are you...oh...oom!"

The bunny responded by engulfing Jason's entire brown nipple inside his blunt muzzle. A feat that sounded easier than it turned out to be. He had eaten sub sandwiches smaller than this squishy nub,  and those did not gush warm strawberry juice down his throat.

Wendel suckled on Jason's tit like an infant for what must have been minutes if the animes playing off her tv were any reference. His hands squeezed and pushed on her bloated flesh, but only helped a little to siphon the juice out.

Not that Jason seemed to mind. All this impromptu milking was doing wonders for her horny nerves. Soon her groans and grunts grew louder than the TV, echoing cries of needful pleasure through the whole floor. Seeing that raccoon's sloshing flesh wobble in mindless bliss made it clear this berry was getting ready to pop.

A notion that made Wendel dislodge from Jason's nipple with a defeated sigh. After drinking what felt like gallons of fluid, his stomach was aching and Jason looked no thinner. With great reluctance, he released her tit and slid down in between her legs. Those tender lips were plenty soaked already, drenching the couch with excess juice that formed a puddle on the floor.

Well, Jason had pointed out this was the fastest way after all. Wendel licked his lips before easing himself into her crotch. His soft tongue passed gently over her folds amazed to find an odd vanilla flavor mixed in with the strawberry. That did make him eager for repeat lickings, although his stomach continued to beg against drinking too much more.

"Nngghh! Aah aah! FUCK!"

A request that would be hard to grant with Jason's inner muscles constantly clenching. It only took a few licks before her breathing became frantically labored. Now and again she would let out a sharp bark and unwittingly splash Wendel's face with literal pussy juice. God, it was going to take several washing cycles to get the stains out of his clothes, to say nothing about the smell in his fur.

"Oh gah, I take it back." Jason giggled between her hefty breathes. Both her fingers and toes clenched as she got very close now. "Your fluffy face feels way better than Desmond's."

Why the hell did a compliment like that fill Wendel with a sense of pride? It was an odd sensation he both enjoyed and worried about, but he did not let it hinder the task at hand. Everything would be over with soon, so might as well use it for motivation. The bunny tried to get a bit more creative by focusing his tongue on flicking around Jason's clit while plunging three fingers inside her lips. Juice sprayed out around his knuckles while they wiggled to massage her pulsing insides, making some surprisingly loud splashes with how much she was leaking.


"Aah haa!?" Jason gave a final hard shudder before going eerily still. Eyes remained locked staring at the ceiling with mouth hung open in a drizzle of juice. Wendel could still tell something was going on. Her cunny was giving soft flexes in an attempt to pull his fingers deeper inside. "O-oof! W-Wendel? Sweetie!? Y-you might want to step baaaaack. Hah!"

Another hard shudder sent a ripple across Jason's round body. Her muzzle snapped shut into an expression of cringing tension. Everything from ears to tail drew tight and less pliable, further making her resemble a rubber balloon. It took a considerable effort just for Wendel to yank out his fingers from their fleshy vaginal prison.

"Are you okay?" Wendel gave the little clit one last kiss before standing to check on Jason's face.


That would be his own mistake as it elicited enough of a pleasured spark to send Jason over the edge. From deep inside the raccoon came a loud rumble, followed by increasingly violent splashing. She began to visibly rock back and forth with the shifting of her insides, bumps pushing out in random locations across her stretched skin.

"N-noooo." She struggled to form words through the waterfall of pleasure drowning her thoughts. "It's..it's just that...when its juice inflated we...oh god, duck! I'm gonna...I'm gonna...HHMMMNGGGHH!!"

She might not have been an actual balloon, but Jason sure had an explosive climax. The couch creaked as she rocked atop its cushions. Pussy lips puckered and opened in several hard contractions. On the final clinch, Jason gave another loud gasp and every muscle in her tunnel relaxed so her pussy fully spread before Wendel.

It was not so much a gush, but a geyser of juice that erupted from Jason's snatch. While she got to cry out in orgasmic bliss, her onslaught of fruity water struck Wendel's chest with such force that he flew backward in a high arc until smacking into the far wall. The pressure immediately waned, but Jason continued to release a river onto the apartment floor leaving Wendel to slid down into a dazed sitting position.

At least this got the results both were aiming for. Through his bewilderment, Wendel could see the heavy juice flow was deflating Jason. Legs and arms thinned out to a point they had flexible joints again. Breasts loosened up and jiggled with the natural pull of gravity. Her belly shrunk back in before the rest of her torso curved into a chunky pear shape Jason was known for.

Well, actually, she still looked fairly bloated and jiggly by the time her output had slowed to a trickle. Jason took heavy breaths trying to push out a bit more, but could only get a few spurts from her pussy before giving up. At least she could stand and walk again, despite resembling an inflated pool toy. Everything wobbled violently with her steps, with ass and tits still making small splashing noises on her way to Wendel.

"Sorry, I forgot to mention the exact method juice gets expelled from us. Part of the reason we use air more often. Tabitha is going to flip if I can't mop this up before the varnish peels." Jason shifted her weight and sighed at how the small pool of climax juices soaked her feet. When Wendel still gave no answer, she bent down to try looking him in the eye. "Hey, you okay? I really didn't mean to give you a concussion or anything."

Wendel gulped but could find nothing to say. The fact Jason was unintentionally dangling her mildly inflated tits before his eyes did little to help with that. It was unbelievable just how many crazy things could happen to him in a short amount of time. He had moved out of the family home specifically to avoid this.

As if on the same wavelength, Jason's ears and tail perked up. "Oh, hey! Wendel, you said you were starting up a news column about weird stuff, right?"

Wendel blinked, having expected anything but that topic. "Um, yeah?"

While hugging under her breasts with one hand, Jason tried wiping juice off her nipples with the other. "Are you hiring, by chance?"


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