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First off, um wow...I hit my second Patreon goal faster than I thought...and its all thanks to you guys once again. 

I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but yeah, never in my life would I think that I would get so much support for my little drawings, art and comics...I guess you guys really enjoy my stuff huh?  That said, a book featuring the HappyMart comic WILL be done eventually (as promised for this goal)...but it WILL take some time to do.  I need to get a few more pages made, design and write some character bios, put in bonus art, type up a forward and find a publisher.

Once I get all that accomplished, hard copies will hopefully exist...and for those who would want to buy my little book, I'd really super appreciate it...but I'm getting WAY too ahead of myself.  Thanks for the continued support guys...

As for the wallpaper, that is coming soon, some delays have come up on it because of commissions and life stuff.  Next week will be the target for that plus the next page of HappyMart so thanks for understanding guys.  

Okay, you read this far!  Keep on being super amazing guys...and stay frosty!  <3 



I will absolutely by picking up a physical copy of Happymart the second any such thing exists. Not even a question for me, I'll have 30 or so bucks sitting in a jar labelled "Happymart Book Release" until it happens.


Congrats on reaching your goal! I'd LOVE to buy a physical copy of happy Mart. It'd be really cool!


You're doing great Ed.