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 Short one, mostly fluff and build.


Black Hat stared blankly at the screen before him. That fucking sack of putrid flesh bag... he thought to himself. He DARES to mock him like this?! The eldritch resisted his extreme urge to destroy yet another computer that he had recently bought for work,  as he viewed Flug's new business website. He was selling weapons, to villains, in nearly the exact same manner and fashion as he had when he was working for the demon.

The demon had hardly anything left to sell, or rent out, since he didn't have his scientist. He had been looking at others, but none had made the cut, they were all completely worthless compared to...

No, Flug was worthless as well! Wasn't he? Black Hat wondered to himself, forgetting his anger for a moment, perhaps Flug wasn't as easy to replace as he originally had thought. His business had grown enormously after he had hired him, despite his groveling, terrified nature, he was a genius after all, and he did have the balls, or the idiocy, to work for him. As soon as he had lost him however, his business had crashed. Which was absolutely absurd, he didn't need a human to be successful in whatever venture he decided to play in... Then again, one did need the best tools for whatever they were doing, and Flug apparently was the best tool he had found so far...

His orders were getting backlogged, clients were getting extremely displeased now. Of course most of them were forced to buy his products anyway but at least they got their products, even if some of them blew up in their faces upon arrival... He was respected and revered to be the baddest of the bad, the worst of them all, but the entire villain syndicate knew he had lost his scientist, and they were starting to have their doubts.

It doesn't matter what mortals think, I am Black Hat, I can do whatever I please! Except apparently run a business once my best tool is gone... he thought regrettably to himself. The demon slammed his fists onto his desk, breaking it for the hundredth time that week, appalled with himself. Flug needed to die, but at the same time, though it made him want to rip his own innards out and fling them into space, if he wanted to be able to run his business he admitted he needed a halfway decent scientist and Flug was currently the only one who could handle it.

How to kill the scientist and set an example that he was not to be defied but to also have him kept alive so he could use him was a new challenge for him.

Meanwhile the good doctor was laying in his bed, cozy in his base that the demon still had yet to locate. Since the base was never in one place for long, it made it a lot harder to find. He'd built an airship out of several things from the military he had stolen, apparently they knew more about aliens and other planets then they ever had let on to anyone else, which wasn't surprising to him. It certainly was larger then an airplane, about the size of 4 naval aircraft carriers.

Flug LOVED having his own place. His own business, his own base, his own EVERYTHING. He'd forgotten what it was like to live like this, before trying so hard to be hired by the demon. He could work what hours he wanted, he was a workaholic anyway, so getting it done wasn't a problem but at least now he didn't have to fear torture to near death at every moments notice or impossible deadline given.

For now it was 2AM, on a cold, rainy day, high up in the skies, and he was safe and warm in his bed with his best friend bear to cuddle and keep him warm. When and if he decided to get up, he could take his time with a nice hot shower, and then have his hot coffee and freshly washed lab coat hot out of the dryer ready for him. He was finding the new freedom quite productive indeed.

It had been nearly 6 months since the convention incident, and he had learned to be far more careful, but that didn't stop him from trying to prove himself. He was rivaling Black Hat in the weapons and devices business. He had seen wanted ads that were disguised but obviously were the demon looking for a new scientist. No doubt many had answered his call, but apparently he hadn't found anyone good enough yet, because he hadn't aired any new commercials except reruns and prerecorded things since Flug had left. He also wasn't offering any new products, in fact, he had taken quite a few down and was down to mostly just renting things out.

Flug had stayed far away from him, not challenging him openly again. Well, it would seem that way, but with the commercials that Flug was airing it was quite obvious that he was planning to take over the market in his place, showing that it was HE who was the driving force behind the business, NOT the demon. The demon was the one they respected, the label of the brand, the suave seller, but Flug was going to show them that without his scientist, he couldn't sell SHIT.

The bear made some cute little snores in his sleep, pulling his creator closer against his fluffy body. Flug smiled, content, and snuggled against him. He knew he shouldn't get complacent again, but he wanted this moment to last forever, he was finally happy for once. He couldn't imagine anything better, with how his past had been.

As if reading his mind, his phone rang. He sighed, then picked it up and looked at it. He immediately started to tremble. How the hell had the demon gotten his personal number?! Business number yes, but this? He made huge precautions in every way he could think of to keep anyone except an extreme few from ever being able to find this number. His finger hovered over the buttons, briefly considering answering it before quickly closing it and setting it down on the nightstand. No, he wasn't playing his game anymore, he didn't have to do what he said. He wasn't his Jefe anymore. He wasn't going to answer his every beck and call.

The demon growled at his phone. All that work in finding the number and the stupid being hadn't even bothered to answer! How arrogant, he thought. He's getting far too bold in his defiance. Black Hat stood, a grin plastered on his face, rethinking his position. This game, was getting.... interesting... It was proving to be... a bit of a challenge. He certainly wasn't bored, and it had his blood boiling like it hadn't done in centuries. His snake-like tongue licked at his sharp teeth that filled his mouth. So be it, Flug, I'll play with you, he thought, and in the end you will be begging for the end of your disgusting mortal life! 



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