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Holy mother of Cookie Run! I almost forgot to post the teaser for August T_T so sorry.

August 2016 rewards including :
The Closer You Look [Cookie Run - Cinnamon Cookie]

※Bonus: Photoshop brushes used in the artwork (total: 6 brushes) + used PNG shine spectrum.
※$15 Tutorials: complete Female Torso / Body Types(ideal/skinny/chubby/sexualized) tutorial + Video. Male version will be available September 2016.

+ usual rewards:
※Complete PDF progress shot explanation, including: brush settings, mini painting tutorials, color palettes, inspiration, and more.
※Full progress shot of the finished art.
※1000px PSD file with all the layers (lineart, colors, effect, etc).
※Full size JPG picture of the finished art.
※Clean PNG lineart of the artwork (you may recolor but please credit).

Rewards will be sent after all pledges are processed (around August 6 / August 7).

See you next month. :)




Excellent Artwork again


but i don't know I pledged you? Did I pledge you? I did't see e-mail I pledged you.


Morning Kawacy, I follow your facebook and worry about you, hope you feel happy every day.


Finally! XD Have been waiting for days for the preview -w-)


I'm confused how does all this work? I'm new sorry


Thank you. Have a nice day and happy work!


Basically you'll just need to pledge (choose between $5 - $10 - $15 packages) then I will send your rewards (tutorials, psd, etc as written in the teaser) in the beginning of every month :) so it's monthly rewards! if you want only the tutorial rewards, you can try : gumroad.com/kawacy hope it helped! :')


Thank you too for your kind words! :') have a nice day to you too!


oh omg! hello! sorry for late respond :') thank you so much for your concern! i feel much better now but yeah i get depressed a lot i just can't help it TvT but thank you so much, for now i feel fine! how about you?? (sorry i rarely check fb messages, but i do reply to comments there!)


i've done with the preview long time before i finally posted it but i completely forgot XD my bad hahaha won't be like this next time! /hug


Can i get august reward? i started to pledge since end of july, i guess.


Do you happen to know when the August rewards will be sent out? :O


I haven't gotten my reward and I've been pledged since July. Any reason why? My email is (makilacarter15@gmail.com)


Hello, Chihaya OuO I'm sorry for bothering you here--my Patreon pledges didn't clear until about Monday-Tuesday last week since Patreon/PayPal tried charging my bank account 4x Q-Q;; I had to ask the bank to stop that first...


I have checked and your pledges were always processed just fine though what was this about? Did they really charge you 4 times? D':


Oh I just checked and your pledge was processed just fine! Sorry that sometimes Patreon do this, sorry for the inconvenience. I will send you your rewards now!


Oh did you pledge later than Aug 1st? :) If you did, then you'd be pledging for next month's rewards instead because you're considered late for August rewards. But I'm open for previous rewards pledging by Paypal if you still want previous rewards. If not, then you'd still get the Sept 2016 rewards.


I checked but you're seem to be late for August rewards, you started pledge since August 2nd. So you'll be getting September 2016 rewards instead :) Unless you still want the August / any previous rewards, you can send me pledge via Paypal.


Ah, I'm so sorry, Chihaya QAQ I'm barely seeing this ;; (I don't know why the Patreon website doesn't make it easier and just let us reply to replies @-@;;;) Patreon did charge me 4x, but luckily, my bank stopped the 3 extra charges. It took a few days to resolve it all. I think the extra trouble on PayPal's end caused my reward to not appear in the inbox or something... That's never happened before and I hope that it's just a one-time error Q__Q;;; (My bank account is linked to PayPal, so it's weird that they would stop payments on the 1st or charge extra. If any of your other patrons ever have to deal with such a strange situation, their banks will definitely be on their sides >A


Patreon indeed still so hard to manage, even for me :( and everytime, there's always some people who don't receive their rewards message despite i already sent everything as promised..orz I really have no idea they charged you that many times wtf! I hope it won't happen to other patrons or happen to you again in the future though! Patreon really need to update and fix their bugs really soon or i'm gonna go crazy too lol;; But have you received all your rewards already? If you feel you have pledged but haven't received the rewards yet, by all means please tell me :)