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On Sat. (from 10am-10pm EST *with breaks mind you*) will be doing a Pay what you want stream.

However this is a bit different.

Will be doing group ideas/scenarios.

Ex. Start with one image. Person wants *character* doing something simple, or several people want several characters interacting with each other. As more people come in, more people can add to the image and what is happening in the entirety of the image.

Kind of like one of those chain stories where everyone puts ideas together to make a single pic.

No overly complicated characters/robots. (GUNDAM NO, Sparkle dogs NO, etc.)

Style will be varied depending on the characters and what is going on in the image.

Starting price is $5 per character/interaction minimum. You can go higher if you please!

If the image gets over $25 in participation, it will be inked.

If image gets over $35 in participation it will be flat colored.

If image gets over $60 it will be given light shading.

If it receives more then $60 will have to discuss in stream between contributors on what to do.

Will do more then one image most likely, depending on how it goes with each scenario.

Cannon AND OC's are allowed!




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