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Thank you for the support for next month too as always!

These are next month's rewards :

['Run or die' / Cookie Run artwork]

※Bonus#1: self-made Photoshop brushes used for the artwork (for $10 pledge and above) + PNG spectrum triangles. Photoshop brushes including ammo, iron nails, circles brushes.

※Bonus#2: because I haven't got the chance to unlock the new tier, I will include the unlocked tutorial as a December bonus.

※Complete PDF progress shot explanation, including brush settings, mini painting guides, and more.

※Full progress shot of the finished art.

※1000px PSD file with all the layers (lineart, colors, effect, etc).

※Full size JPG picture of the finished art.

※Clean PNG lineart of the artwork (you may recolor the lineart but please credit me).

will be sent after pledges are processed as usual.

Thank you for your patience and see you guys next month !(͡°͜ʖ͡°)




Hello kawacy i wanna ask something, are our pledge reward is always arrive in days 6 or 7 in month ? and what about if my Donation date is in under or more than the date that you always given (in days 6 or 7 in a month). And also how Patreon send the reward to me ? by email or something ? just wanna ask , i am new in Patreon >.< thanks love your art


hello! sorry for a little bit late reply :) thank you for liking my works and of course for the precious support. Ah, I'm using both Photoshop CS6 and Paint Tool SAI. I hope my PDF will give you the idea how I usually work later :D I'll explain as much as I can


yes because all the pledges usually are processed around those dates :) if your pledge later than the 1st date of every month, you'll be considered pledging for next month's rewards. For example you pledge on Nov 2nd, then you'll be pledging for December rewards. If you pledge before Nov 1st, you'll be pledging for November's rewards. So basically pledge November for December rewards, pledge Dec for Jan rewards, etc. And I will send the reward to you through Patreon direct message(they usually also will notify your email), I will put a download link to the rewards there for you to download. It's okay, I'm glad you asked so I could explain it to you! :3c thank you so much for liking my works! /hugss


Omg yes I love this piece of art <333 Can't wait! >w< Ah, have you received the ref yet? Just wondering since you haven't replied yet and my email's been kinda wonky so I might have to resend it. ^^" Thanks!


Yayyy I finally pledged :D


oh my thank you so much for the support then /hugs ;v; i hope you'll like the rewards!


Thank you kina, it's by far my favorite from 2015 too so i decided to share here! yes yes I have received your email :D sorry if i always forgot to reply you after that haha but if i didn't receive anything, i would send you email so no worries! all done ;)


Kawacy (I'm that guy before), is there another way to get rewards,cause I sorta experimented on trying to get a normal reward and I really wanna get the 15 one the problem is that, patreon can't do it ,my card's fine , internet's well and sure anything is perfect,once i clicked to pledge 15 it dosent work...HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your work is very cool!


Is it possible to get a past reward? I'd really love to learn how you made cookie run! Such an amazing piece!


yess sure! you can always pledge to me by Paypal like how others do :') hope you got my message!


I would like to buy this Reward afterwards because I love this colorful Cookie pic of yours :D is it possible?! :3


Sorry if I am annoying but I am really into this piece (and some other rewards) but first things first :P


Eeeeepppsss omgg yassss I almost had to pledge down to $1 cuz wat is money ahaha but im gladd i still keep it up for december uwu cant wait for this amazing pack _(:3_/ ugh so sad have to reduce for nxt year /cries blood/ gunna miss out on the other awesome stuffs


eyyy you can pledge in any amount you want and i won't bite ;) i'm crying blood too to have my butt flattened making the PDF especially with my 'wonderful' engrish


awwwwh, @.@!! I sorry but I'm new here so what should I have to do to get it .. can I pay by Paypal or something els ?


I clicked Pledge for the $10 pack but there is still no decrease the amount of money in my paypal account..... Did I make it yet? ;3; I'm really confused


it's ok :D i'm glad you asked so i can help! you can click pledge on Patreon to get it, i will send the rewards usually around date 6 or 7 every month. But i also open manual pledge by paypal for those having problems pledging with Patreon :3c


it will only be decreased on the first date of every month :) in this case, if you pledge now, Patreon will ask you the pledge on Dec 1st. So yes be patient until next month :3c /hugs thank you for the support!


hey everyone, hello kawacy :D I am new around here and sooo looking forward to your PDF progress stuff since I am trying to learn how to work with Photoshop. Are you using the Photoshop Cloud programmes? Well, thanks in advance and keep up the good work, love your pictures :)