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Part two of this tiny little story arc concerning our two main characters Schooly and Shelly, who after months of patience and some frustrations something had to give...and a moment of pure bliss was then achieved...ONLY but for a moment.  Blah blah blah...

Yeah I know the pacing was kind of rough for this one, but its something that I wanted to get done for the summer, perhaps when and if I finally have enough pages for the book I can pad this moment out a little more.  Also Tarri continues to be an adorable turd, other than that, hope you all enjoy this! ;)



Stoker Bramwell

Oh to be a fly on the wall in that car! X)

Jake Price

..... oh my god my everything <3 <3 <3 this is so extremely unbelievably adorable and warm and fuzzy and sexy all at once Ed-boy, I think I'm gonna die, they are sooo great together, I bet they're having the time of their lives and now Tarri isn't gonna stop jumping on the bed when she gets home XD


Jumping on the bed is fun, that's why!! I hope someday to have my OWN bouncy house-car, but for now I have to settle for a bouncy house-bed. :3



Marcus Heckinberry

The Bobby Brown reference is amazing and I kinda feel special for understanding it!