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Starting to catch up, again, thanks to the commissioners for being super patient with me. Should be mostly caught up this week, if not this weekend coming up. Don't have all the crazy weather/appointments with it all.

The other thing I was thinking was Halloween and Christmas. For christmas last year I did raffles for each site. This year I'll do something a little bit smaller, but similar. I'll hold a raffle on certain sites, and the winner of the raffles will be in a group pic together. Would be easier for me, and also still a lot of fun. Will do this for Halloween, and Christmas. I MIGHT do it for thanksgiving, possibly, depending on what I'm doing in that month. 
It will be similar to how the other raffles go, except instead of asking for a specific thing, you can only pick a specific character. I may ask for input on what to do with you in the pic later, as I'm doing the pic, but other then that, nothing specific other then character. Pic also will be SFW. (I will also be in the pic as well)

State a number between 1-500 on THIS post. Check to make sure it's not a number someone has already chosen.
You must include a link to your reference/reference to the character you want to use. As always, if you want to use someone else's character you have to have that person stating on the journal that it's okay for the character to be used.
1 character only.
It can be OC or Cannon.
Since it's a halloween pic, please include a reference to a costume the character would be dressed up as.
Please state wether it is cosplay or a full on suit.
No crazy/insane OC's or chars that have a load of detail.
You must be a watcher from the current ones. New ones will have to wait til next raffle.
Deadline for entry is Oct. 22, 2016, I will pick winners on that day. The actual pic will be posted either the 30th or the 31st.



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