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Sketches by: Janus

Being sent on a scavenging mission to the remote moon of MacGuffin IV had turned out to be one of the most fun ventures in a while. Long range probes had been monitoring earthquakes across the surface for a while now. That was how the buried temples of an ancient past came to be revealed.

But that was not what caused a young cheetah named Xilimyth to go out on vacation in her cloaked cruiser. Something else resonated much stronger than seismic energy. A ping powerful enough to be felt across the galaxy for those with a clear enough mind to sense it.

Whatever it was, her master wanted it. And it was not wise to refuse the desires of a sith lord.

Too bad that call was fairly universal in the force. It made for a bit of a surprise when she arrived to find an X-wing already parked at the temple. Those ships were such primitive, ancient pieces of space trash. Xilimyth could only think of one person nerdy enough to keep such a thing in pristine condition.

A person easily found and dealt with thanks to her stealthy feline finesse.

"Looks like I got you again, Jedi!" Xilimyth said under a sultry purr. Outstretching one hand, she willed a lightsaber to fly from the ground into her grasp. Unlike her own smooth, sleek one held in her other hand, this one was bulky with seemingly random cosmetics. They did not match at all. "This is what? The third lightsaber I've taken from you?"

Janus, the wolf, let out an odd mix of grumble and whimper from his uncomfortable laying position on the dirty marble floor. He had thought himself lucky to reach this place of dark energy first but apparently had not obtained that much of a head start. Being ambushed so easily by an opponent he knew intimately was chalked up to how overwhelmed his senses became from directly entering the temple's main hall. Something old and very powerful was close by, which made it hard to sense Xilimyth until she was literally kicking his behind.

"Xili! I know what you're thinking and...ow ow ow!" Janus had tried to sit up in his attempt to rationalize with a Sith apprentice. That alone sent new waves of mild discomfort through the dozens of burns cut into his flight suit.

Somehow Xilimyth had managed to land every lightsaber blow with such gentle elegance as to only singed the fur under his clothes. It was rarely in her nature to cause severe physical damage when playing around. Not to mention her Sith master would flail her alive if their boyfriend got dismembered.

"Shush!" She gave Janus a tap on the nose with the hilt of his own lightsaber. After which she tucked her newly acquired trophy inside the thick robes donning her lithe frame. A bit more rummaging had the cheetah producing a small metallic orb. "You lost fair and square. That means I get to take you back to master Caldy along with whatever force relics are hidden here."

"How is an ambush fair?"

"I said, Shush!" Xilimyth pressed a few buttons, sending the ball hovering several meters into the air. From its top erupted an aura of light to help illuminate the great hall. "You know full well that-what the heck is THAT!?"

Both were surprised to find one heck of a skeleton illuminated by the light of Xilimyths orb. The thing had a relatively humanoid structure, with extended vertebrae and claws to hint at once being some kind of anthro. And yet it was taller than either force user ever thought possible for beings like them. Even while in a slumped sitting position, the browned dirty bones took up the chambers entire far wall. There were starships smaller than it's skull, which gazed down at them with its hollow eye sockets.

"That's the second largest skeleton I've ever seen..."

Xilimyth turned to give Janus a look but opted not to dignify his statement with a response. No doubt she suspected the wolf was just as perplexed by this looming monstrosity as she was. There seemed to be no apparent reason for such a giant to be in a temple. More interesting was how she noticed all visible entrances made such a being impossible to get in here.

So many interesting questions that ultimately did not matter. What really drew attention was the alter between the giant's femurs. They did not have to reach out with their minds to tell the force called from within that structure.

"Xili, don't!" Janus tried to stand but found himself getting pushed back by Xilimyth's force powers. "This temple is thousands of years old. Whatever that relic is, it's gotta be made with knowledge beyond our understanding and control."

"You say that about every shiny object we fight over." Xilimyth giggled, padding around the alter glancing high and low in a careful examination. Her spotted tail twitched high in excitement for what secrets would soon be revealed. Yet, there was nothing out of the ordinary on or around it. "Remember when you thought a two-hundred-year-old coffee maker would doom a planet?"

"That...this is different! We're both feeling the same force here. It's twice as big as the chancellor's ego."

"I find that hard to believe. Oh nya!"

Xilimyth perked at finding the first sign of something etched into the polished stone. At the very center of the table was a glyph colored in dark red. Whatever material was used seemed to allow it to glow slightly when light from the hovering orb passed over. Perhaps a little touch of her presence would activate this lovely device.


Or it could send gazillion volts of manifested lightning coursing through Xilimyth. There was no pain to be had, unlike most traditional uses of such a Sith power. However, whatever lied inside the alter kept her palm magnetized to its rune. Xilimyth let out a startled gasp at the overwhelming sensation flowed up her arm straight to her head. There was only a second to recover from the haze before another surge pumped into her left leg, followed again to the right. This continued many more times, a rapid succession of something immense entering Xilimyths arms to flow into another part of her body.

Each time a new pulse struck Xilimyth the affected body part would jerk around in an unintentionally silly dance. When it finally ended she yanked her hand away in clumsy back steps, barely able to avoid falling over. Sparks still occasionally shot off her now frizzled fur, but that was nothing compared to the warmth inside her. Each part that had entered felt like it was settling into each other, slowly fusing into one big mass across her entire being.

Janus gawked at the amazing show. He was far above showing concern for an enemy. If anything these cats were only wading the shallow end of evil anyway. So it was without surprise he began to giggle uncontrollably at Xilimyth's new afro. The cheetah's traditional dreadlocks had come done in the electrocution with every hair standing on end.

For her part, Xilimyth simply stared at him. Her blank, emotionless, gaze soon unnerved the wolf enough to cease his tittering. But just for good measure, she raised a hand with intent to give him a little force bump on the noggin.

Instead, Janus let out a very girlish yelp. The unseen force yanked him with unprecedented power by the seat of his trousers up several meters into the air. His underwear itself was pulled hard enough that it stretched out of his pants. This caused a tightness squeezing on Janus' most precious of possession that his whole face compacted into a face that almost had Xilimyth laughing. But that was only for a second before the underwear being stretched out folded over to encompass the top of Janus' head.

"What the...?" Xilimyth trailed off, ignoring Janus plummeting back onto the cold stone floor. She was sure her mind had only done a slight dip into her attunement with the Force. Yet for that brief moment, she had felt stronger than Master Caldy.

It became quickly apparent why upon noticing her arm still outstretched towards the wolf struggling to get white briefs off his face. An adamant tingle, not unlike the static of her previous shock, poured into it. In a flash, she realized all the force energy from the alter had not left her body. It was still welling up inside the very center of her being and was now searching out to settle in its new container. Unfortunately, the mounting tightness of her skin meant the skinny cheetah was not an ideal form of storage.

That did little from stopping it from trying to squeeze all its power into her arm.

"Nyaaaaa-ooooh!!" Xilimyth started out screaming when she felt something give, but that quickly turned into moans of bewilderment.

Instead of exploding as she expected, her hand shot out of the sleeve as her appendage swelled several times its original size. The hem quickly caught on her elbow, before being torn completely by an accidental flex. Xilimyth gawped at finding herself possessing a bicep thicker than her body bursting from the cheap sith fabric. The skin stretched pleasantly across broad ridges of sinew, but its sudden weight almost caused her to tip over.

This was countered when the tingling left that arm only to start filling out its cousin. Xilimyth held up her still regular hand with a mix of fear and excitement. The fingers wiggled back in shared sentiment before the pressure caused her to make a tight fist. With such muscles already tense, they only took two seconds before filling out the entire sleeve. Another two saw it's complete demise in a shower of cloth scraps. Rich sinew bulked up to wrap around bones stretching out to add great lengths on a once twig of an arm.

They were beautiful, and at least symmetrical now. Xilimyth just felt silly for a moment when she tried to relax her new muscles and ended up dragging knuckles across the floor.


That became less of a problem when she felt a tingle splash sharply down her body. Nothing seemed odd until she realized the end of her robe no longer swept the floor but hung around her ankles.

"Ooooooohhhh my gaaaawd!"

Instead of a splash, the feelings came back in a waterfall. Xilimyth bent forward in a yowl of tense pleasure at feeling raw force energy fill out every nook and cranny. The robe hem began to crawl at a steady pace up her legs. Like a curtain rising for an act, the calves became revealed before growing out in copious amounts of muscles. Not to say anything short of her thighs, which piled on greater amounts of thick curves.

In one surge her legs had become shapely and powerful beyond most Jedi comprehension. Their length stretched Xilimyth ever taller while her mass packed on dozens of extra pounds.

Janus had just gotten the underwear off his head to see what all the screaming was about. Truthfully, he was more of the mindset this had been all one elaborate Sith trap. Best case scenario was maybe Xilimyth mutating into some kind of feral weasel monster he would have to defeat in hand to hand combat.

Watching Xilimyth straighten up to cast a shadow was both unexpected and somehow more terrifying than mutated weasels.

Xilimyth could barely remember he was there for the power overwhelming her senses. There was not a sentient race on Coruscant that would not end up being dwarfed by her now. More importantly, were the muscles bulging out her enlarged frame in so many remarkable ways. She could probably run laps around this planet several times before getting tired, and then throw it out of orbit for good measure.

At least everything had evened out nicely. There was even a nice pack of abs easily felt under the stretched fabric of Xilimyth's robe. The hem barely covered her hips, which still threatened to flash her goods if she moved too sharply. Otherwise, it had held on surprisingly well. Much of the new sinew filling out her back could be clearly seen indented in the fabric when she flexed an arm.

Still, something felt lacking. That tingling feeling had not dispersed, only seemed to have stopped as if in respite. Xilimyth hoped this was not all thousands of years hoarding energy could offer. Sure, there was not a senator alive that would dare call her 'tiny cat' ever again. But why stop at the sample?

"NYA!!" There it was! Xilimyth was happy and then suddenly blushing red at the feeling of being filled out returned. It was certainly filling up a place she had not been expecting. The sensations brought her knees together in a strange little hip dance for Janus.

With a strange sloshing noise, Xilimyths butt fell out of her robe. The spotted rear doubled in size instantly and then tripled. Attempts to pull her robes hem back down were futile as another surge spread her hips wide. Their plush girth made for an absolutely ample hourglass figure.

"Mmmmhhh...oh Gawd!"

Xilimyth promptly gave up on covering her privet area when the tingles bubbled up in her chest. Both hands grasped onto the little mounds under her robes, only to be quickly pushed back outwards. The entire front of her robe billowed out like a sail in the hard wind trying to contain breasts intent on surpassing the size of moons.

Somehow the material still held, which only numbed the pleasure under its tight grasp. When Xilimyth's girls started to exceed her head in size, she decided it was beyond tolerating. In a quick flurry of claw slashes, she created large tears down the middle of her garment. All that pressure worked in her favor to spread the tears further until her breasts hung exposed amid loose rags.

Now free, her boobs only seemed to desire greater degrees of mass. Their spotted fur bulged out of the new openings in a greedy rush for fresh air. Such canyon cleavage was only a short show for Janus before the pair of orbs fell out. Pink nipples grew along with them, pointing out almost accusingly at the blushing Jedi atop such heavyweights.

Good thing Xilimyth had become stronger beforehand. The arrival of such massive mammaries to apron her torso seemed to do little to hinder her ability to move. If anything her tail was wagging with so much glee it could generate an air current. She was soon cupping such impressive balls of flesh. Her hands slowly stroked over the beautiful fur to feel out their force enhanced firmness. The thickness of her biceps unintentionally mashed them together in the process.

Now the tinglings seemed to settle inside Xilimyth. This was certainly a container worth holding powers of the old Sith's design. She continued stroking her breasts in meditative thought. Relaxation allowed her to better extend her mind out into the galaxy.

Everything felt so different. She not only felt Janus nearby but now knew he spent this morning making goofy flex poses in the mirror. Hell, she could sense some animal species on another nearby planet had just begun to mate.

If only things could be unlearned this easily with such power.

All that was left now was returning this find to Master Caldy. Unfortunately, the altar seemed built into the ground, so taking it might be a bit hard.

Xilimyth slowly opened her eyes to stare at the altar filling her thoughts. With her senses, so amplified, it became apparent something was off about her assumptions. Namely that there was no energy of any kind residing in the block of rock. She reached out a bit further and found the power was actually coming from further down. It had to have been pooling in a perpetual state directly under the temple for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years.

And it was quite a freakishly huge reservoir of energy she was sensing. The altar must have been acting like an anchor to collect stray force energy from the ether for later use. No wonder it was sending out ripples if it was getting ready to reach critical mass.

Best to give it a new home, so nothing goes to waste.

"Xili!?" Janus had risked getting up while watching her move towards the altar again. He could practically feel Xilimyths steps resonate through the stone floor. "What are you doing?"

Xilimyth cracked her neck and arms in a series of stretches. The very acts seemed to help decimate her robe further with sharp tears down the span of her plump shoulders. With a rather flirting wink over the shoulder at Janus, she said, "I'd run if I were you."

Before time could allow full comprehension of her words, Xilimyth slammed both hands back down on the altar's rune. The entrance hall erupted in a symphony of booming thunder rivaled only by her animal roars of delight. Streaks of lightning roamed across her spotted pelt in a torrent she prayed would never end. Unlike last time this lightning seemed to stroke her fur, enhancing it with an enriching sheen. Even her hair began to settle down across her back in a silky fashion.

Suddenly Xilimyth jerked her head in reaction to sharp pops around her forehead. The constant waterfall of energy was leaving her in a state of euphoric bliss to give it much mind.

Janus, on the other hand, was suddenly concerned a pair of horns had grown out of the cheetah's head. They continued growing so to develop a stylized curve just behind her feline ears before ending in very sharp points almost a foot behind her skull.


Xilimyth arched her back in an animal howl to the giant skeleton watching this display. Whether it was apply timed with a stray burst of thunder or was mounting in strength as it came out proved hard to tell. What was certain were the sharp points tenting out what little slack remained behind the shoulders of her robe.

A quick tear sounded under the blanket of lightening to signal a whimpering end to Xilimyth's garment. Their destroyer revealed themselves to be a pair of enormous wings. They fanned out behind Xilimyth more than twice her body's length. Thick, strong membrane rapidly developed between their spidery fingers with the same spotted patterns as her fur. Instinctively she gave her new appendages a few test flaps once their muscles bulked up to join the rest of her. The resulting air current nearly swept Janus off his feet.

"Oh yes! Yeeesssss! More! Give me more! MORE!"

Xilimyth began to chant to herself in such a fashion without a care for her naked body on display. It just allowed her to watch the fun parts. That feeling of force power welled up inside her again, bringing her already ballooned muscles to their breaking point. Despite knowing what this could bring, Xilimyth forced her mind to relax a bit. Master had taught that a calm mind was always better at receiving the forces will. Not to mention made her loins incredibly wet from relishing the overwhelming sensations stroking her every last nerve.

The skin along her arms began to visibly bubble. Like a boiling pot, Xilimyth watched a rapid series of bumps push out from her biceps. It was almost like the energy was massaging her from the inside. They only lasted for a second or two before the arms themselves surged in size. The mass of her biceps pushing up to squeeze her breasts together as they tried to find space to grow into.

That made it incredibly hard to hang onto the altar when her breasts decided to swell up in retaliation. Her once pathetic lumps shoved past her arms to pool across the stone slab, actually knocking her hands away. That did little to stop the lightning from entering her body as they now had plenty of boobs to filter into. If anything this connection seemed to be making them swell in a slow and continuous pace compared to the rest of Xilimyths body.

Ripples continued flowing in a trickle down her back, each part they left surging out bigger and bigger in their wake. Even more surprising were the trail of spike that grew out along each vertebrae of her spine. Those continued well past the bubbles down to her tail tip, which cracked the stone floor with powerful whipping sinew in its happy wagging.

The spotted butt they were attached too hefted it's tightening glute muscles making Xilimyth gasp. They fell back down in a heavy slosh that left her cheeks double their last size. Another slosh sent them jutting out behind the transforming cheetah into a very imposing shelf.

Janus was jutted out of watching such an amazing arse jiggle freely by a shattering crash. Xilimyths spiked feline tail had wagged so hard it easily slammed through the giant skeleton's ribcage, causing the whole creature's remains to start raining down upon them. If anything, Xilimyth felt a glimmer of pride to be quickly reaching such a being's size. And even more boastful that she was soon going to surpass it by a very wide margin.

Janus had realized with the deadly rain of broken bones that his cue to flee had long since been given. The wolf turned in a mad dash for the entrance of the chamber with only his Jedi instinct keeping him one step ahead of falling bone pieces. Meanwhile, the cries and moans of Xilimyth resonated stronger and louder as if she were hot on his tail.

Technically she might have been, given how fast she was filling up the place.

That was enough logic to keep Janus from risking another look back at those large moons on her chest. The very mountain was starting to quiver from Xilimyth's growls. By the time Janus was descending the entrance stairs, her horns were poking into the ceiling. Xilimyth was not about to let a puny hunk of rock best her powers and began pushing the walls back.

The whole planet felt like it was shaking under Janus as he tore through the brushes. Local animals hooted and cawed as they took flight in a panic to get away with him. Now he really wished they had found a closer place to land, but his co-pilot had insisted a mile hike would do the wolf some much-needed exercise.

Back at the old X-wing, even Bren Derlin had noticed something was wrong. Then again, when every alarm the ship could possibly have was going off from the foundation trembling it was hard to remain asleep. The young cougar jolted up in his seat just in time to see Janus explode out of the brushes in complete disregard to the thorns tearing at his clothes.

Probably because his frantic entrance was nothing compared to the mountain behind him shaking. Just as he was reaching the ship, there came a loud boom of something causing the whole structure to start collapsing.

"What did you do!?" Bren asked when Janus had leaped into their pilot seat.

"They're not moons! They're definitely not moons!" Janus ignored questions about his sanity to focus on getting the ion engines started. A wave of smoke rushed through the forest towards them while rocks of all sizes hailed down from the heavens barely missing the ship. "We got to go! She's gonna get BIG!"

"What? Who?"

Janus pulled back on the control stick, barely getting his old fighter high enough to avoid the cloud of dust and rock that decimated the clearing below.

"It's not a relic," Janus muttered almost to himself. "It's big...and she's big...I need new underwear."

"Uuuhhh..." Bren looked out the window of their cockpit at the pillar of smoke caused by the mountains collapse.

They both ended up screaming like little girls when something gigantic and snake-like suddenly emerged. Janus veered to narrowly avoiding the monster's lazy swing their general direction. He continued to pound at buttons and switches in a vain attempt to speed up their ascension to break orbit.

Bren looked dumbstruck at the waving monstrosity curling back into the smoke. His ability to observe it was very brief, but he could tell the thing was not some massive snake creature. It was much too furry, with spikes running all along its top. If anything it looked like an economy sized version of his own sleek tail. Except this one was bright gold with lots of black spots.

Wait a second...


"No time to get technical! We Gotta go!" Janus was in such a focused panic attack he would never notice Bren shaking him from around the pilot's seat. More importantly, the engines light had turned green to jump them out of the planet's gravity well. With a wave of relief, Janus smacked the two buttons necessary and leaned back to enjoy the sweet sound of engines revving up.

Too bad that ended in a deafening crunch of metal. Janus blinked in quiet observation of his console turning from blue and green colors to an entire washboard of red. His gloriously maintained ship somehow remained suspended in the air but was indicating it's entire back portion was missing.

"Bren? Did you, uh, touch anything?"

"I think we're the ones that got touched."

Slowly, and with mounting dread, Janus risked a look out the side window. There was not much to see since their vision was being obstructed by a large wall of white fur. Further along to its tip was a springy mound of brown flesh pressing into his X-wings nose.

Yup. Janus had little doubt he was being held up by a set of fuzzy cheetah paw-fingers. Tears of sadness rolled down his cheeks in mourning for his wrecked engines. His entire life savings had been spurned adapting modern engines this T-65's almost primitive hardware just to have it crumbled to dust.

The sudden motion of their ship knocked both pilots back against their seats. Their nose whirled around in a complete one-eighty to an equally sudden stop that smacked them against their consoles. From outside Xilimyths glittering blue eyes filled up their cockpit view as she smiled down on their little ship in her palm. Her mouth started to resemble a cave entrance lined with rows of sharp teeth as she spoke.

"Well, hey there cuties! I thought I sensed Janus had brought a friend. How you doing, Bren?"

"I think you gave me butt whiplash..."

"Aw, sorry about that. Let's make you boys a bit more comfortable for our trip back to Caldy."

Janus and Bren blinked upon feeling their ships nose take a sharp dive. There was just enough time to observe the curve of Xilimyths mountainous breasts pressing together before it enveloped their cockpit. Sunlight could no longer reach them through the thick blanket of squishy white fur.

Xilimyth wiggled the ship a little deeper into her cleavage, careful not to further damage the flimsy metal haul. She already felt guilty for, well, crumpling the engines and wings into an unrecognizable wad. The last thing her master would want is their favorite Jedi opposition killed in such a lewd fashion. Once she was sure the ship was snug and secure, the buffed dracat straightened back up to observe her surroundings. It seemed about time to get back to Master Caldy anyway. She would be most interested to see the results of this little treasure hunt.

Her heart fluttered at taking in the endless landscape of tree tops and clouds passing through her shoulders. Xilimyth could even see the curve of the planet from up here. But then her excitement dulled looking down at the Sith freighter parked only half a mile from her foot. It was barely of equal size to that appendage, so probably had little use in getting back home.

With a shrug, Xilimyth extended out her wings until they bloated a large portion of the landscape in shadow. They gave a mighty flap that decimated a considerable portion of said landscape, launching Xilimyth off the world at near light speed.

Might as well use a more direct means of traveling home.


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