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recently i discover how to post several images in only one poest, this opens chances; are you interested in watch the raw images of finished works like rewards or commisions, that i can show in a single post? or you want only finished works?



Well, it all depends upon whether the image was a complex one involving layers or such. Or if it was poster worthy and you put text all over it. You might want to start, as well, thinking/ planning visuals beyond it's initial target project.


I'll say this. If it is anything like the BBU8 is going I don't want it. I dread seeing those post in my email. I'll wait for the BBU69 type pages and be happy to see them but when I see BBU8 in my thread I ignore them and go on. I love ALL your work out side of the absolute train wreck BBU8 has become. Sorry if I'm the downer here but this is just how I feel.