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I am finally back omg 😭🙏 So sorry for the long absence!

Got a really really bad case of food poisoning/bacterial infection just a few days after my birthday and I was hospitalized for a bit and eventually had to use the wheelchair (temporarily.)

The December trip was also postponed until the end of January because of that (not a vacation trip. It's an important personal family stuff that needs to be settled.)

It's taken a while but I'm finally feeling all better now; I can eat, talk, and walk again. But now my schedule is messy af 😭😭 Trying to fix everything one by one.

Thank you everyone for being so patient! It means a lot to me! 🥺💕

I will reply to comments and I will reply to emails, slowly but surely. And to like/retweet ALL those sweet birthday gifts from you guys which I didn't get chance to even RT, broke my heart. Hope I can make up everything before my trip!

Once again, sorry to have made you all worried! Please everyone take care especially in this time of season, many of my friends got sick too. And being sick sucks orz..



January 2022 reward artwork:

Caleb x Lilith x May [TS4]  

🌧ANIMATION: animated version of THE artwork.

🌧BONUS: High-res .JPG artwork of Caleb x May "Magazine" fanart; Photoshop brushes (5 brushes in total) used in the artwork.

🌧TUTORIAL: Painting Clouds.

+ usual rewards:

※Complete .PDF progress shot explanation, including: brush settings, mini painting tutorials, color palettes, inspiration, and more.

※Full progress shot of CalMayLil art.

※1000px .PSD file with all the layers (lineart, colors, effect, etc.)

※Full size .JPG picture of CalMayLil art.

※Clean .PNG lineart of CalMayLil art.

Sorry I couldn't post this teaser in time before pledge day but the rewards will be sent out to all patrons BETWEEN January 19th - January 25th, 2022.

Also, I have included the preview for December 2021. I've made the preview before but then I got sick and I didn't get the chance to upload it..T__T

I've sent out last month's White Snake Legend rewards, please check your Patreon DM and if you haven't received them, email me at: kawacyan@hotmail.co.jp ✉ (now might take a while 'til I get to your email, but don't worry I will reply to all.)



Milk Tea

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Thank god you're back healthy Please take however long u need to recover, and take ur time fixing your schedule And please don't forget to get enough sleep and drink lots of water ;;;;;; We'll wait however long it took Also this artwork is so beautiful as usual kawa sensei 😭😭😭💕💕


Oof what a downer to get sick during your birthday month and the holidays. So sorry to hear about that! Glad you are feeling better and no rush needed. Please take care of yourself!


Damn, hope you are feeling better, also happy late birthday! Looking forward to the rewards :)


How I've missed you Milk omg 😭😭😭💖 So good to see you again here Broke my heart for not being able to reply to comments or even touch my phone checking for everyone's updates TvT (they said it'll add to my stress and hinder my recovery) But now all is OK 🥺🙏🙏 How are you there?? Hope you're taking care of your health too! Thank you so much for being so kind and as sweet as ever, please you're gonna make me cry 😭😭


Chihaya-hugs- omg you don’t know how much I missed you!! How are you! Do you feel better now!!! Oh please take care of yourself!!! My heart fall down when I saw you was hospitalized!! Please dear your health is important!! Take care!!! And welcome back -another hug- 🥺💕💕💕 your art is amazing as always!!! Did you saw your birthday gift? I’m so excited to know what do you think and sorry I’m late! You can find it in your email if you didn’t get it just tell me! Ah gosh I want to talk more but… Just relax and have some rest and please take care okay!??? Promise me!!! 🥺💕💕💕


Thank you so much for your concern and sweet message 🥺🙏🥺🙏 means so much to me! I don't know but I tend to get sick (or just prone of getting sick) at the end of the year T__T got sick twice at the end of 2017 and 2018 too. Gotta be more careful from now on. But thank you!! And you too, please take care 🙏🙏


Thank you so much for your concern and for the sweet birthday message!! 🥺🙏🙏 So sweet of you! I'm all better now and I will do my best to finish the rewards for this month in time! See you soon //hugs 💖


Tamiiiii!! How I've missed you too omggg 😭😭🙏🙏🙏 I'm so sorry for not taking care of my health well despite I already got sick twice at the end of 2017 and 2018. I'm prone of getting sick at the end of the year, I don't know why. But gotta be more careful next time ;__; I am all better now yes, thank you for asking! More importantly, how are you there?? Are you okay? Are you all happy? What are the news these last 2 months of my absence? Couldn't check my phone for updates as they say it'd add to my stress and hinder my recovery so I could just sleep all day. I haven't gotten the chance to check all of the birthday gifts but I am ready to check them really soon! I am so EXCITED. 😍😍😍😍 Thank you so much for taking your time to even draw a gift for me! You don't know how much it means to me, I will treasure it forever. Whatever it is. Thank you so much for your love and concern!! Your support is always so solid and wholesome! Wish you nothing but happiness in life 💖 See you soon then in the replies and emails!

Milk Tea

Yeah I'll agree, it'll definitely add your stress xDD Not to mention replying 100+ comments on every post, respect +99 😭💕💕💕🙏🙏 Please just focus on your recovery first ;;;; Im good! I finished my yoasobi fanart animation, i hope you'll see it >< Its on my pinned tweet if you're interested ^^


Thank you for your beautiful art 💕


Welcome back, happy to hear you feel better ^w^


Omg… I had no idea to what an extend 🥺💕 I swear when I saw you were hospitalized I felt like someone just squeezed my heart… 😭 *hugs tight* I’m so relieved you’ve fully recovered and the wheelchair wasn’t permanent! 💓 Can I be honest..? I… I don’t know what I’d do if I did not get to see your art anymore or have your replies to look forward to… It gave me a bit of a scare~! 💖💕 I hope that once you slowly caught up you are excited to see the birthday present I made for you as well~! 💕💓 I send it on your email 📧💓 I was really excited to finally be able to make you a birthday present and I worked really hard on it so I hope you’ll like it! *hugs tightly, nuzzling* I am so happy to see you again, you mean the world to me. You’ll always find me in your Instagram comments, this year AND the next and the ones after that! Don’t worry! You can scold me if I missed one alright~? 💓💕💖 All the hearts for you again!


What a lovely scene.


Thank YOU for your love and support 😭💪 cause they keep me motivated


Hello hello~ Good to see you again here! How have you been there? Hope everything is well for you and your family too! 🤗🤗


Thank you so much for the kind compliment 🥺🥺 so happy you liked it!


I'm sorry I didn't take good care of my health enough 😭😭 I've made you and everyone else worried, I feel so bad.. Yesss, I'm all okay now and can eat again 💪😉 You're so sweet and if I may tell you the truth, I don't know what would I do without your support either. Every support from friends means the absolute world to me and I cherish them! Also, thank you so much for the birthday present again!! eventhough I haven't got chance to check on emails at all 😭 still trying to catch up with my messy af schedule.. It's the least I can do, to find you on Instagram and reply to your sweet message there! No way! I won't bite or scold you if you ever miss one 😭💔 You can reply to my post freely! Don't ever feel pressured to reply to everything, that'll make me sad for sure! More hearts for you //sends positive vibes 💞💖💕✨


Thank you for taking the time to reply! Stay happy and healthy. We love your work and your personality. Just keep being you and you will be doing wonderful !