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A Sonic Boom Fanfic featuring multiple inanimate TFs, mostly into clothes. Also some light gas, sweat, and mud experiences involved. Enjoy!

Commission reward for Kayllik.


It was a typical day on Seaside Island. Not a cloud floated through a bright sunny sky. A gentle breeze of cool sea air combed the trees.

The perfect conditions for the monarch butterflies to break free of their pods and steal everyone's toothpaste

Well, Styx was not about to let the vial bugs deceive her this spring. The only part of the badger that moved from her catatonic crouch before the blueberry bush was the twitching of her nose. Nothing short of a volcano would have removed her from that spot. Or clowns, clowns were really aggressive about their territory this time of year. Regardless, dozens, maybe hundreds, of caterpiller pods dangled from the prickly branches of this bush. A whole army laid dormant right under everyone's nose poised to launch their invasion.

"Why did I need to be here again?"

Sonic, the hedgehog, had given up on such diligent watching hours ago. Hell, he had barely stayed by Styx's side for more than a minute. Everything was much more comfortable kicked back against the shade of a tree several yards away. In a rare display of foresight, Sonic had even brought a manga to read. That too had also been finished hours ago.

Having eaten a large complement of blueberries did not help any better, but at least Sonic was full and content. It beat standing around holding a heavy camera.

"I need you here to document the moths uprising from their slumbering state. With eyewitness and video testimony, I can finally claim victory over the savage fluttering devils."

"Styx, we've been at this for a week. I'm pretty sure you run out of toothpaste because you brush your teeth ten times a day."

"The depressed teens at the chili dog factory are trying to inject us with mind control nitrates through the gums!"

"Yes, we know. You got Tails documenting that evidence."

"Well, then how would you explain everyone else's toiletries disappearing while we sleep!?"

"I would hope it would be because of good hygiene."

"Aaah!" Styx gasped in horrific realization of...something. It was at least important enough to knock her from such a diligent perch. "Oh my gosh, Sonic! You're so right."

"...I am?"

"It's all just the starting phase of the king monarchs master plan. Once the butterflies have taken all our soap and shampoo, we will end up devolving into horrible raunchy smelling creatures that will end up turning against each other for the slightest portion of cleanliness. They'll wait until we're completely divided to fly in and pick us off one by one, plunging the island into THE DAWN OF THE BUG KINGDOM!"

Sonic blinked slowly, several times. Looking up blankly at the hyperventilating badger, it was clear Styx was staring back expecting the same kind of overbearing reaction from him. The most he ended up giving her was a tired sigh while the hedgehog rose to his feet, dusting a bit of grass from his legs.

That was clearly Sonic's cue to leave. While he considered Styx a good friend, her crazy was best handled in small doses.

"Look, Styx, maybe we should just..."

Before Sonic could think of an excuse, one exploded for him. Both mobians were nearly rocked off their feet from the thunderous boom radiating over the island. Only a few seconds passed before they could see a column of black smoke, predictably coming from the village.

"Oh good! I mean, aw heck, looks like Dr. Eggman is at it again. Maybe next time, Styx!"

Styx was really rocked off her feet when Sonic tossed her camera into her chest. With a whirl of his feet building up to a bang, he was out of sight long before Styx recovered to yell at him. Not that it stopped her.

"Dang it, Sonic! Don't come crying to me when you're out of deodorant!"

"Help me! Help me!"

The squeaky little voice was certainly not what Styx expected for a response. Her ears whipped erect trying to catch the direct position of the sound. The tulip bush that had broken her fall made it difficult to look around.

"Oh no! The monarchs have learned to become invisible!"

"Noooo! Down here!"

A glance down helped Styx realize the pleas were actually coming from just a little left of where her behind had landed. And its source had now begun to creep curiously up her thigh.


Tribal instincts of proud island warriors passed down through generations welled up inside Styx. Faced with this arachnid threat, she called upon the knowledge of her ancestors to respond with the grace and lethality they were proud of. Most of which involved flailing at the bush until there were broken branches and camera parts littering the area. Styx swept over the wreckage with her camera club at the ready for any more threats. Her chest inflated rhythmically from her labored panting.

"You won't steal my toenails today, vicious minions of evil," Styx heaved between gasps for air.

"That was a bit excessive, but thanks, I guess."

There was a moments pause as Styx became rigid in her battle stance. Very slowly her eyes shifted their gaze to the busted camera in her hands. Over the course of defeating a bush, and the deadly spiders hidden within, it had become wrapped in the vicious predator's webbings. Ensnared in it was a little cat woman barely larger than a bee. Her golden yellow wings fluttered occasionally but seemed unable to rend her from the sticky material.

"Still felt I was going to die there," the little woman continued with a grateful smile. "But hey, thanks for saving me. In return, I can grant you any wish your heart desires."

Silence fell over the forest. The little cat stared at Styx, who blankly gawked back. For a second it was almost like they had died in a catatonic state. That would have almost been preferred when the badger did rediscover how to work her muzzle.

"Oh...my...gosh! The butterflies are learning to imitate us!"


The camera was hurled into the air from a mighty underhand swing. It's little passenger now relied on her trapped webbing for dear life while the world spun around her. Thankfully it was not her side that smashed into a coconut tree, rendering a once expensive device into two equally useless chunks of scrap. Although it did apply enough force to send the feline flying out of her bonds for a rough landing along the grassy floor.

"What the heck is wrong with yo-OOOH!!"

The fairy had just enough time to stand up and see the heel of Styx's sandal coming down. With a yell, she managed to give a hard wing flap that propelled her out of an immediate squashing. A thundering crash shook the ground at her tiny size, almost toppling her over for when Styx's foot crashed down again only micro-inches away. By the third attempted squashing the fairy managed to recover enough wits to beat her wings furiously. Before the badger could realize it the bug-sized person had flown off into the protective cover of the treetops.

"You won't steal my souls, or anyone's on this island as long as I can stand!" The badger screamed after them. When nothing but the echoing calls of birds came back, she slumped out of her defiant posture. Glancing around the clearing of destruction, seemingly unaware of her own part in it, she kicked a piece of broken camera with an exasperated sigh.

"Dang it, Sonic. This was a perfect opportunity we waited for all day. I wish that hedgehog could be made to spend more time with his friends."

An odd way to word a wish, maybe, but the fairy was not about to complain from her place of hiding in terror. With an almost inaudible snap of her fingers, a strong surge of magic was released into the fabric of reality. She did not care in the slightest how said magic would grant Styx's wish. Now that she had lived up to the promise of giving it she merely flew off with the intent of never taking a spring vacation to this island again. Between that badger and that fat doctor, everyone living here was a freaken nutcase.

It did take a minute for the raw ether floating through the island's aura to properly contemplate its purpose. Once that had been coherently understood it then needed to plot how to execute it in relevance to the universe it had been conjured in. That did not take long considering the random nature of fate and its habit of being a big dick for the sake of a joke. With a silent explosion of motion, the wish shot off across the island treetops.

Its speed was one of the few forces in existence that could overtake Sonic. The hedgehog had just reached the outskirts of town when the magic slammed into his back, entering his body. Sonic gave out a sharp cry as the unexpected shove tripped his footing. Accidentally taking a scrap across the knees was painful in itself. Getting to take a scraping across several meters of landscape cause you were running over a hundred miles per hour was brutal. Sonic was generally lucky to be made of sturdy stuff.

"Ugh! Anyone get the number of that bus?"

Sonic rubbed his head trying to get the world to stop spinning. That crash had indeed left a number on him. Everything felt a bit weird, and oddly lacking in pain. Things took a turn for the bizarre when he tried to stand and crashed back to the ground. His legs refused to work right, unable to support his body in the slightest. Ears twitched curiously when the impact of his landed caused a strange shifting noise to occur inside him.

One look down and Sonic immediately identified the problem, letting out a horrified cry in the process. His entire body had become grotesquely swollen from the waist down. Not in a 'suddenly got fat' kind of way. Something else was filling up the hedgehog's insides as his belly and hips fused into one smooth shape. A shape that became increasingly hard to move the more Sonic bloated out, becoming a lifeless blob spreading across the island floor.

His legs were in even worse shape. They looked wrinkled and hollow, including his sneakers. Their husks pulled back into Sonics rounding base to feed its growth.

Sonic pushed back against his smooth stomach like it could somehow stop this strange inflation. All it really did was allow him to discover two things. One was the incredible give his flesh had as his hands sunk into his skin. The other was that his skin had changed too. Instead of blue fur, his fingers rubbed against something more akin to fleece or cotton.

But that was before his arms fell like limp noodles to his sides. Sonic gawked watching his limbs shrivel up. The very muscles and bones were sucked right out to become more of whatever little nuggets were shifting around his bloated bottom.

The wrinkly skin that remained soon joined in. Sonic cried out again overcome with a strange falling sensation. This was, of course, his chest and shoulders sinking into the rest of his transformed body. Everything became one solid mass of fabric filled with tiny shifting objects.

Sonic was unable to watch himself fill out further since his neck also lost its ability to flex its muscles. Assuming he still had muscles anywhere left to flex.


That was about all Sonic got out before his mouth sealed shut. His head melted into the rest of his body to become a stuffed bag of blue fabrics. Not even eyes remained for any clue to this blobs true identity.

And yet Sonic still felt himself capable of seeing, he could even feel the cold of the ground under his lifeless mass. Suddenly having a complete three-sixty field of vision took some getting used to. Not that he was capable of going anywhere in a hurry. Such a notion quickly had the hedgehog infuriated. More so with his now inability to express such emotion.

This circular rage of emotions went on for some time. Sonic kind of lost anyway to keep track of such things since the sun moved too slowly for him. Eventually, he seemed to 'wake up' from his thoughts with the sounds of approaching footfalls. He had been at least lucky enough to experience a horrific transformation near the entrance of the village.

"Boy, that was a great fight. Can't believe Sonic missed a routine throw down with Eggman."

Sonic recognized that voice before the red meathead had come around the wooden fence. Whatever ray of hope this might have brought him was quickly dashed as Knuckles obliviously brought his boot down upon Sonic's body and promptly tripped over the rest of him.

"Ow! What the...oh?"

Knuckle the echidna recovered from his fall with a fantastic quickness. Most likely because there was very little in his head to rattle, Sonic surmised. Sadly there was also no recognition in his eyes while looking Sonic over. Instead, Knuckles strolled over and plucked Sonic from the ground with one hand.

That got a bizarre sensation as all of Sonics mass sagged into his bottom like a water balloon. After shifting him around a few more times, Knuckles got a very unsettling smile on his face.

"Cool! A beanbag with the same colors as Sonic! I always wanted one of these!"

Sonic did not know when or how, but he was going to make Knuckles pay for his troubles. But for now, he could only fume in his thoughts while getting slung over his friend's shoulder to be carried off across the island.

Events only made him angrier once they arrived at Knuckle's hut. The echidna hummed a tune to himself while kicking off his shoes and then glanced around. Once he had decided on a perfect spot for his new furniture, it was merely a matter of swinging it towards its general direction.

Sonic would have cried out if he could. Suddenly getting sent sailing across a room was the last thing he expected. As is typical of Knuckles, a little too much effort had been put into the lob. Sonic felt his flexible body smash into the far wall of the hut with a resounding crackle of his bean filling getting shifted. Gravity soon regained control of their weight, causing him to fall a second time against the floor itself.

Oh god, why was Sonic able to feel pain like this?

"Canon ball!"


Sonic looked up, relatively speaking, with dread flooding his sack form. A dark shadow of Knuckles washed over the unwilling beanbag before the echidna crashed upon it in a five-star splash landing.

WHY? WHY was Sonic able to feel pain?

"Mmmh! Nice and sturdy. Not bad feel to ya, either," Knuckles mused as he shifted about on top of Sonic. Even that rubbed Sonic against the echidna's bulky muscles in a very unpleasant fashion. He also did not like the way Knuckles was frowning. "Still a bit lumpy though. Who throws out a perfectly good bag?"

Knuckles stood back up to loom over Sonic. The echidna alternated squeezing his fists, letting the finger joints give satisfying pops in the silence. Sonic really hoped he was not planning to...


Knuckles was indeed planning to punch Sonics mushy form. The giant gloved fist came down hard with a softened thud that made Sonic swallow him almost up to the wrist.


The attacks only continued in rapid succession to beat out a bit more slack in Sonic's filling. Sonic did his best to mentally brace himself since physically was not an option. Still, the assault was proving very overwhelming for the hedgehog. Mostly because with each punch he felt the pain degrade into something else. Something that would have had him aroused if the organs for it were present. The looser Knuckles got him, the more his beanbag form began to associated contact with feelings of pleasure.

Still, Sonic did not mind when Knuckles had stopped his attack to lay on him once more. The echidna let out a sigh of contention that Sonic could readily agree to. Before long Knuckles was snoring, the fatigue of the village battle apparently taking some energy out of him. Sonic was unsure if he even could fall asleep, but he definitely entered a mental state where time lost its meaning.

In reality, it was a few hours later when Knuckles awoke to his butt smacking against the hard wood of his hut. He jumped to his feet with fist raised for a fight only to find no one else in the room. A glance back left him even more confused by the empty corner he had fallen on. Either someone had found a reason to swipe his beanbag and leave without a trace, or the dang furniture had just vanished into thin air.

Sonic was equally upset to have been jerked out of his tranquil state. The hows and whys were not so pressing a concern as to where he had ended up this time. Just glancing around in that weird disembodied way being inanimate granted showed him that this was not Knuckles' house.

He was on a bed. That much he could gather with it's fluffy, neatly folded sheets. Soon after he figured that out, there came the sound of a toilet flushing in the next room. Spying the door, Sonic mentally gasped at finding Tails staggering out of his bathroom in a half-conscious stupor.

Sonic promptly tried to focus his attention on literally anything else. If he had cheeks, they would have been blushing at having to watch the two-tailed fox strut around his bedroom naked. However, Tails let out a pained groan that somewhat obstructed Sonic's embarrassment. He watched with a slight bit of concern as the fox paused to cup his stomach. From under that white belly fur, the faintest of gurgling noises could be heard.

Suddenly a knock on the door, followed by a familiar scratchy voice. "Tails!? You ready yet or what?"

Ugh! Styx was at it again? Most likely she needed a new statue to help her watch bugs after Sonic's departure. He would have loved a chance to give his best friend something a little less weird to be roped into. Then again, the changed hedgehog would have liked to have been able to do anything.

"Y-yeah," Tails replied a bit shaken. "I just need to digest for a second."

An angry huff from beyond the door. "You people call me crazy. Why did you accept Knuckles' dare to eat all those chilidogs?"

"I told you I prebought them for Sonic and he never showed up for lunch. No one else was going to eat them. Besides, Knuckles gave me twenty bucks for the whole dozen."

Sonic imagined himself wincing since that did not seem possible either. No wonder his little buddy was having pains. The hedgehog kinda liked it extra spicey on the weekends.

"Just hurry up before more butterfly clones hatch! I've brought my emergency patch-up kit in case the poisonous onion fumes make your gut explode."

That got a warm chuckle out of Tails as he turned. "Thanks, Styx. I...uh?"

The fox glanced over Sonic on his way back to the bathroom. He made it two steps before stopping to do a double take. Walking to loom over Sonic, Tails plucked him from the sheets to hold high in the air with both hands.

"When did I buy these?"

Sonic used his incredibly lacking imagination to sigh. It was a given he would become something unrecognizable, but he had held some hope. At least with the boost, Sonic could see what Tails was holding in his vanity mirror; a pair of boys briefs colored blue with a red hem.

Today was just a downward spiral of weird. Even more discouraging was the way Tails seemed to smile and shrug dismissively.

"Oh well, that saves me the trouble of looking for a fresh pair."

With that Tails lowered his new treasure to slip each leg through the appropriate holes for fitting. Sonic had no mouth, and he needed to scream really loud. Sliding up his friend's thighs burned his elastic stretching to its limits. A loud snap of the hem and Sonic found himself hugging tight to Tails pelvis. The internal sights this bestowed could never be unseen. Not to say anything about how the cotton squeezed every part of Tails down there. It was impressive how 'gifted' the fox was for his age.

"Tails! Hurry up!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Tails hurried to slide shorts on over Sonic. "Sheesh!"

This shrouded the hedgehog-briefs in near darkness. Sonic only managed to get little peeks of the world when the waistband of Tails' shorts dipped. Presumably, Styx pounding on the door was not giving Tails time to find a belt. The fox just grabbed any tank top he could find off the hamper before heading to the door.

Well, an afternoon stuck in his best friends crotch being ground by their sweaty thighs. Sonic tried to rationalize with what sanity he had left that this was better than being punched as a beanbag.


Oh, no flipping way...

Tails staggered up against the door with another groan. One hand steadied himself while another rubbed his stomach. Meanwhile, Sonic was trying his damndest to scream without a mouth. Being forced to take a proverbial face full of your friend's own brands was worse than getting punched. A dozen, thousand times worse. It certainly carried the aroma of chili dogs, if they were run through week old beef fat and sprayed by a skunk.

Looked like becoming cotton fiber had dulled Sonic's sense of smell about as much as his touch. What he would have given to be back at the blueberry bush watching bug cocoons hatch.

"Oh man, it's still hurting after six antacids? This day is going to be really uncomfortable," Tails said, mostly to himself.

He remained unaware of his underwear's sentiments of 'no shit!'

"About time!" Styx snapped once the door had opened up for her. Without waiting for Tails to even open his mouth, she grabbed his hand to pull the gassy fox from his hut. "I've managed to locate another hive of moths dangerously close to the village. If we hurry with the nets, we can catch our miniature doppelgangers in the act."


Tails staggered along, blushing despite Styx generally ignoring his butts imitation of an elephant. "I thought you said we were going to pick berries."

"The pods are nesting near a patch of fresh strawberries. It'll be the perfect bait, assuming our bug clones have the same tastes we do."


"Yeowza!" Styx proclaimed pinching her nose from the brief scent of wet cabbage overtaking their walk. "That is assuming we don't knock them all out with your devil's flavor."



It was Styx's turn to stagger. Her face looking over her shoulder in a deep blush as Tails grinned back. That last trumpet blast had come from the badger's tailpipe.

"That one was your fault for sharing such evil hot dog delectables!"

"Sure, Styx, sure." Tails rolled his eyes. The slight pause in their pace allowed him to regain his footing at least. Their remaining walk to the village turned out rather calm, although not silent from the backends.

It was the trip from hell, as far as Sonic was concerned. Every few steps got another thunderous toot across his strained fabric body. Just enough intervals for the scent to wane before getting a fresh coat.

Somehow, Sonic figured if it had been Amy in his company Tails might have been a bit more restrained on manners. Styx was a jungle girl that could not have cared any less. In fact, much to Sonic's horror, the initial embarrassment seemed to break out into a contest.

By the time they reached the spot Styx had chosen, Sonic had taken enough natural gas to swear off chilidogs for months. Assuming he ever regained a mouth to eat them again. Tails were certainly accommodating for their friends latest conspiracy ploy. He lasted just long enough to help set up some bug net traps before finding the strawberry bushes a lot more interesting.


If only Sonic could have found the tranquil outing nearly as ripping. A complete backdoor symphony had been played for him while Tails collected a full basket of sweet red fruits. Their scent could not mask the unspeakable rot nor purge it from the underwear's mind.

A sudden rush of wind followed by Shadow dashing out of the treeline did not make Sonic feel any better.

"Oh, it's you guys," Shadow grumbled once he skidded to a stop before Tails. Narrowed, angry eyes glared around the area. "With all that noise you were making I thought wild donkeys were rampaging. I don't suppose Sonic is around?"

"Um...Styx was the last to see him this morning." They both turned to the badger, who was too engrossed in butterfly pods to care. Tails turned back to Shadow sheepishly. "We're not really sure where he vanished to."

Nowhere pleasant, Sonic was sure of that.

Shadow considered the little fox for a second before snorting. "Well, let him know I owe him a thrashing. Eggman's launched three surprise attacks on me all day thinking I'm Sonic in disguise. What are you two doing out here anyway."

Tails gave another nervous glance to Styx, who continued to be of no help. It seemed nothing short of a butterfly clone of herself would gain her attention. Sonic could hear his buddies stomach rumbling, being pressed up against it, and gave his mental equivalent of a whimper.

"Oh, you know...just getting some..."



Shadows nose wrinkled as he lost his signature angst expression for a moment.

Tails refused to meet his gaze. His twin namesakes tucked low. Like they could block the odor of his shame.

Shadow gave a small cough to break their silence. "Well, I can see you guys are busy. I'll just leave with a…"


"Oh, come on!" Shadow whirled to face the familiar sight of Eggman crashing out of the tree line in his bubble car. An army of robotic crab bots followed In his wake. "In what way do I even resemble Sonic!?"

That was about all anyone got out. Tails was more concerned about the barrage of missiles that had launched in their direction than Shadow's gripes. Sonic, wrapped tightly around his flatulent friend's junk, welcomed the embrace of death.

The whole village got to see a rather impressive light show at the trio's expense. Flashes of red and blue summoned forth billowing clouds of green smoke. Hell, most of the island managed to catch flashes of the assault.

Tails would later come to laying against the wooden fence that bordered the village. A crushing weight was making it difficult to breathe, much less move. Once his senses cleared enough Tails was prompted to push Styx's grass-stained body off him.

"Uuugh! Y-you okay, Styx?"

"Yeah!" The badger seemed to regain her own senses just fine. "Although Eggman just destroyed an entire colony of moth clones before we could even enter peace negotiations."

Welp, Styx could not let a few explosions break her concentration. But it did make Tails wonder.

"What ARE you planning to do when you catch these bugs anyway?"

"Set them free back under the earth's crust, where they belong. Haven't you been listening to a thing I've said all day?"

Honestly, Tails could not remember a single thing the badger had been raving about. "Of course I have! The robot crabs just shook my thoughts a little."

Styx huffed but offered him a hand up regardless. Tails could tell something was a bit off climbing onto his feet. He patted himself down curiously, trying to brush off the many clumps of mud or grass clinging to his fur. It was when Tails started patting down his shorts that realization dawned on him. The fabric rubbed against his sensitive areas a little too gruffly while he continued to pat them down with increasing urgency.

"Tails? What are you..."

But then the fox pulled back the waistband of his shorts. A deep blush glowed on his snout before letting it snap shut again. He could barely find the nerve to look at Styx, completely bemused.

"I...uh...think Eggman somehow stole my underwear..."

The statement needed a few seconds to fully resonate with both of them. Very slowly Tails could see Styx's eyes glimmer with stunned comprehension, her muzzle dropping open as she reeled back. But then she suddenly rocked forward with both fists clenched in triumph.

"I knew it!!"

Whatever the reason behind that outcry, it would only be appreciated by Styx herself. Shadow, the hedgehog, could not have cared less even if he had not been sent flying a half-mile away. He regained enough consciousness to roll onto his back and cursed. The sight of many black toes poking out the holes ripped through Shadow's sneakers was not a warming sight. The rocket grafts under each sole were in even worse shape. None of them could fire off their usual propulsion jet that allowed him to move so fast. If anything the low sizzling noises sounded more like the sneakers were ready to explode.

A thought that prompted Shadow to remove what remained of his footwear. The only consolation was that they were probably the most damaged part of him in Eggman's latest attack. Honestly, why can no one tell him apart from Sonic? That useless scrub was blue, not black. It can not be that hard to find someone blue.

A lot less hard than Shadow thought. Granted he was just as unwise to Sonic's current problem as the rest of the island. After managing to regain enough sense to stand, Shadow turned to begin the long, painfully slow, walk to the village. Hopefully, someone, there could do some decent repairs on his shoes.

That was when he saw them hanging from a low tree branch. Shadow ended up stopping in mid-step trying to wrap his frazzled mind around such an odd occurrence. But then the uncomfortable dirt and rocks rubbing his bare feet did not make him question events for very long.

Sonic had noticed Shadow at almost the exact same time. It was hard not to with the way he was hung off the ground so high. His hopes of a peaceful afterlife were dashed under the reality this bizarre day was still far from over. Even worse was the way Sonic saw the black hedgehogs eyes light up before approaching him with a hand outreached.

Screams for Shadow to get lost, or stick his head in a volcano, went largely unsuccessful. Like most objects, socks could not talk after all. Shadow snagged both parts of Sonic from the branch with one hand, holding his damages shoes in the other. They were simple, thick, wool coverings dyed a bright blue with red stripes running down their length. While lacking in design, Sonic assumed he must have been comfortable to touch by the way Shadow ever-so-slightly smiled feeling them up.

"These are better than nothing," Shadow thought aloud.

Sneakers dropped to the ground while Shadow lowered himself upon the grassy floor. He took turns sliding the Sonic-socks over each foot, giving his toes a wiggle to test their size. They were tight enough to show indentions for each digit, but not uncomfortable enough to strain them.

Not uncomfortable for Shadow, anyway. While not nearly as bad as Tails' rear, the black hedgehog could have taken the time to wash his feet more often. On the bright side, having experienced hell once made this situation a bit easier to cope with. Sonic was braced for the expected strain of his elastic stretching, followed by an engulfing smell of dirty fur and dead skin. It begged the question if Shadow ever took those sneakers off at all.

Having some decent protection from the elements seemed to brighten Shadows mood. He jumped back to his feet for a look around. The higher buildings of the village loomed in the distance, so he set his barrings in that direction.

About six steps later a high whirling of a bubble car came swooping down to cast Eggman's shadow over Shadow.

"Oh my god, you twit of a doctor!" Shadow was shouting before Eggman could utter his first syllable. "How many times do I have to tell you; I'm not Sonic!"

Eggman stared at Shadow for a second before his gut jostled in a burst of laughter. "Of course I know you're not Sonic, half-perfect lifeform!"


"It's just that Sonic has been missing all day, even skipped two of our routine evil plot fights. And a genius like me does not build eighty crab bots for nothing."

Shadow facepalmed. Sonic wished he could do the same, or at least bite Shadow's toes.

"Why would you build eighty..."

"Well, I was first going to use them to fish up shrimp for a seafood restaurant scheme, but then we found out the prawns are out of season and there's carp in the lagoon. In any case; CRAB BOTS ATTAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

One jump was all Shadow needed to kick that stupid bubble car with all the rage his sock-covered foot could produce. Eggman's screamed rather girlishly as he went spiraling across the treetops, mirroring the silent cries of Sonic. Getting smashed between metal and Shadow's foot had broken his sanity, but only left his wool slightly smudged.

None of which could bother an oblivious Shadow. He merely retrieved his broken sneakers and resumed walking.

Each step became something new for Sonic. Grass tickled along his threads. Rock jabbed down each sole. Dirt clung to the wool with the force of a magnet. It did not take long for Sonics blue to gain a drab shade of brown.

And yet Sonic found himself enjoying that. The longer Shadow walked, the harder it became to distinguish between rock pricks and grass tickles. They melded together to create a zen kind of satisfaction at just being used in general. The dirt also provided a nice sense of cooling, since Shadow's black feet sweat an awful lot. No wonder they got so incredibly vile.


"Ah, gods dang it!"

Falling into the pit of mud was nothing short of orgasmic bliss. Sonic relished being coated in something cold and smothering. After such a harsh day of treatment, it soothed all his aches. Plus all the dirt drenched in his wool made the smell of Shadow's big toes impossible to take in any more.

Shadow was not so appreciative of wading through this leftover rain muck. Being slowed from a dash to a walk was frustrating enough. The suction of the wet earth made one footstep a prolonged feat of strength. While the sinkhole was not exceptionally big, he was forced to spend many minutes filling the forest with curses while wiggling his way across.

And with mud up to Shadow's hips, there was little for Sonic to see for the longest time. He could tell when Shadow had finally managed to wiggle his way out by the increased pace of his steps. Other than that all Sonic had to go on was the rhythmic squishing against solid ground. The mud made a nice massaging barrier against the smaller pointy rocks.

Too bad that did not last when Shadow found a river. Sonic gasped silently, feeling the black hedgehog fall onto his rear, feet flung briefly into the air. A pincer grip of three fingers then slowly peeled each part of Sonic's sock form off the sweaty feet. Being turned partially inside out did give Sonic a chance to make out just how messy Shadow had become. Shadow then made a nasty face at the dirty socks in each hand, leaving Sonic angry he could not retort.

Or beg for mercy when Shadow began dunking him into the river water. Each sock was roughly scrubbed out by unkempt fingernails, before being tightly wound up to squeeze the dirty water from Sonic's wool. Shadow even took a moment to spin each sock above his head, as if to somehow air dry them further. All Sonic felt that accomplished was his relief to not have a stomach to hurl.

Overall the improvised wash did not clean Sonic up that much. Both his sock parts were still heavily caked in mud that partially dotted out spaces in his vision. Still, it was a bit nice to feel cooled down. If anything, Shadow's feet smelled significantly less from their small wash out. Sonic was soon slipped back on and began leaving a trail of damp prints in the ground from Shadow's resumed march.

Sonic's soles had collected a new layer of mud upon reaching the village entrance to frustratingly make such a washing totally moot. It added an extra wet slapping noise that made Shadow's grumpy walk rather comical to the hedgehog socks. Almost as if he was getting some form of payback for having to endure Shadow's wearing him. The looks people gave Shadow as he passed were also lovely add-ons.

"Hey!" Shadow practically kicked in the door to the local walrus mechanic shop. The echo of his footsteps in the front desk area really worked to make everyone stop and stare. He ignored them, slamming the broken sneakers before the walrus. "How soon can you touch these up?"

"Um…" the walrus regarded Shadows muddied wet appearance for several stunned seconds. When this got nothing but a scowl back, his attention turned to the busted shoes. "Well, a booster is shot, but the rest looks like frame damage. Soooo...maybe a few hours."

"That's fine. I can just wait here and...hey!" A strong breeze blasted Shadow from behind nearly tripping him. Turning around, he was confused to find the door closed and no one else inside the shop. As if to staple these strange string of events, Shadow noticed an odd change to his step that made him glance down. Bare black feet wiggled their toes back. "Did...you just see someone steal my socks?"

The walrus gave shadow an odd look but decided to begin the rocket shoe repairs in silence.

Much like the day, Sonic was starting to feel worn thin. It was doubly bad if he was trying to think of puns after blacking out for the third time. From what his remaining coherent perspective could see, the hedgehog was once again inside someone's room. The support of a hanger kept him properly hung among many bras and pink dresses inside an open closet.

Dresses he recognized with a dejected pang of dread. Sonic did not have to wait long for Amy Rose to enter her room and confirm where he had ended up this time. Now it was a matter of finding out what random object he had become for her to use. Maybe a hat, or a comb, or something that didn't require a lot of excessive abuse to function.

Oh hey, Amy was stripping…

Trying to maintain the principles of chivalry was pretty hard when forced to have a full field of vision. More so when one lacked eyelids to block said gaze. Perhaps it was not having a choice in the matter that calmed Sonic's proverbial nerves. He had spent the afternoon wrapped on Tails' crotch, after all. The sight of a female hedgehog wiggling out of her mini-skirt was a much-welcomed contrast.

"Ugh! Why did it have to be so warm today?" Amy mused in her struggles to peel cotton from sweaty pink fur. The extra perspiration gave her body an almost glossy shine while she moved in the light to deposit her garments in the appropriate hamper.

Funny how Sonic never took Amy for the black panties type. The only thing more distracting than Amy's rear bent over was all the bandages wrapped around her chest. As he watched Amy retrieve scissors from her dresser to start clipping them off, Sonic found a bit of sense to them. They were in fights on an almost hourly basis, if not running constantly. It made Sonic curious how much of a hindrance Amy faced to need such restriction.


Holy honeydew! How the flying frick did Amy keep those melons taped down!?

The pink hedgehog only needed to snip two strands before her entire chest exploded in a surge of fat and pink fur. What remained of the bandages rained around Amy's bare feet as white confetti. She paid them no mind, letting out a sigh of relief as her free hand passed over the large mounds.

"Nice to see you, girls, too," Amy giggled while placing the scissors down. She continued talking to her swaying boobs while skipping over to the closet where Sonic hung. "Sorry for the rough day. Doesn't help when Sonic ups and vanishes to make us fight all of Eggman's crab bots. What does a guy even need that many crabs for anyway?"

Sonic silently begged for some manner of escape as he watched Amy shuffle through her wardrobe. After pushing aside a tank top and cargo shorts, her eyes finally fell upon the changed hedgehog himself. Not surprising was the look of quiet surprise washing over Amy's face, quickly shifting to one of happy acceptance.

"Strange, I don't remember buying a blue one off Amazon. But hey, you look like you might actually fit."

Fit? Fit what!?

Panic gripped Sonic as he was removed from his coat hanger. Amy wasted no time pulling her head through an appropriate neck hole with a sharp tug of Sonic's hem. Needless to say, there was immediate resistance trying to go further down. Every fiber of Sonic's material stretched against the swell of Amy's magnificent bust and failed to get over it.

Failure was simply not an option for the pink hedgehog, sadly. She cupped a breast with one hand while the other continued to tug on Sonics hem. Slowly the boob pushed its way under to inflate Sonic around its shape. After a few hard shoves, Amy got it to slide into a more defined groove etched into Sonics material.

Sonic got no time to collect his senses before the process was repeated with Amy's other boob. The stretching caused by its twin made getting shoved underneath no less daunting. Even after Amy got both bags of milk in place, they were squished tight together with plenty overflowing the strange, bowl-like support Sonic's front provided.

Amy wrinkled her nose just as displeased about these forced fittings as Sonic. "Well, you fit better than most of my stuff, at least. I guess that's an improvement."

She turned to strike a pose in the vanity mirror. It gave her and Sonic a rather naughty view of how big everything looked in her new blue sports bra. Sonic's cups gave Amy's hefty load a more rounded shape, which formed cleavage a hand could get lost in. He was rather dumbstruck at how much older such ample curves made her look.

"Blue is definitely my color though," Amy said to her reflection, which Sonic absently agreed. Unfortunately, Amy then turned and began to move again. "I just hope the wires don't snap this time."

Oh, great moth aliens or whatever Styx ranted about, why did they have to bounce with every move Amy made!? Getting punched and walked on were manageable things. And there was no way Tails would ever be allowed to eat another chili dog for the rest of his life. Having two giant bags of milk violently jostling around under your 'skin' was a hell of a much lower circle. The fact Sonic even had bra cups for support were almost rendered meaningless. The pink masses were well beyond such intended size. He was powerless to do anything but stretch and pull in whatever way gravity dictated Amy should go.

It only got worse when Sonic noticed the treadmill Amy was walking towards.

With all the bouncing that occurred over the next twenty minutes of jogging, it was amazing Amy did not smack herself in the face. That was the only train of thought strong enough to distract Sonic from what was, essentially, repeated blows to the back of the head with sandbags. At the end of the workout, his wires at least did not break, although everything sure felt stretched around the sloshing pink mammaries. The sensation was more akin to a sore muscle than any form of pain.

Amy also worked up more of a sweat than she already had. A good amount of said perspiration became absorbed into Sonic's fabric, making him transparent enough to see the finer details of the large breasts he held. Such problems did not bother Amy much in the supposed privacy of her home. Hair clung to her face in tangle lumps while she shuffled into her kitchen for a glass of water.

A few extra cold splashes on the face and chest helped soothe her and Sonic equally from the collected heat. Amy mused over some stray thoughts while giving her mounds a gentle stroking. Each pass of her palms would have sent a shiver down Sonic's spine, if he had one.

"Maybe I should just start showing you girls off to Sonic instead. He clearly doesn't notice the work I put into the rest of my body. Took me years of training with Knuckles just to fight this good." Amy giggled, but it broke off into a dejected sigh. "Oh, who am I kidding? He wouldn't notice these coconuts unless I stuck a chili dog between them."

Oh, if she only knew a fraction of the oddities that happened today. Sonic would have married her then and there if it meant never being a bra ever again.

But Amy remained oblivious to her undergarments sentience, and perpetual jiggling against her bosom. Once her body had cooled down enough, fatigue began to settle in. She dragged her bare feet back into the bedroom, promptly face planting into the soft pile of frilled pillows that made up half the bed there.

Needless to say, Sonic was not thrilled to be squished between a mattress and even softer fuzzy breast pillows. He also did not have to endure it long before what he assumed was the clothing equivalent of sleep fogged his mind.


Sonic snapped awake assuming morning had come. The position of fresh sunlight pouring in through open blinds was his only immediate hint. Lordy, that was one of the weirdest dreams in the history of...ever. Thank goodness he could just forget about it and get on with a more normal day. The hedgehog sighed happily, arching back into a big yawn.

Except...he could not move.

He did not make a sound, much less inhale for a sigh.

Come to think of it, Sonic was not back in his own house. There still remained a sense of familiarity with this living room. Maybe it was the broken bamboo chairs, or the punching bag full of holes that leaked its sand filling. Looked like he was trapped in the home of someone too thick of a meathead to fix even the simplest…

Aw, crap!

A loud thunk drew Sonic's attention to the hallway. Knuckles soon came staggering into view with the sounds of a toilet flushing in his wake. Any hope the red idiot would just continue on his day were dashed quickly. Sonic discovered himself placed directly inside their field of vision.

"Well, there you went!" Knuckles strode over to pick Sonic up by one hand. Another familiar sensation of many tiny objects shifted inside Sonic to sag down the bottom of his blob-ish form. "I was looking for you all day, and you managed to get yourself all lumpy again. Well, we can fix that just in time for my mid-morning snooze."

Knuckles flexed his free fist in that way so it would generate several popping noises.

Sonic the Beanbag had no eyes, and he had to cry.


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