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Commission for: Eviscerator


“Happy New Year, sir. I hope the night is turning out-SHIT!”

It's always hard to work for an evil boss on a short fuse. Some like to just sit in their lair and brood, others like to wreck their stuff in a fit.

Ixus Nagas liked to throw fireballs. A good way to whittle down one's employees but Geoffrey St John was also trained with much better reflexes. He managed to dive across the floor, so only the doorway exploded in a shower of charred rubble.

“I can see you're in an old geezer mood.” The skunk rose back to his feet dusting off the parts of his sweater that had caught fire. “Is it because of that single sock Sonic sent you for Christmas?”

“No, but now that you mention it that is something I need to plot revenge for.” Naugus clicked the crab claw that made up his left hand angrily recalling that horrible present from last week. “I mean, who gives a sock to someone? Honestly, and it was a decorative set. It’ll take me all year just to find a matching one.”

“Uh huh...” Geoffrey made his way over to his magical teacher, slash, king. Like most days, Nagus was sitting in his crystallized chair, staring at a cluster of more crystals some feet away. A favorite wizards way of observing the outside world without the nuisance of actually getting up. Tonight's show seemed to focus on a ballroom Geoffrey easily recognized as being in the Royal Palace of Acorn. Quite a formal celebration looked to be going on at the moment, with each click of Nagus’ claw shifting his crystals vision to a different group of happy mobians interacting. “Well, that looks nice. Why can’t you ever get out for a good time like that?”

“I would if I got invited to anything!” Nagus slammed his normal fingered right hand onto its armrest. This caused a shimmering glass goblet of wine to materialize in his grasp. It was promptly thrown against the far wall where it shattered in a general display of Nagus’ rage before all traces vanished back into nothing. “Those damn royals think so little of me after all those years spent as their faithful wizard.”

Geoffrey was still staring at the cleaned area where a shattered goblet should have been laying. Such a boringly impractical use of magic was beyond commentating. “Didn’t we try to send the entire palace, and everyone in it, to the bottom of the sea last month?”

“I know, right!? You’d think they were holding a grudge against me or something.”

“The outrage is totally uncalled for, sir.” There was a pause while Geoffrey patiently waited for Nagaus to conjure another false bottled drink for angry smashing. “Although if you’re just going to frivolously cast spells why not go to their ball anyway. It'd be a great chance to mix things up with the king and queen.”

“FEH!” Nagus weaved another bottle into existence but halted his arm from heaving it at his skunk apprentice. The old Ixus twitched his beard a few times before both eyes shot up in bright revelation. “Oh, that is a wonderful idea, Geoffrey! I knew I kept you around for something besides watching you sleep at night.”


While Naugus leap to his feet cackling with glee, Geoffrey was absently wondering if padlocks did anything against invasive wizards. Before a definitive conclusion could be reached the bottle Naugus had in his hand was thrust into Geoffrey’s own.

“Hold your breath, boy. This might hurt.”

“Don’t you fuc-ca-ca-caaaahh!”

Geoffrey hugged the bottle to his stomach in a pained growl. The magic flooded into his being immediately set to work making his insides churn into whole new purposes. A quick snap of his hips expanded them outwards. It changed his posture, so knees pointed inwards. This was followed up by his rear nearly doubling in size with extra additions of fat and muscle.

But that was nothing compared to the searing in his groin. That was a feeling most reminiscent of a kick Sonic the Hedgehog once delivered to his sensitive little area. Adding to the feeling of everything pulling towards Geoffrey's center was the collapsing of his waist, giving those hips an even wider curve. From under the skunk's sweater, two distinct lumps rose out of his chest to stretch the cotton around some very ample mounds.


In one powerful sneeze, Geoffrey had shifted his entire fur pattern from black to a more copper hue. Granted he failed to notice this when his hair also exploded in a wave of blond locks that draped over his face and shoulders. Only once the feelings of flesh shifting left Geoffrey did he pull the fresh hair back to observe his more hourglass body.

“What the holy hell, you old fuck!?” cried the new vixen standing before Naugus. The only thing more amusing than the way she seemed scared of her own breasts was still hearing Geoffrey’s authoritative voice coming out of that pretty muzzle.

Sadly that would not do. Naugus snapped another wave of magic that made Geoffrey clasp his throat into a coughing fit.

“We’re going to give that false king a little mix up indeed. I just needed to give you a proper disguise before you go running around the ballroom full of nobles and heroes. Otherwise, they’d tackle you on sight.”

“And you can’t do this because...?” Geoffrey put both hands on her hips fuming, only semi-surprised by the now sultry female voice she spoke with.

Naugus responded with another snap of the fingers. Geoffrey’s sweater fluttered before shifting into the black and white frills of a maids vest. The fact she had not been wearing any pants did not prevent a matching skirt from materializing around her hips.

“I thought it would be obvious which of us can wear a dress better at such a formal gathering, my dear.”

“...this is because I called you old, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Twice now, in fact. Now go serve our waiting family some drinks.”


Whatever questions Geoffrey wanted to ask, and he had many, Naugus cared little to answer them. With a wave of the hand, his transformed apprentice rapidly faded away until the Ixus was once again the sole occupant of his private chamber. Once the spell completed he knew his sexy trap should materialize inconspicuously among the other mobians gathered.

Returning to his chair, it did not take many hand waves at his crystal viewpoint to find Geoffrey. A very confused vixen maid had appeared to almost crash into a table of set wine glasses. Even better was that she managed to teleport in only yards away from queen Alicia Acorn herself. This did not escape Geoffrey either, who began pouring out the contents of Nagus’ bottle into two glasses.

“Enjoy this moment, you happy little queen.” The Ixus wizard kicked back to enjoy the most interesting fun about to unfold.

It might have been just as well since Alicia was bored out of her royal mind. About the only interesting conversation she had tonight involved something with robot police mechs. She gave Eggman about a week before those were hacked and terrorizing her citizens in earnest. Heck, even her current guest was jabbering about the fundamentals of cleaning livestock cages in a way that almost sounded thrilling. At least it was doing something unlike standing in high heels for hours on end.

Alicia became so lost in daydreaming it never registered the bunny farmer had excused himself from their conversation. She remained in place giving mutterings of ‘uh-huh’ to open air until a tray of drinks happened to float past her vision.

“Ah, thank you, dear!” Alicia snatched a wine glass before the vixen servant could open her muzzle. And by the time they closed it again, Alicia was setting an empty glass back on her tray. “Oh, sorry. That was just what I needed for a dry tongue. The interesting flavor though, what make is that?”

“Ugh duh bah?” Was a rough estimate of what sounds the maid created. “Um...I-I think it was Nintenduu 64?”

“Oh... sounds exotic. We might have to order more of that.” Alicia tried to give this girl a reassuring smile, but she struck Alicia as a bit odd for such lacking coordination in a trained royal staff. Especially with how intently she starred expectedly at the queen like she was about to perform a trick. Then again, chugging so much wine at once was making her a bit lightheaded. “Um, who are you again? You seem familiar.”

“Oh, I...volunteered for tonight actually.” Geoffrey took a deep breath trying to straighten up. Bouncing chest hefted forward in an attempt at some formalism.

“Really now? Well, that’s...uh...that’s very…” Alicia dropped her eyes upon the vixen’s chest and refused to leave. The subtle shifting under Geoffrey’s bodice had not gone unnoticed by her unwitting queen. No matter how hard she tried to shake it, Alicia felt an odd fascination the more she studied this fox. Maybe it was her assets above-average size. “Ahem! I mean, thank you for aiding the kingdom in this time of festive cheer. You seem to carry your shelf, er, self very well. Have you had any experience with service before?”

“Sure. I was with the guard be-ffffrrr…” Geoffrey was having her own problems trying to stay calm with Alicia eyeing her chest like fresh meat. She had to take a giant step back when the queen began leaning in for personal inspection. “B-before I dropped out to take care of my dads...grandmas...cousin in their final months.”

Thankfully the bountiful chest retreating from Alicia's gaze was enough to snap her out of its hypnotic hold. That freedom to think again lasted a full two seconds before she locked sparkling blue eyes with the vixens own. Alicia's next breath escaped in a weak gasp. She had met with dozens of people tonight, yet this woman had a face gorgeous enough to get lost in.

“That... that's such a shame dear. You have an amazing ass...er...assertive aura about you. It just sashays, SAYS a lot about your delectable...dah-dah-dedication to your tities...duties! I said duties? Your family is very breast...blessed to have someone so savory licking out for others nethers.”

“Um...I need an adult?”

This must have been what it was like watching one of Eggman's robots trying to solve a paradox. Alicia’s eyes were roaming all over the vixen's body while she struggled to get out a coherent form of small talk. The only problem was her subconscious insisted on picturing how this young lass must look without so many snug garments on. It welled up the heat in her groin that was making it hard to catch all the Freudian slips.

“Oh, there you are, darling!”

“Thank god!” both women uttered in unison at any excuse to get out of this moment.

The speaker turned out to be another formally suited chipmunk Geoffrey recognized as King Maximillion. Their sudden outburst did give the male chipmunk a seconds pause, but only for half a step. His attention only lingered on Geoffrey long enough to snatch a wine glass for himself before turning to address his wife, much to the fake maid's immense relief.

“Sorry that took so long, Alicia. I made the mistake of encouraging Sonic to talk about his latest adventures. The poor man’s had a bit too much of the strong stuff, and I could barely make sense of what he was saying.” Max kicked back his wine glass in two gulps. He barely got the emptied glass back onto Geoffrey’s tray before a queer expression overcame him. “Wow, speaking of strong stuff, that has an awful aftertaste doesn’t it?”

“Uh huh…” It was safe to assume Alicia had not understood a thing her husband had said. The sudden addition of testosterone in the air upgraded her loins from ‘bothered’ to ‘extremely moist.’ Fighting urges to do something incredibly compromising in full view of their subjects was now taking all of her focus.

“Are...you alright, Alicia?” Seeing his wife in such a catatonic state caused Max to put a gentle hand on his wife's shoulder. A flush of heat washed over his senses, but he tried to shrug that off while absently stroking Alica’s exposed fur. She felt exceptionally silky tonight, filling out that dress in all the right royal ways. “You...um...look pretty hot…”

“Oh, yes.” Alicia gulped as unsure about the context of that statement as Max. Temperature probably had very little to do with why both regal mobians were blushing so hard. “Is everything alright with you, Max? You got back here in a hurry.”

“Hm? Oh, right!” Max took Alicia’s hands in his, gently leading her through clusters of party guests. “It’s only a few minutes to midnight. Seems only fair we get ready for our first kiss of the new year close to the fireworks.”

It was clear on both their faces that more than kissing was on their mind. Alicia stumbled more than once trying to walk and ignore such thoughts. Max had to keep telling himself it was just a traditional kiss, not a public snogging exhibition.

“I got it!” Alicia pulled back on Max’s hand so sudden it almost knocked her husbands off his feet. She barely gave him time to recover before diverting their path towards the stairs. “Let’s go to our room, Max. It’ll...uh...give us a better view of festivities from our balcony. And some personal time to...uh...reflect on events.”

Max blinked letting the gears turn his head for a second. A knowing smile soon spread across his muzzle. “Ah good thinking, my love. We better hurry up then. There are only minutes to spare.”

Geoffrey was all too happy to watch those royal dorks race up the stairs driven more by hormones than their hosting duties. As long as it was not her getting dragged along for god knows what Alicia considered ‘personal time.’ Maybe there was time for a few free snacks before heading back to Naugus. Crazy old bastard deserved a bit of bottle broken over his horn for forcing Geoffrey on this complete wreck of an errand.

“Hey, babe!” A slurred voice hissed into Geoffrey’s ear, making her tail frizz into a giant ball of puff. A subsequent hand wrapped around to give the fat on her hips a squeeze. “You looking for a hot dog to go with those fine buns?”

“Listen you half-witted…” Geoffrey turned to give her offender a very livid scolding only to stop short at the sight of Sonic the hedgehog partially using her shoulder as a brace for standing. An overabundant odor of gin coming off his breath nearly made her vomit instead. “Aw...hell…”

Back upstairs Alicia and Max might as well have been drunk with how unfocused the raging lust was starting to make them. They were taking steps two at a time, constantly missing them with only each other to keep from face-planting into the shag carpeting.

They still managed to reach their room in record time, regardless. Alicia let Max enter first then proceeded to deadbolt their chamber door to ensure a prolonged privacy. She did have a fleeting regret not inviting that cute maid for a threesome, but that was dismissed as unbecoming, especially of a queen. Sadly Max had bypassed their bed entirely and was actually out on their balcony.

“Mmmh, honey?” Alicia tried leaning on the doorframe in that way she saw girls in magazines did to flirt. The full moonlight washed over both of them making the white satin of her dress seem to light up. “It’s freezing out there, I didn’t mean we should literally…”

“Just one more minute, dear.” Max had hoped a little fresh air would do them both some good. Instead, it just drew, even more, attention to how hard his loins were getting. The sight of his wife getting all pouty-lipped at his stalling sure did not help either. Thank goodness no one here could see the enlarged tent in his tux trousers. “It’s about to hit midnight. Then we can...uh hm...reflect.”

“Well, that better not be an expensive tux then.” Alicia stepped out to join Max on the balcony. Ample effort was put into the sway of her steps as she got close enough to squish her bosom against him. Finally getting some alone space with her beloved meant all the silly restraints could be discarded until the morning. “Cause I might tear it off in two minutes.”

Max could only gulp with a stiff nod. They both knew that was not a summer sausage poking into the queen's stomach from their embrace. In the silence of the night, they could stare longingly into each other's eyes. Cries from the ballroom bellow echoed around the castle as citizens of Mobius counted down the final seconds of the year.



People always liked to tease there were fireworks when lovers kissed. Neither royal expected that to happen literally. No sooner had their lips closed in for a hot start to the new year than a loud bang sent them rocking backward. The whole world spun in a haze of bright lights while violent ringing made it impossible to discern any other noises.

““Alicia?!” Max had no idea how many times he tried calling for his wife. Only that is was a fair number of tries before he could hear his own voice again. Trying to move around in a blind search for her was not helping much. Somehow a tarp or something was draped over his body making it difficult not to trip over its slack.

I..nggh! I'm h-here!" Alicia was having the opposite problem. There was no time to recover from their explosive kiss as some alien force squeezed at her torso. Breasts surged in pain pressed against her lungs nearly making it impossible to draw breath. Panic rose when she blindly clasped at her chest finding nothing there save her dress.

Alicia needed another second of gulping desperately for air to realize it was her bodice itself constricting her chest so tight. That made even less sense. It had fit snug for the past three years she owned it.

"GRRAAH!" Welp used to own now. Another failed attempt at breathing convinced the queen some things were more important than old clothes. Both hands grappled with the neckline only taking two tugs before splitting the entire front of her dress in half. Oh, gods, the feeling of sucking in some sweet winter air was surpassed only by the wind tickling against her exposed breast fur. It was enough to make her loins start twitching again but in a strange...stiff, aching manner.

Max literally jumped out of his shoes at hearing his wife's outcry, too startled watching such an act of savagery to notice his feet no longer filled them. The royal chambers came back into focus with minor speckles of colors. It was also a bit embarrassing to admit watching Alicia ripping her clothes off was getting him moist. Although, not as much as the realization what had given the queen such discomfort.

"H-hunny?! You've...um...you've really grown."

"What?" Alicia still had a bit of ringing in her ears, so had not fully heard Max's statement. However, watching him come into focus made it pretty apparent why he looked so shocked. "Oh, my gosh, Max! Have you shrunk?"

"Bwah?" Max looked down at himself in confused blinking. About the only thing visible of the king was his head. The tuxedo so painstakingly measured this morning enveloped all signs of his hands and feet. He barely came up to his wife's chest anymore.

Which, to be fair, was also due to the fact Alicia had shot up in size. And in more ways than one. Her damaged dress looked childishly small on a body sculpted with athletic fitness. The skit rose to her knees while hugging tight around an ass that would not quit. High heels and gloves clung torn on overgrown extremities.

Of course, the sight soaking Max's underpants was his wife's free bouncing tits. They were nothing like the modest pair witnessed while they had been dressing for the party. These brown-furred melons could have rivaled the maid that served them drinks. Every slight movement Alicia made to remove her damaged outfit sent gentle ripples across their soft flesh.

It was probably the most unintentionally arousing show Max ever witnessed. Alicia just wanted to get the damn pinching clothes off, but every new bit of toned curves revealed set her husband's loins dripping. Not even the lack of his usual stiff feelings of an erection diverted his attention from such a show.

After what seemed like ages Alica managed to wiggle hips out of her tight skirt. A cold breeze caused her to shiver with hands raising to claps over her breasts for warmth. She let out a small moan as her palms immediately began to massage her thick nipples. Damn, even those had gotten bigger and tender.

Standing only in her panties, Alicia looked like a completely different woman. Someone who did extraneous workouts regularly before getting a boob job. Even that underwear looked tight wrapped around her enlarged posterior. The pinching that did to the tented bulge of her crotch looked uncomfortable.


Alicia and Max's eyes became locked on the former's groin in unison. After a few seconds, Alicia reluctantly moved her hands from her breasts to peel the sliver of silk from her unexpected protrusion. The fact it was long and fully erect sort of hindered the efforts, but eventually, panties fell to Alicia's ankles so her pulsing red erection could wave freely in the air. A plump pair of male testicles bumped about in a furry sac underneath to compliment it.

A quick check behind them found no trace of the Queen's former womanhood. Looking back to her husband, it was actually more surprising to see him regarding his wife's member with curiosity and lust. Alicia was a bit calm about suddenly having a dick too, for that matter. She timidly wrapped a hand around its girth moaning louder at how it subtly helped with the aching need inside her pelvis.

Maybe it was the way that beast twitched in Alicia's hands, but Max found something about that dick disturbingly familiar. That, in turn, brought attention to the very intense lack of erection with his own insatiable arousal.

Rushing past a surprised Alicia, both pants and underwear fell from Max's much smaller hips. He let those fall where they may due to his urgency. Making it over to the full body mirror beside their bed, Max hefted up the hem of his oversized tux to marvel at the pussy shimmering in wet arousal between his legs. The beauty mark just a little off to the left confirmed what he had suspected.

"Hunny...ah...I think I got your pussy."

While that was definitely a surprise, the thing that made Max weary was Alicia's reflection silently appearing in the mirror behind him. Breasts loomed over his head while predatory eyes admired his discovery.

"Guess that makes sense. I thought I recognized this cock from somewhere."

"T-this is nuts. We gotta-hey!" Max yelped from Alicia's hands settling onto his tux's collar. Given his reduced stature it was incredibly easy to heft the whole coat off him. Now joining the ranks of fully naked mobians in the room, he whirled to face Alicia face glowing red. "W-what are you doing?"

"What we came up here to do, of course," Alicia said with a tone akin to explaining something that should have been obvious. The tuxedo was tossed onto the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Her new height made it easy to close the distance, swollen breasts moving in to smash against Max's face. "I'm so horny, dear, I want to start this new year with a fresh heir to the family. And frankly, I don't care whose oven it ends up getting in."

Max tried to back away only to get his butt leaving a steam print pressed against the mirror. Thick whiffs of his wife scent destroyed whatever straws he could grasp to explains out of this bizarre situation. Especially when she pushed up close against his nose. Such warmth from those mammaries felt great against the cold air coming in. "B-but I-mphh!"

Alicia was not having it anyway. She was not used to having to lean down for it but managed to clasp her muzzle around Max's lips. The protests melted away to a series of pleasured moans thanks to her tongue pushing its way inside to have a meeting with his. A free hand lightly drifted around the fur of Max's inner thighs, enjoying the musky juices staining the fur all the way up to his pussy.


The mere feeling of fingers pushing their way into his wet cunny sent Max over the edge. Hips instinctively bucked against his wife's gentle hand making a sly grin form on Alicia's kissing lips. This was a whole new experience for both of them, but she knew just how to work a pussy after decades of experience. So this was going to be very fun.

A few strokes of the clit was all it took to get Max completely writhing against her abs. His knees buckled, but Alicia was quick to catch her husband with her free arm. For only being a foot or two shorter, she had little trouble supporting Max's tiny body against her curves. She could even continue to massage his inner tunnel with three fingers while guiding them over to the bed.

Alicia leaned forward before letting Max go for gravity to take over. He hit the bed with a soft flop and adorable yip. Having a rush of estrogen coursing through his system was really starting to have an effect on the mobian king. The fleece felt so good caressing his body that Max began wiggling atop them with a loud churring noise. They might as well have been a giant hand stroking his fur.

A hard shifting of the mattress snapped Max out of his sheet-induced trance. Looking up saw Alicia finish straddling her thick thighs around him. Soft drumming against his stomach brought Max's attention to Alicia's borrowed dick tapping him for attention. Lusty blue eyes drifted back up to meet with Alicia's, a lump in Max's throat getting forced down in a meek gulp.

"P-please...Let's do it. I...I need you now, Alicia, darling..."

"Ssshhh!" Alicia coed gently stroking her husband's hair before they exchanged another kiss. She took this opportunity to adjust her hips. Going by feels to find her husbands pussy worked in both their favor with all the hormone enhanced nerves. It was easy to know when her penis found the opening. Poor Max was practically drizzling juices at this point. Breaking the kiss Alicia leaned into him to rest her breasts across his chest, engulfing some of his muzzles in the process. It put her right up against his ear to whisper while pushing into his tender crotch, "I'll take good care of you."

Max bit his lower lip feeling the cock press at his aching folds. Nostrils flared in heavy breaths unable to hide this growing need such a spell of feminine hormones enforced. He had always loved to tease Alicia about when he would 'get to business' and apparently she remembered those times very well. Alicia's bubble butt bobbed and wagged, grinding her hot dick along his folds very careful to avoid going in too far.

Toes curled from Max's growing frustration. Each time the tip of that cock pushed against his clit was met with a meek longing yip. His insides were screaming to be filled, stretched with Alicia's thick girth.


Mid-word seemed like a great time for Alicia to finally make the big plunge. Holy crap, had she always been this tight? Even with all that lube Max had been generating, Alicia slid into her husband's tube feeling his muscles clench hard around her member. There was even a slight sucking sound as she moved her hips back and forth, feeling Max's insides rub every inch of her length in a brief test of compatibility.

Not that Max seemed to mind a bit of cautious experimentation. A long groan of relief echoed across the room as he became filled beyond imagination. Breaths came out in short rapid gulps while they stared into each other's eyes. Max's cheeks grew red once more as he shifted with Alicia's hips, trying to let his cunny stretch around his wife. Gods, had his dick always been this thick?

"Anyone tell you how adorable you look when you're begging for it?" Alicia said with a playful stroking of Max's mustache.

"Mmmmh?" Max decided to retaliate by clasping both hands onto his wife's overflowing breasts. A startled gasp followed by Alicia's own blushing moans when he began to stroke them was a perfect reward. "Yeah? Well, this assertive attitude you gained is sexy as hell...among other things."

"Nngghh!" Alicia licked her lips grinning down at Max. Each little pass along her nipples elicited a twinge straight to her cock, making it pulse slightly inside her husband. "Is that so? My sweet king has a thing for stronger women?"

Max gulped, eyes darting briefly at the tits he was squeezing against each other. "Among other things..."

"Oh really? Like..." Max gasped as Alicia suddenly withdrew most of the lengthy dick from his opening. Only a second later Alicia rocked her hips forward with a force that shook Max's entire body. "This!?"

"Aahh haaah!" Was all Max could get out. His rubbing of Alicia's breasts turned into a hard clench on reflex as his body jostled about. Thank goodness his tunnel had grown accustomed to his wife's member fast.

"Sounds good to me!" Alicia purred while repeating her hip humping.

Again and again, she pounded Max with his own cock. Developing a good rhythm to her fucking proved easier than expected from this perspective. Each motion gained a bit more force with decreasing intervals. The fact Max let out yips each time her balls smacked against his ass was even more adorable for Alicia. Looked like somebody might have been hiding a secret fetish for the bottom.

Not that Max had much control over what he was doing anymore. The sensations of his wife pounding into him hard and fast was beyond anything he thought possible. His whole body trembled along with the bed to her increased strength. Alicia was so warm and filling to his lusty cunny. Having her this close was all Max needed to feel complete.

Hands worked just trying to hold Alicia's breasts as they sloshed about to her bucking. Now that she had a pace to maintain, her thoughts drifted in relish to all these new sensations. Having her cock greeted by a warm hug of her husband's insides with every thrust was better than she imagined. The cute writhing boy under her, trying his best to help with her heavy breasts was the cherry on top. He would make the perfect mother to a new heir, which she could easily protect with all this strength threatening to break their bed.

"Aaahh mmgnh!" Alicia gasped at feeling a shifting deep inside her pelvis. With each hump, some new pressure began to mount right behind the base of her cock. The furry skin of her balls tightened with anticipation, drawing her balls close to her groin. "Oh..oooh goodness, dear! I..I think I'm gonna..."

"Do it!" Max gasped with an eagerness that surprised himself. His body was rocking violently with the bed now, enjoying the sheets rubbing along his ass while his wife thrust deep into his vag. "Don't hold back, love. I want everything you got."

Alicia blushed hard but was too close to express how touching his sentiments felt. With only a few more hard thrust into her husband, her cock began to stiffen. All of a sudden her entire pelvis tensed and she felt her prostate convulse for the first time. Wild cries filling the chamber as her thrusting grew wild for several seconds. Each hard bump synced to her cock pulsing a thick wad of cum against Max's cervix.

Max echoed Alicia's cries, albeit much softer, as he felt the warmth of baby spunk filling him up. He could barely move his legs getting rocked hard into the mattress beneath him.

"Mmmmh!"Alicia churred softly getting Max's attention to stare into his tense eyes again. "I love you, Maxie."

While her pace waned with the orgasm, Alicia refused to cease her thrusting. Seeing that crunched look on Max's face, she knew he was getting close too and wanted to milk this for all she could. Hands roamed ideally along the fur of his soft belly, rubbing and squeezing around hips that certainly felt a bit plumper.

"Ahhhh...I...I lo..oooh...oh gods I'm...c-c-c-nnnggh!!"

Max leaned up in a hard crunch that was held for several seconds. With another hard dick thrust from Alicia, the king fell back onto his bed in a deep yelp. His whole body convulsed and twitched from more than his wife's fucking. His cunny squeezed tight with each labored breath milking all the cum Alicia had left in her softening shaft. Alicia groaned in satisfaction at getting her cock squeezed a little longer before pulling out completely.


If only Max had time to enjoy his afterglow a bit more. With her wad fully blown Alicia did what many a fully spent man would do; collapse on top of her lover in a sluggish daze. Her superior size squashed Max helplessly into the bed, way too heavy for his tiny arms to roll her off. It was all Max could do to push her tits out of his face.

"H-hunny? You're heavy..."

"Sssshhh!" Alicia had a dreamy smile with her eyes closed. Arms coiled around Max to hold him tight against her buff body, making escape completely impossible against her relaxed strength. Slowly her mouth pulled open looking ready to express something, but Alicia's exhale turned into a rattling snore that exploded her husband's ears.

"Oh...okay then..." Max let out a sigh. He was too unsure about the ramifications of waking his wife amazon after sex to try it.

Despite their bedchamber sounding like bears slept in it, Max soon found sleep taking hold of his own senses. Excess cum continued to drizzle out of his cunny while he made the best pillow he could out of Alicia's welcoming cleavage. His own labored snores soon joined his wife in unwitting sync, motorboating her soft tits in the process.


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