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A/N Here's some updates on this story for all my fellow degenerates!

C 4

Eva was actually surprised that her instincts were telling her to be cautious around these 3 large men. That had never happened to her before when faced with humans. She wondered what made them so special?

Either way though,  she wasn't going to let them continue harassing the woman who wanted them to leave her alone.

“Like I said. She doesn't want to talk to you now. Back off.” Eva told the leader of the gang. He must have towered over her by a full foot, but she didn't back away and looked up into his eyes.

“This is none of your business pale face. This is a tribal matter. Piss off!” Another one of the large men yelled at her.

Eva took her eyes off the leader and turned to the guy who just yelled at her. “Well, I hate to break it to you, but this isn't tribal land. We're still technically in Forks which makes this US soil. Therefore you have no right to harass this woman here!” Eva replied to him. She kept her words firm and didn't back down.

“Why you little…” The man started to shake and his eyes became murderous towards her.

“Paul, control yourself!” The leader called out to the angry shaking guy.

“Sam, we gotta get him out of here.” The third guy spoke to the leader. His voice was laced with worry.

Eva watched Sam turn and give the woman one last sad look before he grabbed the shaking Paul by the arm and quickly led him out of the diner. And then Eva watched them run towards the woods for some reason… She shook her head at that weird encounter before turning back to the woman who was now free from harassment.

“Thank you. I didn't think he would leave and I'd be forced to go with him.” The Native American woman said. She was obviously scared of such prospects.

Eva nonchalantly sat herself down in the woman's booth. “No problem. Some guys just can't take no for an answer can they? It's honestly gross. He even had to bring other guys to back him up and intimidate you as well. What's your name by the way? I'm Eva.”

“I'm Emily…” She said as she turned her head back towards the windows to make sure Sam had really left. “I'm not sure what happened to Sam. He was dating my cousin and they were even engaged. Then one day he just looked at me weird and kicked Leah to the curb. He's been hounding me ever since.”

Eva shrugged. “That’s shitty. If he was a real man he would have just gone after both of you.” Eva said jokingly. Although, that’s what she would have done. Why settle for one beauty if you could have two? She immediately listed Sam as a loser in her mind for not considering that option himself. He clearly didn't deserve either Emily or Leah.

Emily just stared at Eva for that comment. And then she started laughing. She couldn’t help it! It was such an absurd thing to say! She laughed for 30 seconds straight and when she was done, she had to wipe a few tears out of her eyes. “Sorry about that. It's been a really stressful situation for myself and for Leah. Sam's behavior has been very…possessive and it's made me a bit afraid.”

“Are you afraid to go home?” Eva asked with real concern this time. “You live on tribal land right?”

Emily nodded and then explained that she had been spending more time away from tribal territory just to avoid Sam lately. The problem was that he was steadily becoming more stalkerish towards her and that her home was on the tribal land itself. She couldn't escape him forever. She also said she didn't have any friends outside of the tribe who she could stay with.

“You can stay with me.” Eva suggested out of nowhere. She was completely serious as well.

“What? You’d offer just like that? To some girl you don't even know?” Emily asked. Did people like this actually exist? She’d figured she’d have to run off to a woman’s shelter or something…

“Sure. I have my own property that’s almost on the complete opposite end of Forks away from the tribal lands. I live alone currently and having a roommate could be fun. Plus I get to help out a beautiful damsel in distress.” Eva said while giving Emily a playful wink.

Emily bit her lip in indecision. Was she desperate enough to get away from Sam that she’d just go and live with a girl she didn't know? Who was she kidding at this point? She was desperate enough! Sam was getting more and more possessive of her and Emily could feel that if she didn't get away from him now then she never would!

“I would really appreciate that. Thank you so much!” Emily was extremely grateful for this opportunity.

“Cool.” Eva replied. “So do you have a car or do you want to hop in mine and we’ll go…”

Eva was then surprised when Emily told her that she did not have a car. Apparently, Emily had walked to this diner–over 5 miles away from her home–just to escape from Sam’s hounding. Emily was too afraid to go back to her home so all she had were the clothes on her back and the meager amount of cash in her wallet. Eva decided to take the girl shopping for clothes and supplies before they drove back to her house. They hopped in her Camaro and Eva and Emily spent the next few hours doing just that.

Emily repeatedly kept telling Eva that she would pay her back, but Eva just waved her off. She had plenty of money to her name after all. Getting lots of money as a vampire, especially one as gifted as her, was never very hard.

“Wow, your house is big and very nice.” Emily said as she looked around. She could tell that Eva had quite a bit of money to her name. It was tastefully decorated and all of the furniture looked designer.

“Thank you.” Eva smiled at Emily. She spread her arms wide and gestured all around. “What's mine is now yours and all that. You can go in every room except the basement please. That’s my secret sex dungeon after all.” Eva said while giving Emily a wink.

Emily just rolled her eyes. It didn't take her very long into their multi hour long shopping trip to realize that Eva was being completely serious with her flirtations. Emily appreciated that Eva wasn’t pushy about it though unlike a certain someone. Emily would also be a liar if she said she wasn't just a bit curious about Eva though. The redhead was incredibly beautiful. Almost supernaturally so. Emily would have jokingly considered Eva to be a cold one, from her tribe's legends, if it wasn’t for the fact that Eva’s eyes were green and Emily had seen her standing in the sunlight with no sparkling. She shook her head. Those legends were just there to scare the young tribal kids anyway…

Emily went and picked out her own room and called it a night after that.

The next day Eva left for school. Emily was still fast asleep and clearly tired from what was probably a few weeks of mounting stress. Eva arrived early in the parking lot and she was pleasantly surprised to see Jessica and Angela waiting by Jessica’s car talking to each other. Both of the girls were also wearing matching scarves that Eva was sure were there to cover the hickeys shed left all over their necks.

“Hi you two. I missed you both yesterday.” Eva said as she walked up to the two girls and hugged them both at the same time. She took the opportunity to inhale their scents and smirked when she could still smell herself on them even two days later. Eva released the two from her hug and noticed they were both looking at her fondly.

“Sorry about us skipping yesterday. we couldn't show up to school though with all the…evidence of the day before on our skin.” Jessica said.

“Yeah…” Angela added. “We were also a bit sore as well.”

Eva smirked again at the two girls. “Sore? But I didn't even get to use any of my fun toys.” Eva said while placing her hand on Angela’s cheek softly. Angela blushed and averted her gaze. “I had two beautiful young maidens in my bed after all.” Eva said sultrily.

“But if you used those, then we wouldn't have been maidens anymore.” Angela said with a small laugh.

Eva giggled before she kissed Angela on the cheek. The parking lot was empty besides them so she had no problem displaying her affection openly. Even if other students were here she wouldn't care, but she knew that Jessica and Angela both ‘technically’ still had boyfriends.

“That would be the point…” Eva whispered lewdly. Both the girls heard her and looked embarrassed as they thought about Eva using her toys on them in the bedroom.

“W-well,” Jessica stuttered out, “there's always next time.” She said with a hopeful look towards Eva.

Eva turned away from Angela and leaned forward to plant a quick kiss on Jessica's lips next. “Oh, there will be a next time. I promise.” Eva then took the two girls' arms on her own and started walking them all to class.


Eva stood outside the front door of an average looking small home.

The door opened and a man with a dad haircut and an interesting mustache opened the door. “Yes?” He asked her.

Eva held her hand out to him. “You must be Chief Swan. I'm Eva Sinclair. I'm new in town and recently became friends with Bella. Is she here?” Eva asked. She of course knew Bella was home. She could smell the girl's divine scent even from outside.

Charlie shook her hand quickly before giving Eva a smile. “A new friend? I've been wondering what snapped my daughter out of her funk. Thank you so much for being there for Bella. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with her.” Charlie lamented.

“It was no problem at all. Bella is an amazing girl and I didnt like seeing her sad. I may have been a tad bit pushy by basically inserting myself into her life though.” Eva replied.

Charlie waved her off. “It clearly worked out for the better. She's actually sleeping through the night now and even eating proper meals too. Thank you once again, Eva. Bella’s upstairs on the left. You can head on up to her room. I've got to go out unfortunately.”

“Oh? Is something wrong? Will you be gone for a while?” Eva inquired subtly. Would she be getting Bella all to herself? She licked her lips at the thought.

Charlie sighed. “Yeah. Some people have gone missing in Seattle and it's all hands on deck as the local police are being brought in to bolster the search numbers.”

“I'm sorry to hear that.” Eva said. She was in fact, not sorry to hear that. “I'll make sure Bella has dinner. ‘And maybe desert if I get lucky…’ She added in her head.

Chief Swan thanked her before he walked by her and headed over to the parked police car in the driveway.

Once he was on the road, Eva grinned to herself before she walked up towards Bella's bedroom. She could hear some faint music coming from inside. Eva boldy shoved open Bella's bedroom door without bothering to knock first. “Bella I've come to play!”



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