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C 158

Layla was annoyed that the four Fallen were ignoring all her questions now. They were running around frantically packing everything up.

Mittelt was in the middle of stuffing her backpack when Layla tried to get her attention. “Sio what can you tell us about Issei Hyoudou?” She tried to ask.

“Fuck off, bitch! We don’t have time. We have to get out of here!” Mittelt replied rudely.

“If you’re not going to help us pack then leave!” Raynare added on.

Heather started snickering at the responses Layla was getting. A scowl was growing on Layla’s face. The audacity of these four to ignore her!

Layla had enough! “All of you calm down! You’re not going anywhere until I know what’s going on!” She demanded as all ten of her black wings manifested behind her! Magical power wafted off Layla and spread throughout the church.

The four Fallen all stopped what they were doing and turned to Layla in shock! Her powerful magical aura started to suppress them and held them all in place.


“That’s impossible! She still has her wings!”

“Is she an Archangel!?”

“10 wings! I’ve never even heard of Archangels having 10 wings! I thought 6 was the highest we could go!”

That last comment had Layla raising an eyebrow. That was strangely disturbing information to hear.

[It’s possible this universe is also under some kind of power suppression. Beings are only able to get to a certain power level before their advancement is halted. Six wings must be the power cap here. That’s good news for you since it doesn’t apply to you or Heather.]

‘But what about the Sacred Gears?’ Laya hoped that suppression wouldn't end up screwing up the Boosted Gear she came here to get. That would have made this whole trip pointless.

[It shouldn't. The Boosted Gear just doubles people's power. It should still work just fine for the Ninja Gamer Girl. And if it doesn't… All trades are final. It would be her fault for not specifying that she wanted a non-nerfed Sacred Gear.]

Layla giggled. The system could be a bit devious when it wanted to be. If she ended up scamming the other Gamer, and giving her a nerfed Gear, at least that girl would learn a lesson for the future…

“Tie these four idiots up for me, Heather.”

Heather pulled her wand out of her pocket and four magical ropes sprung from its tip. All four Fallen were tied up with no chance of escape.

Layla’s wings receded and the pressure she was giving off vanished. “Listen up, I am Layla of the Fallen. The newest Cadre of the Grigori in MY UNIVERSE! And the champion of Lady Death. You three idiots will tell me everything you know about this universe!” It didn’t take long before they started talking.

[This Universe is weird. It’s like a mix of Supernatural and DxD with none of the cool characters.]

Layla agreed with the system. This Earth was very strange from her perspective. First of all, there were no Marvel aspects here. Layla had asked about Tony Stark and Oscorp. The Fallen had no idea what she was talking about. There were also no Winchesters either…Layla was disappointed there as well. She hoped there would be at least one redeeming thing about this lame universe.

Layla was starting to suspect that Lady Death intentionally sent her here because nothing here could harm her. Even if Layla couldn’t die anymore, her newest lover was apparently still worried about her…

This is what Layla had gathered so far…

In this universe, Angel’s were metaphysical beings that couldn’t affect anything on Earth without first inhabiting a mortal vessel. On top of that, devils weren’t even a thing here. When Lucifer rebelled, he led the Fallen Angels in this realm against God and his Angel’s. Lucifer was defeated and all of the surviving Fallen had their wings burned away as punishment by God…who was apparently still alive here. The Grigori here was a pale shadow of itself led by a much weaker Azazel. Without their wings, the Fallen Angels were very weak. Being forced to inhabit human vessels weakened them even further. Even regular Angels couldn't exert that much power here or their own vessels would end up falling apart.

Finally, they got to the description of this world’s Sacred Gears. Those were surprisingly similar to her own reality. God attacked all the other factions and stole their stuff to create his trinkets. He then started randomly handing them out to humanity. Layla didn't exactly see the point in that, considering that the supernatural was much less of a threat to the human’s of this Earth. But he did it anyway! Fast forward a couple hundred years, the Supernatural community is now on the verge of going extinct! The Sacred Gear holders ended up forming a long-spanning organization that dedicates itself to eliminating all Supernatural beings from the planet… in the name of “God.”

[The sheer irony of that concept… Also I think this world's God might be evil…]

Yeah…Layla was definitely getting some Being X vibes from the description of the God here. She also wondered what was going on with the Archangel’s. Were they vastly different as well? She knew that neither Michael or Gabriel would ever condone such wanton slaughter of other Supernatural races.

Gabriel had whispered to Layla, in the past, that she was actually against the Sacred Gear system being implemented in the first place. She thought locking beings' souls away to be used by humans as slaves for all eternity was cruel…and Layla agreed. Layla was glad neither of her own Sacred Gears had the souls of other beings inside them.

[You’ve got an eyeball inside you though…]

‘Ugh…don’t remind me…’ She thought with a shiver. It would be just her weird luck that that eyeball did have a small lingering consciousness or some other horrifying scenario…

“So where’s the Red Dragon guy now?” Heather asked. “And why are you so scared of him?”

Mittelt answered. “Last we heard, he was in Kyoto waging war against the Yokai! Princess Kunou, the last living Kitsune, was apparently his target. He already killed her mother and hundreds of other Yokai! He’s the most bloodthirsty Red Dragon Emperor ever!” She finished with fear in her eyes.

Layla clenched her teeth and scowled when she heard that. She knew it wasn’t “her” Yasaka that died, but she still felt angry. And to hear that little Kunou was now running for her life from such a guy… Layla wasn’t going to let that stand! “Come on, Heather. We’re going to Kyoto!”

Heather nodded. “Finally some action!”


Layla nodded. “Damn right I am!”

[Quest Started: Slay the Red Dragon Butcher and Rescue Kunou!]

→ Reward: Level UP x 3!



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