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Sorry for the extremely late preview.

Truth is, one of my family members that's currently living in my house has been tested positive for the virus so life's been pretty hectic lately with extra quarantines and stuff. But I promise I will get through this. Thank y'all for sticking with me through thick and thin. 💕

JUNE 2021 reward artwork:


⚜ANIMATION: animated version of Caleb x May "Suave Kiss" artwork.

⚜BONUS: High-res .JPG artwork of Caleb x May "Movie" comic page; Photoshop brushes (5 brushes in total) used in the artwork.

⚜TUTORIAL: Painting Lips (2021 ver.)

+ usual rewards:

※Complete .PDF progress shot explanation, including: brush settings, mini painting tutorials, color palettes, inspiration, and more.

※Full progress shot of Lady D art.

※1000px .PSD file with all the layers (lineart, colors, effect, etc.)

※Full size .JPG picture of Lady D art.

※Clean .PNG lineart of Lady D art.

Rewards will be sent out to all patrons BETWEEN June 19 - June 25, 2021.

I have sent out last month's EreHisu rewards, please do check your Patreon DM and if you haven't received them, email me at: kawacyan@hotmail.co.jp ✉

My emails have piled up a bit over the weeks, so it may take time before I get to your email. Thank you for your patience and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 🙏💖




Hey Senpai ~! I have really missed you 😭💕💕 and your post so much!! I hope your family member get better soon! 🥺🙏🏻 Did you got your vaccine hope you and your family do! I still didn’t get it! But hopefully I will get it next week!! Here is getting worse I’m getting sick of hearing about people I know is testing positive and I even cried one night!! Because it’s really hard and scary I keep thinking about it! So please hope you and your family stay safe and your family member get better soon!! And everything go back to normal soon!! 😭😭💔 Not going to lie about I was so worried about you when you disappeared!! I was praying for you and your family safety!! 🙏🏻💖 it’s okay Senpai take your time! Please Please stay safe and strong 🙏🏻💖 we are here with you - tight Hugggg-


Kawacyyyyyy ;; a ;; ! Hope you guys are taking all the right precautions, -sends you soups-. Hope you guys can also get your vaccine! I was able to get mine through work for me and my mom. It’s still gonna be a while before we recover from this crazy panini, but it helps to get the vaccine to have SOME resistance to covid (better safe then sorry right?). Please be safe, keeping prayers for you and the fam. We’ll get through this buddy! 🔥🤗 Lots of air hugs! Excited for big mama vamp queen Lady D. 🦇 I haven’t played the game cuz I AM A CHICKEN SH*T 😂 (i confess this knowing i love horror movies too send help lol) and first person games make me dizzy but I’ve watched the play throughs and I love the drama of the storyline and the gothic themes ugh 😩 I’m so weak to the background and supernatural themes. 👌🏽 All the vampire goodies! ❤️💜 Missed you being here bud and like i said, we’ll get through this! 🔥Take care of yourself Kawacy! 🙏 Take whatever time you need 💜, self care comes first ~! 😊


I'm sure it'll heal completely! Thank you Cihaya sensei💜 for posting even though it's hard


I hope that you and your family are doing alright!! Please take care of yourself, since it is always a pleasure to see your artwork! Thank you for your version of Lady D, as she looks awesome!


Hope you and your family are doing okay! ❤️


Hi, I haven't received my rewards for this month yet :c


Saame idk how it works tho does it just get sent to your email?


尊敬する河cyさんの有料ファンクラブに登録しました!✨✨少しでも貴方の芸術のサポートになれることを願ってます、日本語が読みづらかったらすみません😭 コロナウイルスにお気をつけ下さい、英語が読み書きがあまり出来ないですが頑張ります!! 報酬の受け取り方がちょっと分からなくて困ってます!😭 patronの使い方は慣れていませんが、次第に慣れていきたいと思います!どうかご家族共に健康でいてくださいね!🙏 💦 貴方の作品はどれも素敵で私のモチベーションとインスピレーションに繋がってます、常にGumroadで購入したものを練習してます!💖更にpatronで支援出来たらいいなと思いました!!お身体にお気を付けて過ごしてください!😊


he messages you on patreon with the download link I think~ it takes a while but it shouldnt take longer than the announced date. (June 25)


Hi, I haven't received my rewards for this month yet :c