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[A/N: Here is another commissioned lewd Omake. The commissioner wished to remain anonymous.]

Chat Group Omake: Yue Yaoyorozu X Akane:

I was lying in bed, having a lazy Sunday morning, after a hard day of training yesterday. My phone beeped and I saw that I got a text from Momo's mother Yue. She wanted to speak with me urgently and in person. The message didn't specify anything else, but told me to come over to the mansion as soon as I got it.

I was mildly concerned with the message's tone, so I didn't waste any time and took off. I traveled across the city's rooftops at high speed to the Yaoyorozu mansion. When I reached the gates of the mansion, the guards recognized me, and let me go inside with no fuss.

A maid later met me at the front door. “Good morning Akane-sama. The mistress is currently in her private room waiting for you.” The maid said to me with a bow. I didn’t even know Momo’s mother had her own private room. The maid led me through the hallways and we eventually reached an elegant looking door. “Please enjoy your time with the madam.” The maid gave me one last bow along with a strange blush before she scurried off.

I knocked on the elegant door in front of me. “It's Akane.” I called out.

“Enter.” The whimsical voice of Momo's mother called out from the other side of the door.

I stepped inside and took in the interior. It was smaller than I was expecting. The majority of rooms in this mansion were absurdly large, but this one was what I would consider no bigger than an average household master bedroom. It was still very classy and tastefully decorated though.

What drew my eye the most, however, was Yue herself. She was sitting on the edge of a large bed with one leg crossed over the other. She looked absolutely radiant as always. Today, more so than even usual. She was wearing a short white dress that showed off her long creamy legs and hugged her form very well. And what a form it was! Yue might have been a mother in her late 30s, but she certainly didn't look it. If she and her daughter stood side by side, then no one would argue that she wasn't Momo's older sister.

“Akane, I'm so glad you could make it. I've missed having you here. I know I wasn't home much with how often I'm forced to attend meetings, but when I was I always looked forward to seeing you.” Yue started teasing me like she always did. Ever since this woman learned I had a long standing crush on her, she had made it a point to tease me at every opportunity. I figured today would be no different.

“Is that so?” I questioned. A few months ago, her teasing might have caused me to stutter. I was a bit more… experienced now though. I was happily surprised with myself that I could finally answer her normally.

“Indeed it is. Yue smiled at me again as she switched up the way her legs were crossed. In that brief instant, I caught a glimpse of something between her legs, and it wasn't her panties. I felt my mouth dry up as I gulped at the brief sight. She'd clearly done that on purpose. The mischievous smile followed by the wink she sent me confirmed that.

“So, wasn't there something you wanted to speak to me about Yue? Your message said it was urgent.” I said as I shook my head and tried to ignore what I just saw.

Yue had a look of mock horror on her face. “Indeed it is urgent.” She said as she stood up from the bed where she was sitting. She slowly walked over to me. Her hips swayed side to side hypnotically every step. “I have a problem that needs urgent correction.” Yue said as she stood right in front of me. Just like Momo, she was taller than me so I had to glance up to see her eyes.

“And what problem is that?”

Yue reached her hand up and gently cupped my cheek. I felt heat flood my cheeks and I knew I was blushing.

“The problem is that you left this house far sooner than I had expected. And I missed you.”


I couldn't finish my question as Yue leaned down and her lips met my own! My brain temporarily froze at the feeling of her soft lips. A second later, I wrapped my arms around her soft and curvy body and kissed her back!

With our lips still connected I could feel Yue giggling into my mouth from my action. Our lips continued to passionately move against each other before I felt her tongue slip its way into my mouth. It gently brushed against my own. I let out a moan at the sensation.

Yue’s arms wrapped around me as she pulled our bodies even closer together and deepened the kiss. Her tongue began to lick back and forth all over my mouth. I could begin feeling myself heat up all over as I felt my nipples begin to stiffen.

We continued to passionately stand there kissing each other for a few more minutes. It was amazing, but I sadly knew I should stop this before this went too far. I broke the kiss between us and withdrew my body from hers as I stepped back.

I was feeling flushed at this point while  she still looked perfectly content. The only sign of our short trist was her slightly swollen lips.

“Awe,” Yue mock whined as she ran her tongue over her lips. “Why did you pull back, Akane? It was just getting good~.” Her voice still held that delectable teasing tone that had me yearning for her.

“You're my best friend's mother… and you're married!” I explained.

Yue just rolled her eyes. “Oh, Akane… Wasn't that Mitsuki woman who took you and my precious daughter's first times also married? That didn't seem to bother you then, did it? Besides, my husband has plenty of mistresses. Do I not deserve to have some fun on the side as well?” She said as she took a step closer to me. Shortening the gap between us that I had created.

I looked away when she mentioned that. I had been in this mansion for two years at one point. In that time, I had seen quite a few women come and go who weren't part of the maid staff. Momo's dad wasn't exactly the pillar of faithfulness. I suppose Yue did also deserve to have her own happiness.

“No,” Yue continued. “The only thing that bothers you is that I'm Momo’s mother. And it shouldn't.” Yue reached over and took my hand in her own. “I always found your not so subtle crush on me to be adorable and endearing. I was just waiting until you were mature enough emotionally to reciprocate. I'm not asking to be your girlfriend, but that doesn't mean we can't still have some fun together once in a while~.” Yue said before she released my hand from her grip. She reached her hand back behind her dress.

“That’s–” I'm not even sure what I was going to say, but it was completely cut off when I heard a small snap come from behind Yue. Her dress completely slid off her and dropped to the ground.

Her beautiful and large breasts were the first thing that drew my eye. She obviously wasn't wearing a bra. She rarely ever did with all those elegant dresses she preferred to wear. Her breasts were large and bouncy. There wasn't even a hint of sag to them yet. I could clearly tell which parent Momo inherited her impressive bust from.

My eyes then drifted down her glorious form. Yue’s body was in perfect shape and she looked as much a supermodel as I'd ever expected she would. Her figure was a perfect hourglass with beautiful wide hips that only a mother would have. Between her legs, was her glorious mound. She wasn't completely shaved, but her hairs were perfectly trimmed and rested just above her lower lips. I could also see a bit of moisture forming around them. She was clearly a lot more excited inside than her teasing facade let on.

“You like what you see?” Yue asked me with a gentle smile.

“Yes. You're incredibly beautiful, Yue.” I replied. “I… don't think I can hold myself back.” I stated as my eyes never left her body.

Yue grinned at me before she started stepping backwards. Her eyes held my gaze the whole time until she sat back down on her bed facing me. She leaned back a bit before she smirked at me and spread her legs wide open. Before my eyes was now a full view of her glorious dripping pussy. “Then don't.” Yue said.

I didn't hold myself back any further… All I could do was profusely apologize to Momo if she ever found out about this in the future.

I immediately slipped my own shirt over my head before following that with my bra.

“Your breasts are just as perky and beautiful as I imagined they'd be Akane. What a shame I wasn't the first to taste them.” Yue called out to me from where she was watching me strip.

I blushed at her compliment but continued. Next, I reached down and slowly pulled down my own pants. Incould hear Yue's breath hitch nearby as she watched me strip in front of her. I stepped out of my pants and was now fully exposed to her save for my panties. I proceeded to saunter forwards toward Yue.

Yue licked her lips as I reached where she sat on the bed. “Oh, aren't you going to remove those too?” She gestured at my panties which I had left on.

“That will be your job later, to take them off~.” I said to her with a wink as I dropped to my knees on the edge of the bed…right between Yue's glorious and silky legs. Yue looked surprised before a wide smile formed on her face.

I smirked as I saw the beautiful woman visibly shudder at what I was about to do to her. I leaned my head forward. My face was now right in front of her dripping lower lips. Yue's breath hitched. “A-are you sure, Akane?” She asked, but from her small stutter I could tell she didn't want me to stop what I was about to do.

“Just enjoy yourself Yue~.” I said as I placed a hand on each of her thighs. I stuck my tongue out and leaned in for a taste.

“Oooooooh, Akane~ Yes!” Yue cried out as I dragged my tongue across her entire slit. I started from the bottom and went all the way to the top. Once there, I gave her cute little nub a quick kiss that caused her legs to shake as she cried out with a small moan. And then I did it again. I lowered my tongue before giving her another slow long lick! “Akane! Yes! Don't stop!” Yue called out.

I wasn't planning on it. I dove in passionately as I started to rapidly run my tongue up and down her pussy lips! Every time I reached the top, I would make sure to tease her clitoris with either a brief kiss or a flick of my tongue. This caused Yue to deliciously shudder every time. Her pussy began leaking a lot more love juice as well. “Your pussy is just as amazing as I hoped it would be Yue.” I said before I decided to try something different. I stuck my tongue out all the way, and licked her deeply.

“Akane! Oh my god!” Yue squealed above me as I tasted her everything. My tongue wasn’t able to reach particularly deep inside her, but it was still doing wonders. A couple circle motions I made with my tongue inside her hole caused Yue to seize up! “Oh fuck! I’m cumming!” Yue shrieked out as a whole new wave of juices seeped out from her depths! Her legs were quivering and I glanced up and saw she had a love struck smile on her face… I didn’t want to stop though. I wanted to hear her scream my name more!

Yue let out a sigh as I extracted my tongue from her depths. She probably thought I was done. She was wrong. I wasn’t done with her glorious pussy quite yet! I parted my mouth slightly and placed my lips directly around Yue’s clit.

Above me, Yue's breaths were short and rapid. Her breasts bounced up and down as she took laborious breaths between the pants of pleasure I had just given her. And then I proceeded to give it to her again. “Oh fuck, Akane! You're still going!?” Yue moaned out her question.

“I’m not done just yet Yue~.” I smirked to myself as she let out a particularly loud and drawn out moan once I started sucking on her clit! My eyes widened for an instant when I felt her two hands firmly grip the back of my head and tried to push me in even closer. Which wasn't possible at this point. I sucked harder on her nub as my tongue left my mouth and simultaneously started running circles around her bundle of nerves. Her legs once again started trembling.

“Oh fuck yes, Akane! I'm so close again!” Yue screamed loudly! I wouldn't be surprised if any maid staff nearby heard her. I didn't stop though as I continued to suck on her clit even more. I also started moving my tongue back and forth as fast as I could. Considering I had super speed… It was pretty fast.

Yue wasn't expecting my super powered tongue and her legs that I was holding in place spasmed and she let out another loud scream. “Yeeeeeeeeesss Im cuuuuummming Akane!”

Yue had a massive orgasm in front of me as her whole body shivered all over and became flushed. I finally stopped sucking on her clit as I pulled my head back to get a good look at the woman. Her face was red and her ecstatic panting was loud. She had a beautiful grin on her face as her tongue was out of her mouth as she laid back basking in the pleasure.

“I was pretty good huh~?” I smirked at the older woman. “You tasted amazing Yue.”

She took another gulp of air before her glassy eyes regained some clarity and she looked down at where I was still kneeling between her legs.

“You were Amazing, Akane.” Yue said as she leaned forward quickly and once again took my lips and tongue into her own mouth. She didn't even seem to care that she was tasting her own juices on my tongue as we both deepened the kiss. We broke the long kiss a minute later as our lips and tongues separated. Her face was still completely flushed and she was eyeing me with more love in her gaze than I’d ever seen from her before.

“Your tongue was amazing, Akane. How about I return the favor by turning you into a squealing mess~.” Yue said sultrily.

I smiled at her. That was a bold claim. “Oh? And what do you have planned for me~?”

She just gave me a mischievous grin. “Something I'm sure you'll enjoy VERY much. At least from the stories my daughter told me~. Now get yourself on this bed. On your hands and knees and face away from me!”

I grinned as I did what she asked. My own panties were completely soaked at this point. I wanted my own release badly!

I was resting on my hands and knees on the bed wiggling back and forth. I was squirming with anticipation. I could hear Yue behind me shuffling and doing something. I started to turn my head to see what she was up to but she stopped me.

“No peeking~.” Yue called out. I whined but turned my head back. I had to admit to myself that the mystery was turning me on a bit more.

Finally, I felt the bed shift as Yue got onto it as well and I heard her scoot up right behind me. My panty clad ass was up in the air and presented right to her.

“You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this, Akane.” Yue said as I felt her hands rest on my ass cheeks. She gripped them tightly and started rubbing my ass causing me to let out a small moan. “These are in the way~.” Her hands touched my lower back and I felt her grip the edge of my soaked panties and started pulling them down my legs.

“Wow, Akane. You're absolutely dripping with anticipation aren't you~?” Yue teased me as I felt both of her hands settle firmly on my waist.

She was holding me in place and I shuddered in anticipation. I felt her lips brush a trail of kisses along my back. I could feel her breasts and nipples also rubbing against me as she leaned down. My body started heating up again and I was shaking in excitement for whatever she had planned out behind me.

“I won't keep you waiting any longer, Akane. I might not have been your first like I'd wanted, but I'll try my best to be your most memorable ~.” Yue boastfully declared. Now, she had me really curious~.

I felt her hands on my waist tighten even further before something big and hard quickly spread and forced its way into my dripping wet pussy! It rapidly plowed forward, stretching me out completely before I heard a loud CLAP behind me!

I squealed…

“Oh, you seemed to really like that, didn't you~?” Yue sultrily spoke behind me as her hips were touching my backside. “I've never used one of the toys before, but according to Momo, you seemed to absolutely love it!”

I immediately figured out that Yue had just speared into my depths with a large strap-on. Maybe even larger than the last one I had experienced…

I felt the plastic cock slowly begin to retract itself inside me. I could feel that this one was covered in bumps that seemed to hit every single nerve inside me at once. I let out a long moan as she slowly pulled her hips back.

“Your moans are so beautiful Akane. I could honestly listen to them forever. I'll have to get my fill of them today!” Yue slammed her hips back into me!

The bumps on the plastic cock rapidly massaged my pussy walls once again before Yue bottomed out in me with another loud CLAP! I let out another moan as I felt it hit my cervix that time!

“Fuck! Yue, that feels so good!” I screamed as she withdrew her hips again before once again slamming them forward.

“Haaaah~ I'm glad, Akane!” Yue called out as she started picking up a pattern and began thrusting into me repeatedly! In between my moans, were loud squeals I’d let out whenever the bumps on Yue's strap-on brushed against that certain amazing spot inside me! It felt so fucking good!


“Aaahhnn, I had no idea how fun and pleasurable this would be~.” Yue herself moaned out behind me as her hands began running up and down my sides causing me to excitedly shiver. She then reached under me and cupped both of my breasts. Yue tugged me backwards and I was no longer leaning forward on the bed. Now I was, on my knees, sitting up straight as Yue continued fondling my breasts as she never stopped pounding my pussy! “Lean back into me, Akane.” Yue said as she kissed my shoulder and started thrusting at this new angle. I did what she said, and my eyes widened as I started seeing stars! This new position allowed Yue’s strap-on to directly hit my magic spot!

I squealed loudly as she slightly shifted her thrusting angle inside me! My pussy was quivering in joy as she withdrew her hips before slamming them back at the exact same angle. “Fuuuuuck! Yue! Yes right there!” I shrieked out in pleasure.


Yue behind me didn't disappoint as she complied and started thrusting her cock directly into that magic spot in my pussy. My moans and squeals started becoming a lot more drawn out and powerful! I was absolutely loving it!

“Oh Akane, you truly are perfect! But now its time for you to cum!” Yue said as she gripped my breasts firmly and she really started slamming into me hard!

“Oh my god! Fuck!” I screamed as I felt every thrust and ripple inside me. A massive build of pleasure rapidly formed deep inside me with every hard thrust! “I'm cumming!” I absolutely screamed out loudly as a massive orgasm ripped through my body! This was one of the biggest id ever had. The ripples of pleasure traveled everywhere in me as I felt weightless. Yue released her grip on my breasts and my body fell forward as I collapsed onto the bed. Her hands once again latched onto my hips as Yue never stopped pounding me throughout my entire orgasm! That only made it that much more explosive and long lasting!

All throughout my orgasm Yue never stopped thrusting until she suddenly stilled her hips and I heard her let out a guttural moan from behind me. “Haaaaaaaaaahh~.” I could feel her hips quivering pressed up against my ass as she also came.

As the pleasant shivers in my body didn't stop, I felt something loosening deep inside me! I was in too much pleasure to care and just let it happen as another mini orgasm went through my body when I felt a second release!

“Oh my!” I heard Yue let out a startled yelp behind me. “You REALLY enjoyed that didnt you? Momo never said anything about you being a squirter~. I guess that means I was that amazing huh?” Yue teased me proudly.

I could feel wetness on the bed sheets beneath me. I had squirted!? I wanted to be mortified, but I was simply in too much pleasure at the moment to care.

I felt her large breasts settle onto my back and she rested her body on top of me. Yue started peppering my neck with kisses as we both temporarily basked in the afterglow. Neither of us spoke for a few minutes. I was just fully laid out on the bed with her lying on my back on top of me. Her strap-on had never left my still quivering hole.

“That felt so good Yue~” I eventually slurred out.

Yue kissed my neck again from behind. “It did feel great didn't it?” She confirmed with a husky tone. “Let's do it again!” Yue cheered.



Yue, still lying on my back, quickly drew her hips back before spearing the forward!

Once again I squealed…


-With Yue and Akane-

Yue let out a grunt in pleasure as she pounded Akane into the mattress! Yue was lying directly on top of Akane and thrusting her hips with wild abandon.

She had never used a toy like this in the bedroom, but now she'd never leave it out. Money was no option for Yue obviously, so she had bought an incredibly expensive strap-on that was designed to give the giver a stimulating experience as well. Every time Yue thrust deep in Akane, she herself also received a wave of vibrating pleasure directed over her own clitoris.

“You thought I was just a one and done kind of woman!? Think again, Akane!” Yue grunted out as she continued fucking downward on the younger blond!

Akane continued to squeal beneath her with every thrust. Yue was really enjoying this position as it seemed to be making her daughter's best friend moan out a symphony! Yue leaned her head down as she continued humping away. She layed kisses and licks all along Akane's beautiful back and neck!


She continued her hard thrusting. Every time she bottomed out there was a delicious CLAPPING sound as her fat hips smashed into Akane's perfect ass. “Aaaahhhnn. Oh yes. OH Yeeeeeess~.” Yue panted out as she was really starting to feel it herself. This toy was working exactly as advertised as Yue felt wave after wave of pleasure shoot through her!

Yue was a woman of status. She had wanted for nothing in her life. Bed partners included. That was until she saw Akane at least. Akane was the most beautiful girl Yue had ever seen. Yue knew the moment her daughter brought home her new best friend for the first time, that Akane would one day be hers! The rich milf’s only regret was that she waited too long to partake. Akane was obviously a slut from the way she was moaning in glee beneath her. Yue regretted not calling the girl to her private ‘fuck room’ the day Akane turned 18. Yue would have given Akane a birthday the blond would have never forgotten!

‘Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.’ Yue lamented as she continued her pounding into  Akane. Akane's moans had rapidly picked up in rhythm at this point. Yue had made Akane squirt for the first time in the young woman’s life, and Yue wanted a repeat performance!

“Ooooooooohhhh Yue, I'm close again! I'm gonna cum!” Akane squeaked out beneath her.

Yue felt herself on the edge as well once again. She never stopped thrusting her hips. Yue’s breathing rapidly picked up as she felt her own body grow flushed all over. Her pussy felt like it was on the verge of an explosive orgasm! “Cum for me, Akane! Cum from your best friend's mommy like the slut you aaaaaaare!” Yue grunted as she couldn't hold her own release back. She let out a long moan as she spasmed in pleasure.

Beneath her, Akane heard Yue’s drawn out orgasmic moan. Akane could hardly belive her best friend’s Mom came directly on top of her after powerfully fucking her into the mattress! The mental stimulation of such a hot situation helped push Akane herself over the edge. Just like earlier, an Earth-shattering orgasm ripped through her! Akane’s pussy started trembling and spasming as it clenched tightly around the bumpy cock inside her! She felt that ‘second release’ sensation build up as well–Akane didn't even try to hold back as she continued to scream in ecstasy as she squirted all over the mattress she was laying on once again!

Above her, Yue grinned in orgasmic delight as she felt and heard Akane start to squirt from the delicious pounding she just gave the young woman.

“Haaaaahhh…” Akane panted out as she fully let herself go for the second time. She couldn't believe how amazing that had felt…twice in a row! “Yue, Thank you… that was unbelievable. I wish we could stay here making love all day!”

Above Akane Yue just grinned to herself. “Who says we can't? Flip over. I want to see your beautiful face this time!”

Akane's eyes widened as she knew she was in for an amazingly long day!


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