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Layla didn’t think the man in front of them was who he had claimed to be either. She used [Observe] to be sure.

[M#%&I$#o - Level 40]

That clinched it. This was not this universe's God. It was an imposter. One talented enough in illusion magic to not only fool all of the Angels, but also block out Layla’s upgraded [Observe]. Thankfully, they seemed to be affected by this Universe's power cap. No matter how skilled they were, Level 40 wasn't much of a threat to her at this point.

Still though… Lyla figured it was better to be safe than sorry. ‘System, do the trade!’

[You got it. Commencing trade…and done!]

The Boosted Gear that was resting in Layla’s hand disappeared as if it was never there. In its place, two eyeballs appeared. They were purple and covered in black ripples.

[You're lucky you have me! Hold the Rinnegan eyes up to your face and they'll fuse to your own eyes. Without me, you'd have to rip out your own eyeballs and you'd never be able to turn the Rinnegan off.]

Layla held the pair of eyes up to her face. She felt the two orbs in her hand vanish as she felt a burning sensation coming from her eyes! The sensation quickly faded though.

She opened her eyes expecting to have a drastic change in her vision. She was a bit disappointed that she didn't. Then again, her natural eyes were already far better than a humans. She did feel her body begin to change though. She felt a new type of energy flow through her!

[Passive Skill Unlocked: Senjutsu Level 1]

→Level 1: Increase the recovery of MP to 1 MP per second!

Layla's eyes widened. Holy crap! She was getting a recharge of only 1 MP a minute before! Senjutsu was absolutely broken and she loved it!

[Skill Gained: Six Paths]

→Allows you to use the Six Paths of the Rinnegan. Abilities scale with MP used.

[Skill Gained: Susanoo Level 1]

→Allows you to summon the skeletal frame of Susanoo to protect yourself.

If Layla was alone right now she probably would have been jumping up and down and squealing in glee from both of those skills! She was starting to feel like a true gamer now that she had some crazy anime powers!

[The Rinnegan fusing with your eyes has leveled up your Observe skill!]

“Are you alright, Layla?” Heather asked when Layla paused for a few seconds after bringing her hand to her face. Kunou was also worried next to her.

“I’ve never felt better!” Layla admitted. She could understand people were killing each other over these eyes in Naruto. The abilities they granted were just too amazing!

Layla snapped back to the current situation. She was still surrounded by over a dozen Angels and ‘God’ himself. Although with her [Observe] now at Level 4, she wondered if he’d be able to hide his identity from her now.

[Mephisto - Level 40: An Avatar of the Evil Deity Mephisto. He has come to this world to sow chaos and drag its inhabitants into his own personal dimension to increase his power.]

Mephisto? Layla was surprised to see such a big name in such a weak world like this one. Then again, the description said that this was simply one of his avatars. It was interesting that even he couldn't escape the power suppression placed upon the beings here though.

“What happened to the Boosted Gear you were just holding?” Mephisto, still disguised as Yahweh, asked Layla. Mephisto was curious about what she just did. The Boosted Gear simply vanished from her hand one moment, and some powerful small objects appeared in its place. Before he could figure out what they were, the Fallen Angel immediately absorbed them into herself. What's more is that she started feeling immensely more dangerous to his senses after she did so. ‘Just what did she fuse to herself!?’

Layla smirked at him. “You don’t have to worry about the Red Dragon anymore. It’s gone forever and never coming back. Instead, you should be worrying about yourself… Mephisto!” Layla grinned as casually threw out his real name.

“MEPHISTO!” Heather shrieked behind Layla in shock. That was one of the beings the Ancient One told her to never mess with!

The surrounding Angels were confused at why she was calling their father such a strange name. That was not a name they were familiar with.

Instead of being angry at getting exposed. The ‘old man’ in front of everyone just laughed. His head reared back and he let out a disturbingly loud cackle! “Hahahahaha! Impressive! Truly impressive! It seems the rumors about you were true, Layla of the Fallen. Some Fallen Angel came out of nowhere and slew Belial! On top of that, you then freed all of the souls from Gehenna before other Hell Lords could seize the plane and all those souls for themselves! You essentially crippled that entire realm!”

“And why do you care about all that?” Layla asked.

His head snapped back forwards and Layla was met with glowing red eyes. “I cared because I was planning to take Gehenna for myself one day! Without any souls, it's absolutely worthless!” He didn't like having his fun or plans ruined by everyone. And now, Layla has ruined both! He demanded vengeance! He would have retribution!



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