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Pinup poll time for March!!

This poll might be KIND of a rehash but not TOO much, but I decided to go with sexy cat ladies again...because who doesn't like a sexy cat lady?  ;)  And since I already drew Ms. Briggs from Swat Kats, I decided to put in some new entries which I think are appropriate and hopefully you can all enjoy. 

(For those who are part of the SFW tier, you can still vote, but send me a note if you wish to receive a censored version of the pinup)

Voting for this poll will be end THIS Tuesday at 11:59 PM CST 

Here are your choices and good luck!



No thanks.

Jake Price

x///x nothing better than cat ladies I can't wait to see how thus turns out, ed-boy


Dang. Sad to see Princess Carolyn performing so poorly in the polls. But glad to see Ankha doing well.

Matt Eldritch

Which Cheetara? The original or the one from the first reboot?


I was gonna try and have fun with it, and make kind of a combo between the original and first reboot...^^