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 Another Collab with the fantastic monkey! :3

Jam and story are the property of monkey-scientist
Jen and the artwork is the property of foxbeast
With minor mentions of both pheagle-adler and palette-the-painter


One may often wonder what kind of secrets a science lab holds, since not everything that happens inside it is public knowledge. Most labs have their secrets hidden behind closed doors, but one lab was far less secretive with its scientific discoveries. This lab was situated atop a large oak tree, and inside this laboratory lived a most bizarre creature. For you see, this lab belonged to the simian scientist known as Jam!

This anthropomorphic simian stood at about 5 feet 11 inches tall, and wore an unbuttoned lab-coat that only covered his torso. The monkey's body was coated in thick brown fur that covered every inch of his body, with the exception of his face, butt, stomach, hands, and feet. The simian chose not to wear pants, as he didn't want to cover his "gorgeous hairless buns".

Unlike most days, Jam didn't have any sort of elaborate science experiment lined up. Instead, Jam was doing something he had never done before: Make direct contact with alien life! Jam had met this alien being a long time ago, but was itching to further communicate with this mysterious being.

What kind of secrets does this alien creature hold? This is what Jam wanted to discover! Jam walked across the floor of his lab, as his bare hand-feet made squeaking sounds against the tiles. Jam made his way to the door and sat down on all fours, in a pose similar to a dog with his hands in front and his legs perched at his sides. Jam waited patiently for about ten minutes, until he noticed the knob beginning to turn.

The steel door-knob opened slowly, as a strong mist sifted into the room. Strange noises were heard as the door slowly opened, revealing a strange creature. The silhouette was hard to make out through all the mist, to the point where only a feint shadow could be seen. As the smoke cleared, it revealed a most peculiar creature. Peaking through the clouds of mist were a pair of piercing green eyes, attached to the body of what appeared to be some sort of alien fox. Jam stood up and happily clapped his monkey paws together as he came face to face with his alien ally.

The being appeared to be female, and was only a few feet tall in terms of height. The alien-fox had a thick coat of fur that covered every inch of her body. The fur on the top of her head and back appeared to be fuchsia in color, while white fur coated her stomach and the bottom part of her muzzle. Adorning said muzzle was a tiny black nose, one that was more befitting of a common forest-dwelling vulpine.

The fuchsia fox had a pair rather of large vulpine ears, which was accented by a pair of skull extensions on the back of her head. These skull extensions vaguely resembled spikes, like the ones would find on a “Xenomorph” from those old Alien movies.  The alien had raptor-like legs, complete with a pair of rather large feet that were accented with black fur. At the end of these feet were some rather long and sharp claws. The fox wore a grey tank-top and a pair of blue jeans, a wardrobe that wasn’t very befitting of a space alien. Gripped tightly between the fox’s furry little paws was a small box of unknown origin.

Jam ran up to the alien fox like a giddy little school-girl; he was excited by the fact he’d get to hang out with his alien friend again! “Hi Jen!” Shouted the easily excitable monkey. Jen smiled and petted the monkey on the head, who proceeded to make giddy chattering noises in return. “Hey there, Mr. Monkey! Look what I brought you, it’s a yummy banana!” Jen exclaimed, while reaching into the box and plucking a banana from it.

“Ooh, I love those! Thanks, Jen!” Jam happily grabbed the banana from the fox’s paws, and held it in his left foot-hand. Jam then did a hand-stand, as he peeled the banana using his hand-feet. After peeling the banana, he swiftly shoved it into his mouth using his foot. Grabbing the peel, he preceded to chuck it into the garbage, while positioning himself so that he was standing right-side-up. “So... Jen, you ready for our little mind exchange?” Asked Jam, as he grinned and raised a single eyebrow. “Sure, but there will be some prerequisites. No butt-scratching, butt-sniffing, nose-picking, and you must wear clothes at all times!” 

“Alright, fine! Any other prerequisites?” Asked Jam, as Jen nodded in response. “A few others, but we’ll get more into those after the swap.” Jam grinned mischievously as he moved his dirty monkey paw towards the left pocket of his lab-coat. The monkey dug around in the smooth fabric lining the inside of his coat’s pocket, and almost immediately pulled out a device. It was a rectangular metal box with a dull-grey color scheme and a small red button in the middle.

Jam made energetic chattering noises as he slowly moved his finger towards the button. Suddenly, a look of shock formed on Jen’s muzzle. “Wait, I’m not ready! I’ve never swapped bodies before! Give me some time to prep---” Jam hushed the fox by pressing his dirty finger against her lips, while giving an audible shush. Jam pulled his finger away, as Jen started to gag. “Wash your hands, man!” Shouted Jen, as the alien fox stuck her tongue out and started spitting.

“Shush! Anyways, you’ve had plenty of time to get ready. Science waits for no man! Unless it’s an eagle-man, or an anthropomorphic living plush elephant, or some kind of painted-dog who can swap heads... Actually, I guess it waits for a lot of things. Well, let’s not keep it waiting!” Jam then pressed the red button, causing a pair of metal helmets to fall from the ceiling. These cylindrical helmets plopped themselves onto the duo’s heads.

The large metal helmets completely covered the heads of the two anthropomorphic beings, obscuring their sight in the process. Jen’s protests were muffled by the large metal helmet fastened over her furry head. Jam pressed the button once more, initiating the exchange. The transfer happened quickly, to the point where Jen had barely noticed the exchange until after it happened. She gripped the edges of the helmet and pulled the metal helmet off her head. As soon as Jen took the helmet off, she noticed how much smaller the lab seemed to her now.

She soon realized that it wasn’t the lab that was smaller, it was her who was larger! One look down told Jen that it wasn’t just her size that changed, it was her whole body that was different. Jen now stood at about 5 feet and 11 inches tall, being much taller than she had ever been before. Her body was covered in thick mangy brown fur. Her, or rather his face was somewhat wrinkly and completely free of fur! Likewise, his hands and feet were hairless as well.

Wiggling around from Jen’s simian backside was a long prehensile monkey tail. Jen flexed her new tail, and found that she could manipulate it as if it was another limb! Jen now possessed a tiny pink nose, as well as a semi-wrinkly face. Jen then looked down, only to realize that she was now pants-less! Worse still, Jam’s body had a pair of rather large hairless buns! Jen was rather embarrassed about the bare monkey-butt she was being forced to display! “Feeling a bit of a draft there, buddy?” Jen heard her own voice say in a rather cocky manner.

Jen looked down and saw her tiny fuchsia-colored fox body standing before her. Occupying her tiny body was Jam’s brain, who was delighted by the idea of now inhabiting an alien’s form. Not only was he an alien, but a female one at that! This was most identified by her somewhat more slender form, her long eyelashes, and her slightly higher-than-usual voice. Of course, there will other tell-tale signs of this, but Jam would get in a lot of trouble if she tried to explore her new “accoutrements” too much!

The thing Jam took notice of most was her much longer fox snout! Situated at the end of her fuzzy snout was a tiny black vulpine nose. A putrid smell soon filtered in through Jam’s much more sensitive nostrils. “Ugh, what’s that terrible smell?!” Jam exclaimed, as she covered her tiny button nose with her paws. “That would be yourself, or rather your body!” Jen said, while sticking her tongue out. “Well, it has been a while since I bathed that form...” Jam replied, as she hid her fox paws behind her back and bashfully began twirling her left foot-paw around.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to bathe it and put pants on it!” Exclaimed Jen, right before removing his lab-coat. He then took his lab-coat and draped it around the back of his legs, before proceeding to tie the sleeves together in the front. Jen’s new monkey-butt was now perfectly obscured from sight! “Bath?! Pants?! You’re going to fix my bad image!” Exclaimed Jam, as she angrily wiggled her alien ears.

“Come on, it needs a good cleaning!” Replied Jen with a smirk. “Oh no you won’t! I’ll stop you!” Jam then proceeded to leap forward using her fox paws, and started to run at Jen. The monkey responded by lifting his left leg and holding out his hand-foot. Jam ran smack into Jen’s hand-foot, which proceeded to grip his former body by the forehead. Jam flailed her tiny fox arms around angrily, while the much large Jen held her at bay. “D’awwww, my body is so adorable when it’s angry!”

After a few minutes, Jam ceased her flailing. “Alright, since I can’t stop you, I’ll let you wash my body!” Jam said, as she crossed her arms and started to pout. “Don’t feel bad, little foxy! I’ll let you wear anything you want, in my body! As long as it’s within reason, no bikinis or catsuits.” Jam grinned mischievously as she put her hands on her hips. “Anything within reason, you say? I can work with that! So, what will you wear in my body?” Asked the inquisitive fox.

Jen continued to grin and walked back towards the entrance of the lab, stopping in front of the box he brought in. The monkey bent over and gripped the box tightly with his dirty simian paws. “I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise, so you’ll just have to wait and see!” Jen snickered to himself as he grabbed the box and eagerly ran to a room on the other side of the lab. Jam then went to a different room, so she could get changed as well. The two giddy anthropomorphic animals quickly got to work with their makeovers of each others’ forms.

Jen started off by running a bath, and making sure to scrub Jam’s body. This included starting a flea bath, and using some special fur shampoo. Jen was surprised that Jam had banana-scented soap in his bathroom, considering how much the simian hated cleanliness! Jen made sure to scrub every inch of his  fuzzy borrowed body, making sure that it was made completely clean. It was an ordeal, but it had to be done!

Jam had a much easier time, as her fuchsia-colored body had already been completely washed. Jam was surprised to be in a body with such well-kept and pristine fur. She wasn’t aware that aliens were well-known for their cleanliness! Jam removed the outfit that her body had previously been wearing, making sure to keep his eyes closed for most of it. If Jam caught a peak of something he shouldn’t and Jen found out, he’d be in some serious trouble!

Jam slid on a rather colorful dress, which was certainly new experience for the former monkey! In her many years of switching bodies, Jam had never once worn a dress. Well, aside from that one time at Pheagle’s birthday party, but she prefers that be kept under wraps. Jam slid the soft satiny material over her petite fuzzy body, as she fitted herself with her surprisingly elegant costume. 

Meanwhile, Jen had just completed the cleaning of his simian form. Jen took a deep breath in with his large simian nostrils, completely relaxed by the luxurious banana scent his fur was giving off. Jen then walked over to the mirror, smiled at the clean monkey looking back at him, and picked up a comb lying near the sink. Jen then proceeded to comb every follicle of brown fur on his body, making sure to mat it down while doing so.

Jen managed to remove every knot that was in his fur-coat while combing it, something Jam was never able to pull off. After grooming his fur, Jen turned to the box behind him. He bent over and opened the box, pulling out a black-colored outfit. Jen then proceeded to dress himself, starting by putting on the pair of black pants. He slid the high-quality material over his fur-covered legs, while smiling at how comfortable his new slacks felt! Jen then sled on a red undershirt, followed by a black long-sleeved shirt.

Jen then proceeded to place a black top-hat with red stripe in the middle atop his head. Afterwards, the monkey slid on a pair of silky black gloves. Jen made happy chattering noises as the soft material pressed against his wrinkly monkey fingers. After slipping on the gloves, Jen held up the pair of black leather shoes. He looked at the shoes, then down at her flat hand-feet. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to fit these shoes onto his monkey feet, no matter how hard he tried!

Jen dropped the shoes, and decided to focus on the last part of her ensemble: The tie! He grabbed the black-colored tie and placed it around his neck, struggling to properly tie it. The former alien fox had difficulty tying ties, it was especially difficult tying it around a neck that didn’t belong to him! After some experimenting, Jen managed to get the tie around his neck and tie it perfectly.

With that done, Jen gazed at his reflection one last time. He was now a simian version of Black Hat! He was missing the shoes and the scary-looking face, but his new attire gave him the appearance of one of his favorite characters from “Villainous”. Jen smiled, as he turned away from the mirror and walked towards the door. He grabbed the door-knob with his silky gloved hand and gently turned it, opening it up to reveal his former body standing before him!

Jam was standing there in Jen’s body, clad in a rather flowery outfit. Jam’s bizarre attire featured a pink dress with some lacy accoutrements underneath, as well as a pair of long white stockings. Similarly, there was a red tie fastened around the neck of her outfit. Sitting atop her head was an adorable pink hat. Fastened to her back was a pair of small white-colored wings, which was probably the oddest part of her attire. The wings appeared to be made out of some kind of silky material.

Jen looked down at her former body in amazement, before grabbing the tiny fox and giving it a hug. “So cuuuuuuuuuuute!” Jam thrashed about in her arms, struggling to get out of his own body’s grasp. “Oof! I’m a fox, not a plushy!” Jen then let go of the fox, and placed her gently on the ground. “Sorry, couldn’t resist! The outfit just makes my body look even more cute and huggable than before.”

“Well, fair enough I guess. So, now that we are both wearing costumes, what now?” Asked the fox, as she looked up at the monkey. “Ooh, I almost forgot! Halloween is tomorrow. Since we’re in costumes right now, how about we go to a costume party?” Asked Jen, as he straightened his dapper outfit. “Ooh, I like that! Let’s g---” Jam stopped mid-sentence, as he took two-steps, tripped, and fell on his face.

“Uh... Before we do that, how do I walk in a dress?” Jen snickered at the fox, before helping her up. “You’re a scientist, you’ll be able to figure it out!” Jam nodded, as the two left the house in search of a really awesome Halloween party. The two felt that their exchange had been fairly mutual, and they were definitely enjoying the fact that they could wear outfits that normally wouldn’t fit on their respective bodies. The two friends knew that this would be a great Halloween! 



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