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Reward for: Psi

Art by: Exvarn


Explosions! Loud noises! A rain of colorful debris!

These were the ingredients chosen to completely confuse a young ferret. It had been a simple plan; return all the damn holiday cheese and splurge the money at Game Stop. Psi had no idea why people liked giving him cheese for Christmas, but that was his default gift apparently. A simple trip to the mall made them easy to trade back in for a nondescript refund.

What left him standing in confusion at the doorway was that this was not Game Stop he had just entered. Far as he could tell it was some sort of store with a great emphasis on fragrance. Psi's nose burned hard trying to withstand a gushing blast of cinnamon from the incense burning at the entrance. Beyond that were shelves of colored bottles, candles, scented log, and exotic oils. There had never been a store like this here just weeks ago when he was shopping for presents.

Now a bundle of party poppers showered Psi in a rain of confetti upon coming inside. As streamers rained down across his brown hair and sweater, all he could do was stare in blank surprise at the white and pink cat girl dancing before him.

"Congratulations! You're my first customer of the new year!"

"Um..." Psi dusted off the tiny paper strips from his hair, unsure if it was okay just to let them fall into the pile at his feet. A lot of things felt off about her entire statement. "It's January eighth..."

"Hey, you get drunk and trash a doughnut shop, you'll take a week off too."


The energetic feline gave Psi little chance to continue his already befuddled thoughts. Hugging one of Psi's arms, she showed amazing strength dragging him further into her store. A hard blush overcame the ferret as he tried not to stare. This clerk seemed oblivious to a lot of social standards, including serving in a bikini during the coldest periods of winter.

She only let go after they crossed through a section of plywood walls into a far less stocked room. They moved past a full body mirror to a strange looking coffee machine taking up the far most wall. All the strange pipes of colored fluids and exotic carved canisters channeled a Willy Wonka vibe to the room. Psi was not sure if that was a good alternative to used video games.

"Oh, where are my manners? I'm Sorsha, by the way."

Psi whipped attention back to the cat. She was busying herself unlocking a panel beside the machine. Underneath lay a digital screen that flashed to life in a display of buttons across the minor touchscreen.

"So what would you like for your prize?"

"My what now?"

"Ugh!" Sorsha rolled her eyes tapping several buttons in a sequence Psi could not follow. "I like to give free samples to customers every so often, so you can have any of my perfume you like."

Soft humming noises could be heard deep in the expensive looking coffee maker. That quickly revved up into a full throttling of gears with steam spitting in bursts out of many exhaust vents.

"Yeah?" Psi approached the touch screen at Sorsha's encouraging hand wave. Natural curiosity was the only thing that kept him in the store at all. On the screen were even more buttons so tiny he could barely make out the general shapes of what he guessed were feral animals. "I'm not a perfume kind of guy."

"Oh, psssh! A handsome man like you?" Sorsha gave him a playful punch in the arm. "You look like a raccoon that enjoys sticking his nose into all sort of crazy garbage."

Psi's ears folded back while he tried to keep a level face. "Um...I'm a ferret."

"Oh...well...you still look cute." Sorsha suddenly placed a hand on the seat of Psi's pants, using his shock to nudge him closer to the controls. "Just pick something, hun. It's totally free, so maybe you could give your cute otter boy a nice gift."

"H-how do you know about Miles?"

"I'm a witch, silly. You going to pick some flavors or what?"

Somehow that three-word explanation felt way more interesting than selecting a perfume. However, Sorsha's sour pout probably meant Psi would not get any elaboration if he tried. Looking at the screen again he noted there were no apparent directions or reason for all the buttons markings. When Psi picked up his hostess starting to tap her bare feet in angry huffs, he just hit three buttons in complete random before pressing a thumb to the big one marked 'Finish.'

"Awesome!" Sorsha clapped her hands in a happy bounce when her machine thundered into a series of loud banging noises.

Steam erupted out of every possible exhaust in loud hisses. The fluid was pumped through pipes between several of the canisters. And yet Psi could not make any sense of such functions. The main cylinders of the machine rang out from many heavy things drumming around inside them. It was all a series of mechanics that seemed to get Sorsha's tail waving high on her bouncing bikini butt.

Even the sight of her pink heart-marked behind could not distract Psi. Every natural urge had him slowly backing away just in case the store started to explode.


An almost microwave style signal of completion promptly left the room in a thick blanket of silence. When Sorsha glanced over to see Psi was not about to approach, she shrugged and moved to open a panel at the base of the machine. A rush of steam preceded her removing a small green bottle. Its long neck was topped with a fancy spray nozzle and pump handle.

There was also some sort of engraving that Sorsha turned away from Psi to read herself. Whatever it said seemed to make her ears perked with interest. "Well now, that's a pretty interesting combination you picked. Sounds really cute strung together too. We just got to take your Chimera Scent on a test run."

"A what now? HEY!"

Without warning, Sorsha had raised the bottle to give its pump a single squeeze. From its nozzle erupted a heavy cloud of mist right into Psi's face. Hands uselessly shot up too late to block it as he staggered back a sputtering mess. Some had gotten into his mouth as a result of talking.

At least it did not smell too bad. If anything it made the fur on Psi's face tickle with a surprisingly pleasant warmth. The smell that assaulted his nose, however, was difficult to figure out. Some sort of strange mix of lemongrass, new car, and carrot cake cycled through his senses.

"W-what did you do that MEOW!?"

Psi blinked for a moment trying to comprehend the feline noise did not come from Sorsha. His abnormal shopkeeper merely smiled back with a pleased wag of her tail. Bringing hands down to his muzzle, Psi gulped at feeling sets of very thick hairs growing out around his nose. "W-whiskers?!"

That was nowhere near as alarming as the feeling of his muzzle itself starting to collapse in on itself. Psi mewed in distress, bolting for the mirror provided across the room. Just in time to watch his teeth finish gaining a very sharp edge. Seeing his reflection, it was pretty clear his mouth had turned into the short bluntness of a feline. While Psi's eyes remained their usual blue, they now had vertical slits on their pupils. Noticing this, in turn, allowed Psi to see his eyelashes growing incredibly thicker.

"What's going on? ACH!" Psi coughed several times, seeing his throat shifting with the softening features of his face. A very female-looking face. "What is that stuff...my...my voice!?"

Changes had not settled on just his mouth. Every bit of Psi's head shifted or altered in new ways while he pondered over his suddenly very girlish voice. His ears stretched towards the ceiling only stopping just a bit over a foot long. Cat face? Bunny ears? The only thing that made things even weirder was the large curved horns growing out behind his forehead.

"Wait, HUH!?"

Hands shot up fumbling over his much larger rabbit ears to grasp at the horns rising out through the forest of brown hair. Said hair happened to be growing much denser at the same time. Locks cascaded down Psi's shoulders and back in seconds, sweeping around like a little cape when he moved.

Suddenly growing horns still held the top on Psi's priorities list. The large bones were massive, even compared to his ears, curving back for a sleek ram style. They were also very heavy, weighing down his efforts to truly pace around in a panic.

"I guess you should have read the warning signs when you came into the store." Sorsha rolled her eyes again. A broad smile remained on watching this marvelous transformation unfold. "My fault for assuming stating I'm a witch wouldn't imply most of my wares are magical."

"What warning sign!?" Grasping at his horns diverted Psi's attention to his hands themselves. Lowering them down before his face allowed him to watch both extremities puff up several times in size. Palms and finger developed distinct bulbs that swelled out into dense pads. With a slight wince of pain, all ten fingernails popped off from the curved sickle claws that grew out. "Any warning would have b..been nngggh nice, you know!"

"Hey! You have any idea how much extract of dragon costs? You're lucky I let you mix it for free with bunny and cheetah-like this."

"Mmppphhh!?" Growth continued up from Psi's enlarged hands with little restraint. The cotton of his sweater began to inflate like balloons from growing muscle and sinew along his arms. Wrists slide out from each sleeve, bones lengthening in loud cracks until they refused to stretch any further just shy of his elbows. His biceps began to resemble two green hams before the sleeves finally reached their limit. Loud tears echoed across the room as the sleeves exploded into stripes of shredded fiber.

"Oh, man! You are going to be so huge!" Sorsha was practically drooling the way Psi's chest puffed out to gain on his already hulkish arms. The white snowflakes across his sweater began to distort trying to stretch along his gaining bulk. "Chimera transmogrification perfume has got to be the next big trend with millennials. I mean, why pretend to smell like something when you can BE that thing. Then your smell just makes itself."

"That makes, eennngghhaa!" Psi grappled at his chest. Another kind of growth was piling atop his already swollen pecs. Their combined pressure was too much for his sweater. However, the material was proving incredibly stubborn refusing to break under its contents pressure. Deciding to put his new claws to use, Psi cut them through the slack of his collar and ripped the whole front in half with slick ease.

A gasp of relief preceded a yelp of distress. Now free of their tight confines a pair of heavyweights yanked Psi off balance. His newly discovered breasts hung towards the floor like heavy sandbags only growing with incredible traction so not to give him a moment to recover. It was all he could to do not to fall on hands and knees with a loud thud. Granted Psi's bubbling strength etching into his fur made them feel relatively light.

Looking at his new mammaries, Psi gawked a bit remembering cheetah had also been on his list of mixed species. As such the increasingly exposed parts of his body were having their fur patterns changed. Instead of the usual browns and creams, everything was brightening into shining gold. Little black dots popped into existence across this pelt, particularly around his much plusher chest.

"Gah! haaah! H-how potent is thi-GRAAAWRRR!!"

Before now, neither Psi or Sorsha knew what a feline-dragon scream sounded like. Under normal circumstances, both would have found it rather adorable. From the back of Psi's shredded sweater, two sharp points rose out just behind his broadened shoulders. The cracking of developing new bones did not disturb Psi so much as the tight pressure of them struggling with the thick cotton.

"Let me get that for you, sweetie!"

Without noticing her approach, Sorsha tapped her way close to give Psi's back a quick slash of her own manicured claws. Much like his breasts, Psi let out a cry of animalistic relief as a pair of leathery wings erupted out in newfound freedom. Their span nearly touching the ceiling before gingerly folding back in against Psi, twitching in a gentle discovery of fresh muscles and sinew.

"Cool spotted sails, Mr. Lucky." Sorsha teased as she rubbed a hand along one of Psi's wing arms. Incredibly sensitive nerves made his changing body shudder with a soft purring from behind those deep breasts. "Aw, I think he likes it after all."

Psi would have protested, but an incredibly worrying heat flooded his groin. Not taking a moment to think about it, he rolled over in a quick fashion that sent Sorsha flying with a smack of his wings. Laying on them was unexpectedly painful, but Psi managed to rise onto his elbows. It was his only way to see over the crest of his bust at another growing bulge in the crotch of his pants.

"Nggghh!" Of course, his hips were not one to be left out. A heavy shifting on his pelvic bone sent them spreading several inches out in both directions. Glutes tensed super tight for several seconds before releasing of their own volition. Psi began to almost feel bloated with his ass growing to slowly raise his groin higher off the floor.

At the same time, his ferret tail coiled in on itself forming a spring shape before releasing like a gunshot. The tail straightened out to its full length, and then kept on going. The ripe appendage of a lizard thumped against the floor several feet behind Psi. It's tip puffed with powerful muscle that only got thicker down its length until the base had to spread his ass cheeks to make room. A series of hard protective scales covered its top like armor, but the rest still maintained the spotted cheetah fur.

"Ouch, guess we gotta watch those..." Sorsha staggered to her feet, only to start drooling over the hourglass figure Psi was displaying sprawled on her floor. "Oh yeah, that's definitely an ass worthy of a bunny...or is it cheetah?"

Psi was too busy watching his pants become increasingly distorted to dignify her with a response. His blush only deepened when the head of his penis peeked out from under the hem to say hello. It continued to snake its way out gaining length and width by the second. Between his thickening thighs, an unmistakable outline of his balls showed mere denim would not stop them from rivaling baseballs.

"Need some help there too?"

Sorsha startled Psi out of his daze by suddenly purring into his ear. Before Psi could stutter a word, she had reached down to tap one finger on the very stubborn zipper holding Psi's dick against his chiseled abs. The fabric seemed to glow green for a second before all the cloth literally exploded off his body in a harmless shower of scraps. While that got another startled yelp out of Psi, he was still grateful to have his member flop forward free of the pinching. The tapered feline head of his pink shaft was halfway to his knee, and that was only from partial arousal.

A hard cramp hit Psi at his feet for the final changes. As the last bits of pants fell away, it was hard not to admire the thick curves rippled with powerful muscles on his cheetah spotted legs. More of the hard scale plats had grown out of his flesh to give cover on both his shins and forearms.

His shoes, however, ended up putting in the weakest fight of Psi's former clothes. They were over a year old already and very worn down. So when the very mass of his toes began to make round indentations from within they were pretty much doomed. The fact each meatball grew even bigger sickle claws to pierce through the leather quickened their demise. Psi bit his lower lip trying not to gasp when a pair of large bunny paws exploded out to great him. Their enormous pads and ample fluff were oddly complemented by more scales across their top to go with those dangerous dragon claws.

Psi stared at them for a very long time trying to wrap his mind around his transformation. Toes wiggled slightly just to confirm those fluffy balls were his. Rapid heaving of breath was a bit distracting with the way it jostled his tits around, unfortunately. Not to mention his torpedo of a cat dick was throbbing.

"Hmm..." Sorsha was all too happy to draw attention to that part. Not caring for Psi's embarrassed yelp, the feline bent over to get a better view of such a thick, pink, hunk of man. Both hands gently coming to rest on its girth. "Guess one of those three extracts must have been from a dude. Oh well, there's a wonderful sense of style to be had for hunky she-males. Right? Besides, now you smell really nice for your boyfriend."

Psi's plump bunny toes curled in a deepening rumble of pleasure. The gentle caresses across his member sent waves of passion coursing through his already strained nerves. Maybe it was the transformation, but everything about his giant chimera body felt so sensitive. His mind absently agreed his boyfriend probably would get a major kick out of this after the initial shock of crashing through the front door. Although he had grown pretty big now. Sorsha might have only reached half his curvy size, snuggling herself into his buff lap like that.

The bouncing of that felines plump butt was also taxing on his throbbing urges. A flash of dragon greed inspired Psi to conclude a 'test drive' was in order.

"Whoa! Hey now!" Sorsha gave a very adorable yowl at having Psi grab both hands to her waist. With absolutely no effort Psi's biceps bulged to heft her up into the air as he stood back onto bunny paws. He gently turned the confused cat around, so she returned to the floor braced on all fours with rear facing Psi.

It did not take rocket science for Sorsha to discern Psi's intentions when her thong was ripped off with two claws. The bare heart patterned fur of her ass wiggled nervously in a presentation for the horny chimera. Her darker vaginal lips tingled from a sudden blast of hot breath as Psi drew in close.

"H-hold on hun! T-that not part of the promo-oooohhhhgawd!"

"Sorry sugar, but you smell pretty tasty yourself."

Is what Psi tried to say in a muffled series of growls. Truthfully he had gotten pretty busy probing his whiskers into the damp folds of Sorsha's cunny. A forked tongue shot out to plunge deep into the kitties depths, making her claw on the floor with pleasured moans. Psi was rather surprised at the length of his tongue but quickly worked it to his advantage massaging along the entire tunnel of Sorsha's neither. Her feline tail raised high in the air, waving like a flag to the bouncing of her hips.

Those plush cheeks bouncing against Psi's snout only encouraged a harder tongue lashing. There was an incredible amount of prehensile ability to go with its lizard-like length. All of which was used to stroke against Sorsha's clit as it dived in and out of her pussy. Such efforts did not take long for Psi to get the tiny cat damp and meowing in lust.

"Nya-HAH!?" Sorsha had been writhing in the throes of unexpected pleasure to notice when Psi had pulled his face from her butt. However, she was snapped back to awareness when the chimera reared up to place a hefty amount of her weight on her lower back. A panic glance over her shoulder made Sorsha's jaw drop. Psi's bodacious hips were lining up slowly with hers, that giant cat dick glistening with a fresh coat of pre down its length. Large clawed hands clamped around her tiny breasts, kneading them while also keeping Sorsha pinned to the floor. "O-okay! I'm s-s-sorry for spraying your f-face...but..haah..I...I'm sure the antidote could he-HEEELLLOOOOO DOLLY!!"

Maybe it was the dragon parts that now made up Psi that left him feeling smugly satisfied. If he was not going to get much of a say in today's shopping events than neither was this cooky feline. One hard hip thrust skewered her opening until his bowling balls slapped their sac against her thighs. It's girth completely cut off Sorsha's ability to speak as her tunnel stretched taut trying to take it all in. For several seconds the pair stayed interlocked, heavy breaths echoing around the room. Psi continued to gently knead into Sorsha's small breasts, pressing her own sloshing milk bags into the cats back enjoying their warm muscle-hugging his dick.

"Ah hah!!"

Sorsha yelped again when Psi began to shift his bubble butt. The chimeras member slide out several inches only to plunge back in with a hard force. If not for the embrace Psi had on her chest, Sorsha was sure such humps would send her flying into a wall.

And Psi was not stopping at just one either. Dragon-wings fanned gusts of air across Soirsha's body as she felt him start to build a rhythm of driving in and out along her insides. Once it was clear her tight pussy could take it all sense of restraint was dropped. His feline dick rubbed barbs delightfully across Sorsha's clit to the chorus of wet slapping juices.

"Y-you can't..ngggh...field test u-unpaid products, sirrrrrwar! P-please...aaahhh...don't cum in me!" Sorsha's groans betrayed her attempts at protest. Toes clenching while her vaginal muscles milked that giant horny chimera for every inch he gave her. Drool glistened off her chin as she tried to arch back to stare pleadingly at Psi. "We...we don't know the strength of y-your fertility."

"Grwar?" Psi's grin widened to show off his sharpened fangs. Having his genitals already heavily worked by an exotic transformation was already bringing him close to the edge. Hearing such lusty pleas of a horny catgirl only quickened the pace of his fucking. "W-well then, arrrre you implying I can buy you for some test breading?"

"W-what? No I..I...aahh haagh!"

The hands grasping Sorsha tensed tight onto her breasts. She realized what that meant moments before Psi rocked his head back in a womanly roar of triumph that shook all the machinery in the room. The huge dick plowing Sorsha grew wild in it's thrusting, filling her belly with the boiling warmth of fresh seamen.

Seconds later she let out a burp feeling incredibly bloated.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hey! Stop! Pull out!"

Sorsha's cries in a panic went unheard through Psi's animalistic orgasm. The size of his testicles slapping against Sorsha was not just for show. Seman gushed into Sorsha's cunny like a broken hose. Her stomach began to bulge and distend trying to take it all in. Huge globs of chimera spunk spurted out in between thrusts to pool at the pair's feet. By the time Psi finally stopped cumming the poor cat had looked like she swallowed a medicine ball. Her insides audibly sloshing with each tired thrust until Psi finally gave a tired huff and fell back onto her plump ass completely spent.

Even then her cock refused to deflate, consistently drizzling excess amounts of milky fluids onto his balls.

It was almost a full minute of panting into the floor before Sorsha tried sitting back onto her own haunches. The cheeks of her own butt had grown too tender to sit on properly for a while. Hands absently rubbed along the girth of her sagging stomach bulge in dismay. A gentle squeeze revealed a large amount of plush to her stretched skin. However, she yelped when the pressure also caused a gush of Psi's cum to spurt out of her body.

"Thanks for trying to let me finish too, ya jerk!" Sorsha shot Psi a dirty look, but by then the chimera had curled up into a ball amidst their sex juices. Loud snores could be heard under the wing wrappings as lizard tail ideally twitched.

Frustrated and unsatisfied, Sorsha let out a defeated sigh. It took a bit of effort with all the liquid shifting around her insides, but Sorsha managed to stagger back onto her feet. Cum continued to drip out of her exhausted opening down her legs as she cupped the stomach bulge pensively.

"Yeah, this is definitely a large litters worth. Goddess damn me, why can't they ever pull out? I'll have to close down shop AGAIN to play surrogate. But first, where the frick is my vibrator?"

Sorsha waddled out of the room leaving a trail of Psi's spunk in her wake. The chimera was left to dream of tender meats and soft butts until the cat witch could properly satisfy herself.

Psi was in for a very lengthy discussion when he woke up. After the first three cases of customers going wild Sorsha developed a meticulous 'you fuck it, you bought it' policy to cover upcoming maternity leaves.


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