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So yeah, well how about that...a year certainly does go by wicked fast huh??

But yeah, one year on Patreon, its been quite the wild ride.  Made some new friends and seen some new and familiar artists, its all been pretty good!  So when the time comes, I'm gonna have to do something special for all you guys that have stuck it out for this whole time, thanks so much once again, you guys are so amazing for being supporters for this long.

For now though, I'd like take a minute to ask you guys what I could potentially do to make my site better.  Suggestions like more art, more comics, or just anything in general, feel free to give me any ideas.  Have at it, and thanks once again for being here, later for now!


Mark Theroux

Congratulations, and thanks for all the pics! :)




Congrats! I love your pinups man, would love to see more...


Congrats!!! As for suggestions, keep doing what you’re doing! If possible, I would like to see commission announcements here, as I don’t use da.

Marcus Heckinberry

Hey ed! Congratz on your first year, and thanks for all the art. But you seem to be low on suggestions, so let me give a few: I think you should keep some kind of dropbox for all of your HappyMart comics so that viewers with support your patreon can read them all in a line, like a real newspaper comic compilation book. As of right now, we have to scroll down pretty far to see them all, and as comics are generally read in quick succession, it might make for a better experience to have them all in one place. It might also be cool to add a scenario to the pinup as well. I see other patreon artists like kevinsano do this, and it seems to be a fun little addition. Though I can see why you'd keep it so restricted if you're worried about what exactly people would ask for! Maybe also show the commissions you've finished in Patreon for all viewers? Just a quality of life thing, you don't have to do it. Also, this might just be a me thing, but goooood I suggest more S Tails. I understand if you're baiting out commissions with him right now, but I almost feel like you under represent just how many of your patrons love that character. Hell, you could even make a fun little comic with him, but that takes a lot of work, so I understand if you don't want to do that. I think it'd just be really cool to see. Whichever way you takes this patreon, I wish you the best of luck, and for many, may more years of support! :D


Those are some most excellent suggestions, thank you so so much for those (especially the S Tails stuff) I will for sure consider all of those, thanks you!


Absolutely this. If you put out an art book it would make me the happiest person on Earth. Or if you just wanted to throw some of your HappyMart issues into a physical release. If it has your art and I can put it on my shelf, I would pay to own it.