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A/N: Sorry about the wait. I’ve been busy with holiday stuff and had a bit less time to write.

C 156

“So this is another universe? It must be, because everything is in Japanese.” Heather commented as they walked down the streets of Tokyo. “Did Japan win World War 2 in this dimension or something?”

Layla laughed. “Heather, we're in Japan. That's why all the signs are in Japanese.”

Heather blushed. “Oh…I knew that. I also don't speak Japanese, just so you know.”

“Did the Ancient One not give you any spells to understand other languages?” Layla asked.

Heather shook her head. Now that she thought about it, everyone in Kamar Taj always spoke perfect English to her. That was strange considering they were in Tibet.

“Hmm, let me try something.” Layla said as she held up one of her hands towards Heather. “I grant you the blessings of Light and Language.” Layla blessed Heather the same as she had done for Natasha before. Heather should be able to speak any language now and her attack spells should carry traces of Layla's Light Energy. The same as Natasha's bullets did.

“That felt weird.” Heather commented. “So where are we going anyway?”

“I need to find a Grigori broker.” Layla said as she continued walking down the streets of Tokyo. “We're in another universe, but not that much appears to be different physically at least. I can sense another Fallen Angel nearby. He feels a bit weird, but similar enough that I recognize the magical signature of one of my own.” Layla explained and Heather nodded.

Layla led Heather down a few more streets. The streets became less and less crowded as the two of them continued onwards. Eventually, the pair noticed that there were no regular humans around at all anymore. A subtle barrier had been placed on the small backstreet they were on to ward away any non-supernatural beings. Layla walked up to a nondescript wooden door and rapped on it with a code known only to her faction.

The door swung open and a Fallen Angel she didn't recognize stood there. “What do you want?” The man asked bluntly. He eyed Layla and Heather warily. “I don't recognize either of you, but you feel like a Fallen.” He said while pointing at Layla.

“I obviously am! I came to do business. Will you let us in?” Layla asked.

Layla noticed something strange about this Fallen. He felt really weak, and for an Angel…he was not very good looking. She wondered if he was using some kind of illusion magic to mask his true features. If so, then it was very impressive because even she couldn’t see through.

She knew what she was seeing with her [Observe] had to be fake information because even a two winged Fallen Angel was at least Level 10.

[The Fallen Angel Giarmo: Level 8]

He peaked out the door and quickly scanned the alley around them. When he sensed no one else was lurking nearby he moved out of the way. “Yeah, yeah. Come in…Sister...” He said the word ‘sister’ sarcastically.

Layla and Heather walked inside and the door automatically slammed shut behind them. A bunch of runes lit up on the door sealing them inside with some powerful defense magic. Not powerful enough to detain Layla, though, should she choose to break it.

Layla looked around the shop and was impressed with its inventory. Brokers were members of the Grigori that set up secret shops like these all around the world. They engaged in under the table trading with other factions and occasionally brought in some very interesting finds. Layla could see a couple of nameless Holy Swords sitting in one corner and piles of exorcist guns in another. What she was really after though, was the giant cross-like device at the far end of the shop!

“How much for the Sacred Gear extractor?” Layla asked, doing her best to only seem vaguely interested in it. If she acted like she desperately needed it, he would jack up the price.

“That old piece of junk? It’s pretty risky to use one of those you know…the church will get really mad.” The broker warned her.

“That doesn't matter. I merely want it to add to my collection.” Layla lied. As for the church getting mad. Layla didn't care. She was planning on leaving as soon as she got what she wanted.

The Broker grinned at Layla. “Collection, huh?” He chuckled darkly and Layla internally cursed. Now he correctly assumed that she had a lot of money on her. “Well it just so happens that another ‘Sister’ of ours is in need of it. She promised me half a million for it. But then again, you're here and she's not. Can you match that?”

“Who else wanted to buy it?” Heather asked. She was off to the side examining a couple of the Holy Swords. None of them felt as good as the Sword of Gryfinndor she used in her second year at Hogwarts.

“A Fallen named Raynare wanted it. She told me she'd have the money, but would pay me in a week after using it on some poor sucker. I didn't see the harm in it considering it's just sitting here collecting dust. Any Sacred Gear she steals could be worth millions.” He said. “If she doesn't get caught and executed that is…”

Layla remembered why she didn't like Brokers very much. They represented some of the worst of her kind. They were all Fallen Angels who fell due to extreme greed. They didn't care about anything except for their own wallets.

“Here.” Layla waved her hand and a few hundred Asgardian golden coins fell to the floor. Another wave of her hand and the Sacred Gear extractor was swept into her inventory.

“Pleasure doing business with you!” The broker said as he eyed the pile of gold with greed. “Anything else you want to buy?”

“Can I have a gun!?” Heather asked as she pointed to the pile in the corner.

Layla raised an eyebrow. “Do you know how to shoot a gun?” She asked.

Heather turned her head to the side and avoided Layla’s stare. “No…”

“Then no.” Layla said. The last thing she needed was Heather accidentally shooting herself. The Ancient One would give her a very disappointed look when they made it back regardless of whether Layla immediately healed Heather or not.

“Lame!” Heather whined as they left.




I do love seeing that instant flood of notifications. Thanks for the chapters!


Any chance we'll be getting another chapter of Nephilim?