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Okey dokey, FINALLY! Man being stuck at hospital for four days was not fun. At all. Bleh. But now finally back at home. I'm on these painkillers I have to take every four hours and I still have to get another surgery and I still have pain even with them but am definately much better then I was on Sat. morning.

It was like at 3am and the pain woke me up. I knew it was my kidney stones but I've had them several times before, they keep coming back, so I took my medicine and was like I'll just sleep it off. 

Yeah that didn't work at all.

By the time I managed to get to the ER after finally deciding to go I was again laying on the floor unable to walk. They shot me up with morphine but it didn't do anything, like at all. So then they took me into surgery after xrays and CT scans and were like oh, it's impacted, stuck, and swollen, no wonder! They couldn't get any of them out so they put something in there to keep it open.

Then they put me in overnight. My blood pressure was wacked up because they had me on six different pain medications so they couldn't let me go home. Then they were worried I would have an infection and I could barely walk so they wouldn't let me go home. (And those two days I'm glad I did stay because there was no way I could have been at home with the kids alone.) Then finally they let me come home this morning.

I still have to get the other surgery to get the stones out because they are stuck in there and there is no way they will come out by themselves. The doctors are rather confused because I changed my diet like they told me, and have been taking my kidney meds and I still developed them really bad even after last time. I'm still gonna have the pain, just not as bad because they have that thing in there to old it open, but it's bad enough so I have to stay on my medication every four hours, until they get to the surgery in a few weeks. 

But now I'm finally back at home and can get back to work, I really missed it. Laying in bed all day watching cartoon network is not really my thing. It was okay the first day, but after that I hated it. Plus their food schedule and their food was not something I liked. I'm used to being up late and eating lots at night, but their last snack (which was a little yogurt) was at 8pm, and then nothing until 8am the next day. That didn't fly with me. Plus I didn't have any music, and was attached to the IV tower that I kept having to drag to the bathroom. And 3 shots a day. And blood work 3 times a day. One of my arms they took so many times that the skin became raw and they had to stop because there was no skin left on the area. It's still like that. 

But other then that they were all super nice, and they did their best to keep me from being in pain or being sad. I had this one guy who'd come in the morning for breakfast who was bald and he'd come in with his apron and be yelling in a sing song voice "GOOD MORNINGGGGGGGG ROOM SERVICEEEEEEE IT'S BREAKFAST TIMEEEE!" Now that is a great wake up call. XD During the day my nurses always changed, but at night I always had the same one, so we got to talk and know each other a bit, which was nice. How they stay up for 12 hours at one job I have no idea.

I will have the rest of the content up before the end of the month is up, have no fear! :3



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