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I've been doing a lot of thinking about the SFW tier and contemplating different ideas and such...and theres a lot to balance with all these different tiers.  I want to throw some ideas out there and see what you guys think, feedback is very welcome. 

One idea I had is to to let tiers 5 through 10 dollar in on the two sketch pages per month instead of one, therefore increasing the attention of the sketch pages since you guys are interested in those.  Right now only the SFW tier will get a second page, and I was wondering if it would be okay if tiers 5 through 10 got two pages as well.  However if the sketch page contains uncensored nudity (genitals, exposed breasts) I would create a censored version of that same page for the SFW tier.  How about that?

Also, perhaps what I could do, is create a censored version of the pinup for the SFW tier, pending if its even do-able.  However if the original pinup DOES have tasteful nudity in it (all private parts are covered) ALL tiers would get the same version of the pinup.  I'd like everyones feedback on that, especially those in the SFW tier, which I think there is only one person so far. ^^

I have a lot to balance out, and I don't want anyone to be offended or feel left out on anything, yet I also don't want to make myself overworked...I just wanted to get that out there so that I can hopefully make things a bit more streamlined.  Comments welcome!



Well, I think I already suggested a censored version... in fact, I've been considering a similar thing by introducing a third art piece exclusive to Patreon... :3


I’d be fine not seeing any lewds so I’m fine with allowing $5 and $10 tiers get the two pages. The pinups I guess if censored can be okay but in situations where they can’t be censored I’m not really sure what would replace it.


I technically don't like censored work because it looks weird to me and it feels like something is being taken away. But outside of my views that have no baring on you, my advice is to do what you find most simple. Don't wind yourself up in knots. Try different approaches and figure out what works best for you so things don't get bogged down or bottle necked. We can't please everyone, right?