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Hey everyone!  

Been quite a year of good, bad and interesting...got lots of art and doodles and such done, actually did some traveling and survived another year!

I hope you all got some enjoyment out of my art once again, thanks so much for the support along with showing some love for my little HappyMart comic which, for those who are wondering IS going to be turned into a book once I get enough pages in.  How I am going to approach this I have NO idea but I do have some friends who are familiar with putting books together, so that's a plus.  

Otherwise hope you all had an excellent holiday and happy new year!  Also because of my work schedule, the pinup will be a little late, but not to worry, it will get done...I think you know who's coming soon.  Look forward to that, lets make 2022 a good one! 



yes, this year sure was a butt!