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Iif you haven't seen this show, Villainous, you better go find it, it's pure amazing.

I actually started these a few weeks ago, but I've been so busy I haven't gotten to work on them. But here we go!

Equestria had better watch out, the evilest of all the evil is here!

It's all balanced out, we got the pet, the pegasus, the unicorn... and we'll just classify BH as an earth pony though we're all pretty sure he's something else. I'm quite pleased I finally got it done. Now do pardon me while I go off and AU this in my brain and fantasize this crossover.

Separate images of the four:

505: http://mourning-dreams.deviantart.com/art/505-pone-683841932

Dr. Flug: http://mourning-dreams.deviantart.com/art/Dr-Flug-pone-683790933

Dementia: http://mourning-dreams.deviantart.com/art/Dementia-pone-683790570

Black Hat: http://mourning-dreams.deviantart.com/art/Black-Hat-pone-683789928

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