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 I wasn't sure if I'd have time for it or not but looking at my schedule and what not, I do think I will have time.
So yay! Let's do Thanksgiving raffle!

(this is also being held on FA, DA, and IB, one person from each site will be in the pic)

State a number between 1-500 on THIS journal. Check to make sure it's not a number someone has already chosen.
You must include a link to your reference/reference to the character you want to use. As always, if you want to use someone else's character you have to have that person stating on the journal that it's okay for the character to be used.
WITH your number, include your references with links!
I am not designing a character you have to have an image reference!
1 character only.
It can be OC or Cannon.
No suiting/tf/etc. You are providing a character for the group pic, you are not requesting a specific pic for your character.
No crazy/insane OC's or chars that have a load of detail.
You must be a patron or a current watcher on one of the sites listed. Otherwise you'll have to wait til the next one.
Deadline for entry is Nov. 19, 2016, I will pick winners on that day. The actual pic will be posted either the 23rd or the 24th. Winners will be contacted by replying to their original comment they made with their number.
If you were in the Halloween pic you are not elligable for this raffle.
If you have anything against chasing/eating a turkey or someone in a turkey costume.... then... uhhh... you probably shouldn't enter....
TOS rules still apply. 


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