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C 6

Eva returned to her home many hours later. She could have spent the entire night with Bella, but the other girl was exhausted from their activities and just wanted to sleep. Bella had given Eva a very enthusiastic and passionate kiss before the vampire left.

“I'm back~” Eva sing-songed as she walked into her own house.

“Welcome back. You were out late. It's almost midnight you know.” Emily greeted Eva as she walked into the living room. Emily noticed that Eva had a skip in her step and looked particularly smug. Emily could also smell a particular scent wafting off Eva that she hadn't smelt since college last year…

“You…were you out this late having sex!?” Emily asked incredulously.

Eva gave Emily a happy grin! “You bet I was! I added another girl to my growing Harem tonight. She was a virgin too! It was amazing!” Eva said happily.

Emily couldn't believe the audacity of her new roommate. “You? You have a harem!? Full of other girls?” Emily asked Eva incredulously.

Eva nodded happily. The redhead gestured up and down her perfect body. “Have you seen me? I'm absolutely gorgeous and sex on legs. Of course I have a harem.” Eva said as if it was a matter of fact.

Emily could freely admit that Eva was indeed gorgeous. But being gorgeous and having a Harem were two different things altogether. That shouldn't have been possible unless– “Just how good are you at sex!?” Emily blurted out. She then blushed when she realized what she asked.

Eva laughed before giving Emily a sultry grin. “I'm absolutely amazing. You'll be ruined with any other partner after sex with me!” Eva bragged. That was just a matter of fact. She could induce amazing pleasure in herself and her partners that always gave everyone Earth shattering orgasms! “Are you interested?” Eva teased her.

Emily scoffed and bit her lip. Yes, she was interested, but not while Eva still stank of sex with whatever poor little virgin girl she seduced earlier. “Who were you with anyway? Forks isn't that big? Maybe I know them.”

“I was with Bella Swan.” Eva said nonchalantly.

Emily sputtered. “The daughter of the Forks Chief of Police!? That Bella Swan?” Emily asked and Eva grinned at her. “You must be crazy… Charlie collects guns you know and rumors are he's super protective of his daughter. He almost threw one kid in prison for almost hitting her with his van last year.” Emily said. That had been the talk of the town for a while… They didn't have many exciting things happen around here after all.

Eva found herself growling. She hadn’t heard about that. She wondered who almost killed Bella! She would make them pay for hurting a girl that she loves–Woah! Eva stopped her thought there! Was that what this was!? What was it about Bella and the other girls of Forks that called to her so!? Eva had been with numerous girl's throughout her life and yet she'd never felt so protective before! She wondered if it was because she offered to turn Bella? Eva had never offered that to anyone before. Did that make her and Bella a coven in the making? And the other two girls? Eva wasn't sure about them fully yet. She would have to think about it for a while. She'd never been part of a coven herself, but Eva had seen how close all the vampires in it were to each other.

Eva sat at the lunch table the next day after some interesting classes early. Calculators really made math so much easier than it was the last time she attended school. She also noticed a few students were carrying mobile phones now..Eva thought they were nothing more than an expensive gimmick when they first came out in the 80s, but now she wasn’t so sure. She didn’t know if she always wanted to be on call 24/7 though. She'd ask ‘her girls’ if they had their own phones and then she'd see.

And there they were now. Angela and Jessica were approaching together, like they always did at school. Eva then saw Bella awkwardly walking up to their lunch table. Eva gave Bella a flirty wink as the beautiful brunette sat down across from her. Bella was doing her best not to look anyone in the eyes.

“Hi, Eva! I missed you this morning.” Jessica ran forward and wrapped Eva in a tight hug that bordered on ‘more than friends’ if anyone was paying attention. No other students nearby did notice, or they probably just didn’t care. Jessica's ‘boyfriend’ Mike was at another table with Eric and a few other guy's. Eva could hear they were talking about the latest Xbox game to come out.

“Hi, girls. Sorry I skipped first period. I had an appointment.” That wasn't exactly true, Eva just lost track of time as she stayed up all night with Emily marathoning some cheesy movies. Then she had to make sure Emily got to bed. Eva was even nice enough to make her roomate a meal, for when she woke up, that Eva left in the fridge.

“It's alright. Physics was boring and the teacher just turned the lights off and we all watched a lame video. It wasn’t even Bill Nye either…” Angela said.

Eva pouted. “A dark classroom where all the other student's were distracted? Now I'm sad I missed out. We could have had a small bit of fun…” Eva said while giving the two girls a sultry grin. Both of them blushed in response.

“Eva! Not in front of Bella! We just got her back. We don't want to weird her out and scare her away.” Jessica whispered to Eva.

Eva smiled at her and giggled. “Oh, you don't need to worry about that. Bella and I spent some time together yesterday. We had lots of fun~.” Eva said loud enough for all three girls to hear.

Bella sputtered. “What the hell, Eva!? That was supposed to be private!”

Jessica and Angela looked at Bella Swan incredulously. “You two had s-sex?” Angela asked. Eva's happy grin and Bella's deep blush was all the confirmation she needed in response.

“Hmmph.” Jessica looked mildly annoyed. “How far did you two go?”

Eva grinned. Bella had to toss out her bedsheets afterwards because they had small red stains on them.” She said boldly and Bella lowered her head in mortification at her new vampire lover's bluntness. Little did she know that Eva had stolen those sheets afterwards and took them home as a trophy of sorts. Eva was a pervert and she knew it well.

Jessica was even more annoyed now. Bella had swooped in and somehow stolen ahead of her and Angela! Jessica was tired of losing to the Swan girl when it came to romance.

Eva noticed Jessica's grimace and took the girl's hand in her own. “Hey it's alright. We don't need any jealousy or infighting in my harem. I promise I'll treat you all well.” Eva said.

All three girl's gaped at her. “H-harem!?” Angela stuttered out. “oh my god I'm in a harem…” She mumbled to herself.

“I'm not in your…” Bella paused. “I'm not in your harem!” She said directly to Eva who just shrugged at her.

“So you don't want to be with me anymore?” Eva asked Bella.

Bella looked taken aback. “That’s not what I said.” She defended herself. “It’s just…I'm not…I didn't expect a harem or anything. I don’t know…” Bella seemed lost with her thoughts. Eva nodded at the girl and let her take her time. Eva knew that Bella would choose her in the end. Something was drawing Eva towards Bella and the human girl towards her as well.

The only one of the three who seemed excited at the idea of being in her harem was Jessica. She had a dopey smile on her face and Eva could see that Jessica was probably imagining all the lewd scenarios that they could get up to in the future. Jessica was apparently a dirty girl and this small town had been repressing her identity.

“Maybe you and I can spend some time together after school, Eva?” Jessica suggested.

Eva grinned. She really would love to! Unfortunately… “I’m sorry Jessica. I actually have plans to take a friend to Seattle later to go clothes shopping. The drive there is like 3 hours (2 if she drives at insane vampire speeds) so we're just going to stay overnight. I'll be back Sunday though if you want to hang out then?” Eva suggested. Jesicca vehemently agreed to do so.

Emily stretched as she got out of Eva’s camaro. She never knew someone could drive so fast and stay in such perfect control. Eva was a woman full of mysteries to Emily. “Thanks for agreeing to take me clothes shopping in Seattle. I know Port Angeles is closer, but…” Emily trailed off.

Eva knew why Emily didn't want to go there. “It’s fine. I know Port Angeles is close to your tribe's territory and Sam might end up tracking you down again. I wouldn't want to put you through that unpleasant experience again. Besides, I don't mind getting out for two days and going on a shopping spree!?” Eva explained.

So where to first Emily asked. Eva had parked them in front of a large outdoor mall.

Eva smirked at emily. “Where else? Of course we're going to the lingerie store first!” Eva started skipping through the parking lot towards the shop of wonders!

Emily sighed but just followed along. She did need new bras and panties anyway… Her entire wardrobe was back at the reservation she didn't want to go back to while Sam was still there. She had no idea why the tribal elders had allowed him to form a gang and why they weren't stopping him from harassing her!

The two girls spent the next few hours touring the mall. Eva bought anything that she noticed caught Emily’s eye even a little bit. She had the money to spare, and maybe she was trying to win Emily over at the same time. The Native American woman wasn’t making it easy for Eva to woo her. Eva enjoyed the challenge though!

“So I heard they have this amazing Pizza place right in the heart of the city that we have to try.” Emily said as they got back into Eva’s car.

“Where is it exactly?” Eva asked Emily. Eva couldn't eat food, but she could use her illusions to make it look like she was. She had a blood pack stashed away in her locked glove box for later that night. Emily gave Eva the address and the vampire drove them towards the restaurant. When they parked again and stepped out of the car, Eva’s senses immediately went haywire!


Eva smelled a lot of human blood nearby. An absurdly large amount in fact. Dozens of humans must have died nearby…and recently.

Emily was stepping out of the car to head towards the restaurant when Eva stopped her. “Get back in the car, Emily.” Eva said with a serious tone much different than her usual self. Emily immediately picked up on Eva’s tone and did so. She got back in and Eva sped her car out of the parking lot and drove immediately towards their hotel–across the city thankfully.

Emily had a worried look on her face. “What was wrong back there?”

Eva sighed while she kept her eyes on the road. “We need to have a talk I guess… Especially if you want to keep living with me.”



Kiara Angst

Oh how Tense ~

