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Fourth wall jokes...ha ha hee hee...

Totally not an excuse to draw more Shelly with long hair lol...stay tuned. 



Pembroke W. Korgi

That last panel is *chef's kiss* perfect.


haha back when I had long hair it took me hours to dry it lol

Mark Theroux

Last panel: (_|_) Hehe ;)


When you're worried about your hair but everyone's looking at your big butt instead


Appreciate any and every opportunity for #shellybutt to appear

Jake Price

you did such a mega cute job with this page, ed-boy >///< Shelly looking cute in every panel, and I love her expressions while she's doing her hair... she's not *BORED* but she's very used to going through the paces of her needy, poofy hair and of course the last panel is cute.... for many reasons X3 the fact that Shelly just says she's maintaining the cartoon status quo just off the cuff like that is so good XD


Shelly is so hot!! ^_^


Her hair can also double as convenient censorship like Lady Godiva.