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The gem on his gauntlet flashed green and he kicked off the ground hard. Issei charged forward towards Heather around three times faster than an ordinary person could move. Heather wasn't ordinary, though. She had been training with Earth’s greatest magic user for months and she had been blessed by Layla recently.

Heather summoned a glowing orange Eldritch Sword in her left hand as she continued casting spells at Issei with her right.

“Fillependo! Stupefy! Bombarda! Incarcerous! Incendio!”

Issei blocked the first for spells, but the torrent of flames that shot from her wand caught him off guard! He let out a loud scream as the flames washed over him!


Layla watched as Issei continued pressing on and ran through Heather's flames. By the time he got close to Heather, his skin was red and blistered. He had a snarl on his face as he swung his claws at her head. Heather brought her own sword up and deflected his strike!

“What!?” Issei exclaimed when he failed to kill the girl.

“Reducto!” Heather took advantage of him being caught off guard. She pointed her wand right towards his torso and released a blasting curse!

Issei’s torso caved inwards! The spell exploded against him and he rocketed backwards. Spit and blood flew out of his mouth as he crashed into the ground.

Layla grinned. Heather was doing great so far. The people of this universe really were weaker. Issei’s abilities were barely even at the level of Captain America after multiple boosts. Even if he used his Balance Breaker Layla was sure she could casually slap him down.

Kunou was watching in shock nearby. Layla made her way over to the kitsune girl. Kunou eyes Layla warily but wasn’t outright hostile towards her. “Hi there. I’m sorry about everything that’s happened here. I'm Layla of the Fallen.”

“Kunou… The last Yokai.” She replied.

“Can I heal you?” Layla asked her.

Kunou nodded her head. She was covered in cuts and on the verge of bleeding out. She’d take any help she could get.

Layla manifested her Purger of Darkness and began healing Kunou. Her scrapes and gashes magically closed up in only a few seconds and all of her missing blood was replaced. When Layla was done, Kunou looked herself over in shock! “You have a Sacred Gear!? I thought only humans could have those? And I thought all the Fallen lost their wings after they rebelled?” Kunou started rapidly asking questions.

“Gaaaaahhh!” Layla’s responses were cut off by Issei’s scream of pain. He was barely standing at this point and looking at Heather with hatred in his eyes.

I see now… You’re not a human at all! You’re an evil Witch! I underestimated you. But now you’re going to die! WELSH DRAGON: BALANCE BREAKER!” Issei’s vocal tones shifted as he activated his trump card. Red draconic armor surrounded his whole body in only a few seconds.

Layla sighed. Instead of attacking him while he was transforming, Heather simply stared and let Issei safely use his trump card. She’d have to lecture Heather about that later. “Heather, come back! I’ll handle him from here.” Layla said as she walked forward. Heather looked reluctant to do so, but she acquiesced. She stowed her wand away and ran back towards Layla and Kunou.

“You'll handle me!? Don’t make me laugh!? My Balance Breaker has never been beaten!” The Red Dragon emperor yelled out! Issei’s voice was overlapping with the dragon inside him.


DiE!” He rocketed forward towards Layla faster than a bullet! He reeled back his arm and focused all of his magic power into one strike. He would kill all three of them with this one blow!

Layla raised her hand casually. Right when Issei reached her, she swung her arm.


She slapped him right across his armored face. His powerful draconic armor, that could easily withstand even rockets, shattered as if it was made of glass. Her hand connected to his cheek and sent his head whipping to the side. Spit, blood, and teeth flew out of Issei’s mouth as he immediately lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.

Layla made sure he was unconscious before turning to the two girls behind her. Kunou was looking at Layla in shock while Heather once again had stars in her eyes.

Heather cheered. “That was so cool! Why am I even bothering to learn magic!? And should just be hitting the gym so I can do that! All it took was one slap to beat him!”

Layla sweatdropped. Her current strength required a bit more effort than just hitting the gym…

“Y-You beat him just like that?” Kunou asked, stupefied. This was the monster that had plagued her people for months now. His balance breaker was so strong, not even the strongest Senjutsu masters could harm him! And he lost to a single slap from this woman in front of her… Kunou wondered if she was looking upon a Goddess. Not those false Goddesses in Takamagahara who refused to help the Yokai either! But a genuinely powerful and righteous Goddess! Kunou thought that Layla of the Fallen looked absolutely beautiful and majestic! And the power she radiated could only come from the true divine! Kunou was raised to be a Shrine Princess, and she decided that Layla would be the being she prays to from now on!

[You have received Faith Energy +1]






Vinicius Vieira

Will there be a Christmas release?