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OCTOBER 2017 reward artwork :

Aloha to Moana [ Disney's Moana ]  

※Bonus: Baby Moana fanart High-res file; Photoshop brushes (total: 5 brushes, including flowers pattern, solid braid, and sun rays brushes) + .PNG sun lighting spectrum used in the artwork.

※$15 Tutorials: Drawing and Painting Water (bonus: painting Corals).

+ usual rewards:

※Complete .PDF progress shot explanation, including: brush settings, mini painting tutorials, color palettes, inspiration, and more.

※Full progress shot of Moana art.

※1000px .PSD file with all the layers (lineart, colors, effect, etc).

※Full size .JPG picture of Moana art.

※Clean .PNG lineart of Moana art.

Rewards will be sent out to all patrons around October 6 / October 7 or simply the first week of every month.

Check your Patreon inbox at that day to get the rewards download link.

P.S: I have sent all the rewards for September 2017: RILEY [ Pokemon ]  artwork. 

So if any of you haven't received the rewards yet despite you have pledged before September 1st, contact me at kawacyan@hotmail.co.jp and I will personally resend the rewards to you via email :) --I will check on my email inbox this week.

﹌ See you on October 2017 ﹌




Super excited!!


Yeeeeeaaaahhh!!! I was so hoping this will come one day since you posted it 😍 thank you 😁


How do you even draw so detailed... leaves me speechless every time T^T


Kawacy-sensei! I've been a fan of your works for years now, but I'm not yet able to pledge monthly ^^" Actually, I read your older comments about pledging through PayPal when some people asked you about previous rewards. I know that you use Gumroad now, but I can't help wondering, is the offer still open? There are some older rewards that I want but not yet up in Gumroad... and when I had the funds to pledge, I was always too late :') So, it'll be great if it does, but it's completely fine if it doesn't *cries in the corner* Anyway, thank you for keeping on inspiring people by creating such amazing works! XD




Hi! I wanted to ask if you can add how to make the rainbow colored lights? I pledged since February but I still don't know how to do that...Is it possible to add a more detailed explanation?




i guess i wasn't the only one who was wondering about that rainbow colored light xD, and maybe that final addition of text on top of the illustration too..(though that could just be me)

Jason Moon

I still need to watch that movie


Beautiful work as always! The water tutorials are especially helpful :)


I'm glad you found it helpful!! Thank you so much for your kind words and positive feedback here //hugs


Thank you!! I hope you have received your rewards by now ^^ and I hope that you liked them!


You're welcome!! I've been waiting for the day I'd share this artwork as rewards too as this was definitely one my favorite Disney piece I've done :'D I hope you liked your rewards though!!


They just need some extra patience to be done _(:'3 Although I still have to practice more and have more patience for details but thank you so much for your kind words!


Aww it's alright, any kind of support means a lot to me already including your kind and supportive comments! ^^ And yes of course, I'm still open for that offer anytime anywhere as there are always people just like you who desire specific rewards instead of pledging monthly and I'm totally cool with that! Just drop me an email at kawacyan@hotmail.co.jp (sorry if I reply a bit late, but I ALWAYS reply all my emails eventually) tell me which month rewards do you want? It can be more than one. ^^ You're too sweet though, thank you so much for your interest in the rewards! Sorry that Gumroad gets a very late updates _(:'3 it's all for the sake of patrons on Patreon so they'd feel at least a bit more special for always getting the latest updates. Once again thank you so much for everything and I'll look forward to your email in my inbox! //hugs


Really good job!)))