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Chapter 15:

A few hours later, I decided to put my new license to some good use. I donned my red and gold hero costume as I stepped out onto the roof. I looked down at the city below me. It was very peaceful. That was to be expected since the surrounding neighborhoods were all next to All Might tower. I’d have to head out at least a few miles to see some real action. I took a few steps back before I ran forward and rocketed myself off of the building's rooftop!

I smiled brightly and whooped in joy as the wind hit my face as I hurtled forward through the air. I probably launched myself over a mile with that single leap! As I noticed myself start to fall due to gravity, I spread my arms wide to slow my descent. I landed in the middle of the nearby park… exactly where I had been aiming for. I didn’t want to accidentally land on someone's car and ruin their day after all.

“Woah, look, it's a pro hero!” I heard a young child exclaim happily.

“I don't know who she is. Is she new?”

“She fell out of the sky and she’s totally fine. That was so cool!”

There was a group of young kids playing in the park who spotted me. I gave them all a wave which they returned before I pushed myself to super speeds and raced out of the park. I was looking for some action.

I continued racing through the crowded streets, occasionally vaulting myself over rooftops when the foot traffic was too congested for me to safely navigate through. Finally, I heard the sound of a store alarm blaring from nearby.


I arrived on the scene to find a jewelry store was in the process of being robbed. The perpetrators were a group of 3 people with quirks that made them resemble animals. One of them had the features of a lion, the next a gazelle, and the third looked like a warthog. That last one must not have had an easy life… He was still robbing a jewelry store in broad daylight, though, so it was my job to stop them.

“You see, boys,” the lion head called out. “We smash and grab and leave in less than a minute and no heroes will ever be able to catch us in time!” He cheered as he stepped out of the store backward. He was looking at his two companions and had not noticed me standing on the sidewalk in front of the store with my arms crossed. His two animal buddies had, as they started shaking in fear and pointed at me.

“Uh…boss. T’that’s–oh, we’re screwed.” The gazelle man shakily said when he saw me. Warthog-face was doing the same.

“Huh? The hell are you two on about?” The lion spun around and looked at where they were pointing. His eyes widened when he saw me. “Oh fuck! It’s All Might’s daughter!” He exclaimed with wide eyes.

I smirked at them. It seemed my little stunt when I introduced myself to the world had really gone viral. “Hi there. You all can call me Ultragirl. Are you going to surrender or will we do this the fun way?” I said as I cracked my knuckles.

…to my disappointment, they surrendered immediately.

"Thank you for apprehending these villains, um..."

"...Call me Ultragirl," I said to the police officer in front of me. He did so as I shook his hand. The police had promptly shown up 10 minutes after the silent alarm at the jewelry store went off. In my old world, that might have been a bad reaction time. In this world, that's about par for the course. The police were basically relegated to being the cleanup crews for the heroes here.

The civilians nearby, who had escaped after seeing villains, were starting to trickle back into the area as well. I had even taken a few pictures with those brave enough to walk up to me and ask. I told all of them to call me Ultragirl. Hopefully by tomorrow, that name will spread. I had looked it up beforehand and surprisingly no other heroes had taken it.

Suddenly, the police officer in front of me had a nervous look on his face as he spotted something behind me. I also felt as if the air around us was rapidly heating up. I turned around and spotted... Endeavor. His flaming self was walking towards me with a frown on his face.

"You there! Daughter of All Might. What are you doing out here acting like a hero!? I ought to take you in for vigilantism?" He said as he stood over me. Just like dad, he was incredibly tall. I had to incline my head quite a bit to meet his eyes.

I put my hands on my hips. "I'll have you know that I am an official pro hero as recognized by HPSC." I pulled out my hero license from my costume's hidden pocket and held it up.

Endeavor scoffed. "Oh please. That can't be real!"

The police officer bravely stepped between me and Endeavor. "I'll take a look at it, Mr. Endeavor... sir," he said nervously as I handed the officer my hero license. He pulled out some kind of scanner and ran it over my hero license. A green light blinked on his device. "It's real, sir. She doesn't have a registered hero name yet, but Ms. Yagi is an official pro hero," the officer said as he handed me my license back.

Endeavor scowled and looked like he was going to blow a gasket. "Of course, the HPSC would pander to that buffoon and cheat the system to give his daughter an early hero license. Meanwhile, I have applied for my Shouto to have his own for months and been denied!" He exclaimed as the flames around him grew more intense. I had to take a step back as the heat was even getting to me a bit. This guy was dangerous. I'm glad he was a hero, even if he was a terrible father.

I knew I shouldn't have thrown a smartass answer at him, but I just couldn't help myself. "Well, maybe if the youngest Todoroki didn't have a giant burn mark covering half his face, the HPSC would have more faith in his abilities."

"Shoto didn't cause that burn on himself!" Endeavor yelled out before he could realize what he just said. He looked around and noticed that there were a few civilians nearby with cameras recording our entire interaction. That's the thing about being a pro hero; you have to always assume you are on camera and be at your best at all times. That's why Endeavor has never been number one in the rankings even if he technically solves more cases than my dad. There are too many instances of him throwing tantrums and causing excess property damage with his quirk.

I knew I could have probably screwed Endeavor if I pushed further, but I chose not to. Whether I, or anyone else, liked him or not, he was strong. This world needed strong heroes, and it wouldn't do for him to be locked up for child abuse at this time. "Oh please, we all know how young kids can be with their quirks. Of course Shoto burnt himself when he was younger," I said as I gave him an out.

He glared at me but took it. "Y-yes... Fine. Shoto did burn himself. BUT that was years ago! He has gained much more control over his flames now!" Endeavor confidently exclaimed. I almost would have believed it if I didn't suspect that, like canon, Shoto has probably barely ever used his flames.

"Then I look forward to seeing those flames of his at UA. If he puts on a strong display at the Sports Festival, the HPSC should have no issues granting him a license as well. After all, there's no reason to keep strong heroes off the streets. They recognized that in me," I finished with a smug smirk.

"Oh, he'll show you when he wins the thing outright!" Endeavor declared before he stomped off and left the scene. Hopefully, he wasn't going back home to try and train (whip) his son into shape... but he probably was.

After that, I patrolled the city for a few more hours afterward before heading back to the penthouse. I stopped a few purse snatchers, but no other crimes of note came up.

I arrived at the penthouse to find that Alice had secluded herself inside her room to study and Emma was in the middle of a fierce chess match with… Nezu. I guess he had dropped by for a visit while I was out.

“How’s it going you two?” I asked as I plopped myself down on the couch next to their game to watch.

Nezu smiled. “This is a new and trying experience. Trying to win a match against a mind reader.”

Emma smirked before she moved another piece on the board, only to frown after she placed it. “You devious little ferret…” She muttered. “You’re simultaneously thinking about 20 different moves at once. Making it extremely hard for me to find the right one.” Emma said and I whistled. Nezu’s little brain was just built differently than ours. Especially if a mind reader couldn’t even keep up.

“And that’s checkmate.” Nezu smirked as he knocked over Emma’s king. “It was quite a stimulating experience playing against you, Miss Frost. I hope to do so again in the future.” Nezu said to Emma before he turned to me. “Now then, Akane. I have a proposition for you. The UA entrance exam is only a few months away and you have time to kill between your patrols and training. So why don’t you help me with a little side project I've been cooking up.” Nezu asked me with a glint in his eye.




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