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(Contains oblivious gender bending, minor muscle growth, and big buff deers)

Commission for GBG

* * *

When it came to The Silver Spoon, everything was about the music. The beating of bass drops. The high strung of synthesized notes. This was a club that knew how to work its groove, and any anthro worth their hip-bump knew it. Lights were always flashing, reflecting off neon decorations to stimulate energy out of the most uptight of individuals. Also helping the clubs reputation was its high-rated food and staff.

Things Jayson could not really appreciate when he tripped on his own hooves trying to go for a fancy twirl move. He had only thought of such a bright idea that morning, and upon execution found it rather difficult to stay balanced on such hard keratin feet.

The music cut out before the poor caribou hit the floor. Strobe lights clanged off while house lights brought the entire dance floor into bright illumination. The silence that followed only made it easier to hear the echoes of amused gossip from the tabled area of the club. Jayson's ears burned red while he tried to get hoofs back under himself. Despite the club being closed this afternoon, over a dozen other anthro's had shown up in seats dressed to kill for a performance. A bit of a given when preparing for an audition.

"Yeah, fuck that. I think we've seen enough from you. Next please!"

"Hey!" Jayson whipped his gaze to the catwalk above. However, his hurt pride was not enough to muster a brave retort.

The only two people in the building semi-formal were the pair of grey wolves gazing back down at him. A brother and sister duo of co-owners. Despite successfully reviving a club for the reckless, younger generations, these two were surprisingly all business. Just about every move Jayson made felt analyzed by calculations of predatory machines.

"That was just nerves, I swear!" Jayson continued sounding surprisingly more confident than he felt under the pairs cold stare. The cardinal girl that was stepping onto the floor for her performance was not looking any more patient with him. "Let me try that number again. Please?"

The female wolf gave a side glance to her sibling. "What harm can it do? Just about every newbie we take in flubs their first number."

"You're just saying that cause you think he's cute."

"Am I wrong?" The wolfess jabbed her brother with an elbow. "Did you see the way the lights reflected off his fur? A glowstick like that will melt a ladies heart."

The male wolf snorted a laugh. "With his face in the ground and ass in the air, he might coax a few men too. He barely went on for two minutes before running out of breath. We want people to dance with the guests, not hang off them."

Jayson's ears fell against his head as he tried to shrink out of existence. The giggles of other potential dancers grew louder behind him.

"Besides," the wolf continued facing his sister. "You about to pay to have him trained when we got people from actual dance schools waiting?"

"Point taken. Sorry, hun, we'll call if we need a janitor."

Jayson shuffled off the floor with head hung low. He did not even bother to return the wolfs parting wave. That bright smile of hers was the stuff of soulless corporate demons. The clopping of his hooves became dulled out when the music promptly started back up for the cardinals feathered twerk dance. There was little point waiting among the other applicants, some still more amused by his clumsiness than the girl performing, so he moved straight to the nearest exit. The silence of the empty parking lot outside was a more welcoming environment.

Entertainment was a fun profession since it took many different forms. Many an anthro liked to draw art, or animate, tell a story, sing a song. All ways to inspire the imagination for a decent amount of pay. Jayson's passion had always been about the dance.

Not the kind that tried to make it big on Broadway, or even gets into a High School Musical. He was a caribou that just wanted to shake his body and help others have a good time. That was the whole reason he started visiting clubs all over town shortly after turning twenty-four. The very idea such places paid people to bounce around their dance floors all night, surrounded by patrons enjoying the music with you, was nothing short of paradise.

In hindsight, it would have been nice to have taken a dance class while in High School, or any kind of sport for that matter. After four failed auditions Jayson was learning the hard way that the art of dancing can be pretty exhausting. He had to lean against the building for a minute to finish catching his breath and ponder why he had to take all four performances on the same day.

He was just lucky to have moved enough, so the door missed slamming in his face when it flung open. The panicked cry from his muzzle was nothing compared to the shrill squawk of the cardinal's exit. Some force had propelled the girl into a high arch out the doorway, where she quickly dipped and crashed into a tumble across hard gravel and pavement. Jayson's first instinct was to run to check if she survived such a harsh flight. That plan only made it two steps before he saw the monster that had ejected the girl from the club emerge.

"If you can't learn to take the bosses criticism, you should bitch about it on ReadThat forums like all the other kids."

Her voice may have been deep and sensually verberating, but only in the sense of a mother bear set on cranky mode. This caribou woman was almost the exact opposite of Jason; seven feet tall, dark brown fur, and enough muscle to make the hulk blush with envy. Biceps bulged to the size of hams while she cracked her keratin-tipped fingers advancing on the cardinal. Even bigger breasts bulged out the collar of a t-shirt in an impressive display of cleavage. Almost made Jayson wonder about their authenticity over such broad pecs.

Not that she seemed to notice the smaller, white reindeer gawking at her. The bird she had just chucked recovered amazingly fast for being so prissy about their appearance. Soon the bird was right back up in their face, jabbing chiseled abs with a manicured finger in disgust. Given their drastic height difference, it was hard to tell if this was a brave confidence or blind anger driving the bird's decisions.

"Those two fuckwits want to call everyone that graces their dirty dance floor a slut, then they should expect less than humble responses. When my dad hears about this garbage dump, you'll lose clients so fast I'll- AWWKK!"

The bigger, thicker caribou woman had merely shoved a palm into the cardinal's face. That alone was enough to send her butt falling back onto the ground in a painful looking landing.

"Seriously, kid? If those two were intimidated by everyone's dad, we'd have been swimming in cement shoes ages ago. Just go home and wash off your mom's makeup."

Ignoring a string of retaliating curses, she turned with the intent of going back inside. Unfortunately, despite Jayson's best wishes, those emerald eyes fell upon the white caribou in surprise. Their broad muzzle parted into a radiant toothed smile.

"Oh, hello! Didn't realize you stayed around after that tongue lashing."


Jayson gulped trying to form coherent words in such a dark shadow. He was still busy looking beyond those chiseled abs and hips to the cardinal picking herself up for the second time. Their short beak clicked a few times glaring at the other woman's large back muscles. She looked ready to attack until a quick glance locked eyes with Jayson. Somehow his diminutive size and nervous expression conveyed the reality of their situation.

The bird spat at the ground before storming to an expensive looking Corvette. Grumbles of a crass nature were highly ignored by the deer. Jayson forced himself to stare past the more massive woman's rack into her eyes. Her looming stature may have been intimidating, but those emeralds sparkled with a disarming sense of tranquility.

"I'll just...uh...go now."

"You don't have to." Jayson regretted that he flinched when the caribou woman moved towards him. Her tone had almost suggested the line as a request for his presence as she nudged a rock in the doorway with her sneaker. That was just to keep the exit from fully closing since there was no outside handle. "I was going to take a break once I got rid of the upstart since I'm already out here."

"Oh, well, sure." Jayson did not have anywhere else to go today. This had been his last audition against his crippled ego. Hanging out with a monumental babe for a few minutes would be slightly therapeutic.

He leaned back against the wall trying not to stare as the woman produce a pack of smokes from her overflowing top. She plopped a stick into her muzzle before offering Jayson one, which he politely declined. "Those are bad for you."

"Thanks, mom." She chuckled while stuffing the pack back between her tits. A lighter was produced from her back pocket, and Jayson was given the courtesy of having her first drag blown away from him. The fresh scent of burned tobacco still made his big nostrils wrinkle. "I'm Adia, by the way."

"Jayson," was the nervous bleat he managed to get out. He surprised himself by being the one to offer a hand.

"Awesome!" Adia had to finish her current drag but shook it firmly afterward. "First time trying the dance floor?"

"Technically it's the fourth time." A light chuckle from overhead made Jayson stare timidly at his shoes. "I used to play DDR in high school, but I guess graduation put me out of shape."

"No surprise. Speaking from experience, you gotta work really hard for even small gains." Predictably enough she caught Jayson trying to sneak a glance at her body. While he might have been expecting a scolding, Adia surprised him with a bit of arm flexing. Just enough to make the muscle ridges dance for his pleasure.

Jayson swallowed the lump in his throat. "So, uh, are you the bouncer?"

"Hah! Bouncer, dancer, bartender, stage director, DJ." Adia dryly listed off each profession with a finger from her free hand. She paused to puff the cigarette in the other. "Those damn wolves got me running the place, so they only have to sign one paycheck."


"Ah, don't worry about that, sweetie." Adia giggled, giving Jayson's ear a teasing rub. "Being a pseudo-manager gives me a lot of bargaining power over contracts, and the locals love me. Jobs like this are like a second home."

"Jeez! That's lucky. I wish I were half the woman you are."

Adia made the mistake of taking another puff when Jayson blurted out his thoughts. She nearly swallowed the whole cigarette, yanking it out in a mix of laughing coughs.

"Oy! What's this now?" She eventually got out, still coughing every few seconds. "You don't like being a guy or something?"

"W-what? No!" Jayson blushed a whole new pink across his facial fur. The truth was he got mistaken for a girl a lot in high school. But that was more from his natural build than any deliberate intentions on his part. "I mean, gender isn't the problem. I just wish I didn't suck so much at this."

Adia's chuckles stopped. Her expression had become suddenly pensive, eyeing Jayson up over another slow puff of tobacco. "Now I wouldn't be that hard on yourself. It might not have sounded like it, but those two jerks did like you. I think you make some good rhythm too. You just can't keep it up for a six-hour shift."

Jayson gave a heavy sigh staring long fully into the blue sky. "I'm weak, yeah."

"How hard would you work to fix that?"

There was a question the smaller caribou had not expected. "...say what?"

Adia did not speak right away. There was a peculiar 'Cheshire cat' type grin while she took a final puff. The butt was thoroughly ground under one heel, smoke expelled through exposed teeth. "Well, I didn't make these big gains through my gene pool. I also work part-time as a fitness instructor. Give us, say, a month, and I bet I could get you owning that dance floor."

Jayson's ears flicked but stayed folded down. "I feel a 'but' condition taped onto this."

"More a warning than a condition," Adia said with a wink. "But my training is more meant for women. Things'll definitely get a lot more different if you can stick with me."

Jayson snorted a bit amused himself. "You're making yourself sound more like a drill sergeant than a trainer."

"I've never understood the difference. So, you interested?"

"Very!" Jayson could not keep his nubby little tail from wagging. Still, something felt a bit off. "But why help me out of everyone in this place."

"Because you were here?" Adia shrugged and laughed. "Because I have an open client slot to fill? Because I find you adorable? Need more reasons?"

"N-no. That's more than enough." Jayson felt like an egg could be fried on his head. Still, the prospect of a second chance kept a smile on his face. "I can't really pay you much."

"Just give me a share of your tips after we're done, and we can work it off from there."

"You sound sure I'll even make it."

"Babe, trust a professional here. I'll make you a star by the time I'm done."

"Heh. I'm not really aspiring to get that far," Jayson said that but could not resist fantasizing his likeness painted on the club sign. "Okay, you got a deal."

"Hope you're ready for some big changes in your life," Adia said as they shook hands. She fished a card out of one pocket for Jayson. "Here's the gym I frequent. Tell the receptionist you're with me. I'll call ahead to let them know. How's Friday sound?"

"S-sounds great!" Jayson's hands shook trying to study Adia's words and the card's information at the same time. "I hope I can buy sweats for this."

"They got a shop at the gym if not." Adia pushed off the wall to stand fully on two feet again. Arms rose up in a tight stretch for the sky. Perhaps taking a little longer than needed so Jayson could study the curves of her thick abs and cantaloupe breasts. "Anyway, breaks over. I better get back in before the bitches start barking. See you on Friday."

"Y-yeah. Thank you!" Jayson barely got it out before the exit slammed closed, leaving him alone in the parking lot once more.


Funny how suddenly having something to look forward to made time pass at a zombie's crawl. There was little else for Jayson to do the rest of the week. All the odd job offers had fallen harder than his dance performances. It had become more of a game to avoid his landlord's aggressive inquiries about paying rent while pretending the problem was taken care of.

By some stroke of luck, the deer's old high school sweats still fit him. Fit being a generous term in Jayson's frugal mind. The shirt had no slack around its hem while the taxed elasticity of spandex shorts left nothing to the imagination down there. He had not been born 'well hung' like a deer's reputation, but natural leg muscles left a pretty rounded bottom to bounce with each step.

Regardless of their reasons Jayson entered the gym on Friday feeling all eyes focused on the contours of his pelvis. The dalmatian girl playing receptionist had been no exception. Sparkling brown eyes scanned down every white fiber on Jayson's fur in his substandard attire before flashing a friendly smile.

"Good morning! Starting a new membership?"

"Yeah, maybe? I mean, I got this lady, I mean, a card from a lady!"

Jayson fumbled to get the card out of a tight pocket. It had become roughed up over a few days and a soda spill.

Still, the dalmation only needed a passing glance before her face lit up. "Ooooh! You must be Adia's new project. She's doing sets in the upstairs weight room. Go on up if you want."

"Project?" Jayson raised an eyebrow, but the dog girl had already settled back into reading a magazine.

Shrugging it off, he walked around the counter through the open entrance. The clopping of his hooves became muffled as tile gave way to padded floors. It was a typical open gym. The bottom floor had been left open for a yoga and aerobic class to take place. Several treadmills and bike machine were set up along the front windows too. Jayson tried to make his way as discreetly as possible to the nearest staircase.

Halfway up his ears perked to the clanking of metal weights. While not as populated, there was still a dozen furs pumping dumbbells or curling iron. Jayson found himself admiring more than one person's sweaty muscles bulging with each flex.

Adia was still easy to find, being one of the largest people present. The tiger spotting her squats, while buff in his own right, looked almost comical by relative size. A position he did not seem to mind much.

"Oh, hey! You made it!" Considering the room was covered in wall to wall mirrors Adia had no problem spotting the white bucks entrance. She finished her set in three quick squats, ramming an unprepared tiger with her rump in the process. With a casual toss, the barbell flew back onto its hooks in a clang of hundred pound weights. "Thanks, Steve. I have to see to my client now, so I'll spot you another time."

"I'll add it to the other four drinks you owe me." The tiger gave Adia a playful punch in the arm before moving off to find other exercises to do.

Adia rolled her eyes before strolling over to Jayson. She somehow felt bigger with her muscles well worked and soaked in sweat.

"H-hi," was all Jayson could squeak out in her looming shadow. "I..uh...am I early?"

"Oh pfft!! You know I kept the day free for you. That was just warm-ups with a gym buddy. Walk with me."

Having Adia's thick arm ensnaring his shoulders gave Jayson little choice. The small buck could have been carried if she felt like it, but manners were still a thing. They walked in step to some rest chairs where Adia fished around in a bright pink duffle bag to hand Jayson sweatbands and a water bottle.

"Um...why is your bag pink?" Jayson blushed at the stare Adia gave him. Something he tried to hide by putting the bands around his head and wrists.

Instead of anger, Adia cracked a grin. "Yeah, it's tacky, that's the point. Makes it way easier to tell which one is mine, especially at an airport."

"I see." Jayson had to admit it did stand out from the half dozen blue bags laying around the chairs. His attention then turned to the bottle. "And what's this stuff?"

"My breast milk," Adia said while zipping up her bag. When that got no response, she turned to find Jayson gawking up at her looking whiter than he already was. "I'm kidding, you dork! It's a special protein shake I get from a...friend of mine. You'll be drinking one a day to help speed up your muscle development process, among other things."

"So...steroid then?"

"Hah! Guess you could say that." Adia flexed an arm making sure to bring her swollen bicep up to Jayson's nose. "I assure you it works wonders on this venison without many side effects."

"Side effects?"

"Well, yeah. I did mention you might not recognize yourself after a month. Going through a few little changes still doesn't bother you, right? It can only help you achieve your dream, I feel."

"I guess you're right." Jayson grinned, since Adia's buff curves were a better spokesperson for the product. He popped the cap imagining being his own towering buck with guns as thick as hams.

The drink was downed in rapid hard gulps to prevent further hesitation. A sweet taste of creamy vanilla also helped the process. It was nothing like the bland cardboard protein shakes he tried in the past.

"Great!" Adia accepted the bottle back once it was empty. She followed with a big show of bending over to return it in her bag.

Jayson had a feeling the sight of deer butt in spandex was intentional. What he could not figure was if she was flirting or showing off what a work out can accomplish. Wishful thinking hoped it was both.

But then Adia straightened up to direct him around to a leg press machine. "Okay now. Since you're a pretty good dancer already, our first weeks will be focusing on your cardio and lower body strength. Need to get you some thick turkey legs to show off. Any questions?"

Jayson plopped onto the machine's seat without being asked. It still had a warm groove from a previous user. "Why do muscle analogies revolve around food?"

"...that's an excellent question. Also, it's unsafe to work out without stretching first. You could tear a tendon that way."

"Oh, uh, okay." Jayson rose back onto his hooves blushing. "Is this going to be hard?"

"You're with me, right?" Adia laughed, nearly knocking him over with a slap on the back. "Trust me, this is going to be an awesome month for you."


Jayson hated the next week. Trying to get up his apartment stairs felt like a torment worthy of hell. Only the safety of the rail kept his noodle legs from folding under his own weight.

He had been started on what Adia deceivingly called a 'light' routine. This included several sets of leg curls, crunches, and squats. And just as soon as he showed signs of adjusting to an assigned weight, the crazy hulk added on more. Apparently, that was a good tactic for stimulating muscle growth.

About the only thing he liked, aside from being around a fantastic woman for five hours, was the milkshakes she provided. Jayson's painfully worked body had started tricking itself into seeing them as rewards rather than part of the work. Hell, he thought one sounded delicious while flopping across his couch for a good rest.

*My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard*

*And they're like it's better than yours*

Or he could get a phone call. Those were always great too. After a few seconds of blind rummaging in his pack, Jayson pulled out his cell, gazing at the number with one open eye. A pained groan of a different kind came out of his muzzle.

"Hi, mom."

"Have you found a job yet?"

Nothing like the priorities of a loving family to ease the pain of fatigue. Jayson pushed himself into a sitting position adjusting the phone properly to an ear.

"I told you I'm working on it."

"Yeah, you've been 'working on it' for the past month now. Your father and I aren't here to keep paying your rent. And have you ever been working on your schooling for the fall?"

Jayson's nostrils flared in a long, hopefully silent, breath. "Mom, it's fine. Things are already being set up, and I've made some really cool friends...I think. Point is, progress is being made. By the end of the month, you won't have to worry about supporting me at all."

"Oh, so you think you don't need us anymore? What? Is that silly dream of being a porn dancer still going through your head too? Like I really enjoy the idea of my baby boy strung up like cheap meat for gay men and sluts."

"Really mom? Remember three days ago when you said I needed to hurry up on getting you some grandkids?"

"So now there's something wrong with wanting to see you take care of a nice woman and raise a family? Is my son trying to tell me he's gay too!?"

That was just a bit of the thirty-minute call Jayson had to untangle his way through. Lucky for him the phone's battery decided to mercifully die, and he did not bother to pick up the landline when it rang half a minute later. Much as he loved his parents they had always had a 'plan' for how they wanted their only child to turn out. Needless to say, they were not fond of many of his life choices.

Okay, all of his life choices were grilled on a daily basis.

Ugh! Maybe a shower would help cure some physical and mental fatigue. With all this exercise things were only bound to get easier.


"Huff! Huff! Huff! I'm...I'm going to die!!"

"Hah! They all say that at first." While she might have laughed it off, Adia did mercifully slow to a stop.

Jayson was a lot less graceful in his staggering hoof beats. He only managed to keep from falling over by grabbing his knees, hunched over heaving for breaths. "W-why...why couldn't I just do this on a treadmill?"

"Because it not as thrilling to run in place watching yourself go nowhere." Adia wiped her brow using the same hand to gesture around them. "You can't tell me all this wonderful green and fresh air isn't worth admiring."

Jayson's failing lungs would disagree, but Adia's bulking body shining in sunlit sweat made a good point. After ten days of pumping weights, the crazy hulk deer showed up at Jayson's door to 'change up the routine' on him. That turned out to mean driving to a forest park for his first jog since high school. Three miles later and even his well worked leg muscles were rendered into jelly once more. Too much focus was put into not face planting the trail for Jayson to admire the raw nature around them.

"It'll get easier tomorrow, trust me." Adia took a swig of water from her hip bottle before passing it to Jayson.

He almost downed the rest before thinking that might seem rude. Painful as these exercises were, Jayson's new fitness teacher had really gone out of her way for him. Not to mention they were getting easier as his body got used to the routines. Adia always made sure to keep his weightlifting just above what his legs could comfortably push, but he found himself adjusting to the challenge faster each time. Hell, he was even starting to look forward to beating them.

But first, he had a candy wrapper stuck to his hoof. Now some people are just plain gross.


"...oh…" The white deer remained frozen in time bent over with hand outstretched for his hoof.

Adia's ears perked at the sound of fabric tearing. A quick lean to one side allowed her to see a fluffy white butt had busted out the back of Jayson's spandex shorts. Poor guy had even gone commando for their trip. "You know, I'm surprised those things lasted almost two weeks. You've been growing thicker than cooked hotdogs."

"Erf! T-thanks?" Jayson stood back up with both hands flying to his backside. Attempts to close the split exposing his crack accomplished nothing, but then he wondered. It was hard to tell if his butt had gotten bigger, but a gentle squeeze confirmed the cheeks were a lot firmer. This expanded to his hips and thighs as well. Everything looked a lot rounder, even making his half-exposed manhood look a little smaller. "Wow! All that pumping really did build muscles. This is incredible."

"Yeah, muscles. Let's go with that." Adia averted her eyes when Jayson shot a quizzical look. She was quick to bounce back with a bright smile. "So how about we start our way back. I'll even swing ya by the mall for some fresh clothes. Maybe a few sports br...tops."

Jayson's face darkened to a pink blush, hands trying once more to close the back of his old shorts. It was true his chest was shifting a lot when they ran. A bit of upper body strength workouts might be in order just to burn the fat piling up there. "That would be appreciated. Thank you."


The bedside radio only beeped twice before Jayson slammed the off button. Rolling out from under the covers his hooves hit the floor in a wide stance to begin morning stretches. Each hand would alternate arching high towards the ceiling before dipping down to easily brush along the flattened rough carpet of ages past.

Only getting out of bed was the hard part nowadays. Jayson had the energy of a squirrel on Red Bull after so many intense sessions with Adia. The fact he could actually touch his hooves after such a short time was still thrilling to do and helped nicely for the other exercises to come. Now if only his rounding butt and thighs would stop making his underwear wedge up every time he bent down. Apparently, the price of muscle gains was wider hips. They were getting so buff it forced Jayson to walk with a bounce and wiggle in his tail.

Although the rear was nothing compared to the bounce in his pecs. Whatever fat got burned with lower body routines seemed to just relocate into his upper chest. Thank goodness for the special sport's top Adia had bought him. Jayson had to wear one almost all the time just to minimize the distraction. Maybe some hard crunches or something would help deflate things a little. At least he could hide them under a shirt to avoid stares from curious guys at the gym.

*I know you want it*

*The thing that makes me*

*What the guys go crazy for*

*They lose their minds*

Thoughts about the odd development of his anatomy were broken once more by the dread of a phone call. There were only three people the reindeer expected calls from, and Adia had given him a weekend off to rest before they began their final crunch on dancing lessons. Jayson braced himself after seeing the number and hit the green button.

"Hi, mom…"

"OH MY GOD! What's wrong with your voice!?"

Jayon yanked the phone from his ear staring at the call timer screen as if that would add context to his mom's shouts. Out of all the wonderful greetings family usually gave that one was a bit new. He coughed twice just to be sure morning gunk was not in his larynx.

"What are you talking about, mom? There's nothing wrong with…"

"Don't play childish games with me! You ignore my calls for almost two weeks and suddenly start sounding like one of those cheap street hookers. I barely recognize your...oh, please don't tell me you hopped onto that sick transexual bandwagon going around."

Jayson's nostrils flared in a slow, deep breath. "Always appreciated your progressive way of thinking, mom."

There was some satisfaction at hearing a surprised gasp over the digital static. "And when did you get the balls? Assuming you still have them! Keep being a smartass if you want. You won't be getting any more help from us when your rent is due next week."

"And contrary to popular belief I've been busting my ass hard to land this gig. I won't be needing your help ever again at the end of the month. How about you focus on what's left of your life instead of lording over mine?"

Two quick taps hung up the call and put the phone on mute. Jayson promptly flung his device onto the couch with an angry bleat. Any other day he would have just let her ramble until their call 'accidentally' disconnected. Hell, he still had no idea what his mom was on about. The attitude alone just really irritated him for some reason.

Walking into the bathroom the deer in the mirror did not look that much different. Jayson curiously watched his reflection rub a cheek. His face had gotten a bit softer and fuller thanks to those daily milkshakes, no doubt. Maybe his eyes had gotten a bit longer too, but they sparkled full of more life than he ever saw before. If anything the face looking back had a very youthful appearance he could not help but love. Who cares if it made him look a little girly. That might be a good selling point for his dancing.

"Crazy old woman," he mumbled while sitting on the toilet.

About the only change that bothered him was the strange lack of accuracy in bathroom habits. After the third time of finding himself overreaching to aim his manhood, it just became easier to sit and let the business take of itself. Damn thing looked like a mushroom nub wedged between his plumped thighs.


"Welcome to Burger King, sir...ma'am...what can I get you?"

"Number three, please, and may I have onion rings with that?"

The confusion of pronouns caused little more than an ear twitch from Jayson. It had become a growing recurrence as things progressed to his end of the month audition. He could hardly blame the blushing teenaged beaver behind the register. Thanks to all of Adia's lower body workouts his hips had ballooned out with amazing muscles, curving into rich thighs to match. While the results were excellent, it did require new pants with a lot more space.

"Thank you!" Jayson sang in a soprano when his order was brought up.

That further confused the employees but looks were not about to bother the deer. He found a booth in the corner, placed his phone down, and tore through his burgers wrappings. This was his binge day before the big second audition, and it was going to be spent scarfing down dirty carbs.

*My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard*

*And they're like it's better than yours*

"Ugh!" At least life gave Jayson time to swallow two bites of his burger before crushing the mood. Or so he thought before seeing his phone light up with Adia's number. The frown flipped upside down as he reached a hand smeared in mayo for it.


"Son of a...nnnggghh!"

And suddenly the enormous swell of Jayson's pecs found itself spilling across his food tray. The soft mounds knocked his soda cup, drenching them in fizzy beverage while excess pooled around the dear's poor onion rings. The two napkins she had brought did nothing to help mitigate the spill. Soon his pecs were even more outlined in the wet fabric of his shirt looking like sagging grapefruits.

If only all these milkshakes and exercises had improved other areas with muscle. Pumping barbells and doing curls only seemed to make Jayson fatter up top. He had to get bigger sports tops almost every couple of days, which amused Adia for some reason. Not even his baggiest shirts could hide an impressive shelf pushing out from underneath, especially one soaked in root beer.

Suddenly hearing the phone ring again reminded Jayson of what caused his little accident.


"Hey, babe! Great news; The wolves will be back around tomorrow night, and I pulled some favors to get them to audition you. Where are you? I need to swing you by the mall for a flashy fresh outfit."

"W-what?" Jayson nearly dropped his phone into his puddle of soda. This was a few days earlier than planned. "But I can't afford to…"

"Tut tut!" Adia cut him off. "You're my project, after all. I want to show you off as much as you do."


"Besides, I can return it in the morning for a refund. Now give me an address to find you so we can hit the town!"


"Oh...my god…"

Jayson's legs wobbled with each clumsy step on his way off the dance floor. He had met with Adia that morning to practice, but could still not believe he had done it. All that training allowed him to not only dance through a whole song but shake his body to a bass drop for almost ten minutes straight.

Granted it left the deer a nervous wreck. His chest heaved trying to burst out its tight tank top and vest, while legs might as well be jello shaking in his new cut-off shorts.

"Well, that was certainly something." Jayson had been so focused on trying to stay on his hooves that the female wolf seemed to teleport next to him. Her manicured claws tapped rapidly across her tablet screen in between eying Jayson up. "You're probably the first dancer to almost make it through an entire set, although I'd recommend pacing yourself a bit more, hun. It'd do neither of us any good for you to be this breathless while on the clock."

Jayson's ears rose, and his jaw dropped. "You...you mean?"

The wolfess smiled in a way that felt genuinely friendly for a change. "Can you start Monday? We'll need you to fill out some paperwork so come early."

"Oh...my god." Jayson laughed despite her sore legs.

His new boss gave a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Relax girl. If you can make my brother drool more than that free steak he won at Sizzler, you must have some good skills."

"Hey!" The male wolf barked from somewhere above but went ignored.

"T-thank you," Jayson breathed out once they had confirmed contact information. Their conversation barely meant anything under the numbing relief to have finally made a hoof into the business.

He got two more steps toward a chair before Adia's chiseled abs swung in to block his vision. Her beefy arms promptly followed to heft them into a spine-snapping hug. The fat of their chests especially squished together crushing the smaller deer's lungs. Adia still had the most massive mounds between them, but not by much.

"Congratulations, cutie! I knew you could do it!" Adia loosened her grip enough to plant a kiss on each of Jayson's cheeks. Another quick hug and she finally decided his weathered bones had enough smothering for one evening. "You doing all right?"

"Mmph! Y-yeah!" Jayson staggered around Adia's looming form to plop into a chair. Poor hooves were going to need an hour at least. "I still can't believe it."

"I told you; a good work out can improve everything."

"Thanks...for everything." Jayson looked up to Adia with a tired smile. Hands absently fiddled with the zipper of his vest, hoping to better hide the swell of his chest. "Is it okay if I keep the outfit? It's kind of nice."

"Oh? Sure! " Adia clapped her hands together to the sound of hoof-fingers clicking. "It can be my little gift to celebrate your new life. I'm still going to collect on those tips, though."

"No argument here. This is the best I've ever felt in years. Going to have to spend my first check on a gym membership."

"Dang, that's nice to hear for me too. Usually, people tend to hate when my milkshakes do their work."

"Huh?" Jayson glanced up to Adia. The towering reindeer suddenly looked a bit skittish under his gaze. "What's that mean?"

Adia forced a weak laugh running a hand through her hair. Eyes darted in three different directions before returning back to Jayson's. She seemed a bit in disbelief from his question. "It's nothing really. You're just the first one to not freak out after I turned you into a girl."

Adia immediately regretted her confession watching Jayson's eyes draw open enough to encompass his forehead. She bit her lower lip seeing the gears slowly turn behind that adorable face.

Jayson's hands shook as they slowly moved up to rest upon the swell of his vest. They gave only the smallest of flexes to squeeze his mounds underneath.

Her breasts…

"You did WHAT!?"


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