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C 130 R-18

Sif grit her teeth when she noticed Yasaka steal ahead of her with Layla! Sif was so stunned at seeing Layla’s naked form that the Goddess temporarily froze. Layla’s breasts were large and perky with magnificent cherry colored nipples. Her body was sinfully curved in all of the right places. And then Sif saw Layla’s lower lips! They were hairless and dripping with the Fallen Angel’s arousal. How could Sif not have frozen at such a sight!? Sif shook her head! That damned fox had already passed her and was now passionately kissing Sif’s darling, Layla. Sif quickly removed her own armor and clothing before walking up to the other two women.

Layla and Yasaka were locked in a deep sensual kiss. Layla’s eyes were closed as she and Yasaka’s tongues danced against each other back and forth between both of their mouths. Layla was currently dominating the kiss and she could hear Yasaka purring as she did so!

“My turn!” Sif said with a pout as she cut in. Layla laughed when Sif literally pushed Yasaka off of her. The fox woman huffed in annoyance when Sif took her place. Layla took in Sif’s nude form for the first time. She was absolutely breathtaking. Her body was incredibly toned and Layla could finally see how well toned Sif’s legs and stomach were without all of her heavy armor. Sif’s breasts looked firm and they were topped off with light pink nipples.

Sif leaned down and hungrily gave Layla her own passionate kiss. Layla giggled into the kiss at how enthusiastic Sif was being.

Yasaka sighed as she watched the two gorgeous women make out in front of her. “Ara, normally I'd be more upset at being shoved, but I can’t help but admit this is a beautiful sight in front of me.” Yasaka purred out. She then had a mischievous grin on her face. The fox woman strutted behind Sif who was busy kissing Layla. She wrapped her hands around Sif’s torso and started laying gentle kisses on the other blond woman's collar and neck. Even if Yasaka’s instincts wanted to choose Layla, Yasaka had no problems unleashing her carnal desires on both women tonight!

Sif let out a squeak at the sudden new sensation. She broke her kiss with Layla and turned her head towards Yasaka incredulously. Her eyes widened when Yasaka layed a quick kiss on Sif herself.

Layla stood up from the bed and wrapped Sif in a hug. “I know you've been lonely, Sif. How about we take care of you first?” Layla voiced huskily.

“Oh! That feels so so good!” Sif moaned out. She was laying back on Layla’s bed. Her golden locks of hair were spread out all around her. Between Sif’s legs, Layla was running her tongue up and down the Goddess’s folds. Layla’s tongue had Sif writhing in pleasure. And then there was Yasaka. She was sitting just to Sif’s left and gently massaging her breasts.

Yasaka seemed to know exactly what she was doing as Sif had never felt such pleasure from her chest! Yasaka grinned to herself and picked both of Sif’s nipples at the same and Sif sized up! The combined pleasure of her two lovers pushed her over the edge and a powerful orgasm washed through Sif! She let out a loud moan as her whole body rippled with pleasure!

Layla lifted her face from between Sif’s long toned legs. She stuck out her tongue and licked away some of the lingering juices that were on her face. She locked eyes with Yasaka who was grinning lewdly at her.

Yasaka mewled in pleasure at the amazing sensation between her legs. She was lying on her side with her legs spread wide. Layla had positioned herself directly between Yasaka’s legs. Layla’s lower lips rested directly on top of Yasaka’s own as Layla rocked her hips back and forth. The friction felt amazing as the two women tribbed. Yasaka shook with pleasure as she stared up at Layla who was rocking back and forth. Yasaka thought Layla looked absolutely perfect at the moment. Covered in sweat and other juices and sensually swaying her hips to bring them both towards their peaks!

“Yasaka, Im–I'm gonna cum!” Layla panted out! Layla felt so good that she was visibly shaking. A second later a loud moan left her mouth as she exploded with an orgasm! Yasaka joined her. The sight of Layla cumming on top of her triggered her own orgasm! Yasaka let out a loud noise that sounded like a mix between moaning and purring. Her tails behind her all quivered and curled up as she came.

“Layla, this position is embarrassing… What are you doing?” Sif asked. She was resting on her hands and knees on the bed. Layla had insisted that she take this embarrassing position so she would not spoil the “surprise!”

Layla rested on her knees behind Sif and admired the Goddess’s beautiful backside. Layla noticed Yasaka was looking on curiously from the side. Layla gave Yasaka a wink before she quietly whispered a certain spell she had learned from Hela, but never put into practice. Layla felt something grow from just above her clitoris and she was suddenly experiencing entirely new sensations!

Yasaka gaped at the sight of Layla giving herself a magical penis. Yasaka thought that was a talent exclusive to Yokai only! Apparently it was not…

Layla didn't waste anymore time and lined her new appendage up with Sif’s core. Layla then slammed her hips forward! Her hips met Sif’s backside in one powerful thrust! A ripple ran across Sif’s flesh as a clap echoed out through the room.

Sif’s eyes widened and she let out a scream of shock and pleasure! Layla had just filled her with something large and…fleshy!? “Layla!? What is that!?” Sif squeaked out in surprise!

Layla shivered at the brand new sensations she was feeling on her magical appendage. Holy crap! It felt amazing! No wonder Hela always liked to use this with her! “Y–you like it, Sif? It's my magical c-cock! I learned the spell from Hela. It feels so good!” Layla grunted out as she shook with pleasure from the sensations Sif’s tight pussy was giving her! Layla couldn't hold back anymore and started moving her hips back and forth!

“Mmmmm.” Sif moaned out as Layla started rutting her hips. She hadn't experienced this in hundreds of years. Not since she tried dating random men to try and make Thor jealous. None of that mattered though! Layla felt 1000 times better than any of them ever had! Her magical cock was stuffing Sif’s core to the brim and sending ripples of pleasure through the Goddess with every movement.

Yasaka watched the two having genuine sex from the side with envy. Had she known Layla could do that spell, Yasaka wouldn't have hesitated to volunteer herself first! Oh, well. She'd make sure to make Layla take her next after the Fallen Angel was finished with Sif. Yasaka slipped a few fingers inside herself as she watched the two other women.

Layla continued pounding into Sif’s wet hole for another few minutes before she couldn't hold herself back anymore! “Sif! You feel too good! I'm cumming! I'M CUMMING!!!!!” Layla’s thrusting halted and she bottomed out deep inside of Sif’s core.

Sif arched her back and moaned as she felt Layla spill herself deep inside her! It was warm and came from the woman she loved. It felt so good that Sif had her own orgasm a few seconds later. Her voice joined Layla’s as both women moaned in sync.

Layla let out a pleasant sigh as she extracted her tool out of Sif’s hole. She then let out a small yelp as she found herself forced onto her back. Yasaka had pushed her down with a crazed look in her eye. “My turn!” Yasaka said with a lewd grin. She grabbed hold of Layla’s tool and positioned her own dripping folds right above it. Yasaka then sank herself down completely until her hips met Layla’s…

“Yes!” Yasaka screamed loudly as she felt Layla fill her to the brim…


A/N: So ive got 2 new stories im going to post soon. Both will obviously have slower updates since this is my main story. One of them is an adventure story similar to this one but with a male lead... and the other story is basically just pure smut... We'll see how they turn out :)


