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C 3

As a vampire, Eva wasn’t able to sleep, but that didn't mean there weren't periods where she wasn't well rested. That was exactly how she was feeling today. Yesterday had been amazing, and Eva wished it never had to end! Sadly her partners the day before were only human and they ended up tired out after a few hours of fun even with them taking turns.

Jessica and Angela ended up leaving her house a few hours after they'd arrived. Both were sporting multiple new hickeys all over their bodies. They both also gave her very thankful kisses before they left. Eva knew she wouldn't be seeing the last of either of those two girls. There was still a whole bunch of fun to be had. Eva hadn’t even brought out any of her toys. Most of their physical pleasure had been non-penetrative, save for a few fingers and tongues that didn't go very deep into either girl. Eva didn’t want to scare the girls away by pushing too far with their first true sexual experiences. She was already incredibly lucky she managed to get them both in the same bed at the same time!

Eva headed off to school for the day. When she got there, she found out that Jessica and Angela had both decided to skip today. Eva wondered if it was because they wouldn't be able to hide all of the obvious hockey's she gave them and they decided to play sick…

Eva shrugged and went through her morning classes. Eventually lunch time came once again and Eva headed towards the cafeteria. She drew many lustful eyes as she wandered the halls. Apparently, after Rosalie Hale–whoever that was–had graduated, Eva was now the hottest girl in school…

When Eva reached the cafeteria she spotted Mike sitting at the lunch table talking to a smaller Asian boy. Eva frowned. She did not particularly want to sit at that table if it was bereft of the lovely ladies that sat at it yesterday. Even Bella Swan wasn't there. Eva breathed in deeply and tried to search for the girl. Even in a crowded room full of other humans, Bella’s scent stood out quite a bit.

Eva followed the scent back out of the cafeteria and towards the parking lot. She snickered when she saw Bella eating lunch in her car looking around warily. She couldn’t have been avoiding Eva could she?

Using her vampire speed, Eva sped over towards the driver side window. She remained hidden in Bella Swan's blind spot. Eva then reached up and knocked gently on the gaudy orange truck's window.

Bella jumped in fright just as she was mid bite into her sandwich. She turned and her eyes widened when she noticed Eva standing right next to her truck.

“What are you doing out here!?” Bella asked indignantly.

Eva cooed at the girl’s defensiveness. She found it refreshing and adorable. “I came to have lunch with you. You're my new friend after all.” Evan said.

Bella opened the car door to stare Eva in her red eyes. “Friends? After you made me have a…yesterday in the cafeteria in front of everyone.” Bella said. She was too embarrassed to go into the details.

Eva smiled at Bella. “After I made you have a beautiful orgasm and snapped you out of your depression? Yes I did do that.” Eva elaborated. “I'd do it again too. You're much too beautiful a girl to be wallowing off to the side in depression. You deserve to be happy and smiling.” Eva said as she reached her hand forward to touch Bella's cheek.

Bella slapped Eva’s hand away though. She was flustered from the compliments, but still nervous about the beautiful red-haired vampire touching her again. “Nuh uh. I know what your touches can do to a person! Do you know how embarrassing it was to have to go to my last class without wearing any panties? I had to take them off yesterday after lunch because of you!” Bella said while pouting.

Eva giggled. She did indeed know what that was like. She was wearing any panties or underwear of any kind right now. She rarely, if ever, chose to. Undergarments weren't necessary as a vampire unless to add extra kink to any bedroom activities.

“I apologize, Bella. I promise that next time I won't do such a thing to you in public.”

Bella raised an eyebrow at how the vampire phrased that. “Next time. You're pretty bold to assume I'll give you a next time at all!”

Eva smirked as she stepped forward into Bella’s personal face. She placed a hand on the side of the truck and leaned inwards until her face was right up close to Bella’s. The human girl's heartbeat picked up and a faint blush dusted her cheeks.

“You'll find that I can be quite bold for a vampire. When I see girl's I like…I go after them.” Eva leaned forward and placed a small teasing kiss on Bella’s lips. It was barely a peck, if anything, but it had Eva's desired effect. Bella Swan looked at Eva with surprise and then a hint of desire.

“Fine! Whatever…I guess we can be friends!” Bella said before she hopped back into her truck to finish her lunch. Eva squeezed in after her and closed the door happily.

Nothing happened after that besides some easy conversation between the two of them while Bella finished eating. Eva tried to ask Bella about her previous experiences with vampires, but the brunette didn't seem ready to discuss them quite yet. Eva didn’t push and told her to take her time. She didn't particularly care about the “laws” herself. She wasn’t beholden to the Volturi.

Eva knew with her Illusions, she was one of the most powerful vampires in existence. How could other vampires hope to beat her when she could make herself invisible to all of their senses whenever she wanted and simply run away or attack them from behind.

The way her gift also made her look and smell like a very desirable human at all times also made it so very few other vampires even knew she existed in the first place.

School ended and Eva wanted to spend time with Bella, but apparently the girl had already made plans to hang out with her “little brother.” Bella described him as a kid from the local Native American tribe that she grew up with and they were currently rekindling their friendship by building dirt bikes together.

Eva was a bit jealous…that honestly sounded pretty fun. Finding herself alone, and with nothing better to do, Eva decided to go for a drive and explore the town she had moved to. She hadn't gotten to do that yet.

Eva drove her red Camaro all around Forks taking in all the natural sights. The forests surrounding the town were very beautiful and Eva could imagine herself getting lost in them and exploring for hours. She'd do that later in the future though. Preferably when it was springtime and less muddy.

After a few hours of driving, Eva felt like she'd toured the entire town. She eventually found herself at the edge of Forks. Located there and between the Native reservation was a small town Diner. Eva stepped out of her car and decided to head on inside. Just because she couldn't eat human food didn't mean she couldn't socialize.

Eva parked her Camaro and headed inside. She noticed that the majority of customers were Natives, although there were still a few paler people eating as well.

As usual, when Eva made her entrance, all eyes in the diner turned towards her.

‘Oh, the woes of being exceedingly beautiful…’ She fake lamented as she entered the establishment.

“Please, Emily! Can we talk! It's important! I promise you won't regret it!” Eva’s attention was drawn to a very large Native American man trying to talk to a beautiful Native American woman. He kept trying to get her to talk to him, and Eva could tell she was clearly uncomfortable.

What was worse, from Eva's perspective, was that it looked like the guy was in some kind of gang. He was wearing matching jackets and had a matching tattoo to the two other large men who were standing behind him. Eva's hundreds of years of life experience told her that those two other men were less of friends and more of subordinates.

‘Typical gang behavior…’ Eva scrutinized the way the seemed to defer to their leader as he made a scene in the diner by harassing the woman. Eva could tell a few other patrons wanted to intervene,  but these were three VERY large men here. If Eva wasn't a vampire, she would unfortunately probably not intervene either.

Thankfully for the poor woman being harassed, Eva was a vampire. One who absolutely loved saving damsels in distress too!

“Hey you three! She clearly doesn't want to talk to you. She's scared of you all ganging up on her so back off and leave her alone.” Eva said commandingly as she approached the group with her hands on her hips.

The three men all turned around and glared at her for interrupting.



