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APRIL 2018 reward artwork :

SUN & MIMIKYU [ Pokemon S/M - Sun and Moon ]  

Yeah, I'm happy because it's actually a proper contribution for one of my top favorite Pokemon: Mimikyu♥

※BONUS: High-res file of the "infamous" Combusken drawing tutorial (how nostalgic lol....); Photoshop brushes (total: 5 brushes, including all the particle brushes, skin highlights, rainbow dust, etc) used in the artwork.

※$15 Tutorials: Drawing and Painting Shelves with stuffs inside (books, stuffed dolls, groceries, etc).

+ usual rewards:

※Complete .PDF progress shot explanation, including: brush settings, mini painting tutorials, color palettes, inspiration, and more.

※Full progress shot of SUN×MIMIKYU art.

※1000px .PSD file with all the layers (lineart, colors, effect, etc).

※Full size .JPG picture of SUN×MIMIKYU art.

※Clean .PNG lineart of SUN×MIMIKYU art.

Rewards will be sent out to all patrons before April 14 - April 15, 2018. Please pledge before April 1st to get this Pokemon MIMIKYU rewards bundle.

And do not forget to check your Patreon inbox at that day to get the rewards download link as usual!

P.S: I have sent all the rewards for March 2018: Pokemon ORAS Wally [Remastered ver.] 

If you haven't received the rewards despite you have pledged before March 1st, do contact me asap at kawacyan@hotmail.co.jp and I will personally resend all the rewards to you via email. Thank you so much!

☺ See you again on April 2018! ☻




So genius! Your texture, comp, coloring, shading...just so lovely!


Hopefully I can get 15 dollars to support you next month xD (Imma poor college student ;-;). Will you make a tutorial one day on how you pick your colors? Or make palettes? I know you include a small explanation in the recent rewards but its always been a bump in the road for me.

Artwork Cari Studio

<img height="50" src="https://orig00.deviantart.net/cd0b/f/2014/062/6/d/6dab4b1f27bebdd1b6ac544401b3fc7f-d6o6n1c.gif" width="50"> nice


Mimikyu is one of my favorite Pokémon as well, and I love your adaptation of him!


Thank you so much for your kind words! I literally cried from happiness T__T♡ I'm glad you like them! And I hope they can help you too!


Awww That's so kind of you!!! Any kind of support like kind comments from you, likes, etc, already means a lot to me! So pls don't worry much but I do look forward to see you as one of my patrons ^^&lt;3 Oh I've mentioned a lot in my pdf tutorials about how I picked my colors for my artworks, you should be able to get them if you pledge my $10 or $15 rewards bundle! But if you're asking for more detailed tutorials for them, then of course I will consider your suggestion and might include them as separate tutorials in the future! Thank you very much for the suggestion and for your kind words! They mean a lot and I treasure all of them!!!


Thank you!!! Omg how do you put moving gif on Patreon XD I think I've been living under a rock all this time.


Thank you so much! Highfives!!! I'm glad so many people are into Mimikyu and I'm mostly happy to know that you like my take on Mimikyu!