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PLEASE READ ABOUT IT FIRST! Article below will describe how it works.


As many know, I, and a lot of others have trouble with the bots/false accounts. 

Charge upfront is extremely helpful in this matter. It should hopefully get rid of them entirely, I would think.

And ya'll are probably like how is this a good thing for me, who is paying to see work and how does it make a difference?

It DOES make a difference! 

Instead of the $6+ images coming out ONLY at the end of the month after peoples pledges have cleared, they will get posted EACH WEEK just like the comics and chibs, etc. Now you don't have to wait for those! Yayssss!!!

You get to see stuff much faster!

I still will send out the dropbox links at the end of the month, because they contain the full size images. 

Why the end of the month? Because that's when it will all be compiled and finished for each month.



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