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Everybody needs some relaxation and enlightenment once in a while, even if its before work.  Shelly gets her spiritual fix listening to an online guru who may or may not be a real guru...




enlightenment... even where the sun don't shine!

Eric P

Mind if I borrow this mantra?


Damn! She's such a cutie! ^_^

Jake Price

super, super super SUPER cute page buddy Not only is the whole thing of Shelly's self help YouTube videos really funny (along with the fact that there's cursing just, mixed in with the wholesome stuff) XD not only are the spacey backgrounds beautiful and the layouts lovely but these are some of the cutest drawings of Shelly I've seen from you, you did a really great job with her just in general on this page >///< her face expressions, her little peets, her anatomy and the angles you drew her at... everything is great awesome job on this, ed-boy


Very nice

Mark Theroux

Wow, nice poses ;)