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Chapter 16:

[Plus Ultra: Hey everyone! Guess who’s now an officially licensed pro hero!? Spoiler, it's me!]

[Bird Brain: Whoa! Congrats, Akane.

[Ruin Princess: That's awesome. You're a genuine superhero now!]

[Edgelord: Hn]

[Miss-Know-It-All: Sasuke, you can't grunt in text chat. You actually have to say something.]

[Edgelord: …Hn]

[Plus Ultra: Well…at least he figured out how to use the phone to type. I'll call that a win.]

[Bird Brain: If you say so, Akane. Man, I really wish I could be a recognized hero too.]

[Ice Queen: No one's gonna take a 12 year old seriously as a hero…]

[Ruin Princess: That's not true. Teen titans is actually a really popular show here.]

[Bird Brain: Teen who?]

[Plus Ultra: It's a variant of your universe except all the sidekicks form a hero team called The Titans. There's you, Raven, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy.]

[Bird Brain: I've never heard of any of those other heroes… My team has me, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, And Artemis.]

[Plus Ultra: Oof. I should have recognized the name Wally earlier. You're from a variant of Young Justice. That's a rough DC universe…]

[Ruin Princess: I don't think we have that as a show. What's Young Justice about?]

[Plus Ultra: It’s kind of like Teen Titans except the adult heroes are all monumentally incompetent and the supervillains are all really smart. They even cause some of the teen heroes to die…]

[Bird Brain: …]

[Miss-Know-It-All: That's horrible! We need to help him!]

[Edgelord: Hn… good luck pipsqueak. If you need someone to kill some of those villains for you I could use the practice.]

[Ice Queen: If you want me to mind wipe some of those villains I wouldn't mind…]

[Bird Brain: What the ****!? Akane, you need to tell me everything!]

[Plus Ultra: I'll PM you later, but honestly it's been a long while and I'm not going to remember the finer details after so many years.]

With that I closed the chat group so I could rest early. Nezu wanted my help bright and early with a new project he was planning. After that, I had some basic training with dad and the green twig before I'd go on patrols. My schedule was unfortunately going to be a bit jam packed for the next couple months.

-Three Months Later-

"Smash!" I shouted as my fist blasted through a large winged robot in front of me. That one was destroyed, but I couldn't let my guard down just yet. I heard faint movement behind me, and I instinctively ducked right before an invisible robot tried to clock me over the head. It wouldn't have injured me, but that wasn't the point of this exercise. My objective was to defeat all of these robots without taking a single hit. I never knew when I'd be facing a villain such as Shigaraki, after all. Taking a single blow from him would lead to horrific injuries at best. I'd have to immediately jump to Rias's world to get Asia to heal me.

A lot has happened these past three months. Not particularly in my world, but it has in the worlds of other chat group members. After informing Robin of his not very fun future, he immediately went and blabbed it all to Batman. Batman then demanded I teleport to their world so I could give them all the knowledge I have about Young Justice in person. In return, I requested that Superman and Wonder Woman be there so I could get a picture with all three of my favorite DC heroes at once. He was fine with that. Wonder Woman was also super hot, and I may have tried to heavily flirt with her. Too bad she was too engrossed in all the bad news I'd dropped on them in a row to reciprocate. I spent the next 24 hours stuck in that world, touring the place. Robin introduced me to the team. Superboy challenged me to a spar, and I whooped his ass. Kryptonians were insanely nerfed in Young Justice, after all.

Rias's world also had some interesting developments. She didn't end up getting married to Riser. In fact, public support was actually on her and all the other female devils' sides. Rias basically started a cultural revolution. Millions of devils tuned in to Rias talking about Lilith’s story on underworld television. Rias focused on how Lilith, the mother of their race, had chosen to leave her first arranged husband, Adam, so she could live free. Freedom was a big thing for Devils. Arranged marriages have actually become a bit of a taboo topic since then. Most devils were starting to see them as an emulation of the church… and devils naturally hated anything to do with their heavenly rivals.

As far as Sasuke’s world was going, he was being somewhat tight-lipped. I'm speculating that he has already or is very soon going to kill Orochimaru and strike out on his own. After that, well, I'm not sure what will happen. His world was apparently different from canon. Specifically, his brother Itachi was genuinely insane and murdered his clan for no other reason than he could. When Sasuke makes a move on his brother, I've told him to tell us so we could help. There's been no evidence that Itachi is mortally sick in that world. If that's the case, Sasuke will be in for one hell of a tough fight.

We didn't have much information on Emma’s world other than what I'd briefly seen when I traveled there. I spent 24 hours in her world, mostly in the wilderness. My objective was to capture one of the Sentinels. I managed to succeed, and that brought me to here and now.

I rapidly spun around and lashed out a kick at the invisible robot that just tried to hit me. I couldn't see it, but I could feel my foot connect with steel before the robot was launched away and crashed into some rubble.

“Very good, Akane. Your instincts have greatly improved.” Nezu’s voice echoed out in the fake city I was fighting in. With the impending danger to our world, Nezu had felt like his exam was lacking in difficulty. His solution– He wanted to upgrade the difficulty by throwing in a whole bunch of new robot types. These invisible robots he had created from studying the Sentinel were just some of the first new opponents prospective hero students would be facing.

“You've made these things a lot quieter, Nezu. Almost too quiet in my opinion. If they get any sneakier, then hardly any students are going to be able to take them down,” I said out loud. Nezu wasn't nearby, but there were cameras everywhere in this testing ground, so he could see and hear me.

“Hahaha. That's the idea. I'm no longer looking for one-trick heroes who can just break stuff with strong quirks. We need well-rounded heroes who can adapt to various situations. Invisible robots, flying robots, underwater robots. This exam will have it all!” Nezu’s voice cheerfully echoed out over the speakers. I couldn't see him, but I'm pretty sure he had a mad scientist smile on his face right now… Well, at least I wouldn't have to take the exam.

Apparently, as an already pro hero, various people had put in complaints about me competing in the entrance exam. I don't know what they were trying to accomplish, but all they succeeded in doing was getting me a free pass into the hero course. I didn't mind. The exam was going to drastically change this year for the first time, so there wasn't even a point in me competing to try and break my old man's record anymore.

“I've got enough data for now, Akane. Thanks for helping me out these past few months. I'm sure the prospective students will also thank you once they experience the upgraded entrance exam,” Nezu said as I left the fake city.

I'm also pretty sure all those students are going to hate me once they get smacked in the face by invisible robots…

I made it back to the penthouse only a few minutes later. I loved being a pro-hero. Being able to use my quirk publicly for rapid transportation was awesome. I didn't even bother using the lobby anymore. My strength had increased quite a bit these past few months, and I could easily leap tall buildings in a single bound now. I just hopped to and from the roof whenever I wanted to come and go at this point. It made it a lot easier to avoid nosy journalists. They had hounded me quite a bit since a month ago. The national Hero Rankings update every few months, and I had made a fairly big splash as a rookie hero this time. I was in the top 20! Rank 17 to be exact. That had made a bunch of the top 10 heroes nervous. There was a large possibility that the next rankings update, in a few months, would have me taking one of their spots.

Endeavor had even gone on a private interview and called my top 20 ranking blatant nepotism. I didn't particularly disagree, but to everyone else watching, it just made the man look nervous that I could possibly dethrone his number 2 spot. Not that I suspected I would be able to. His work ethic was honestly something to be admired. The man captured 30 villains last week alone. I caught…5.

“Hey, Emma,” I said as I entered the penthouse from the roof door. “Where's everyone else?” I asked. Emma looked up from the TV. Recently, she had been hooked on some soap opera where a poor man with a squid for a head was trying to win the heart of a beautiful wealthy heiress. It honestly kept making me imagine some Squidward x Momo images in my mind that had me cackling. I brought it up with Momo, and she did not find the similarities funny, to say the least.

“Your dad's busy training Greeny McCrys-A-Lot… and Alice went out,” Emma said.

“She went out?” I asked in surprise. She had spent the past few months mostly locked away in her room studying for the written part of this year's entrance exams.

“Yeah, she said she was growing sick of constantly feeding on animal blood packs and she wanted to hunt in the nearby forests.”

“The nearby forests?” I asked. “We're in the middle of Tokyo though…”

“She said something about going to Aoi–something.”

My eyebrow raised. “Aokigahara!? She's going to hunt there!? Well… she's a vampire so she should be the scariest thing in that place… I think.”

Emma shrugged before turning back to her weird soap. With nothing better to do, I plopped down on the couch to join her. The UA exams were next week, and classes would start two weeks after.




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