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Commission for: Xilimyth

Art by: Janus


While they were busy getting to their respective stations, Xilimyth continued her climb through decks without much hindrance. It was even a bit of a rush how quickly she could carve a path through basic hull structures. As the actions of breaking holes to climb through became repetitive, her thoughts began to wonder how this strength would fare against actual VR's.

Ugh! There's another nightmare scenario to panic over. The giant boobs alone would make for an enormous vital target, not to say much better about her backside. Still, that would be amazing to out wrestle those ships. She had to be even more significant than the tank class models at this point. That would make building decent sized fighting armor a pain. They were already tight enough of a squeeze on her standard ten-meter build. It would be suicidal, even for a Zentradi, of her scale to engage in nothing but her spots.

Xilimyth's thoughts were sharply broken, much like the last floor, when she saw nothing but shining stars beyond. A breath of overwhelming relief escaped her lungs before Xilimyth hoisted herself through the self-made hole back onto the colony dome. Thankfully she was a ways from any of the nearby city centers. In fact, she had just crashed through the storage unit for the civilian bus system. Being next to such tiny vehicles really started to send her mind reeling. A single foot stomp could flatten almost half a bus. Not to mention the scale of the stations four-floored building barely coming up to her hips. She was half tempted to try using it as a seat if only to see if the structure could support all her muscles. Even the nearby skyscrapers, where the rich lived in penthouse luxury, looked like they would poke the top of her head.

She guessed that kind of made sense. She had just outgrown a room designed for beings ten meters tall after all.

A sudden flash washed over Xilimyth and the surrounding landscape. She nearly toppled over when the ship rocked from a violent explosion. Looking back over her shoulder the cheetah's mouth dropped. VR's and cruisers were zipping all over the sparkling void of space. Lasers fired by, rockets exploded into brief little suns, and occasionally some unlucky pilot got their life cut short by their vehicle shattering into rubble. Beyond this chaos loomed a Macross of messed up brown and blue colors. A seemingly endless swarm of fighters buzzed around their metal hornet's nest decimating anything not part of their hive.

"Well, that's definitely not good either."

Xilimyth staggered around the landscape with mind swirling for ideas. There had to have been some way for a ripped up half-Zentradi to help save her home. At least without dying to the vacuum of space. No way was she going to fit inside her mech armor like this, the dang thing had issues squeezing her boobs when they were a more proportionate size. Maybe an improvised suit of buses and building walls could...Nah. Where was she going to find a four-meter-long welding torch in a battle?

"Nya-ah!" Xilimyth cried out as she suddenly reeled on one foot. She had gotten too lost in thought watching the distant dogfights that that building went unnoticed till her hip smashed a big divot into its corner. Trying to bring her other foot back down only sent her toes crashing through some display windows of another buildings shop. Their mix of wares and stands jabbed painfully at her soles, making Xilimyth recoil off balance.

Fortunately, that meant there was a perfectly good building to cushion her fall. The broad ripped cheetah back landed with a seismic thud breaking several dozen windows in one go. By some miracle, the structure's foundation held. Although it was undoubtedly going to need a paint job for all those cracks formed by her weight. Xilimyth laid back on her makeshift bed letting skyscrapers and neon ads swirl in her vision. It was only after they slowed back into focus the realization hit that she had blindly wandered right back into the city.

It was just as well. By now there did not seem to be anyone besides Xilimyth's giant self-wandering the streets. Most likely they were evacuated to the lower decks with knowledge of a rouge Macross running wild. One good barrage would probably do more damage than the dome's auto-repair systems could manage, exterminating thousands in one go.

Something that brought Xilimyth sitting up in a panic when another loud explosion caused an echoing crackle across the city. Looking up it was clear a stray missile had impacted atop the dome. A large section of the thick glass had become etched in jagged cracks. All of which were already gaining a shimmering rainbow glow as the nanite synthesis system kicked in. The dome itself was set to work weaving new strands of glass fiber to fill in and reinforce the seams against the next attack.

Xilimyth hunched forward with a mixed groan and sigh. She must have crushed a chimney or something landing on this building because her upper back was really starting to hurt. One of many frustrations as she thought of her friends and hoped everyone was safe out in that chaos.

"Now what am I going to dooo-woo woo WHAO!!!"

Buildings exploded left and right in a shower of broken metals and glass. This was mostly because Xilimyth had failed to realize she had resumed growing again until her feet had stretched directly into the nearest structures flanking her crumbling seat. She meowed softly trying to yank them back out while squishing her muscled thighs together. That only caused her expanding toes to yank off, even more, chunks of the wall making the department store partially collapse. Still, she tried to hunch up and remain as small as possible. Also if the building under her began to drastically dip around the curve of her butt.


Xilimyth jumped to her feet when she felt her building seat start to give out. There was just enough time to make out the heart-shaped groove cheetah hips had formed on the roof before steel snapped and everything fell two stories into rubble. And still, she continued to stretch and grow. The ample space of a four-lane street was quickly filling up as Xilimyth's muscles twitched and groaned with each little pump of fresh iron deposits. It was hard to keep adjusting her stance with every meter she shot up. If her feet stood still too long, their pads would start digging little trenches in the pavement from their rapid expansion.

If anything Xilimyth began to question if it was still worth the trouble. Forget a few cars, she was starting to threaten the entire city. It might not be long before she became a greater danger to the ship than the pirates. It would be incredibly hard to work off a damage bill if everyone was space debris.

"Aahh? What the-RRRWAAGH!"

Whatever worries Xilimyth had for preserving space civilization would have to wait. The pain in her back flared from a mild annoyance to bone-melting agony after only two thunderous footsteps. And it wanted to quickly become an external problem as pressure began to mount in her upper back. The giant cheetah collapsed onto hands and knees, rocking cars and trash bins over from her shockwaves alone.

All things considered, Xilimyth became more annoyed through her discomfort than anything else. Loud pops rang out next to her ears as the bones just behind each shoulder popped and formed into joints entirely alien to her feline mind. Calcium of vast amounts piled on into thick deposits. Bones rapidly developed out of these, fitting into her new points before growing out. Spotted flesh tensed in resistance but eventually gave way, stretching around expanding sinew and nerves for budding appendages.

Trying to reach back to feel what the flying slag was growing out of her only frustrated Xilimyth further. All these thick bulging muscles, while impressive, had noticeably started to limit her flexibility. Even her neck had become too bulbous with the power to glance back very far. It was not until the protrusions had reached a length equal to an arm that they could be wiggled into view on their newly developed muscles. What an odd sensation; having to learn limbs you never had before.

Their exact purpose was no less a mystery just by seeing them either. A second set of shoulders had formed while they grew out into a slight arch. Already muscles around fresh bones swelled into bulges just as ripped as the rest of Xilimyth. And still, the perverse effects of her macronization failure continued to change them further. After growing out behind Xilimyth a considerable length, their tips suddenly bulbed into another set of joints. From this, the limbs snapped at a sharp downwards angle towards her hips.

The muscles were growing in a bit behind the bones and skin, but she could still cause them to already twitch slightly. She thought it was just lucky her skin was not tearing with how fast everything else inside these new limbs was developing. If anything she seemed to have an excess of that in spite of growing beefy. Lose tissue slowly dropped itself across space between both limb sections as Xilimyth watched. Thin membrane connected everything together in a strange curtain-like fashion, developing an odd sheen texture to contrast the still furry base of the limbs.

"W-wings?!" The realization of what was forming struck Xilimyth almost as hard as the missile exploding somewhere outside her dome enclosure. She would have been enthralled, maybe even excited, by such a miracle of transformation were her comrades not fighting for their lives nearby. Of course, they were still uselessly small in proportion to the rest of Xilimyth's swollen mass of curved fat and muscle, making them relatively useless on a spaceship.

A spaceship for thousands of people she was quickly feeling cramped inside.

"One thing after another today..." she grumbled while getting back on trembling legs. At least the thick levels of her thighs kept her knees from hitting each other too much. Her wings were still growing out but at a reducing pace. It made their initial rush of pain wane into something more like a dull cramp. Still annoying for a pilot rendered helpless in a situation of gaining wild, massive power.


Boy, it would be a lot less annoying if weird mutations did not keep breaking Xilimyth's train of thought. Especially when the motion of her jump alone was enough to take out the windows of a buildings third floor with just her hip. Getting glass out of cat fur can be a very major pain. One of a hundred priorities the changing cheetah was finding difficult to keep up on. It was barely registering to her how small this four-lane street was getting.

At first, Xilimyth had thought a stray bullet cracked through the dome straight into her jiggling butt. But then she calmed down enough to realize most of the discomfort focused entirely on the base of her spine. Hands strained their thick muscles to reach back at her tail in alarm. Her favorite appendage was becoming another innocent bystander in these imposing transformations as she felt the very vertebrae shifting under the spotted fur. The very cheeks of her butt slowly parted around widening vertebrae, followed by muscles of density to rival Xilimyths other limbs.

Fortunately, all that sensitive tush fat was easily pliable. That spotted fur warped around its growing intrusion to easily blanket such forced gaps with ease. Although as Xilimyth tried twisting around to observe her tail base inflate, this new girth was forcing a slightly wider sashay to her already sloshing walk. She also ruffled her whiskers at how almost balloonish the new muscles looked compared to the rest of her still normal, albeit half a kilo long, tail.

Not that it stayed that way for long. One by one each vertebra of her tail followed the same process of engorging on increasing bone structure before plumping up with a new piece of her godly muscles. It really was like watching an extended balloon inflate; dense alien strength cascading down her tail that rapidly bulged it into a very powerful appendage indeed. The fur seemed to thin out slightly, becoming absorbed into this growth, but it was the way the tip seemed to be flaring out that peeked Xilimyths curiosity. With a sudden, hard, flick her tail slammed into the ground in an apparent desire to demonstrate its power for her. It's resulting impact knocked four nearby cars and a bathroom station over while leaving a groove three meters deep in the asphalt.

"Great mother of nya-rah!" Xilimyth's eyes went wide watching the event unfold. Her attention became so captivated that she completely missed the strange mix of mewing and roaring sounds she made. Soon as that tail hit the road, it's tip unfurled into a thick fluke. This new membrane looked almost like a brown spade capping her tail as it flapped about. Apparently, a rudder to help to steer with her growing wings, assuming flight would even be a possibility in this environment.

It looked especially cool when the spikes started growing out. In a strange reverse of transformation direction, the very last vertebrae of Xilimyth's tail suddenly sprouted a slightly curved nail. Another bony protrusion jutted out from the next plate, and then the next. Each one became noticeably bigger along to match the rest of Xilimyth's trunk of a tail until the last one poked through like a giant sickle at her coccyx.

"So cool..." Xilimyth purred as a hand ideally felt the curved spines of her new tail. The experience had not been so much pain this time. Perhaps her nerves were starting to get so fried her new body was releasing macronized levels of endorphins to help. Was sure starting to make her a bit drunk over this tiny city. "I really am part dra...part dra-aaahh-aARRGGH!!"

While she could not feel pain, extreme discomfort was still a thing. A large rush of it followed with an odd tightening around Xilimyth's ankles. Trying to stretch it out with a few clumsy steps only seemed to strain her sinew further. It especially did not help when one foot came down to flatten a java stand and part of someones corvet.

There was no way to regain balance after that sharp building jabbed at her footpad. With a startled yelp, Xilimyth stumbled through two whole buildings before falling into the embrace of a nearby skyscraper. The impact of her breasts alone took out every window on the three floors squished into the soft flesh, with enough boobage to mold slightly around the corners.

Not that they were spared when Xilimyths thicker arms wrapped the building. In one big hug, all floors leveled with her bountiful chest gave a ringing groan across the landscape. Windows shattered in a symphony of sparkling explosions as the whole exterior of the building warped to her superior strength.

“Aw nerts!” Xilimyth said, tightening her grip to bend metal support floors further inward. Having a death grip on a frame of reference brought attention back to the fact she was in a perpetual state of growth. Pillowy cheetah breasts ascended rapidly onto the next floor, and then the next in a rapid climb. Xilimyths moon-sized areolas rubbed across crackling glass before the whole exterior gave way to let them splash on inside.

Xilimyth was starting to go up whole meters in seconds. Her destructive hug repeated its demolishing process as arms and breasts past floor after floor. Soon there was less skyscraper as much as a bent frame of its steel supports.

Granted she would have given anything to let go. The only problem was the other mounting length of her feets. Some force continued tightening tendons in her heels causing them to stay in a rising arch to her toes. The later of which began to plump into thick meatballs that helped balance things out the higher their heels got from the ground. Each toenail curved outwards with the growths, darkening into a fierce set of tearing black claws. Xilimyth would not readily see them for a while, but her feet had swelled into an impressive pair of animal paws.

For the moment she was just glad when their strong cramps finally ceased. Although she had trouble with few steps realizing the effects forced her to walk on tiptoes. How such a feat was possible with all her ripped girth was anyone's guess. Still not the strangest thing to come out of a botched macronization today.


“Nyarr!?” Xilimyth finally found enough motor control returning to release her death hug. Not that there was much skyscraper remaining to hug. A curious glance down shocked her once more. This latest rush of changes left only the narrowing tip of the building poking meekly through the canyon that had become the cheetah's cleavage. That lasted just a few seconds before a loud crash sent it sliding down through Xilimyth towards the ground. What remained of the mangled structure rapidly collapsed in on itself, leaving dust and rubble around her new padded paws.

“Well dang!” Xilimyth stretched out a muscular trunk of a leg to get a better view of her new foot. They certainly looked as bulky as the rest of her with plump toes spread and wiggling through the air. Although putting it back down safely proved impossible as one paw took up the whole of the main street, with enough bulk to crash through adjacent display windows. “Dang it!!”

One of the best parts about being half-Zentradi had occasionally been looming over a nervous Terran. But Xilimyth had never expected to get so big she loomed over their whole ship. Even the skyscrapers were slowly shrinking into the void as she grew. Just trying to find a safe place to step was impossible. Her new paws were leaving deep pad imprints on the floor as whole sections of smaller buildings were crushed like paper.

Wait, even the tallest skyscraper stopped at seventy meters. That was only like ten meters away from the top of the…


That felt more like only six meters, but Xilimyth was also not near the crest of the dome when her head conked into it. However, that was little comfort as she hunched forward to rub her noggin. Fingers suddenly brushed against more than a slight bump. Two of them in fact. They were rising up through her tangled hair right behind each ear into distinct points. The skin of her skull did not stretch far before sliding off a pair of very sharp horns. She gasped softly feeling them grow with both hands. The fresh, dense, bones bent into lightning jagged patterns while they stretched out several meters behind her

Remarkable as they might have looked with the rest of her partial draconic features, they were also adding to Xilimyth’s mounting list of problems. The space between her and the dome was filling up quickly even in her pause to examine this growth. Before long the ripped spots of her back muscles were pressing against the glass, pinching its newly grown wings something fierce.

Heading towards the center was the only option. At this rate, it might only buy her minutes but still beats risking a ship-wide decompression. The shrunk city around her paws just made Xilimyth feel worse. Roads only helped to minimize damage at this point. Each footfall left behind deep tranches of paw pads and rubble in her jiggling wake. There was no desire to actually wreck the city like some old Japanese monster movie, the skyscrapers just seemed to like trying to pincer her fat hips attempt to squeeze through their maze. Heck, she would not be surprised if all those dragon cat curves were shaking the decks below at this point.

Reaching the center was a bit worse than expected. For with each step Xilimyth took only gained her a slight bit of leeway as her body continued to stretch up and out in all aspects. The city was becoming little more than a toy model that was getting really hard to wiggle her paws through. Well, hard in a sense she could get through without sending whole skyscrapers tumbling before her bulging legs.

By the time she reached the center, it was easy to see one side of the dome to its opposite. The clam-shaped ship was starting to feel really claustrophobic. Dragon-wings snapped outwards and folded back in while Xilimyth shifted around the city square in agitation. It would not be long before that impressive wingspan could actually touch opposite sides of the glass. It was already helping her cast a dark shadow over what remained of the small buildings at her paws.


“Eek! Uh oh…” Xilimyth had not counted on the extra height of her horns until they had grown right into the dome glass itself. Usually, she would have been incredibly impressed two simple juts of bone could punch through glass meant to resist asteroid impacts. But such observation would be better made when said holes did not suddenly start pulling on her with the dense vacuum of space.

Luckily the MACROSS space fleet was more than a little prepared for most contingencies. As Xilimyth tried shying away to avoid the rush of air, the glass began to glow around the rims of her two horn holes. Within seconds the automated repair system had welded enough fiberglass to at least patch up the wound.

Wait, that got an idea forming inside Xilimyth’s horned cranium. One of those really awful ideas even relative to the circumstances. Although it was either that or continue watching her paws wipe out entire buildings as she grew across the landscape. Her wings were really starting to get cramped against the glass of the dome too. Escape was really the only option to prevent herself from destroying the colony before the pirates.

Xilimyth shuffled along awkwardly feeling along the dome's frame. Getting one's fat butt poked by skyscrapers as it grew across the skyline did little to help preserve what was left of the city. Trying to ignore the bottom pain, she gave a flex in her palms that brought all ten claws jutting from their fingertip sheaths. Even they had been changed from delicate black tips into fierce white daggers.

Hopefully, dragon talons were as sturdy as the rest of Xilimyth felt. With a keen eye scanning the dome, she spotted the seam she needed, hitting her hand hard against its thick glass shielding.

The results were better or worse, depending on your perspective regarding space. All five dragon claws punched through glass designed against warheads with the ease of ripping paper. Immediately she panicked at the pull of the universe on her fingers but found her strength more than a match to resist it. Automatic repairs began to kick in around the hole rims, giving her no time to marvel at another new augmentation to her form.

Xilimyth raked carefully through the glass along the metal seams that kept it welded into place. The noise alone was enough to make her grit sharpened teeth in a pained snarl, but she kept pushing to slice through. Air began to whoosh around Xilimyth’s naked buffness as the rift got bigger. Huge chunks of building debris crashed against her thick body barely noticeable while she worked. All the changed dracat could hope for was the rubble did not damage the glass more than she already was.

Thankfully she had soon clawed enough of a hole to peel back enough of domes section to squeeze her fat curves out. Taking a deep breath, Xilimyth pushed off lightly with her paws almost certain that had shifted the whole colony ship a foot in the opposite direction. Even her muscles were not so ripped in artificial gravity that the vacuum could not help pull her out into the crushing cold of space. One hand pulled at the glass behind to close the hole up behind her, making it a huge relief to see the entire rim of it light up with activating nanobots. With any luck that would seal up everything before decompression collapse.

Looking down at the poor city below struck a soft cord with Xilimyth. She could actually see foot and paw imprints all across a wasteland of rubble. Their size varied drastically as she had grown across the confining landscape. It was hard to tell if she had even stopped growing at this point. The fact she was using the dome as a, somewhat uncomfortable seat made getting out a small consolation. Her spotted bubble butt and muscular thighs blocked out a large section of starlight to the remaining buildings below.

Flash! Xilimyth jerked her head up only to suddenly swerve in a loud squeak across the glassy surface. A pair of VR’s in fighter mode narrowly swooped by the colony ship, dodging a hellfire of nearly a dozen pursuing freight cruisers. The pirates were using all sorts of jury-rigged garbage heaps, but it was apparent their sheer numbers were overwhelming the MACROSS fleet. From her perch, Xilimyth could see dogfights of similar desperation going on around the ship.

Slag! Slag! Slag! The entire colony was still in trouble, and here she was becoming one of the biggest targets to hit with a missile barrage on top of it. How is it possible one could get so freakin huge and strong only to be rendered entirely powerless? Friends were dying all over trying to protect her fat spotted butt. It was not like the pirates were just going to fly their backwater MACROS vessel in range for her to swipe at.

Of course, the rising, burning sensation deep, deep, under her moons for tits reminded Xilimyth there was very little time left for her anyway. Being half-dragon, half-cheetah still did not amount to something that could breathe in space. Looking down at the dome between her legs only made things feel more hopeless. There was already enough broken glass to light up the inside with glowing nanite repairs. Any more holes punched in to get some fresh air might end up shattering the whole thing.

Still, the burning mounted inside Xilimyth. Every fiber of her newfound muscles began to cry out from their rapidly diminishing supply of oxygen. Slowly her slitted gold eyes drew to a close. Fists flexed testily across the dome before balling into trembling fists.

“There was no way it’s going to end like this,” Xilimyth told herself. Her body began to tremble all over. Little spasms rocked across every limb and womanly curve trying to fight a lost battle for life in space. “I did not just grow into a planet busting dragon cat just to float dead across a battlefield! Do something you stupid beefed up excuse for a body!”

Apparently, something close to Xilimyth’s heart did not care much for that train of thought. Her breasts gave a harsh jiggle as something deep in her rib cage gave out.



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