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Image by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/puffedup/

High above the earth atmosphere floats a majestic island paradise. A great dense formation of bedrock where rivers run off into nothing and trees grow on raw magic sustenance. And among the vast ether forest rose the castle spanning high as a mountain; the Galactic Arcadia. Inside a rich library containing the priceless collection of information magical and mundane eons old. Indeed a place run totally on magic.

And money; lots and lots of money kept the many wizards curating the castle actually wanting to stay in such a place. Shame magic was not as profitable these days. Thanks to the internet people were paying more money for phone apps and anime porn than spells literally capable of curing a common cold.

It had to lead to some creative means of generating revenue. Thanks to the younger wizards tech savvy skills, their threads on Reddit found quite many practical applications for magic in everyday life. Which is why Levian always enjoyed the annual summer bake sale.

"Thanks so much for coming with me!" The red dragon practically sang while she skipped through the main hall. Even in this vast chamber, the smells of fresh, tasty sweets lead her along with nose and tail held high. Not only was everything magically enhanced from flavor to preservation, but such delectables often got a little quirk to add incentive to their sales. She was most excited to see what kind of tricks and traps lay in wait across the stands.

The young smaller human followed the path being cleared by Levian's full hips with far less enthusiasm. Mostly because Kenny was busy dragging his oversized trench coat along the floor. Burlap sacks had been sewn onto the inside for added weight, and would probably be filled by the time they left today. "I don't mind hanging out with you Levvy, but...why did we need all this?"

Levian turned to give him a shocked gasp. She quickly relaxed while adjusting Kenny's coat hem with a motherly glow. "Because you have no idea how awesome this stuff is! We could get cupcakes that make us float, rock candy to breathe underwater, or even jawbreakers that let us spit out literal fire works. Every wizard here is so desperate to get silly mortals interested in magic again that it's practically free. For magic like this, I'd almost spend real gold!"

Kenny raised an eyebrow. "Then why did you just stuff brownies into my coat?"

"Shh shhh shh!!" Levian clamped a red hand over Kenny's mouth, releasing it after checking if anyone overheard. "I said 'almost,' sweetie! You think I'm going to really give up a piece of my horde for these bureaucrat nerds? It's much more fun to sample our fill and sell the leftovers back on Earth."

"You brought me up here to steal candy?"

"MAGIC candy, hun! Plus they trust humans a lot more readily around here. Red dragons especially have a bad rep during major sales."

"Can't imagine why."

"Oh, don't look at me like that. Trust me, they don't do any actual baking to make this stuff. It's like using a 3D printer instead of sculpting. Barely any direct work involved. Now stay close to my butt!"

A request the human would have been very happy to follow under less suspicious circumstances. Still, Kenny did not protest when Levian grabbed him by the hand to be lead into a side chamber. Here many of the book cases usually befitting a library had been pushed aside to allow rows of different stands for creatures to peddle their wares.

Kenny had a hard time grasping how HE was the trustworthy one of them. The coat was not only obviously oversized for his body but completely out of season. At least Levian was looking more casual in sandals, jean shorts, and a t-shirt. Granted the last two garments clung to her large pear shape so you could still see every sway to her motions. It was a miracle her black scaled belly bulge stayed tucked under the hems.

And Levian was doing a lot of jiggling while prancing between displays. She made sure they stopped at nearly every booth along the paths. Each time she had a carefully prepared act of gossiping while she pretended to browse the trays of foods. Kenny quickly learned that was just to buy time until the stand seller became distracted by other arrivals to pitch their product at. Soon as all eyes were off Levian, another miracle considering her thick size, significant amounts of incredible edibles vanished off their plates.

It was rather impressive how someone so large could move with incredible stealth. By the time they finally got out of the first chamber Kenny was starting to sweat from lugging his coat around. Most of the sacks had ample treats stuffed in them, making the cover bulge with a cartoonish roundness to mismatch his tiny human head.

Going into the next chamber was significantly worse. All the stands brandishing bubbling cauldrons and active ovens helped heat up the area into a furnace.

"You said no one actually cooked," Kenny said while Levian stuffed handfuls of taffy into his coat. Much of the crowd was distracted by another consumer who had eaten one and now stretched his body to rediculous degrees.

"It's still just magic mumbo jumbo, dear. Nothing like actual in home cooking." Before Kenny could argue further Levian's nose quivered causing her ears and tail to perk up. Without an offer of explanation, she whipped in the direction of an apparently exceptional sent. Once the source had been identified her jaw dropped in a waterfall of drool. "What is THAT work of art!?"

Kenny glanced over with a sigh. A few tables down sat a display he had to admit was beautifully setup. The main attraction was a three-section chocolate fountain, but instead of the usual dark brown of melted sweet milk, it was pouring a bright golden liquid. No wonder it attracted the full attention of a dragon.

"Hey, kid. You look thirsty!"


Kenny glanced behind him to catch the rather attractive smile of a lamia woman sitting on her coiled snake tail. Forgetting about Levian for a second, he waddled his coat over to her table of wares. Seeing countless bottles of drink, many of which glowed odd colors, only reminded him how cumbersome the load was getting.

"You look like a guy that enjoys a good soda. Sell you a six-pack for silver?"

"Really?" Kenny said trying to sound grateful at the offer. Truthfully he had no idea how the 'gold coin' economy worked up here. "What do they do? Make me burp sonic waves?"

"Some do!" The lamia looked incredibly proud about this with no regard for Kenny's quip. "Some also make you float, move super fast, or inflate you into a blueberry. My alchemy is very high quality, making them fun entertainment. Plus the potency of the effects is relevant to how much you drink so you can add a funny twist to bad movie drinking games."

"...what was that about inflation?"

"You know, like Charlie and the...Oy vey, don't kids read books anymore? You're in a dang library."

Kenny huffed but presented the lady with a gold coin. The only piece of 'splurging money' Levian had conceded for his presence here. "I've seen both movies enough to get the gist. Can I get something that can help me cool down? Preferably without turning me into ice."

"Shame. You'd make a great sculpture out in the garden." The lamia pocketed the coin with a giggle but stopped at Kenny's horrified expression. "I'm kidding, sweetie. Arcadia law states magic sold in here can not be permanent. And besides, I prefer living things so my potions would make you an animated ice golem anyway."

"That's...great." Kenny was allowed to select six sodas into a carrying case before the lamia handed back nine silver discs of apparent change. At least the labels told what the exact effects of each soda were. This lady was refreshingly thorough. "Thanks, do you happen to know where I can also..."


Kenny flinched as he turned with most attendees heads towards the sudden breaking of wood and glass filling the chamber. He was hardly surprised when everyone parted to stare at Levian looking sheepishly in the spotlight. That large belly of hers had been placing its full weight on the table with the golden chocolate fountain, massively overwhelming the weight limit of such flimsy wood. One look at the two bottles full of golden liquid under her armpits, with a partially filled one in her hands, told Kenny exactly what she had been stretching out to do.

Unfortunately, the shopkeeper recovered from the collapse of his stand to put the pieces together just as fast. "What the hell you think you're doing, fat ass!?"

Levian whipped her blushing face among the crowd to eventually lock eyes with Kenny. The human's heart sank when she broke into a full run towards him, barreling over shoppers with her superior girth. She did not even slow upon reaching him, merely grabbing a hand to yank Kenny along towards the nearest exit.

“Damn it, Kenny. I told you to stay on my ass!”

“Why are you making me feel like an accomplice to a felony?”

They rounded a corner where Levian lead Kenny up a flight of stairs. Noises of an angry nature were starting to come back from the main hall, giving him little reason to protest. On the bright side that gave him an excellent view of Levians back side. The fact she was skipping steps two at a time gave her fat a very drastic bounce.

“It's not larceny, it's extensive sampling. We've been over this.”

Kenny’s counterpoint came out a girlish yelp as they reached the stair landing. Levian's grip had pulled too hard making his foot catch on the last step. Fortunately, all the candy stuffed in his coat softened the fall. Less relieving was when he stood back up to hear one of the stuffed bags inside rip. A small pile of sweets visibly piled around the human's sneakers while Levian wailed her anguish.

“Don't you dare lose my horde. There are brownies in there worth more than iPods.”

“Levvy I like you, but I feel we should…” An arrow thunked into the stone wall between them, partially warming the tip of Kenny's nose. Harpies were fluttering in from the rafters above notching more arrows to aim at them. “Run like hell!!”

He no longer needed Levian’s help to run across the library. Both took off with renewed vigor while arrows whizzed narrowly past their delicate flesh. Well, less so for Levian. Some wood and stone was no match for something dense like red scales

She still seemed pretty upset for the holes this ripped in her clothes. But such anger was nothing compared to when an arrow struck Kenny, tearing open his coat in an explosion of baked goods that saved his life. Levian responded by grabbing a book off the shelf as they ran past, igniting it with her flame breath before sending it roaring into the feathered chest of a harpy too slow to dodge.

“Holy crap, Levian! It's just candy!” Kenny said between huffs. At least losing half his load was making it easier to keep in step behind the dragon. He found it to be much better cover behind that thick wobbling lizard tail.

“They started it!” Levian was flinging burning books left and right as they ran. However, it seemed a bit of a waste to slow down for counter attacks. Every harpy she managed to stun and singed got replaced by another flying in. “I claimed this treasure fair and square.”

“Can’t you just BUY this stuff from those nice people?”

“Are you crazy? The import tax to take it back to earth is highway robbery.”

“What? Twenty gold pieces? You got diamonds bigger than our heads back home.”

“Sixteen gold pieces actually, and I don’t like your tone! Dragons can’t just breathe fire and make money. Don’t bring my diamonds into this-OH! Turn here!”

Levian used her tail to help push Kenny through a side doorway before backing in herself. Said door was promptly bolted, had its lock melted with a steady stream of fire breath, and then blockaded by three book cases for good measure. If her spotty memories of this blasted castle were right, they would be able to exit through the balcony from here and escape onto the island below.

“Like to see those bastards break this down in a hurry,” she huffed satisfied with her own blockade. “Come on Kenny, let’s scram!”

“No, wait!”

Kenny was grabbed by the arm again, getting dragged by superhuman strength across the room towards the expected balcony. By some stroke of luck, he managed to grab hold of a desk with his spare hand to create just enough resistance to stagger Levian short of leaping into flight.

There was no reason for Levian to complain about tripping onto her bulging gut. While she had been right about a balcony, Kenny had been first to notice they were facing the wrong side of the castle. About the only thing keeping them from being hurtled into the black void of space was the island's protective bubble only a few feet away from the edge.

“Well, so much for gliding down,” Levian said with an annoyed huff of smoke from her nostrils. The thick dragon's tail began to sweep the floor with its fluffy spade while she pondered other options. “No room to maneuver a safe glide down the castle from here. Kenny! Help me check the furnishings for a secret passage.”

“Can’t you just climb up the sides, Levvy?”

Levian huffed an even louder, thicker, cloud of dark smoke. Turning to face Kenny she cupped her stomach with both hands to heft it up and let it fall back into a heavy sag against her crotch. She then blushed at how that made it fall out from under her shirt, requiring a re-tuck that stretched around her breasts nicely. “Hun, you’ve hugged me enough times to know I’m about as physically capable as a boar with mosquito wings. And I ain’t getting any lighter in the next ten minutes when the guards find out what happened to us.”

Kenny slumped back against the balcony railing huffing his own anguish. Hands slipped ideally into some coat pockets immediately grasping handfuls of wrapped sweets. He curiously pulled some out to discover them to be pieces of stretching taffy. Looking back at Levian to ask about an escape plan, he instead became enraptured at watching the dragoness waddle around the room in a slight panic. She had become quite winded in their run up the castle. Every deep breath of those powerful lungs caused her belly to swell out and deflate just shy of popping back out from under her shirt.

The sight of such rapid expansion incited a recollection of many strange and wonderful fantasies for the human. Combined with knowledge of what the magic food in his pockets could do set the foundation for an even stranger plan of action.

"Kenny, what are you doing with those!?" Levian said, snapping him from such musings. She was stomping towards him apparently oblivious to the ogling of her round middle. The sight of him ideally unwrapping taffy pieces was a much higher priority. "This is hardly the time to be playing around with party favors, hun. Besides, you waste anything, and it's coming out of your cu-UURRRKK!"

There was no time to consider options, so several things ended up happening very quickly. A loud bang on the door caused both of them to jump. By some luck, the piles of overturned bookshelves kept them safe despite subsequent thumps from outside forces. Kenny was not about to wait around for Levian's opinion on his ideas or be lectured more about stolen goods. In a way, he felt entitled to a bit of fun for all the favors he was doing for her already.

Which was why when Levian turned towards the door to check that her barricade was holding the human made his move. She turned back to continue a lecture on how rich she was about to make them, only to get a handful of priceless taffy stuffed into her maw.

An epic battle of rationale was fought in Levian's mind at that moment. For one there was unbridled anger at suddenly losing several hundred in gold due to her own saliva. But then there came a cry to not spit them out for it would be a waste of such delectable treats. A train of thought which promptly grew concern for what random effects this would have on her form in the next couple minutes.

Kenny was not much help in the dragons clumsy stupor. Both hands clasped around the dragons cheeks to rub the bulges of food inside them. Ignoring the lovely plush of Levians stomach and breasts, he settled on top of the round orbs to help encourage her to chew.

It only took a few coursed bites for the overwhelming flavor of salt water destroyed Levian's resistance. She began eating of her own volition, eyes squeezing tight in moans of pleasure at the sweet flavors. With one hard swallow, the entire mass of taffy vanished down her throat for a hard landing in her once empty stomach.

A loud burp resonated in Kenny's face right after, but he remained content resting against the soft pillows of Levian's breasts. Hand's stayed glued to her plump cheeks bracing for the next phase of his plan.

Levian remained rooted to the floor lavishing in such untold levels of flavor still running down her gullet. Hands reached around Kenny in an almost involuntarily hug against the squish of her black scaled belly. Not that the human ever minded as they both enjoyed the warmth of such a distended, yet malleable middle. Sadly more, harder, thuds against the door of the room rocked Levian down from her sugar high. The feeling of Kenny's grip still on her face caused her to look down in sleepy confusion.


"Yes, Levvy?"

"Do I really want to know what you're planning on wasting my horde like that?"

Kenny giggled and took a deep breath. "Nope!"

And with that Kenny pulled Levian's head down to his level so he could press his lips against a thick red dragons snout. That was definitely an unexpected surprise for Levian, but what really made her eyes shoot up into her brow was when Kenny began to exhale the contents of his lungs. The sudden influx of air made her cheeks swell up slightly for a moment before passing right down her throat without any kind of resistance.

Kenny never broke their interlocked lips as he took an even deeper breath to blow into Levian. The already full dragon belly began to feel overly stretched trying to contain it all. But then the magic of the taffy came into effect, alarming Levian further. She remained in helpless shock at her belly suddenly swelling out completely free of her control. The hem of her shirt popped out unable to contain it. Such large influxes of air cause the rounded bulge to reach a size never achieved before.

Yet it was apparently getting very soft in spite of such a taunt stretching feeling. The scaled flesh molded around Kenny better than any pillow, only hindering the human by slowly lifting him off the ground for a full perch on her stomach.

That only encouraged Kenny to blow harder and faster. Levian's black scales became more and more exposed as her shirt was forced to ride up its dawning crest. She grasped desperately at her shorts as they were also getting pushed down exposing her green panties. It was a hopeless case. Both hips and butt were inflating at a rapid pace to Kenny's kiss, and while very plush there was simply too much mass to contain.

Especially when a loud rip from behind gave both of them reason to pause. A few nervous twitches of a tight feeling tail told Levian's brain the back of her shorts had split open anyway. Neither were really able to see her butt had pushed out into its own swollen shelf. The green panties depicting little Koopa shell decorations remained her only form of modesty as they stretched across such tight drummed gluts.

Something plowed into the door hard enough to cause the bookshelves to actually move slightly. That got Kenny back into action, kissing another large puff into Levian. All she could do was groan and roll her eyes, becoming rather accepting of her friends kinky advance.

Kenny especially liked it when her breasts began to inflate. The decreasing slack in Levian's shirt made them look like actual balloons as the flesh first grew incredibly perky before starting to swell through numerous cup sizes. Nothing compared to having two great boobs bouncing against your head in a blanket of warmth.

The same could not be said for Levian feeling tight while her body stretched to such internal force. She staggered about in small steps that sent all her inflated curves bouncing in a strangely new taunt fashion. It was tough to reach around her own chest to try tapping Kenny to signal she was reaching a limit. Such efforts were soon rendered impossible when she already hams for arms began to swell. They were soon forced to rest at her sides with almost no dexterity left to them, with her legs blowing up soon after.

Another loud crack began to make Kenny worry. Levian was nearly three times her, already impressively pear, size without getting the effect he hoped for. The shirt she wore now stretched comically over her chest, barely keeping such beach ball looking breasts contained. How her shorts and panties stayed on a butt that looked like an overinflated bed defied explanation.

Finally, with another puff that caused Levian's belly and hips to partially meld together did they get results. She let out a muffled whimper as her feet suddenly bounced off the ground. Yet it was still not enough to maintain any kind of float. The pair could only softly bounce around the balcony cause by Levian's partially immobile limbs twitching. Even her tail was erect and looking stiffly puffed up.

"That's it!" Kenny said when a sudden realization occurred to him. Although his breaking of their kiss in proclamation was drowned out by another loud crash. The door was mostly broken, and a rather large set of claws was busy destroying the bookshelves blocking it.

"K-Kenny! W-what the hell have you done to me!?" Levian blushed as all she could properly move was her mouth. Kenny was using the dip between her breasts and stomach like a little nest at this point, and her stretched skin was super sensitive to everything he did. The weight of her tail was keeping her body anchored in a belly up position. "Did you really have to express your kinks before we di-hey what are you...no...NO! Don't you dare!!"

But Kenny had already shrugged off his coat. All the stuffed pockets full of several pounds worth of candy hit the hard marble of the balcony spilling their contents everywhere.

Immediately, Levian's angry roars turned into a squeamish cry of alarm. Without the massive weight to keep them down, her body shot into the sky with the ascension of a rocket. Kenny himself was glad to be straddling the lady's inflated breasts or else the force would have had him sliding off the curve of her belly.

Judging by the explosion that followed, whatever monster had been clawing their barricade finally broke it's way through. Neither really got a good look at their avoided doom. A lucky gust of wind pushed Levian's bloated booty across the castle back over the open forrests of Arcadia's island.

"My candy..." Levian said sniffling. She tried to occupy herself with steering, but the stiff wobbling of her limbs only caused them to spin slightly. "All that sweet gold..."

"Hey, at least we're not dead," Kenny replied. That got Levian to shoot him a glare from between her inflated breasts. "I mean, you have to admit this wasn't that bad a plan. We found a way to make you even softer."

"Dragons aren't supposed to be soft!" Levian did her best to look away with an indignant snort. Seeing the signature Star Lake coasting below them suddenly made another thought come to mind. "Okay genius human, how are we supposed to get down?"

"Uh..." Kenny looked up blankly from hugging Levian's enormous, yet very squishy, boobs. "Don't suppose burping or...release gasses would do the trick, do ya?"

Levian's blush was matched only by her anger. Odds were good she would not be able to show her face around the Arcadia for a long time when this was all over.


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