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Art by: Janus

Being a pokemon trainer had a lot of cool things going for it. Sure, technically, it was also life-threatening whether you were ten or twenty-five years old. There were still plenty of great sights to see and places to explores. A world of amazing things that a kids imagination could not dream of existing. All you need is the basics of camping to live up the easy life.

"Boy, is it hot out here!"

Unless it was during the hottest days of summer. In which case, life and camping generally sucked for a while.

Not that the heat did anything to dampen Deiser's spirits, just his clothes. The middle-aged pokemon trainer was working up a major sweat hiking his way through some mountains on to his next gym badge. Sadly the high elevation meant very little trees for shade, and sunlight roasting him all day long. His usual black trenchcoat had long since been packed away, along with his glasses after they refused to stop steaming. At least the mountain winds felt refreshing in just a white tank top and pants.

He had really wished for shorts. Too bad his last remaining pair had been ripped from his hips a few weeks prior via a very disgruntled pack of mudkips. Granted it might not have mattered much with such a scorching heat wave.

Deiser paused under some big rocks to reach for his canteen. Only two good swigs of nursing hydration could be gained from his already light container. What a great time not to be carrying any water pokemon. Nah, he would need his fighting types in case of wild rock pokemon attacks. The sweaty man considered this an important lesson in weather watching between town travels.

"Oh, hello?"

Rounding the next bend brought some hope of salvation or at least a cool place to sleep tonight. By some grace of luck, Deiser had been following a natural trail that took him right past an open cave. Holstering his canteen to get his torch, Deiser was almost inside the mouth before logic cut through his heat exhaustion. Odds were fairly good this put the human just yards away from someone else claiming a comfortable home.

The torch clicked to light, illuminating everything in a flash. Deiser was very careful to have its beam aimed at the cave floor before slowly sweeping it up to scope its insides. After a short distance, the cave's mouth opened up into a wide domed room void of all but a few small rock formations on the floor. No immediate signs of large, toothy, or clawed danger to be found. In fact, there were no signs of anything passing through; nests, food, wastes, or even a campfire of other travelers.


Deiser was all too eager to get some shade. The caves insides turned out to be very cold as well. After finding a good bundle of rocks to hide his packs behind, Deiser was quick to start setting up his usual camping fare. A bedroll next to some toiletries, followed by a portable fire grill. There were plenty of small bushes along the trail. If he hurried, there would be plenty of kindling to cook beans and set Deiser up for the night.


The beam of his torch whirled to illuminate a side of the cave just feet away from Deiser. Turns out a small tunnel branched out from this room in such a way it was hidden from view at the entrance. Not far into it came a splash that nearly caused him to jump out of his sneakers. This was quickly followed up by much softer splashes in an obvious rhythm.

Something big was going for a bit of a swim down there.

Gulping down a drastic rise in anxiety, Deiser got to his feet and carefully approached this new find. After a seconds deliberation, his hand also covered the lens of his torch to try obscuring his presence while still seeing the path ahead. The tunnel looked big enough for a person to walk through, but all the jagged points in the walls still left him not wanting to blindly feel the way. For all, he knew that could be another person or a gyrados up ahead.

Either way, he was also very thirsty.

It was not a long trip to find out. The tunnel only went a few yards inward before curving sharply to the right. As Deiser inched his way in the splashing also got louder, along with a growling noise. No wait, that was humming. Someone must be having a very pleasant bath.

That gave Deiser pause at reaching the bend. A bit of dim light was drifting back around into the tunnel, allowing him to shut off his own torch. The last thing he wanted to do was create an awkward moment by spying on some lady taking a bath. Odds might be good this was even her home he had just set up camp in. He was already strongly deliberating packing up his gear and risking the last bits of daylight roughing the trail before something sparked his curiosity back.

Whoever was around the bend gave out a sudden chortle. It cut through the humming as some kind of gruff croak, very bestial in nature, before going back to the sensual human pitch. A quick peek might not hurt.

Deiser took the two steps needed to get a good view and nearly dropped his light. The bend continued another five feet before opening into another small chamber. This one was brightly lit by fire-mounted sticks in many crevices along the walls. Naturally formed ledges, perfect for sitting, extended half a foot above the center of the room, which was filled with a deep pool of fresh water.

Bobbing around happily in said water, still oblivious to his presence, was a salazzle. The black head of smooth scales reflected off firelight like polished armor. Deiser could not believe his luck at such a beautiful sight. He had just stumbled across one of his favorite pokemon by random chance after years of not so much as sighting a wild salandit. The head looked a little larger than he thought wild ones usually do. Oh well, this was not something to be picky about.

Deiser quietly pocketed his torch so he could scramble for his Pokeball pouch. Maybe a masterball was a bit overkill, but it was not like he had anything to send out for a fight. The room was too small, and he had nothing that would do well wadding in its pool. Again Deiser wondered why he did not bring any water types for this trip.

Another loud splash and soft dripping noises alerted Deiser to the fact the salazzle had exited the pool. His head whipped around and what he saw this time really made him falter. Hefting out of the pool on its opposite bank into another tunnel entrance was the salazzle, no, a pokemon like none he had ever seen before.

Right away Deiser could tell she was double, maybe even triple, the average height for her species. At the very least she was taller than Deiser himself. Not only that but something looked incredibly off about its overall body shape. That did not become clear until she stood up to cast a silhouette across the rock walls.

At her core, this salazzle had a very human-styled body. An amply curved one at that. Shoulders gave off a defined base for her long sleek neck, branching off into two supple arms. Hips gave an even wider span to support a pair of thunderous thighs. And that was to say nothing about her enormous butt. It jiggled to the slightest of her steps while glistening in the fires dancing lights. When she turned enough for Deiser to take in her front, there was also the unmistakable form of breasts so ripe they would make cantaloupes jealous.

Body shape and questionable sex characteristics were about where the human aspects ended. As the Salazzle stretched, she brought her hands over the smooth dome of her head and down the extended length of her neck trying to brush excess water from her black scales. Her long snout clicked its jagged teeth together with a pleasured moan at the tickling of water running down her back. This drew attention to the amazingly thick reptile tail pushing its way out from the top of her rump cheeks. Along with the additional thin flaps running along either side.

Such an unnatural, even one-of-a-kind, beauty made Deiser consider several things. For one this was a very human-acting pokemon; drying herself off and humming while she shuffled about to rub at individual parts of her curves. That raised an important question if capturing her was even a moral thing to do. On the other hand, this was a pokemon beyond doubt and a bonafide salazzle of all things. Whatever the evolution reasons for her sexy as hell body, that just made her even more insanely rare than shiny. Was it really worth some human morals not to catch a cutie? The next trainer lucky enough to find these caves might not be so thoughtful or kind.

And then the salazzle bent over to start picking at the scales on her feet. The way she unintentionally presented to Deiser greatly encouraged his next course of action. Taking a quick step into the chamber, Deiser flung the master ball with all his might. Considering the distance across the pool to only be six or seven feet even he could not have missed such a toss.

It struck right into the salazzle's left glute with a resounding slap of fatty scaled flesh. The force of his throw might have been a bit much as he watched the ball sink deep into her rear before being sprung back by the soft flesh.

The salazzle let out a pained and surprised screech at this, standing up to whirl and face her attacker with a snarl. Deiser was thankful such an angry response was far too late. Hopefully, she would not mind a slight sting after she was caught. Once the master ball opened up, it was rumored even god tier pokemon could not escape.


But it did not open. The ball simply bounced off the salazzle's butt and fell into the pool with a hard splash, disappearing into the black depths beyond the light of the fire. It took Deiser several long seconds of watching empty air to realize his fantasy of a quick capture did not play out as planed.

Seconds the salazzle utilized by leaping across the pool at him amidst the howls of a battle cry. Before Deiser knew what was happening, she slammed into him with the full force of her larger body to pin him against the wall of her chamber. Her black breasts squished in a heavy blanket across his own while claws dug into his wrists from their death grip.

"Well, what do we have here!?" her beak clicked in a flexible way that formed fluent words, causing Deiser to gawk at this extra miracle. Although, she paused in talking to drag an amazingly long tongue across Deiser's cheek. "You taste a bit old and clumsy to be a pokemon trainer, mister human. Oh well, I ain't going to turn a blind eye to an easy catch. You look adorable enough to eat."

"S-s-sorry...I was...just..Mmphh!?"

"Sshh! Sshh!" The salazzle cooed softly as she arched her back to muffle Deiser's mouth with her breasts. Purple eyes glowed like gems in the firelight, hungrily calculating such a small captives worth. "Too late for taking backs. You're the one that slapped MY ass, remember? Never occurs to you silly apes you might be the ones getting caught. Now it just begs the question what to do with you..."

Her words oozed a sinister venom tone and probably not just because she was part Poison-type. Although that thought is what caused Deiser's attention to notice something else. Having such large purple-scaled boobs pressed up against his nose assaulted it with an odd aroma of baked cinnamon. Trying to look up into that smug snout allowed him to notice her whole body was giving off a strange formation of energy. The very air around her waved in a distorted dance. Was it because of her fire nature, or was she emitting...gas!?

Such conclusions did nothing to help Deiser regardless of the lovely smelling auras purpose. The salazzle suddenly released her grip on his wrists startling him to reclaim some footing. The only problem was that his whole body suddenly buckled under its granted freedom. Every muscle felt incredibly relaxed despite the intense meeting going on. Grasping a hand to each of the salazzle's boobs was all he could to keep from sliding into a mess at her feet.

"Mmm, yes. Get a good feel while I allow it." She gave her chest a little shake against Deiser's palms, that animal chortle echoing down the tunnels. Lack of airflow only helped her aroma overwhelm all of her preys senses. "I bet those humans in cities got nothing as awesome as me. Rest in, relax and enjoy the pheromones."

Before Deiser could reply, she stooped forward to wrap arms under his in a firm waist hug. This was just so she could heft the human up hard between her bosom when she stood. His slight overweight build was seemingly nothing for her to carry Deiser back down the tunnel he had come from.

Not that Deiser wanted to protest. Each deep puff of air filled his lungs with the sweet essence she was emitting. Thinking, in general, was getting harder each time the rush of pleasure came in to massage his senses. All he wanted to do was bury his face between those soft scaly pillows of hers. His hands gently kneaded them in an increasing show of affection for this monster woman.

"Just make yourself at home, eh?" The salazzle snorted when they entered the mouth of the cave to find Deiser's small camp set up. She still wasted no time setting him down upon the bedroll he had laid out. "What an intrusive little dork, you are. But this should make a fine spot to get you ready?"

"F-for what, m-miss salazzle?" Getting a lung full of at least partial fresh air helped clear Deiser's head a great deal. Not enough to muster resistance when his shirt got pulled off, just enough to be earnestly curious. Looking up at the sexy purple tits dangling above his head made displeasing such a superior creature one of the last things on his mind.

"Call me Koal," she said, tossing the shirt away. The human was never going to need it again. A devilish smile crossed her face seeing Deiser's bare chest and stomach developing its own purple hue. "And since I caught you now, it only makes sense to adjust you to your new life. Frankly speaking, I don't like humans, or most pokemon even. Guess you could say the only company I tend to enjoy is myself."

"So then how am I going to ah-HAAAAH!!"

Koal pressed her breasts forward into Deiser's chest. Her long neck making it easy to crane in for a deep bite into Deiser's left shoulder. Even his startled cry of pain had an oddly cute charm that made her tail wag across the bedroll. After a few seconds of holding her fangs in, she gently pulled back to quickly lick at the wound to staunch its blood flow.

While her pheromones worked wonderfully on Deiser, a little poison injection helped speed things up. Besides, this human's intrusion on Koal's little hideout had worked herself plenty horny to not draw things out for potentially days. Her tail twitched faster watching the skin around her bite mark darkening to a grey color matching her own before spreading out across Deiser's shoulder and arms like ink. The skin itself dried up rapidly, splitting into patches of shimmering scales even on the purple areas of his front side.

Koal had evolved in a lot more ways than just her body. It was always a fun treat to get to use her abilities on simple-minded humans and pokemon.

"Don't worry about anything, dear." She clicked her snout softly, working at the belt on Deiser's pants. His torso had already shifted to the coloration of grey and purple scales matching Koal's. It would not due to miss the rest of his scales form. "In fact, just let your mind relax. I'll do all the work. Don't need to think about it. Nothing to worry about with just me and myself here."

"You and...yourself..." Deiser wiggled to help with the removal of his pants and shoes. For some reason, he thought he should have been worried about being naked before this goddess of a pokemon, but that was silly. Her jiggling figure moving with elegant grace was all he needed to focus on, and his still human groin agreed.

"Well, hello to you too!" Koal giggled spotting Deiser's penis rise in salute for her. The arousal of Deiser's instincts gave her pause to lick her lips. "Yeah, not a bad size either. We can get some good use out of you before we're done."

"Use wha-aahh yes!"

Koal settled down between Deiser's legs to quickly envelope his dick between her breasts. The plush orbs spilled over his lap, which began to widen with several small pops of Deiser's hip bone. Large amounts of fat bubbled up around his butt and thighs to further exaggerate a feminine pelvis. This extra plush gave enough lift to Deiser's penis to suddenly poke it's head out through the top of Koal's cleavage.

An unexpected greeting Koal was eager to reciprocate. Her lengthy tongue slinked its way out to gently lap trails of drool all along Deiser's shaft as well as her tits. Poor guy was pretty far gone, since that got Deiser to start mindlessly humping against her chest.

"Ah, yes! Yes! Thank you, mistress!" Came the changing human's groans as each lick of Koal's tongue sent jolts across his body. There was no longer a woeful concern to leave this salazzle's cave, much less get...wherever the heck he had been going. His new owner's pleasure was so nice and relaxing. It really helped him to forget about all those unnecessary things.

"Don't thank me yet, worm!" Koal giggled as she pressed her boobs tighter around the thrusting dick between them. The elongated neck allowed her muzzle to twist down and give the head sucking kisses.


"Oh gah..." Deiser gripped savagely at the bedding under him, muscles suffering hard spasms as they changed. Fingers popped out longer and more delicate looking, yet nails molted off uselessly to make way for a set of vicious claws. Claws that made easy work of turning Deiser's bedroll into useless shreds of cloth with his clenching.

"Mmmm, yes!" Koal glanced back to see a similar transformation overcoming those wimpy looking human feet. The soles swelled large and powerful as five, uneven toes, fused into three much larger ones. Each ending with very sharp sickle claws for gripping.

By now Deiser's entire skin was coated in fine, smooth scales. His inner thighs, crotch, and chest deepened to a dark purple while the rest of him maintained a dark grey. Markings that were the mirror image of Koal's.

Koal huffed softly as her hands drifted from her breasts to grope along the underside of Deiser's rounded ass. She absently turned her gaze almost a hundred-eighty to contemplate her own shining backside. Maybe a diet of less fatty human foods would be better for next season.


Well, first things first. Koal turned her attention back to the dim-witted toy under her. Hands continued to caress and squeeze the thick fat of Deiser's backside while her neck stretched out. Lizard tongue draped slow, long licks across the toned curves of Deiser's collapsing waist up to his chest. Despite the scales, he still had two fully rounded nipples. Ones that were starting to getting noticeably puffy as their corresponding areolas stretched and widened across softening pecs. These changes seemed to especially excite Deiser into arching his back with a much sharper curve to his spine. His changed hands rose up to gently stroke around the fat mounds gathering on his chest.

"Yes, good servant." Koal squeezed both of Deiser's ass cheeks to emphasize her approval of this behavior. "Empty your mind further. Feel every bit of myself become you. And then let it replace you. There's no need for you anymore, only me."

"Hrrk uugh nggh!" Deiser could barely form words. Both from his overwhelming arousal at getting tit fucked and his jaw having trouble working normally. Of course, he barely had a reason to speak anyway. He could virtually feel his mistress doing the thinking for him. The stroking of budding breasts become more aggressive with each word she spoke.

"There we go. You'll make a great salazzle if I do say so myself." Laughing at her personal joke, Koal rose up to release Deiser's member from her tits. Something else had been poking at her belly, and it was obvious that Deiser had begun growing out his lizard tail. His body continued to writhe in the pleasure of stroking breasts that were swelling past ripe grapefruits. Each little smack of his bubble butt on the ripping bedding caused a muscular tail to surge out several inches in length, widening with strength that could shatter rocks in one whip.

Koal straddled Deiser's hips wanting to help it along to its full glory. When Deiser arched his hips again, she squatted down to envelope the entire length of his shaft in one hard slam.

"Gyah haaaa yes!" Deiser voice choked and then cracked in mid-cry. Octaves shattering in a wide range before settling into a tone that Koal had been expecting. It was no surprise when her own voice came out of Deiser's mouth shouting, "Fuck me, Me. We are so goddamn tight."

"Oh, We know we are." Koal wiggled her hips before rising up and letting gravity bring her back down upon Deiser's plump hips. Their long lizard tails and flaps intertwining with the throws of their fucking.

Deiser rocked his head back, hearing cracks echo in his shrinking ears. Even if he was not practically a blank slate of animal instincts yet, he felt no pain to worry about. The next buck rocked his head back up at Koal with another snap. This repeated several times with his neck gaining inch after inch of buffing, flexible muscles, and new vertebrae.

Koal's bucking grew harder and faster as she started to feel her insides welling with figurative, and probably literal, fire. She was determined to drive the last of this human out of its worthless shell and achieve orgasm at the same time. By the looks of Deiser's developing snout, he was not too far off either.

"Aaah...sha...sha...Yes! That's it!" She sputtered out with breaths that had wisps of flame tailing them. "Become one with me! There is no more human left in your mind. Come join me as one. There is nothing more special than me."

"We..becoming one." Deiser grasped her purple breasts tightly, which bulged fat scales through his fingers like putty. Not unlike the pair violently sloshing around Koal's chest with her bouncing. Lizard tails slapped together when his bubble butt bounced up to meet Koal's slamming down.

Their violent bucking became so strong it knocked the very hair off from Deiser's head. Scales smoothed out the entire scalp in its place. Ears vanished into nearly invisible holes along the sides. There was no reason to worry about any of this. It was all that mistress...what she wanted. Deiser was feeling more pleasure than she ever thought possible. She was becoming perfect, just like herself.

She was also getting really tense from all the cock grinding Koal was doing. The skin of her balls pulled tight, taunter than any experience before. The last vestige of Deiser's manhood struggled to hang on, but the new will imposing over her personality squeezed on her prostate for its final load. It would be great once these final fleeting notions of human life left Deiser. She could barely recall her own name in the haze of her building crescendo.

Koal could see it in her double's face. She leaned forward to smosh their large breasts together, planting a big kiss on Deiser's contorting face. Her ass increased its bucking pace.

This seemed to shock Deiser at first, but she quickly hugged around Koal's tapered waist to push back. Her own mouth stretched with an extending jaw, becoming flush with her nose before really wrapping around Koal's like a full lizards snout. Their tongue lengthened along with it, having a wrestling match with Koal's more skilled one while they sucked at each other's lips.

Suddenly Deiser's arms tightened their hug. Her salazzle snout bit down carefully, but firmly onto Koal's shoulder. From inside Koal's cunny, she felt Deiser's cock stiffen, and she responded with wild bucks mustered from her remaining strength. With only a few more seconds of minor resistance, the floodgates broke open. Deiser growled into Koal's soft flesh as the pressure of his loins became too much to hold back.

The once human penis gave many hard and powerful convulsions, unloading endless wads of warm cum deep into Koal's womb. Koal gave out her own muffled cry as she sat fully on Deiser's girth, grinding her ass back and forth to milk all she could from this last offering of humanity. Sadly she was not quick enough to reach her own climax before the mighty rod began to deflate inside her tunnel. She had to resort to rubbing herself off between desperate grinds as excess amounts of their mixed juices spilled across Deiser's lap.

Or rather, Koal-two's lap, as with the ejection of her thick egg fertilizer left the last remaining thoughts remotely connected to the human called Deiser. Brown human eyes slowly closed, and then reopened to glow a dark purple around slit irises. The fresh made salazzle anthro fell back on her destroyed bedroll gasping in labored pants. The swelling of her lungs caused an almost pleasurable jiggling of her tits, but it was the pulsing sensation as her dick slowly shriveled up into her pelvis that was making her afterglow really intense.

"Ngggh!!" Koal-two winced when a hard pop caused one of her balls to sink its way inside her. The brother followed right after leaving only a scaled sac of skin ruffling between her thighs.

It remained such for exactly three seconds, and then the skin suddenly split into a vertical slit. Koal-two let out a long hiss through her fangs relishing the cold cave air on freshly sensitive nethers. Her groin continued hollowing out inside her, dripping excess juices down her thighs. The insides would soon reform into the necessary organs to lay her first eggs later. One hand passed experimentally over her last inches of cock, feeling it dwindle away to the nub that would be her clit.

"Murrrrrr!!" Koal-two gazed new reptile eyes up at the twin sister still collapsed atop her. The constant meshing of their breasts helped prolong both of their desires for sensual peace. "Not bad for a first-timer."

"Say's me!" The original Koal gave her twin a playful bap on the snout. "You should have seen the look on my face right before we climaxed. Seeing that stupid human completely submit to becoming me was hilariously awesome."

"I know. I was just too awesome for his simple mind." Koal gave the other salazzle a hard push to roll them off her chest. She was heavy despite being a gorgeous babe, and they wanted to stand and stretch out a few cramps. "Even so, it's hard to believe how easily he fell for that stupid shit."

"You know how humans are," Koal said laying out on the ripped bedroll in a pose meant to mimic a magazine model. That got her twins tail wagging a bit. "Just shove a pair of tits in their face, and they'll follow us into a volcano."

"I know, right?" Koal raised her hands towards the cave roof, arching onto her toes for full body flex. That thrust her chest out into a jiggling mess to tease her laying sister back. "Still, not a bad lay, I guess. Wait, did I fuck you, or was I the one fucked?"

"Does it really matter?" Koal shrugged before standing as well. "We're both covered in juices, and one of us will probably be laying a clutch in a few weeks. You'll know then if it's important."

"Well, yeah! I want to be the one that grows a bigger ass first." Koal gave her sister's hip a playful smack for emphasis. "God, look at how awesome we are even in human filth. I love me."

"I love me too!"


Both Salazzle blinked before realizing a third voice had cried out from the entrance of the cave. A rather annoying way to make your presence known with all the echoing. They turned in perfect unison to find another male trainer had wandered inside with a backdrop of dusk behind him. The pack and pokeballs he had been carrying flopped to the ground rolling everywhere unchecked. His eyes darted from one curvey salazzle bombshell to the other while instinctively taking a step back towards his exit.

The Koal's turned to each other maintaining their stunned stare. But then their snouts curled into cruel smiles clearly getting the same idea.

"Think this cave is big enough for triplets?" one asked.

"If not, we can just find somewhere else." Replied the other. "Besides, I'm dying to test our theory on boobs to the face when we're packing four of them."

The wayward trainer could not fully turn around before the much larger pair of lizard Pokemon girls tackled him to the floor.


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