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C 155

Heather Potter didn’t know whether to be angry at Layla or extremely grateful. “You killed Voldemort and then you went off to hold a victory party and you didn’t invite me!” Heather asked with a pout.

Layla felt bad. “I’m sorry Heather. And it wasn’t really a victory party over killing him. The party was for killing the powerful demon he summoned.” Layla explained. She still felt bad about not inviting Heather though.

“So the man who was after me and had been hunting me since I was born was nothing more than a casual after thought!?” Heather exclaimed at Layla.

“Kind of…” Layla admitted. She instantly killed him when his back was turned after all. The guy had no idea how he even died…

Heather’s pout turned into a smile! “Good! That asshole doesn't deserve to even be remembered! He was nothing more than another failed pathetic dark lord after all. I've been reading lots of history from the Sanctums Library. Dark Lords like him pop up every few decades and they always fail.”

Layla was glad that Heather seemed to be so cheerful. She also realized that the cheeky 15 year old girl was messing with her at first! “So anything interesting been happening in the Sanctum?” Layla asked as she looked around. Nothing appeared to be out of place. There were groups of students practicing eldritch magic in the courtyard like they always were whenever she stopped by. Layla was glad she never ventured too deeply into this type of magic because it would have been a huge time killer. She didn’t have a Doctor Strange learning montage to speed up her practise either!

Heather scoffed. “This place? The most interesting thing that happened in the past two weeks was one guy accidentally stabbed himself in the foot with his own conjured spear. The Ancient One came out and healed him right away though with some green energy technique. Other than that, it's been boring.”

“I have some good news for you then. In a week or two, you’ll have an American identity and be able to attend school here.” Layla said. “I just need to get some pictures of you to send to my guy.”

Heather’s eyes lit up! She could go to an actual school with real teachers who weren't going to try and murder her!? Sign her up immediately!

Layla got her photos of Heather and forwarded them to Stark’s phone. She spent another half hour talking to Heather before she decided she had to leave.

“You’re leaving already?” Heather whined. “I don't want to be stuck here practicing magic with the old farts for another two weeks!” Heather exclaimed loudly.

“HEY!” One of the old farts practicing magic in the courtyard yelled at them in indignation.

“I’m not exactly going on a cake walk here Heather. I’m going to another universe to track down an evil Red Dragon Emperor and steal his Sacred Gear.” Layla said.

Heather smiled mischievously. “I understood almost none of that except for another universe and stealing! That sounds fun and I want to come.” Heather demanded.

Layla sighed. She supposed that it wouldn't hurt to take Heather with her. The girl had to know the risks though. “Listen Heather, I don't know what to expect. If you get hurt, I can heal you and if you die, I can revive you. Those things can still happen though.

Heather’s eyes widened. “You can revive the dead!?” She exclaimed loudly.

All the sorcerers nearby turned to Layla and looked at her incredulously. Some of the sorcerers were looking at her like she was a true goddess while others were looking at her fearfully.

Layla waved them all off. She figured this information would get out sooner or later. To be honest, she didn't really care even if it did. “YES, YES... I CAN REVIVE THE DEAD, OK!? I’M SLEEPING WITH LADY DEATH AND AM THEREFORE HER CHAMPION NOW! That’s one of the perks that comes with it.” Layla declared boldly.

Heather looked at Layla with stars in her eyes. Layla really was her hero and the coolest woman she had ever known! She desperately wanted to be just like her when she was an adult! “Sleeping with Lady Death… WOAH!”

“Really…Layla.” The Ancient One called out to her as she stepped out of her private meditation room and into the courtyard. “I was in the middle of meditating and I had to hear you shouting that!? And you’re planning on taking Heather with you, on a potentially dangerous adventure, to another universe? To fight some Red Dragon something?” She asked.

Layla nodded. “Yep. We’re leaving in like five minutes. You want to come?”

The Ancient One shook her head ‘no.’ She’d had enough of Layla’s crazy adventures for a while… “Just make sure she makes it back safely.” the Ancient One pointed to Heather.

Heather cheered. “Yay! Let’s go rob an evil dragon guy!”



Tyler Machado

Cool, since the rinegan is coming up, I should remind you of the powers. They are the eyes of god so make you more inteligent. The rinegan can absorb souls of those recently killed so you get their magic and memories. You can also bring them back from death so long as they recently died thus making what Death gave her a bit unneeded unless the person has been dead a long time.


So, can Death give Layla advice and "direction" to get stronger, or does she technically have to be hands off entirely?