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Commission for: Libby

Art by: Greenpidge


With a swift kick, the wooden door exploded in a shower of broken, moldy wood. Somehow there lingered a feeling that such a feat would have been easy even if the intruder did not possess solid hoofs at the end of her thick, muscled legs. Ancient dungeon doors were just not built to last if you did not go marble these days.

Just as lucky the old owners were so cheap anyway. A rather large chunk of the door ended up taking off the head of one of the goblin guards that had been playing a disturbing game of dice and rat chunks on the floor. They would have the fortune of not being directly taken out by Libby herself.

The red mare leaped into the room a blaze of red and silver. Her large hoofs landed together amidst the goblin dice with a thunderous clop that rocked the trio of goblins off their squatting perches. Poor disgusting creatures never had time to so much as finish their cries of alarm. A whirling pair of short swords, already stained with enemy blood many colors of the rainbow, cut them down where they laid.

Such quick and flashy actions brought new meaning to Libby Airspinner’s name. Granted it was a lackluster bit of show for the dungeons last line of defense. But that the red mare was not about to complain after just having to do all her best tricks on a pair of very stubborn cave trolls ten minutes ago. Those bastards healed at speeds that gave even her slashing spin maneuvers a challenge.

What mattered was that the final room had been breached. Libby sheathed her weapons with a happy flick of her darker crimson tail. Many rumors had been circulating about this old alchemists tower for weeks now. No one really knew much about the owner that vanished over a hundred years ago, only far-fetched tails of what magical science had been accomplished. Libby had heard it all on her many binges to the bottom of an ale mug with fellow adventurers; he discovered the fountain of youth, a way to become a demi-god, how to synthesize an army of squirrel warriors, the difference between butter and ‘I can’t detect it's not butter.’

While Libby would have loved to know that last one, it was the newest rumor that spurred this fighter mare into climbing such an old pile of crumbling rock. Mostly because she needed a way to pay off her mounting debt of ale consumption fast. The rumors that this alchemist had actually found a way to produce gold out of nothing was too good to pass up. Unfortunately, it seemed too far-fetched a tale for any other companions to come with. Such low tier opposition as goblins, trolls, and their giant vermin pets hardly lends credence to the notion worthwhile treasure rested amongst the filth.

The joke was on them. Libby rested hands on her curvy hips while observing the top floor with a satisfied grin. Here she was standing triumphantly in the alchemist's main lab while they were still getting plastered back at the bar. Sure her chain mail was going to need hours of repair and polish, but the goblins already paid for that. A large cache of loot remained hoarded in the cellar thanks to decades of unregulated mischief spread across the wilderness and towns of the area.

It was especially nice compensation since this place was completely wrecked. There were plenty of signs of beakers and burners and the usual whimsy setups of an alchemist's lab. All of which were broken or rotted to a useless state thanks to a collapsed window letting nature creep its way inside. If not for the dais in the far wall of the room, Libby would have immediately turned to start the long clopping decent back down this wasteful tower.

The fact there was a chest on this dais would have caught full attention of any adventurer, honestly. But this one looked especially interesting in many ways. Like the fact it was made of solid black stone, or that even with years of exposure to the elements showed no sign of wear, or no debris seemed to rest within ten feet of this container.

“Bingo!” Libby said almost in song as she clopped over to the dais.

Of course, she was no fool on an errand. The mare made careful steps all around the dais checking for anything and everything that might seem peculiar. All she could find in that regard was a single magic rune visible on the lid. No need to worry there. Even with Libby’s moderate amount of arcane knowledge, she recognized its only functioned was to open her new prize. No way to tell if it also sent a reaction to any other surprises in the room, though.

Good thing she was still wound up for another challenge. Libby hoped for more than half-awake goblins as she placed a gloved hand on the mark with an uttering of the proper command word.

A flash of warmth made Libby pull her hand away, ears and tail twitching in her mounting excitement. Light spread from the magic rune across the entire stone top of the chest before it began to rise. At least eighty pounds of marble hovered off the stone container before slowly gliding back to lay properly on the wall behind it.

“Wow,” was about all Libby could get out taking in the contents of her latest treasure.

It was hard to even make out what she was staring at for a few seconds. At first, she had thought the chest contained some kind of golden-infused glass, but with the shifting of the lid caused many ripples to form on its glossy surface. Now Libby began to wonder if she had found some kind of permanently melted form of gold. There was certainly no heat radiating from the substance.

She then thought since, being an alchemist, it might be some form of potion that turned things into gold. A quick experiment with a chair leg proved that wrong.

More importantly, she learned this stuff was highly corrosive. A large glob of golden muck stuck to her bit of wood where it proceeded to devour the thing in mere seconds. The glob itself seemed to be growing bigger as it ate too before Libby dropped the stick in the chest to prevent it reaching her hand.

The stick created a small ripple in the muck as it landed with a wet plop. What remained quickly vanished into nothingness before going still again.

Seconds later the entire contents of the chest began to bubble faster than water on a roaring fire.

“Oh, bloody hell…”

Libby let out a panicked scream as the entire chest erupted in a wave of gold. Holding her arms up for a brace was a useless instinctive reaction. The ooze washed over her with a force to get rocked off her hooves. Excitement became replaced with regret at dying by literally being eaten into gold.

Except there was no pain. After a loud splash, Libby waited several seconds before trying to open her eyes. Like the rest of her, the usual thick horse muzzle was drenched in a sticky wet ooze but otherwise refused to be melted. Brushing some clumps of crimson mane from her eyes, she raised up onto her elbows to find most of the golden ooze that was not on her was retreating back into a pool around the base of her hoofed feet.

It was only when she tried to get up that her bracers fell off with a ringing clank.

“Aw come on!” Libby cried out as she sat up. The goop might not have been eating her curvy figure, but it had no qualms with her gear. Metal and leather simply dissolved away into the globs of golden muck worming their way over every part of her body. Globs that grew faster and hungrier the more they devoured. And no amount of kicking, flailing, or cussing at them would remove the odd goop from her fur.

Libby cried out again as she tried to hold onto a breastplate that was vanishing from her hands. Her butt started to feel the cold grim of the floor as it became increasingly exposed through the holes in her slacks. Even her swords were not spared an unceremonious demise, which was more rage inducing than when her tits fell out of the shambled remains of their chain mail. A year's worth of treasure hunting had been spent to infuse those blades with lightning magic just last week.

In only minutes Libby was sitting on the moss-stained lab floor with just the red and blue striped fur she had been born with for warmth. Only then did the golden ooze fall off her in big splashing globs. They slid lazily around her hips to rejoin the puddle idling around her hooves as Libby watched in annoyed disinterest. Not a speak of material was left on the mare, making her grateful to have left her pack with all her travel gear back on the first floor with her loot.

Apparently, that was the great ‘treasure’ the alchemist left behind; a unique ooze that replicated itself out of material it ate. Something that was completely stupid and served no use in any practical sense. Typical ego fueled research to be the next big name in the college books. Libby let out a long, sad sigh as she got to her hooves. Anger vanished for the more imminent concerns on whether or not she had packed a spare change of clothes for the trip.


It looked like covering her naked ass would be second on Libby’s list of priorities. No sooner had she rose back onto both hooves then the ooze sprung back into action. Its entire mass converged on her hard platforms, encasing them in a thick bubble of gold. Libby’s annoyance became drowned in mounting panic when said bubble began to expand.

“No no noooo! Let me go, you stupid gold!!” Libby bucked and squirmed, but even her beefed lower muscles could not shake this weird monster's hold. Her movements only got more hindered as the mound expanded to encase her knees. Then in another loud slosh, it swelled multiple times in mass to cover most of her hips. “I said let go-Nyaaagh!”

Being a fighter by nature Libby’s only logical course of action was to try punching the golden ooze off her hips. That went surprisingly unwell as her right fist punctured right through the jiggling mass, and then refused to come out again. Trying to plunge her left hand in to pull it out was also an awful decision in hindsight. It left Libby trapped up to her elbows in gold slime.

Thank goodness none of her usual barflies came to see her crimson ass sticking out of the couch-sized ooze as if she were presenting in heat. For some reason this particular ooze only seemed interested in stopping just after coating her nether regions.

“Aaahh? HAAAH!? NGGH!”

Okay, the ooze decided to make its intentions perfectly clear. Libby’s struggles began anew upon feeling her sensitive groin getting pushed and rubbed by this aggressive captor. Glancing down between her sloshing breasts, Libby gawked at seeing her vaginal folds being pushed apart by the slick material. Sadly there was little she could do with it keeping a cement hold on her limbs. Excess gel flooded into her birth canal, stretching her wider and fuller than any stalwart barbarian could dream to accomplish.

“Ah, gods that’s cold. Get out of there you perverted fuck...puddle? Oooooh no!” Libby’s ears and tail snapped erect with her face burning from more than stimulated arousal. The ooze had helped itself into the folds of her behind and had begun applying pressure to the tight pucker hidden between its red cheeks. “D-don’t you ffffucking dare! T-t-that’s not an 'in' hoooooOOLY FUUUCK STICKS!!”

Despite her best efforts to keep her sphincter clenched, this monster seemed well designed to slip past even a sturdy fighting mare's doughnut ring. It did not help that it was literally its own lube. Pressure continued to increase on her poor rim until a sliver managed to leek its way in. The rush of cold caused Libby to gasp and then the fight was over. Her concentration faltered enough for a full invasion through the back door. If anything, that almost felt like the real monsters target. The mares digestive tract bloated up to an insane degree trying to take on much more load than her stuffed cunny.

And then everything inside Libby began to move.

“Fuck...fuck...hah aah...ffffuck…S-stupid perverted AaAAHH-lchemist!”

Libby shuddered in labored pants, the extent of what her motor functions could currently allow her to do. The ooze was doing a great job sloshing itself in and out of her two most sensitive openings like some strange pumping machine. It even had the damn wherewithal to alternate between emptying her anus while flooding her cunt and vice versa.

Needless to say, the rapid oozes rhythm was making Libby incredibly horny. Her insides kept getting massaged as it stretched her to their limits. There was just enough reprieve for muscles to recover before the next flood worked them raw again. It was especially pleasing how the rush of thick muck worked her clit with each filling of her marehood. Despite her compromising situation, or maybe because of it, her tail was soon raising erect, and shudders began to weaken from her muscles tensing up.

“Nnngghh gah! Oh, gods! Ooooh, fuck fuck fuck!” Libby was a dictionary of slang in between her rapid breaths, but she grew to work with the flows. Not like she had anything more pressing to do while stuck with a dead person's sex monster. The inevitable was quickly ramping up inside her anyway. “Y-you dumb...s-stuuupid aah slime! You b-betterrrrnngh let me go after th...after thi….NGH GAAAH FUCK!”

The ooze seemed to sense Libby’s orgasm right before it came crashing down on the mare. Fresh waves of the cold muck flooded her anus and vagina with all it could to tweak every last nerve. It helped amplify Libby’s rush of pleasure with amazing force.

The mare rocked her head back in a deep bray that echoed down the tower walls. Her insides were ablaze with hard contractions. The hardest series of muscle crunches anything on this mortal plane had coaxed out of her. Hips wiggled about in what spasms they could manage while entrapped. Cunny and anus milked that ooze deep inside of her like nothing else mattered.

And for several minutes nothing really did. Libby did not ride down from her orgasm so much as float. Afterglow took its sweet time settling over the heated horse. Her body continued to shudder and squeeze down on her two holes for all the ooze they could suck in. So much in fact that it filled all the way against her cervix. Hell, some might have even leaked into her womb itself, but Libby was too lost in pleasure to notice or care. Breasts flopped about from her lungs struggling to get in that next bit of vital air.

As her mind settled back into a state of relaxed content, Libby gave her tail a pensive twitch. Maybe this might be a thing worth keeping after all. It would certainly be a better romp than would-be barbarians that never have the constitution to keep up with her. She just needed to bring the whole ‘dissolving expensive gear’ aspect under control. It certainly was in no hurry to release her even after doing the deed and withdrawing from both holes completely.

Well, maybe not a complete withdrawal. Libby was left feeling rather bloated by a large deposit of ooze sloshing about her deep innards both in front and back.

“Uughh...BUURRRP!! Oh, what fresh hell is this!?”

Libby was too tired from slime fucking to get that angry over a hard churning noise deep inside her. It still raised concern when the shifting continued with increasing volume. Looking down at her chiseled abs offered no real answer aside from that bloating sensation rising with the noise.

At least until she found her view becoming increasingly obstructed.

“H-hey! No! Stop that! Don’t you dare tamper with my girls!”

Gods only knew why Libby kept shouting at the ooze like such things mattered to it. Likewise, her cries did nothing to stop her tits from growing. Libby always loved to joke with her companions about having ‘the largest apples in the land,’ but as she wiggled about the weight of her breasts gained a lot more swing to them. Both mounds quickly upgraded to ripe melons while Libby groaned at how tender their load was getting. Even her nipples were getting stretched and puffy trying to contain the sloshing cargo stretching her chest taut. A job they were failing when a spurt of release made Libby gasp. Milk blasted from her nipples under their own pressure before settling into a continuous leaking trickle down the curves of her bloated boobs.

So distracting was watching her breasts fill up that Libby failed to notice her belly growing until it began to overreach even those sloshing mounds.

“Uuuggghhhaaa!” Libby shook from head to tail while continuing to bloat out further and wider. Hard cramps raced across her stomachs surface, squeezing to their tightest before relaxing in short intervals. The very notion of what this might signify caused both her emerald eyes to snap wide as dinner plates. A panicked glance over her shoulder revealed the fact her butt was starting to grow thick and plump as well. Well, more so than it already was. Hips snapped a little wider to make room for a wider passageway between her thighs. “Aaagh! W-what the ffffuck did you do to me? I’ll...I’ll haah...fucking cast you in iron...nngh...bury you at seeeeeYAAAHH!!”

The pressure soon caused Libby's belly button to pop out. Not long after her contractions became unbearable and the mare arched her back in a mixed cry of discomfort and pleasure. The urge to push down overcame her, which she was all too glad to go along with if it meant getting whatever the hell was growing inside her out.

“Oh, come on!” Libby snarled at the ooze keeping her bound. After several seconds of pushing she could definitely feeling something large and solid sliding towards an exit. But it was her tight, tender anus that suddenly felt the object plop inside her sphincter for the first delivery. “Huff huff! I’d...mmmpph...I’d k-kill this alchemist if he wasn’t ah...already dead!”

Libby braced herself with a deep breath before boring down again. She tried not to cry as the object pushed back against her tight rim, slowly stretching it out. The ooze may have lubed her up super well, but the object stretched to an incredibly wide point where it simply refused to budge out her hole any further. Hooves twitched as she tried desperately to wiggle. Anything to get the damn thing out.

“Ah fuck! GAAH!” Libby gasped and then cried out as she was forced to relax for a breath. Immediately the object slid right back into her butthole, grinding her insides that were already worn from such penetrations.

At least it did not slide back in all the way. With several more deep breaths, Libby waited for another contraction before pushing down on her load. It slid out a lot faster now with her rim starting to adjust to the size. She still bit her lip as muscles strained around the wide point, yet she could feel it yielding ever so painfully slow.


Libby collapsed in rapid heaves for breath, letting the oozes hold support her for a moment. Soon as the object passed that annoying wide point the rest seemed to fall out of her butt with ease. Unlike the mare, it fell through the ooze to hit the stone floor with a muffed metallic thud.

An egg was now visibly laying among the golden monsters base under Libby. The absurdity of this took a moment to properly assess.

An egg had just come out of Libby's butt.

“Ugh!” And more were on the way if the returning need to push was any indication. Having leaking breasts and a humongous belly made it impossible for Libby to see it directly, but she could certainly feel her vaginal lips tear apart from the inside. Fortunately, they had a much easier time stretching around their coming load. After only a few good pushes and a soft grunt, another egg plunged through the ooze next to the first one.

The ovid's strange clunks when they landed caused Libby’s ears to perk. It was still hard to tell, being bound and unable to reach them, but she was fairly certain those heavy ass things were made of metal. They were certainly a good shade to reflect their jiggling bed underneath her. The idea she was literally giving birth to solid gold almost served as a comforting consolation to the next series of contraction.

“You gotta be fucking kidding meeeeeEEECK!”

The next egg had pushed hard onto the inside of Libby’s ass. The mare balled her hands into fists inside the ooze holding her as she tried to squeeze it out quick. Her ring had remained stretched out a bit, but between everything so far even Libby’s strength was starting to wane. It still took a short breather to get the stupid thing out past the wide point.

This would pretty much encompass the rest of Libby’s day and adventure. Eggs continued to fall out of her with steady alterations between ass and cunt. Even when she grew too exhausted to put any effort into pushing, Libby’s contractions would try forcing them out anyway. That at least made for some semblance of breaks while her insides ran on autopilot. She needed those for that final push past the widest point each time. All the while milk and sex juices leaked out of her, further engorging the ooze that held her captive.

Hours would pass before Libby finally noticed her belly considerably deflated with each new egg plopping out of her. Thank the gods for that, as her rear had gotten really swollen and sore. Sitting down was going to be nothing but a dream for the next week. Not to say anything about wearing pants. It might be cheaper to invest in armored skirts than get custom tailoring.

Words could still not describe Libby’s relief when her cunny squeezed out one final hurrah. The last egg fell onto the impressive pile at her floating hooves. She counted at least thirty of the damn lumps of metal before focusing on just pushing them out. There had definitely been a lot more laid since then.


She barely got time to catch a breath before the ooze also relaxed. Libby was quick to catch herself on all fours, just barely moving enough to avoid crashing into her pile of golden ‘young.’ They were indeed egg-shaped masses of solid gold, as she managed to dig through the ooze to feel one.

The ooze itself was actually starting to move away from both the treasure and Libby. She could only watch in dazed confusion as it seemed to slink it’s way back up the dais and into its marble chest. Soon as the last drop made it inside the lid itself regained its magic glow, at which point it floated over to seal the chest back up inside its thick stone.

“O...okay then,” Libby said still on all fours and struggling to stay awake. Outside the broken window night had fallen with only the moon projecting some light to see with. Every last bit of Libby’s strength had been worked out of her. Both anus and vagina screamed to recover from all the work they just went through.

On the bright side, those rumors did hold some very, very….VERY perverted grains of truth to them. Libby could not help staring at the pile of valuable metal chunks just inches away. They were about the only things making her feel any sense of pride in this embarrassing end to an adventure.

Already a fake tale of fending off wild mutated chickens was being spun in the mares tired imagination. Yeah. Bards might buy into that after a few ales. No need to explain in detail how golden eggs really got made.

Explaining the dozen extra inches on her ass would be the real problem, but that could wait until she got some healing ointment on it.


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