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Hello you lovely people! I'm very excited that our first month has been pretty incredible. I'd just like to express a very profound thank you for all the wonderful support. A lot of friends have helped out beyond financial aid with words of deep motivation and re-posting notices across social media. It really means a lot. <3

Upcoming works

Short story - Fallout 4 anniversary TF and growth

Bonus vignette - Halloween shenanigans

Patreon Serial - TBD

Short story - Werewolf super heroine part 1


  • I'm still learning a good pace for writing, and using patreon, especially while currently working a full time job. It's the main reason I'm currently sticking to a 'by upload' format of payment with the holidays coming up. That way if I get too swamped to provide content no one has to feel like they're paying for nothing.
  • Current update schedule I'm going for is one story the first week of a month, with a second around the last week, with an unpaid vignette posted in between.
  • Sadly, I'm going to cancel the 'Vote your own adventure' reward idea for now, also because of work reasons. I still think it's a fun concept to get some audience interaction (as well as make some really batshit random stories) but I just don't have the time to make it work.
  • And speaking of other rewards, I'm going to make a poll in a few days to see what peoples thoughts are for the exclusive Serial for subscribers. I actually have a few ideas I'd love to give a try, so knowing what more kinds of content you guys would love to see is vital to which one I do.
  • Of course, I welcome any kind of feedback and suggestions on what you'd love to see. My goal is to entertain you and I'm easily lost without a little direction. :3

Happy Halloween everyone! Don't forget to check your candy.

Seriously, I lost a pound of cursed gummy bears and I don't need an ursine outbreak.


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